75 research outputs found

    Análisis numérico al volteo de una sección de muro tipo andén con diferentes capas del sitio arqueológico de Chinchero, Cusco

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    De las 340 hectáreas de andenes existentes en el Perú, 76% de ellos siguen siendo utilizados con fines de agricultura hoy en día. Sin embargo, el comportamiento de los andenes frente a fuerzas de volteo al integrar diferentes capas no se conoce a profundidad. Debido a esto, el presente estudio analiza un tramo de 3 metros de andén del parque arqueológico de Chinchero por medio de un modelado en el software Abaqus. Este modelo permitió analizar el ángulo de colapso de 3 casos diferentes por volteo, siendo el primero un muro con 1 capa con 0.8m de grosor y 3m de longitud que colapsa a los 36.2°, el muro con 2 capas de 0.4m cada una con bloques entrelazados y 3 m de largo que colapsa a los 18.25° y el de 2 capas de 0.4m separadas que colapsa a los 7.5°, con tiempos de 21.4s, 9.5s y 20.25s respectivamente. Al evaluar el promedio de distancia en el eje fuera del plano del muro calculado de 3 piedras ubicadas en la parte superior del muro desde el momento que colapsa el muro hasta que chocan por primera vez al piso fueron de 2.71m, 0.62m y 2.72m respectivamente, concluyendo que en el caso de 2 capas entrelazadas existe menos desplazamiento entre sus partes al final del colapso.Of the 340 hectares of existing terraces in Peru, 76% are still used for agricultural purposes today. However, the behavior of the terraces against overturning forces by integrating different layers is not known in depth. Because of this, the present study analyzes a 3-meter section of the Chincheros archaeological park platform by means of a modeling in the Abaqus software. This model allowed to analyze the collapse angle of 3 different cases by overturning, being the first one a wall with 1 layer with 0.8m thick and 3m long that collapses at 36.2°, the wall with 2 layers of 0.4m each with interlocking blocks and 3m long that collapses at 18.25° and the one with 2 layers of 0.4m separated that collapses at 7.5°, with times of 21.4s, 9.5s and 20.25s respectively. When evaluating the average distance on the out-of-plane axis of the wall calculated for 3 stones located at the top of the wall from the moment the wall collapses until they hit the floor for the first time were 2.71m, 0.62m and 2.72m respectively, concluding that in the case of 2 interlocking layers there is less displacement between their parts at the end of the collapse.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    Exactitud diagnóstica de las pruebas antigénicas SARS - CoV 2 para el diagnóstico de COVID - 19 en un hospital de EsSalud, en Chimbote 2021

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    Introducción. El diagnóstico de COVID 19 en nuestro país ha sido un reto sanitario debido a la necesidad de una prueba rápida, efectiva y que pueda realizarse a una gran población; razón por la que se fundamenta la necesidad de evaluar la exactitud de las pruebas antigénicas SARS COV 2. Objetivos. El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar la exactitud de las pruebas antigénicas SARS COV 2 en el Hospital III EsSalud durante el año 2021. Materiales y Métodos. Se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico, retrospectivo de validez de pruebas diagnósticas con muestreo por conveniencia. Se incluyó pacientes con sospecha de COVID 19 al ingreso que cumplan los criterios de selección. Se realizó estadística descriptiva para variables sociodemográficas. Se obtuvieron parámetros de exactitud para pruebas diagnósticas como sensibilidad, especificidad, cociente de probabilidad positiva, cociente de probabilidad negativa, Índice de exactitud y Odds Ratio Diagnóstico. Resultados. Se incluyeron 342 pacientes, 178 mujeres y 164 varones con una edad promedio de 53.8 años. Se halló que la prueba antigénica SARS COV 2 mostró una sensibilidad de 88.89%, especificidad de 91.23%, LR+ de 10.13, LR- de 0.12, IE de 90.06% y ORD de 83.2. Conclusiones. Las pruebas antigénicas evaluadas poseen una adecuada exactitud para el diagnóstico de SARS COV 2


