286 research outputs found

    Dispersal similarly shapes both population genetics and community patterns in the marine realm.

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    Dispersal plays a key role to connect populations and, if limited, is one of the main processes to maintain and generate regional biodiversity. According to neutral theories of molecular evolution and biodiversity, dispersal limitation of propagules and population stochasticity are integral to shaping both genetic and community structure. We conducted a parallel analysis of biological connectivity at genetic and community levels in marine groups with different dispersal traits. We compiled large data sets of population genetic structure (98 benthic macroinvertebrate and 35 planktonic species) and biogeographic data (2193 benthic macroinvertebrate and 734 planktonic species). We estimated dispersal distances from population genetic data (i.e., FST vs. geographic distance) and from β-diversity at the community level. Dispersal distances ranked the biological groups in the same order at both genetic and community levels, as predicted by organism dispersal ability and seascape connectivity: macrozoobenthic species without dispersing larvae, followed by macrozoobenthic species with dispersing larvae and plankton (phyto- and zooplankton). This ranking order is associated with constraints to the movement of macrozoobenthos within the seabed compared with the pelagic habitat. We showed that dispersal limitation similarly determines the connectivity degree of communities and populations, supporting the predictions of neutral theories in marine biodiversity patterns.RADIALES (IEO)Versión del edito

    Updating known distribution models for forecasting climate change impact on endangered species

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    To plan endangered species conservation and to design adequate management programmes, it is necessary to predict their distributional response to climate change, especially under the current situation of rapid change. However, these predictions are customarily done by relating de novo the distribution of the species with climatic conditions with no regard of previously available knowledge about the factors affecting the species distribution. We propose to take advantage of known species distribution models, but proceeding to update them with the variables yielded by climatic models before projecting them to the future. To exemplify our proposal, the availability of suitable habitat across Spain for the endangered Bonelli’s Eagle (Aquila fasciata) was modelled by updating a pre-existing model based on current climate and topography to a combination of different general circulation models and Special Report on Emissions Scenarios. Our results suggested that the main threat for this endangered species would not be climate change, since all forecasting models show that its distribution will be maintained and increased in mainland Spain for all the XXI century. We remark on the importance of linking conservation biology with distribution modelling by updating existing models, frequently available for endangered species, considering all the known factors conditioning the species’ distribution, instead of building new models that are based on climate change variables only.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and FEDER (project CGL2009-11316/BOS

    Continuous increase of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and non-HIV related cancers as causes of death in HIV-infected individuals in Brazil: An analysis of nationwide data

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    Introduction: After antiretroviral therapy (ART) became available, there was a decline in the number of deaths in persons infected with HIV. Thereafter, there was a decrease in the proportion of deaths attributed to opportunistic infections and an increase in the proportion of deaths attributed to chronic comorbidities. Herein we extend previous observations from a nationwide survey on temporal trends in causes of death in HIV-infected patients in Brazil. Methods: We describe temporal trends in causes of death among adults who had HIV/AIDS listed in the death certificate to those who did not. All death certificates issued in Brazil from 1999 to 2011 and listed in the national mortality database were included. Generalized linear mixed-effects logistic models were used to study temporal trends in proportions. Results: In the HIV-infected population, there was an annual adjusted average increase of 6.0%, 12.0%, 4.0% and 4.1% for cancer, external causes, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and diabetes mellitus (DM), respectively, compared to 3.0%, 4.0%, 1.0% and 3.9%, in the non-HIV group. For tuberculosis (TB), there was an adjusted average increase of 0.3%/year and a decrease of 3.0%/year in the HIV and the non-HIV groups, respectively. Compared to 1999, the odds ratio (OR) for cancer, external causes, CVD, DM, or TB in the HIV group were, respectively, 2.31, 4.17, 1.76, 2.27 and 1.02, while for the non-HIV group, the corresponding OR were 1.31, 1.63, 1.14, 1.62 and 0.67. Interactions between year as a continuous or categorical variable and HIV were significant (p <0.001) for all conditions, except for DM when year was considered as a continuous variable (p = 0.76). Conclusions: Non HIV-related co-morbidities continue to increase more rapidly as causes of death among HIV-infected individuals than in those without HIV infection, highlighting the need for targeting prevention measures and surveillance for chronic diseases among those patients. © 2014 Paula et al


