10 research outputs found

    Correlation analysis of water quality indicators for Lake Motičnjak

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    U radu je provedena korelacijska analiza pojedinih pokazatelja kakvoće vode te je pomoću linearnog modela regresije i modela višestruke regresije određena statistička povezanost između fizikalno-kemijskih i mikrobioloških pokazatelja kakvoće vode za kupanje na primjeru jezera Motičnjak. Fizikalno–kemijski i mikrobiološki pokazatelji kakvoće vode određivani su na uzorcima vode tijekom kupališnih sezona na dvije lokacije jezera Motičnjak od 2010. do 2015. godine. Rezultati su pokazali na postojanje povezanosti između pojedinih fizikalno-kemijskih pokazatelja i mikrobioloških pokazatelja Escherichiae coli (EC) i crijevnih enterokoka (CE).The paper contains a correlation analysis of individual water quality indicators. A linear regression model and multiple regression model were used for determining a statistical connection between the physicochemical indicators and microbiological indicators of bathing water quality exemplified by Lake Motičnjak. The physico-chemical indicators and microbiological indicators of water quality were determined on the water samples during bathing seasons in two locations at Lake Motičnjak in the period from 2010 to 2015. The results indicated that there was a connection between individual physico-chemical indicators and microbiological indicators of Escherichia coli (E.coli) and intestinal enterococci (IE)

    Prijedlog monitoringa površinskih voda - jezero Motičnjak

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    U ovom radu opisana je teorijska osnova važnosti upravljanja kakvoćom površinskih voda, opisane su zakonske smjernice za provedbu monitoringa kod proglašenih javnih plaža na kopnenim vodama, predstavljeni su potrebni elementi za uspostavu monitoringa kakvoće vode za kupanje, kao i prijedlog uspostave trajnog monitoringa kakvoće vode za kupanje na primjeru jezera Motičnjak. Ukoliko bi Grad Varaždin proglasio obalu jezera Motičnjak plažom, podaci o plaži te rezultati pojedinog monitoringa unutar sezone kupanja bili bi dostupni javnosti putem internet aplikacije ''Kakvoća voda za kupanje u Republici Hrvatskoj''. Temeljem rezultata analiza provedenog monitoringa za prethodne godine i za tekuću godinu, može se zaključiti da je voda za kupanje na jezeru Motičnjak izvrsne kakvoće. Budući da u Uredbi o kakvoći voda za kupanje stoji da prva klasifikacija kakvoće vode za kupanje na svim lokacijama namijenjenim za javna kupališta na kopnenim vodama mora biti završena do kraja sezone kupanja 2015. godine, ovaj bi prijedlog mogao poslužiti upravo u tu svrhu

    Mljevenje - osnova recikliranja kompjutera

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    EE otpad je zajednički naziv za sve otpadne električne i elektroničke uređaje i opremu. Sadrži mnoge štetne tvari za zdravlje ljudi i okoliš, pa prema tome s takvim otpadom je potrebno postupati vrlo oprezno. Recikliranje kompjutera je proces recikliranja i renoviranja starih dijelova kompjutera u nove, korisne dijelove. Recikliranje sirovina iz kompjutera (i EE otpada općenito), najučinkovitije je rješenje za problem rasta EE otpada. Većina elektronskih materijala sadrži razne materijale, uključujući i metale koji se mogu reciklirati i ponovo upotrijebiti. Recikliranjem kompjutera smanjuje se deponijski prostor i stvaraju se manje toksične kemijske emisije. Na taj se način također izbjegavaju onečišćenja zraka i vode. Tiskana pločica je naziv za sredstvo kojim se mehanički i električki povezuju elektroničke komponente. Općenita podjela otpadnih tiskanih pločica je na metale i ne – metale. Miješani uzorak tiskanih pločica iz različitih EE uređaja sadrži oko 30% metala i oko 70% ne – metalnih komponenti. Mljevenje predstavlja najvažniji postupak prije korištenja bilo koje metode izdvajanja korisnih sirovina iz tiskanih pločica. U procesu mljevenja djelomično se razdvajaju metali i ne - metali, što se javlja zbog njihovih različitih svojstava. U ispitivanjima Geotehničkog fakulteta u Varaždinu, uspostavilo se da mljevenje u mlinu s kuglama ne poboljšava usitnjenost materijala. Preporuča se koristiti mlinove koji rade na principu sraza, primjerice mlin čekićar

    Developing Social Skills among Children with Intellectual Disabilities through Creative Movement and Dance

