21 research outputs found

    WMAP C&DH Software

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    The command-and-data-handling (C&DH) software of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) spacecraft functions as the sole interface between (1) the spacecraft and its instrument subsystem and (2) ground operations equipment. This software includes a command-decoding and -distribution system, a telemetry/data-handling system, and a data-storage-and-playback system. This software performs onboard processing of attitude sensor data and generates commands for attitude-control actuators in a closed-loop fashion. It also processes stored commands and monitors health and safety functions for the spacecraft and its instrument subsystems. The basic functionality of this software is the same of that of the older C&DH software of the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) spacecraft, the main difference being the addition of the attitude-control functionality. Previously, the C&DH and attitude-control computations were performed by different processors because a single RXTE processor did not have enough processing power. The WMAP spacecraft includes a more-powerful processor capable of performing both computations

    Narrativas de la ausencia, cartografías de la memoria : tres diseños para tres narrativas

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    El treball Final de Màster recull tres relats lligats a tres obres d'arquitectura i disseny, de diferents graus de desconeixement i per tant inèdites. El fet de donar a conèixer aquestes obres ha de servir per a completar aspectes de la recent història del disseny a Barcelona en dues d'elles i de descobrir una de nova en la tercera. Les tres narracions es lliguen per una narració superior identificada en la biografia d'una persona. Això dóna coartada per a explicar el disseny, l'art i l'arquitectura de manera diferenciada, mitjançant la subjectivització del relat que, paradoxalment, ha d'ajudar a interpretar el sentit de qualsevol producció creativa

    US Cosmic Visions: New Ideas in Dark Matter 2017: Community Report

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    This white paper summarizes the workshop "U.S. Cosmic Visions: New Ideas in Dark Matter" held at University of Maryland on March 23-25, 2017.Comment: 102 pages + reference

    The Space Infrared Interferometric Telescope (SPIRIT): High-resolution imaging and spectroscopy in the far-infrared

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    We report results of a recently-completed pre-Formulation Phase study of SPIRIT, a candidate NASA Origins Probe mission. SPIRIT is a spatial and spectral interferometer with an operating wavelength range 25 - 400 microns. SPIRIT will provide sub-arcsecond resolution images and spectra with resolution R = 3000 in a 1 arcmin field of view to accomplish three primary scientific objectives: (1) Learn how planetary systems form from protostellar disks, and how they acquire their inhomogeneous composition; (2) characterize the family of extrasolar planetary systems by imaging the structure in debris disks to understand how and where planets of different types form; and (3) learn how high-redshift galaxies formed and merged to form the present-day population of galaxies. Observations with SPIRIT will be complementary to those of the James Webb Space Telescope and the ground-based Atacama Large Millimeter Array. All three observatories could be operational contemporaneously.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in J. Adv. Space Res. on 26 May 200

    CCSDS File Delivery Protocol for Flight Applications

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    This viewgraph presentation addresses the development of an Internet protocol for space missions

    Narrativas de la ausencia, cartografías de la memoria : tres diseños para tres narrativas

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    El treball Final de Màster recull tres relats lligats a tres obres d'arquitectura i disseny, de diferents graus de desconeixement i per tant inèdites. El fet de donar a conèixer aquestes obres ha de servir per a completar aspectes de la recent història del disseny a Barcelona en dues d'elles i de descobrir una de nova en la tercera. Les tres narracions es lliguen per una narració superior identificada en la biografia d'una persona. Això dóna coartada per a explicar el disseny, l'art i l'arquitectura de manera diferenciada, mitjançant la subjectivització del relat que, paradoxalment, ha d'ajudar a interpretar el sentit de qualsevol producció creativa

    Open borders in the nineteenth century : constructing the national, the citizen and the foreigner in South America

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    This working paper describes and explains the historical origins of the division between the national and the foreigner in South America. In the early nineteenth century, all the previously Spanish possessions in South America as well as Brazil achieved independence. With this new freedom, countries turned their attention to asserting their statehood through the delineation of three constitutive elements: government, territory and population. The new governments had to define who were going to be considered as nationals, citizens and foreigners, and the rights that pertained to each of these categories. These countries were all concerned with attracting new settlers and very early on introduced constitutional provisions on open borders and equal treatment for foreigners. White, male Europeans were the principal addresses of open borders provisions in an effort to entice them to settle in territories presented as empty to the exclusion of indigenous groups, bring new industries, and contribute to the whitening of mixed race populations. Whilst weak statehood came with independence, forming nations was a much longer process and States used migration and citizenship policies as tools to define nationhood

    Open Borders in the Nineteenth Century: Constructing the National, the Citizen and the Foreigner in South America

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