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    A cistite hemorrágica (CH) possui etiologia infecciosa, medicamentosa ou radioterápica. Consiste na presença de hematúria macroscópica secundária a sangramento vesical e uma das suas possíveis causas é o uso de ciclofosfamida (CYP). Várias alternativas farmacológicas têm sido investigadas para o tratamento da CH. Dentre as possibilidades, o potencial terapêutico de espécies vegetais tem sido avaliado. A espécie Chenopodium ambrosioides L. (Amaranthaceae), tem sido utilizado popularmente como anti-infamatório, efeito que  tem  sido comprovado cientifcamente. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo  foi investigar os efeitos do extrato bruto hidroalcoólico (EBH) de folhas secas de C. ambrosioides na CH induzida em camundongos pela ciclofosfamida. Camundongos fêmeas da linhagem Swiss receberam 150 mg/kg de CYP por via intraperitoneal para indução de CH. Em seguida, os animais foram tratados em dose única de acordo com protocolo estabelecido para cada grupo: soro fsiológico a 0,9% (grupo Controle); diclofenaco potássico (grupo Diclofenaco); EBH com dose única de 5 (grupo EBH5) ou 50mg/kg (grupo EBH50). Após 12 horas da indução da CH, o sangue dos animais foi retirado para realização do hemograma.  Os animais foram então sacrifcados e as bexigas retiradas, avaliadas macroscopicamente (hemorragia) e pesadas. Foram removidos, ainda, os órgãos linfóides a fm de realizar contagem de células do baço, medula óssea e linfonodos. Os resultados demonstraram que houve diminuição do peso das bexigas e da hemorragia nos grupos Diclofenaco e EBH5 quando comparados ao grupo controle. Houve um aumento das células da medula óssea, baço e linfonodo mesentérico em todos os animais tratados em relação ao controle. Em relação ao hemograma houve apenas aumentos pontuais no grupo EBH50. Em conclusão, o extrato bruto hidroalcoólico de folhas de C. ambrosioides na dose de 5mg/Kg apresentou efeito anti-infamatório e imunoestimulante, pois diminuiu o peso e a hemorragia da bexiga, e aumentou a produção e proliferação de células linfóides. Diante dos resultados desse estudo, bem como da evidência de ausência de toxicidade de outros trabalhos, podemos sugerir o tratamento com este extrato como alternativa terapêutica nos modelos de CH induzida por CYP em camundongos.Descritores: Anti-infamatório. Chenopodium ambrosioides. Ciclofosfamida. Cistite.AbstractHemorrhagic cystitis (HC) has infectious, drug or radiotherapy etiology. Consists in the presence of macroscopic hematuria secondary to bladder bleeding, and one of its possible causes is the use of cyclophosphamide (CYP). Several pharmacological alternatives have been investigated for the treatment of HC. Among the possibilities, the therapeutic potential of plant species have been reported. The species Chenopodium ambrosioides L. (Amaranthaceae) has been popularly used as an anti-infammatory efect that has been proven scientifcally. The objective of this study was to investigate the efects of crude hydroalcoholic extract of dried leaves of C. ambrosioides in HC cyclophosphamide induced in mice. Female mice of the Swiss strain received 150 mg / kg of CYP intraperitoneally to induce HC. Then the animals were treated with a single dose according to protocol established for each group: normal saline 0.9% (control group); diclofenac (diclofenac group); hydroalcoholic extract with a single dose of 5 (EBH5 group) or 50 mg / kg (EBH50 group). After 12 hours from the induction of HC, the bleeding was performed in the animal for the complete blood count. The animals were then sacrifced and had their bladders removed, as assessed macroscopically (bleeding) and weighed. The lymphoid organs were also removed in order to perform spleen, bone marrow and lymph nodes cell count. The results demonstrated that there was a decrease in the weight of bladders and bleeding in the diclofenac group and EBH5 when compared to the control group. There was an increase of cells in the bone marrow, spleen and lymph node in all treated animals as compared to control. In blood count there were only occasional increases in EBH50 group. In conclusion, the hydroalcoholic crude extract of Chenopodium ambrosioides leaves at a dose of 5 mg / kg showed anti-infammatory and immunostimulatory efect as decreased body weight and bleeding of the bladder, and increased production and proliferation of lymphoid cells. Given the results of this study, as well as evidence of absence of toxicity in other studies, we suggest treatment with this extract as an alternative therapy in models of CH-induced CYP in mice.Descriptors: Anti-infammatory. Chenopodium ambrosioides. Cyclophosphamide. Cystitis

    Maternal Obesity, Overweight and Gestational Diabetes Affect the Offspring Neurodevelopment at 6 and 18 Months of Age – A Follow Up from the PREOBE Cohort

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    The study was registered at www.ClinicalTrials.gov, identifier:NCT01634464).Background: Brain development in fetal life and early infancy is critical to determine lifelong performance in various neuropsychological domains. Metabolic pathologies such as overweight, obesity, and gestational diabetes in pregnant women are prevalent and increasing risk factors that may adversely affect long-term brain development in their offspring.Objective: The objective of this research was to investigate the influence of maternal metabolic pathologies on the neurodevelopment of the offspring at 6 and 18 months of life.Design: This was a prospective case-control study of 331 mother- and child pairs from Granada, Spain. The mothers were included during pregnancy into four groups according to their pre-gestational body mass index and their gestational diabetes status; overweight (n:56), obese (n:64), gestational diabetic (n:79), and healthy normal weight controls (n:132). At 6 months and 18 months we assessed the children with the Bayley III scales of neurodevelopment.Results: At 6 months (n=215), we found significant group differences in cognition composite language, and expressive language. Post hoc test revealed unexpectedly higher scores in the obese group compared to the normal weight group and a similar trend in overweight and diabetic group. The effects on language remained significant after adjusting for confounders with an adjusted odds ratio for a value above median in composite language score of 3.3 (95% CI: 1.1, 10.0; p=0.035) for children of obese mothers. At 18 month (n=197), the offspring born to obese mothers had lost five points in language composite scores and the previous differences in language and cognition was replaced by a suggestive trend of lower gross motor scores in the overweight, obese, and diabetic groups.Conclusions: Infants of obese mothers had a temporary accelerated development of cognition and language, followed by a rapid deceleration until 18 months of age, particularly of language scores. This novel observation prompts further confirmative studies to explore possible placental and neurodevelopmental mechanisms involved.This study was funded by Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science. Junta de Andalucía: Excellence Projects (P06-CTS-02341); Spanish Ministry of Education (Grant no. SB2010-0025); Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BFU2012-40254-C03-01); Further support was received by Abbott Laboratories, Granada, Spain

