1,389 research outputs found

    Semi-Public Contests

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    The process of innovation is driven by two main factors: new inventions and institutions supporting the transformation of inventions into marketable innovations. This paper proposes a new institution, called a semi- public contest, that has been neglected by the economic literature but exists frequently in practice. I show how semi-public contests can mitigate a dilemma that arises at a very early stage of innovative activity and specify the general requirements for situations in which a semi-public contest can increase welfare. This paper's results suggest that governments promote knowledge about the semi-public contest mechanism but refrain from direct public funding of contests.Innovation;Contests;Entrepreneurs;Institutional Design;Business Plan Competitions;Auctions

    Competition and Mergers among Nonprofits

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    Should mergers among nonprofit organizations be regulated differently than mergers among for-profit firms? The relevant empirical literature is highly controversial, the theoretical literature is scarce. We analyze the question by modeling duopoly competition with quality-differentiated goods. We compare welfare effects of mergers between firms with the effects of mergers between nonprofits dominated by consumers, workers, suppliers, and pure donors. We find that mergers both among firms and among most types of nonprofits do not increase welfare. Mergers among consumerdominated nonprofits, however, can improve welfare. These results imply for competition law and regulation that “nonprofit” might be too crude a label for organizations with varying goals. Consequently, mergers among certain nonprofit organizations should not necessarily be treated in the same way as mergers among for-profit firms – a notion that is absent in current merger guidelines both in the US and the EU.Nonprofits;Mergers;Antitrust;Governance;Owner Objectives;Notfor- profit Sector;Organizational Choice

    Academic faculty governance and recruitment decisions

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    We analyze the implications of the governance structure in academic faculties for their recruitment decisions when competing for new researchers. The value to individual members through social interaction within the faculty depends on the average status of their fellow members. In recruitment decisions, incumbent members trade off the effect of entry on average faculty status against alternative uses of the recruitment budget if no entry takes place. We show that the best candidates join the best faculties but that they receive lower wages than some lesser ranking candidates. We also study the allocation of surplus created by the entry of a new faculty member and show that faculties with symmetric status distributions maximize their joint surplus under majority voting

    Data Science for Entrepreneurship Research:Studying Demand Dynamics for Entrepreneurial Skills in the Netherlands

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    The recent rise of big data and artificial intelligence (AI) is changing markets, politics, organizations, and societies. It also affects the domain of research. Supported by new statistical methods that rely on computational power and computer science --- data science methods --- we are now able to analyze data sets that can be huge, multidimensional, unstructured, and are diversely sourced. In this paper, we describe the most prominent data science methods suitable for entrepreneurship research and provide links to literature and Internet resources for self-starters. We survey how data science methods have been applied in the entrepreneurship research literature. As a showcase of data science techniques, based on a dataset of 95% of all job vacancies in the Netherlands over a 6-year period with 7.7 million data points, we provide an original analysis of the demand dynamics for entrepreneurial skills in the Netherlands. We show which entrepreneurial skills are particularly important for which type of profession. Moreover, we find that demand for both entrepreneurial and digital skills has increased for managerial positions, but not for others. We also find that entrepreneurial skills were significantly more demanded than digital skills over the entire period 2012-2017 and that the absolute importance of entrepreneurial skills has even increased more than digital skills for managers, despite the impact of datafication on the labor market. We conclude that further studies of entrepreneurial skills in the general population --- outside the domain of entrepreneurs --- is a rewarding subject for future research

    Firms, Nonprofits, and Cooperatives: A Theory of Organizational Choice

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    Abstract This paper formalizes the difference between firms, nonprofits, and cooperatives and identifies optimal organizational choice. In a model of quality provision, we find a clear ranking of quality produced: Firms provide lowest and nonprofits highest levels of quality. Efficiency, however, depends on the competitive environment, the decision making process and technology. Cooperatives are optimal when decision making costs are low. Else, cooperatives are increasingly dominated by either nonprofits or firms (depending on the incremental costs of quality production). Finally, changes in the competitive environment affect organizational choice: Increased competition induces a shift towards firm organization and away from nonprofits.Theory of the Firm;Cooperatives;Nonprofits;Organizational Choice;organizational change

    An Auction Market for Journal Articles

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    Economic articles are published very slowly. We believe this results mainly from the poor incentives referees face. We recommend that an auction market replace the current system for submitting papers and demonstrate a strict Pareto-improvement of equilibrium. Besides the benefits of speed, this mechanism increases the average quality of articles and journals and rewards editors and referees for their effort. In addition, the "academic dollars" for papers sold at auction go to the authors, editors and referees of cited articles. This income indicates academic productivity (facilitating decisions on tenure and promotion); its recirculation to journals further stimulates quality competition.Academic Journals;Academic Productivity;Market Design. JEL codes

    The FDI-Growth Nexus in Latin America: The Role of Source Countries and Local Conditions

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    Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has surged in Latin America (LA) since the mid 1990s. European and North American FDI is of capital importance. We investigate the FDI-growth nexus in LA allowing for different source countries, regional hetero- geneity, interaction terms with FDI, and more than 20 growth determinants. We use Bayesian Model Averaging to address model uncertainty and to select the best mod- els and most robust parameters. The principal finding is that a positive FDI-growth nexus in LA requires a functioning legal framework and macroeconomic stability. We also find that European FDI is only indirectly correlated with productivity growth, whereas North American FDI is more robust and thus directly correlated with pro- ductivity growth.FDI-growth nexus;model uncertainty;Bayesian Model Averaging;Latin America

    Does it Make a Difference? Comparing Growth Effects of European and North American FDI in Latin America

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    FDI from the European Union (EU) ranks before FDI from North America (NA) in some of the Latin American countries. We investigate the impact of EU- versus NA-FDI on the growth rate including about 50 controls. Country specific effects and parameter heterogeneity are incorporated in our estimation. We use Bayesian Model Averaging to address model uncertainty and to select the best models and most robust parameters. Our results indicate that positive effects of FDI are dependent on the functioning of legal frameworks and the quality of infrastructure. EU-FDI is an important, robust growth determinant whereas NA-FDI is not. --Growth determinants,FDI,model uncertainty,Bayesian Model Averaging,Latin America

    Imperfect Information, Democracy, and Populism

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    The modern world is complex and difficult to understand for voters, who may hold beliefs that are at variance with reality. Politicians face incentives to pander to voters' beliefs to get reelected. We analyze the welfare effects of this pandering and show that it entails both costs and benefits. Moreover, we explore optimal constitutional design in the presence of imperfect information about how the world works. We compare indirect democracy to direct democracy and to delegation of policy making to independent agents. We find that indirect democracy is often welfare maximizing.Imperfect information;beliefs;democracy;populism;accountabil- ity;experts

    Prioritizing Policies for Pro-Poor Growth: Applying Bayesian Model Averaging to Vietnam

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    Pro-Poor Growth (PPG) is the vision of combining high growth rates with poverty reduction.Due to the myriad of possible determinants of growth and poverty a unique theoretical model for guiding empirical work on PPG is absent, though.Bayesian Model Averaging is a statistically robust framework for this purpose.It addresses the existent parameter and model uncertainty by not choosing a single model but averaging over all possible ones.Using data for the 61 Vietnamese provinces we are able to ascertain a prioritization of all used determinants of poverty, growth and of PPG of our large set of explanatory variables.poverty determinants;growth determinants;pro-poor growth;model uncertainty;Vietnam