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    Blastocystis is a chromist that can be found in the intestinal tract of animals and humans, and is currently considered an emerging pathogen with zoonotic potential. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of three in vitro media culture which are considered appropriate for the development of Blastocystis: Jones, Pavlova and Boeck-Drbohlav modified (BDM). It was used 54 stool samples from Blastocystis positive pigs diagnosed by the spontaneous sedimentation technique. The number of microorganisms inoculated was divided in three categories: low, intermediate and high. Each sample was cultivated for duplicate in the three media and after 72 hours of incubation the pathogens were counted using the Neubauer chamber. Results showed that the Jones media was the more efficient, followed by Pavlova and BDM; moreover, better results were obtained when the level of microorganisms was low. The cystic form was the most commonly observed in stool samples, whereas in culture media was the vacuolar followed by the granular form.Blastocystis es un cromista que puede ser hallado en el tracto intestinal de animales y humanos y que ha pasado a ser considerado un patógeno emergente y de potencial zoonótico. El objetivo del trabajo fue comparar la eficacia de tres medios de cultivo in vitro, considerados como apropiados para el desarrollo del Blastocystis: Jones, Pavlova y Boeck-Drbohlav modificado (MBDM). Se utilizaron 54 muestras de heces de cerdos diagnosticados como positivos a Blastocystis por el método de sedimentación espontánea. El número de microorganismos inoculados fue clasificado como alto, intermedio y bajo. Las muestras fueron cultivadas por duplicado en los tres medios y al cabo de 72 h de incubación se procedió al recuento de microrganismos con la cámara de Neubauer. Los resultados indicaron que el medio Jones fue el más eficiente, seguido de los medios Pavlova y MBDM; asimismo, se obtuvieron mejores resultados en el cultivo cuando el nivel de microrganismos fue bajo. La forma quística fue la más comúnmente observada en las muestras de heces, mientras que en los medios de cultivo fue la vacuolar, seguida de la forma granular

    Perfil Bioquímico Sanguíneo Hepático del Cocodrilo de Tumbes (Crocodylus acutus) Criado en Cautiverio

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    The liver blood chemical profile of the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) raised in captivity in the northern region of Peru was determined. Sixty crocodiles were sampled from a population of 255 animals belonging to the Zoocriadero del Centro de Acuicultura La Tuna Carranza, part of the National Fisheries Development Fund (FONDEPES) located in the region of Tumbes, Peru. The animals were classified as young (n=24), subadults (n=27) and adults (n=9). A blood sample (6 ml) was taken from each animal by puncturing the post-occipital venous sinus while animals were under physical restraint. Serum was separated by centrifugation and concentration of each enzyme was measured by spectrophotometry. Variables studied were alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate amino transferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, indirect bilirubin, total protein and albumin. Statistical difference (p<0.05) was found between age groups in ALT, FA, direct bilirubin, and total protein. All values with the exception of albumin showed high biological differences with those reported by the International Species Information System.Se determinó el perfil bioquímico hepático del cocodrilo de Tumbes (Crocodylus acutus) criado en cautiverio en el norte del Perú. Se trabajó con 60 cocodrilos de una población de 255 animales del Zoocriadero del Centro de Acuicultura La Tuna Carranza, del Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Pesquero (FONDEPES), ubicado en la región de Tumbes, Perú. De estos, 24 eran juveniles, 27 subadultos y 9 adultos. Se extrajo 6 ml de sangre entera sin anticoagulante por punción del seno venoso post-occipital manipulando al animal mediante contención física. Se separó el suero mediante centrifugación y las enzimas se analizaron mediante espectrofotometría. Las variables en estudio fueron alanina aminotransferasa (ALT), aspartato amino transferasa (AST), fosfatasa alcalina (FA), bilirrubina total, bilirrubina directa, bilirrubina indirecta, proteínas totales y albúmina. Se encontró diferencia estadística (p<0.05) en relación a los grupos etarios con respecto a la ALT, FA, bilirrubina directa y proteínas totales. Todos los valores con excepción de la albúmina tuvieron marcadas diferencias biológicas con respecto a valores publicados por el International Species Information System


