12 research outputs found


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    Recent years have seen a growth of interest in the adoption and diffusion of low-input sustainable agricultural technologies among smallholder agriculturalists in developing countries. This paper examines the adoption of one such technology, labranza minima, a form of minimum tillage, among resource-poor agricultural households in villages in central Honduras. Logistic regression is used to analyze the determinants of adoption of minimum tillage among a sample of 250 agricultural households. The results show that plots with irrigation, plots farmed by their owners and plots with steeper slopes were more likely canididates for minimum tillage adoption. Farmer household characteristics are not generally found to represent significant influences on adoption. Importantly, household income does not appar to be a determinant of adoption, suggesting that minimum tillage is an appropriate low-input technology for resource-poor households. The results also indicate that previous use of leguminous cover crops, soil amendments (including chemical fertilizers), and commercial vegetable production are all associated with minimum tillage adoption. Results from studies like this are useful in targeting low-input technologies and programs promoting them among the farm household population.technology adoption, sustainable agriculture, minimum tillage, Farm Management,


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    Recent years have seen a growth of interest in the adoption and diffusion of low-input sustainable agricultural technologies among smallholder agriculturalists in developing countries. This paper examines the adoption of one such technology, labranza minima, a form of minimum tillage, among resource-poor agricultural households in villages in central Honduras. Logistic regression is used to analyze the determinants of adoption of minimum tillage among a sample of 250 agricultural households. The results show that plots with irrigation, plots farmed by their owners and plots with steeper slopes were more likely canididates for minimum tillage adoption. Farmer household characteristics are not generally found to represent significant influences on adoption. Importantly, household income does not appar to be a determinant of adoption, suggesting that minimum tillage is an appropriate low-input technology for resource-poor households. The results also indicate that previous use of leguminous cover crops, soil amendments (including chemical fertilizers), and commercial vegetable production are all associated with minimum tillage adoption. Results from studies like this are useful in targeting low-input technologies and programs promoting them among the farm household population

    La política exterior de las potencias latinoamericanas hacia la Caricom: los casos de Brasil, México, Colombia, Venezuela y Cuba

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    ABSTRACT: The Caribbean Community (Caricom) is a system of subregional integration, influenced by the interests of the powers, especially the US. However, in the specific case of Latin America, which countries play a major role in this block? How are they related to Caricom? The purpose of this analysis is to review the foreign policy of the Latin American powers with regards Caricom. For the case studies, we use a geostructural methodology, which combines geographical factors with measurements of national power derived from the World Power Index (WPI). We then proceed to studying their foreign policy based on their discourses and actions. We conclude that the extent to which these powers are linked to Caricom is explained, first and foremost, by governments’ political will.RESUMO: A Comunidade do Caribe (Caricom) é um sistema de integração sub-regional, que se encontra influenciado pelos interesses das potências, em especial pelos Estados Unidos. Contudo, no caso específico da América Latina, quais países são os que incidem principalmente nesse bloco? Como se relacionam com a Caricom? O objetivo desta análise é fazer uma revisão da política exterior das potências latino-americanas quanto à Caricom. Para o levantamento de casos, utiliza-se uma metodologia de tipo geoestrutural, a qual combina fatores geográficos com medições do poder nacional derivadas do Índice de Poder Mundial. Em seguida, procede-se ao estudo de suas políticas exteriores a partir de seus discursos e ações. Conclui-se que o grau de vinculação dessas potências com a Caricom se explica, sobretudo, por sua proximidade geográfica, logo pelo acúmulo de poder e, finalmente, pela vontade política dos governos.RESUMEN: La Comunidad del Caribe (Caricom) es un sistema de integración subregional, que se encuentra influido por los intereses de las potencias, en especial por Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, en el caso específico de América Latina, ¿qué países son los que inciden mayormente en dicho bloque? ¿Cómo se relacionan con la Caricom? El objetivo de este análisis es hacer una revisión de la política exterior de las potencias latinoamericanas hacia la Caricom. Para el relevamiento de casos se instrumenta una metodología de tipo geoestructural, que combina factores geográficos con mediciones del poder nacional derivadas del Índice de Poder Mundial (IPM). Luego se procede al estudio de sus políticas exteriores a partir de sus discursos y acciones. Se concluye que el grado de vinculación de estas potencias con la Caricom se explica, ante todo, por su proximidad geográfica, luego por el cúmulo de poder y, finalmente, por la voluntad política de los gobiernos

    Recent developments in sustainable corrosion inhibitors: design, performance and industrial scale applications

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