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    Teoretični del magistrskega dela je razdeljen na tri dele. V prvem delu predstavimo motnjo v duševnem razvoju. V drugem delu pišemo o tradicionalnih in sodobnih teorijah socialnega učenja ter opredelimo socialne veščine in socialno sprejetost, to pa povežemo s prilagoditvenim vedenjem in socialnimi veščinami pri otrocih z motnjo v duševnem razvoju. V tretjem delu je pozornost namenjena umetnosti na vzgojno-izobraževalnem področju, in sicer predstavimo pristop ustvarjalnega giba in plesa, njegovo vključevanje v vzgojo in izobraževanje ter prednosti tega pristopa za otroke z motnjo v duševnem razvoju. V empiričnem delu nas zanima vpliv učenja in urjenja socialnih veščin s pomočjo pristopa ustvarjalnega giba in plesa na otroke z motnjo v duševnem razvoju. Predstavimo mešano študijo primera (kombinacija kvalitativnega in kvantitativnega pristopa), v okviru katere smo izvedli enofaktorski eksperiment brez kontrolne skupine. V ta namen smo oblikovali delavnice, v katere smo vključili učence vzgojnega programa domov za učence s posebnimi potrebami. Za pridobitev empiričnih podatkov smo uporabili dve tehniki zbiranja podatkov, in sicer intervju in opazovanje, pri katerem smo si pomagali z instrumenti, kot so ocenjevalna lestvica pred izvajanjem delavnic, ocenjevalna lestvica po izvajanju delavnic, protokoli za opazovanje doseganja ciljev in anekdotski zapisi. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da učenje in urjenje socialnih veščin s pomočjo učnega pristopa ustvarjalnega giba in plesa vplivata na izboljšanje socialne sprejetosti in socialne kompetentnosti otrok z motnjo v duševnem razvoju, vključenih v vzgojni program domov za učence s posebnimi potrebami. Na podlagi intervjuja ugotavljamo, da je ključna prednost tega pristopa, da omogoča drugačen način učenja in poučevanja. V zvezi z uporabo pristopa ustvarjalnega giba in plesa pa se pojavljajo tudi nekateri pomisleki, ki so vezani predvsem na izvedbo takšne učne enote in dvom strokovnih delavcev v lastno usposobljenost za uporabo pristopa.The theoretical part of the master\u27s thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part, I present intellectual disabilities. In the second part, I discuss the traditional and modern theories of social learning and explain the definition of social skills and social acceptance, which we then connect with adaptive behavior and social skills among children with intellectual disabilities. In the third part, the focus is on art in the field of upbringing and education. The approach of creative movement and dance is presented, its inclusion in upbringing and education, and the advantages of this approach for children with intellectual disabilities. In the empirical part, I am interested in the impact of learning and training social skills using the approach of creative movement and dance among children with intellectual disabilities. I present a mixed-case study (a combination of the qualitative and quantitative approach) in which I conducted a one-factor experiment without a control group. For this purpose, I designed workshops in which I included students from the educational program of homes for students with special needs. To obtain empirical data, I used several data collection techniques such as interview and observation, assisted by tools such as a pre-workshop rating scale, a post-workshop rating scale, protocols for observing the achievement of goals, and anecdotal records. In the final part of the master\u27s thesis, I present a grounded theory study, point out the shortcomings of the research, and make suggestions for further research. The study has shown that learning and training social skills using the approach of creative movement and dance improve social acceptance and social competence among children with intellectual disabilities, who are included in the educational program of homes for students with special needs. Based on the interview, we have determined that the key advantage of this approach is that it enables a different kind of learning and teaching. In connection with using the approach of creative movement and dance, certain misgivings arise which mostly concern the implementation of such learning units and the professional staff doubting their own qualifications for using this approach

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    Reconstructing Prehistoric African Population Structure

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    We assembled genome-wide data from 16 prehistoric Africans. We show that the anciently divergent lineage that comprises the primary ancestry of the southern African San had a wider distribution in the past, contributing approximately two-thirds of the ancestry of Malawi hunter-gatherers ∼8,100–2,500 years ago and approximately one-third of the ancestry of Tanzanian hunter-gatherers ∼1,400 years ago. We document how the spread of farmers from western Africa involved complete replacement of local hunter-gatherers in some regions, and we track the spread of herders by showing that the population of a ∼3,100-year-old pastoralist from Tanzania contributed ancestry to people from northeastern to southern Africa, including a ∼1,200-year-old southern African pastoralist. The deepest diversifications of African lineages were complex, involving either repeated gene flow among geographically disparate groups or a lineage more deeply diverging than that of the San contributing more to some western African populations than to others. We finally leverage ancient genomes to document episodes of natural selection in southern African populations

    Reconstructing prehistoric African population structure

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    We assembled genome-wide data from 16 prehistoric Africans. We show that the anciently divergent lineage that comprises the primary ancestry of the southern African San had a wider distribution in the past, contributing approximately two-thirds of the ancestry of Malawi hunter-gatherers ∼8,100–2,500 years ago and approximately one-third of the ancestry of Tanzanian hunter-gatherers ∼1,400 years ago. We document how the spread of farmers from western Africa involved complete replacement of local hunter-gatherers in some regions, and we track the spread of herders by showing that the population of a ∼3,100-year-old pastoralist from Tanzania contributed ancestry to people from northeastern to southern Africa, including a ∼1,200-year-old southern African pastoralist. The deepest diversifications of African lineages were complex, involving either repeated gene flow among geographically disparate groups or a lineage more deeply diverging than that of the San contributing more to some western African populations than to others. We finally leverage ancient genomes to document episodes of natural selection in southern African populations.P.S. was supported by the Wenner-Gren Foundation and the Swedish Research Council (VR grant 2014-453). J.C.T was supported by a grant from the Program for the Enhancement of Research at Emory University. J.K. and A.M. were supported by the DFG grant KR 4015/1-1 and the Max Planck Society. K.Si. was supported by NSF grant BCS-1613577. M.Ha., A.H., M.Me., and S.P. were supported by the Max Planck Society. A.G.M. and J.P. were supported by the National Research Foundation of South Africa. R.R. was supported by the South African Medical Research Council. N.B. was supported by ERC starting grant SEALINKS (206148), and R.P. was supported by ERC starting grant ADNABIOARC (263441). M.G.T. was supported by Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award (grant number 100719/Z/12/Z). D.R. was supported by NIH grant GM100233 and by NSFHOMINID BCS-1032255 and is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator. The laboratory at Penn State was supported by the NSF Archaeometry program (BCS-1460369, D.J.K.).http://www.cell.com2018-09-21hj2017Anthropology and ArchaeologySchool of Health Systems and Public Health (SHSPH

    The genetic history of Ice Age Europe

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    Reconstructing Prehistoric African Population Structure

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    The genetic history of Ice Age Europe

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