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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la cinética de anticuerpos contra el virus del Síndrome Reproductivo y Respiratorio Porcino (VPRRS) en 30 animales de un lote de 200 de una granja porcina tecnificada de Lima. Se recolectaron muestras de sangre en tres periodos consecutivos a los 32, 61 y 136 días de edad para la determinación de anticuerpos contra el VPRRS mediante la prueba de ELISA indirecta. Adicionalmente, el lote de los 200 animales, incluidos los 30 animales experimentales, fue observado diariamente durante el tiempo que duró el estudio en busca de problemas respiratorios. El 26.7% (8/30) de las muestras de los lechones a los 32 días de edad tuvieron anticuerpos contra el VPRRS, así como una sola muestra a los 61 días de edad, mientras que el 96.7% (29/30) a los 136 días de edad presentaron anticuerpos contra el VPRRS con valores M/P entre 0.4 a 2.0. Durante el periodo de observación in situ de los animales del lote no se observaron signos respiratorios anómalos. Se encontró asociación significativa (p<0.05) entre la presencia de anticuerpos y la edad de los animales.The objective of the present study was to evaluate the kinetic of antibodies againstthe Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) in 30 of a group of200 pigs in a commercial farm in Lima, Peru. Blood samples were collected at 32, 61 and 135days of age for detecting antibodies against PRRSV by indirect ELISA. In addition, the occurrence of respiratory clinical signs was daily recorded in the total group of 200animals including the 30 animals of the study. The 26.7% (8/30) of pigs had antibodiesagainst PRRSV at 32 days of age and only one at 61 days of age, while 96.7% (29/30) hadantibodies against PRRSV at 136 days of age with S/P values between 0.4 and 2.0. Nonrespiratory problems were recorded. The presence of antibodies and age of animals wasstatistically associated (p<0.05)

    ESC Working Group on e-Cardiology Position Paper: Use of Commercially Available Wearable Technology for Heart Rate and Activity Tracking in Primary and Secondary Cardiovascular Prevention

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    Commercially available health technologies such as smartphones and smartwatches, activity trackers and eHealth applications, commonly referred to as wearables, are increasingly available and used both in the leisure and healthcare sector for pulse and fitness/ activity tracking. The aim of the Position Paper is to identify specific barriers and knowledge gaps for the use of wearables, in particular for heart rate and activity tracking, in clinical cardiovascular healthcare to support their implementation into clinical care. The widespread use of heart rate and fitness tracking technologies provides unparalleled opportunities for capturing physiological information from large populations in the community, which has previously only been available in patient populations in the setting of healthcare provision. The availability of low-cost and high-volume physiological data from the community also provides unique challenges. While the number of patients meeting healthcare providers with data from wearables is rapidly growing, there are at present no clinical guidelines on how and when to use data from wearables in primary and secondary prevention. Technical aspects of heart rate tracking especially during activity need to be further validated. How to analyze, translate, and interpret large datasets of information into clinically applicable recommendations needs further consideration. While the current users of wearable technologies tend to be young, healthy and in the higher sociodemographic strata, wearables could potentially have a greater utility in the elderly and higher risk population. Wearables may also provide a benefit through increased health awareness, democratization of health data and patient engagement. Use of continuous monitoring may provide opportunities for detection of risk factors and disease development earlier in the causal pathway, which may provide novel applications in both prevention and clinical research. However, wearables may also have potential adverse consequences due to unintended modification of behaviour, uncertain use and interpretation of large physiological data, a possible increase in social inequality due to differential access and technological literacy, challenges with regulatory bodies and privacy issues. In the present position paper, current applications as well as specific barriers and gaps in knowledge are identified and discussed in order to support the implementation of wearable technologies from gadget-ology into clinical cardiology