    Skin color and severe maternal outcomes: evidence from the brazilian network for surveillance of severe maternal morbidity

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    Taking into account the probable role that race/skin color may have for determining outcomes in maternal health, the objective of this study was to assess whether maternal race/skin color is a predictor of severe maternal morbidity. This is a secondary analysis of the Brazilian Network for Surveillance of Severe Maternal Morbidity, a national multicenter cross-sectional study of 27 Brazilian referral maternity hospitals. A prospective surveillance was performed to identify cases of maternal death (MD), maternal near miss (MNM) events, and potentially life-threatening conditions (PLTC), according to standard WHO definition and criteria. Among 9,555 women with severe maternal morbidity, data on race/skin color was available for 7,139 women, who were further divided into two groups: 4,108 nonwhite women (2,253 black and 1,855 from other races/skin color) and 3,031 white women. Indicators of severe maternal morbidity according to WHO definition are shown by skin color group. Adjusted Prevalence Ratios (PRadj - 95%CI) for Severe Maternal Outcome (SMO=MNM+MD) were estimated according to sociodemographic/obstetric characteristics, pregnancy outcomes, and perinatal results considering race. Results. Among 7,139 women with severe maternal morbidity evaluated, 90.5% were classified as PLTC, 8.5% as MNM, and 1.6% as MD. There was a significantly higher prevalence of MNM and MD among white women. MNMR (maternal near miss ratio) was 9.37 per thousand live births (LB). SMOR (severe maternal outcome ratio) was 11.08 per 1000 LB, and MMR (maternal mortality ratio) was 170.4 per 100,000 LB. Maternal mortality to maternal near miss ratio was 1 to 5.2, irrespective of maternal skin color. Hypertension, the main cause of maternal complications, affected mostly nonwhite women. Hemorrhage, the second more common cause of maternal complication, predominated among white women. Nonwhite skin color was associated with a reduced risk of SMO in multivariate analysis. Nonwhite skin color was associated with a lower risk for severe maternal outcomes. This result could be due to confounding factors linked to a high rate of Brazilian miscegenation.2019CNPQ - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico402702/2008-

    The impact of polyphenols on chondrocyte growth and survival: a preliminary report

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    Background: Imbalances in the functional binding of fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) to their receptors (FGFRs) have consequences for cell proliferation and differentiation that in chondrocytes may lead to degraded cartilage. The toxic, proinflammatory, and oxidative response of cytokines and FGFs can be mitigated by dietary polyphenols. Objective: We explored the possible effects of polyphenols in the management of osteoarticular diseases using a model based on the transduction of a mutated human FGFR3 (G380R) in murine chondrocytes. This mutation is present in most cases of skeletal dysplasia and is responsible for the overexpression of FGFR3 that, in the presence of its ligand, FGF9, results in toxic effects leading to altered cellular growth. Design: Different combinations of dietary polyphenols derived from plant extracts were assayed in FGFR3 (G380R) mutated murine chondrocytes, exploring cell survival, chloride efflux, extracellular matrix (ECM) generation, and grade of activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases. Results: Bioactive compounds from Hibiscus sabdariffa reversed the toxic effects of FGF9 and restored normal growth, suggesting a probable translation to clinical requests in humans. Indeed, these compounds activated the intracellular chloride efflux, increased ECM generation, and stimulated cell proliferation. The inhibition of mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation was interpreted as the main mechanism governing these beneficial effects. Conclusions: These findings support the rationale behind the encouragement of the development of drugs that repress the overexpression of FGFRs and suggest the dietary incorporation of supplementary nutrients in the management of degraded cartilage.The authors are grateful for the constant support provided by the Hospital Universitari de Sant Joan and the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Salvador Fernández-Arroyo is the recipient of a Sara Borrell grant (CD12/00672) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain. The authors also thank the Andalusian Regional Government Council of Innovation and Science for the Excellence Project P11-CTS-7625 and Generalitat Valenciana for the project PROMETEO/2012/007. This work was also supported by projects of the Fundación Areces and the Fundación MAGAR