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    Descripción: El curso International Business es un curso de línea de carrera de Administración y Negocios Internacionales de carácter teórico-práctico dirigido a los estudiantes del tercer ciclo con el objetivo de brindar una visión global y actual del entorno de los negocios el cual responde a un enfoque moderno de la administración estratégica de las empresas. Propósito: El curso International Business es relevante para los estudiantes porque busca desarrollar las capacidades que le permitirán al futuro profesional formular proyectos internacionales de negocios en un contexto global según las nuevas tendencias de Geomundo teniendo en cuenta los aspectos culturales, sociales, económicos, políticos, legales, jurídicos y financieros del dinámico entorno internacional los cuales impactan en el desempeño de las organizaciones donde ejercerá laboralmente, teniendo como prerrequisito el curso 1Introduction to International Business. El curso contribuye directamente al desarrollo de la competencia específica de Formulación de Proyectos Internacionales del nivel 1

    Forensic mental health in Europe: some key figures

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    Purpose. While the number of forensic beds and the duration of psychiatric forensic psychiatric treatment have increased in several European Union (EU) states, this is not observed in others. Patient demographics, average lengths of stay and legal frameworks also differ substantially. The lack of basic epidemiological information on forensic patients and of shared indicators on forensic care within Europe is an obstacle to comparative research. The reasons for such variation are not well understood. Methods. Experts from seventeen EU states submitted data on forensic bed prevalence rates, gender distributions and average length of stay in forensic in-patient facilities. Average length of stay and bed prevalence rates were examined for associations with country-level variables including Gross Domestic Product (GDP), expenditure on healthcare, prison population, general psychiatric bed prevalence rates and democracy index scores. Results. The data demonstrated substantial differences between states. Average length of stay was approximately ten times greater in the Netherlands than Slovenia. In England and Wales, 18% of patients were female compared to 5% in Slovenia. There was a 17-fold difference in forensic bed rates per 100,000 between the Netherlands and Spain. Exploratory analyses suggested average length of stay was associated with GDP, expenditure on healthcare and democracy index scores. Conclusion. The data presented in this study represent the most recent overview of key epidemiological data in forensic services across seventeen EU states. However, systematically collected epidemiological data of good quality remain elusive in forensic psychiatry. States need to develop common definitions and recording practices and contribute to a publicly available database of such epidemiological indicators

    The role of Gpi-anchored axonal glycoproteins in neural development and neurological disorders

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    Joint position statement of the International Federation of Sports Medicine (FIMS) and European Federation of Sports Medicine Associations (EFSMA) on the IOC framework on fairness, inclusion and non-discrimination based on gender identity and sex variations.

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    The IOC recently published its framework on fairness, inclusion and non-discrimination based on gender identity and sex variations. This framework is drafted mainly from a human rights perspective, with less consideration for medical/scientific issues. The framework places the onus for gender eligibility and classification entirely on the International Federations (IFs), even though most will not have the capacity to implement the framework. The position of no presumption of advantage is contrary to the 2015 IOC consensus. Implementation of the 2021 framework will be a major challenge for IFs that have already recognised the inclusion of trans and women athletes with differences of sexual development (DSD) using a scientific/medical solution. The potential consequences for sports that need to prioritise fairness or safety could be one of two extremes (1) exclusion of all transgender or DSD athletes on the grounds of advantage or (2) self-identification that essentially equates to no eligibility rules. Exclusion of all transgender or DSD athletes is contrary to the Olympic charter and unlawful in many countries. While having no gender eligibility rules, sport loses its meaning and near-universal support. Athletes should not be under pressure to undergo medical procedures or treatment to meet eligibility criteria. However, if an athlete is fully informed and consents, then it is their free choice to undergo carefully considered or necessary interventions for gender classification for sport to compete fairly and safely in their chosen gender. Free choice is a fundamental human right, but so is the right to fair and safe competition