89 research outputs found

    El futuro del cuidado: El envejecimiento de la población y sus consecuencias

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    Este artículo fue en su origen una conferencia en Debats a la Nau . Cicle: futur obert. publicada después en Pasajes: Revista de pensamiento contemporáneo. Incorpora algunas referencias a ceremonias tradicionales relacionadas con el fallecimiento de los niños en la región de Valencia (los mortichuelos y el albalaet) y analiza los cambios recientes en la adscripción de la obligación social del cuidado.Peer reviewe

    Nuevas parejas para viejas desigualdades

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    El objetivo de este artículo es dar una visión panorámica de los diferentes modos de convivencia en pareja de la población joven. La relevancia sociológica del estudio de las parejas jóvenes radica en que ellas serán las principales constructoras de la sociedad española a corto y medio plazo. El artículo comienza con una exposición del significado actual del concepto de juventud. Luego se aborda el papel de la pareja en el proceso de transición a la edad adulta, tomando como claves la situación ocupacional, residencial, afectiva y familiar, y la participación en la producción doméstica no remunerada. Para ello se utilizan datos inéditos de la Encuesta CSIC sobre Uso del Tiempo en España (EUTE 2003) (1), así como otras fuentes, especialmente las series de datos de la Encuesta de Población Activa (INE), la Encuesta de Empleo del Tiempo (INE) y el censo de población de Francia (INSEE). Finalmente, se documentan algunas formas de desigualdad que persisten en la juventud, tanto entre mujeres y hombres como en función de sus condiciones socioeconómicas.CICYT “El uso del tiempo: integración en el análisis de la estructura social y económica” (2002-2005), dirigido por María-Angeles Durán Heras en el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC

    Structure-function dissection of Myxococcus xanthus CarD N-terminal domain, a defining member of the CarD-CdnL-TRCF family of RNA polymerase interacting proteins

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    © 2015 Bernal-Bernal et al. Two prototypes of the large CarD-CdnL-TRCF family of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP)-binding proteins, Myxococcus xanthus CarD and CdnL, have distinct functions whose molecular basis remain elusive. CarD, a global regulator linked to the action of several extracytoplasmic function (ECF) σ-factors, binds to the RNAP β subunit (RNAP-β) and to protein CarG via an N-terminal domain, CarDNt, and to DNA via an intrinsically unfolded C-terminal domain resembling eukaryotic high-mobility-group A (HMGA) proteins. CdnL, a CarDNt-like protein that is essential for cell viability, is implicated in σA-dependent rRNA promoter activation and interacts with RNAP-β but not with CarG. While the HMGA-like domain of CarD by itself is inactive, we find that CarDNt has low but observable ability to activate ECF σ-dependent promoters in vivo, indicating that the C-terminal DNA-binding domain is required to maximize activity. Our structure-function dissection of CarDNt reveals an N-terminal, five-stranded β-sheet Tudor-like domain, CarD1-72, whose structure and contacts with RNAP-β mimic those of CdnL. Intriguingly, and in marked contrast to CdnL, CarD mutations that disrupt its interaction with RNAP-β did not annul activity. Our data suggest that the CarDNt C-terminal segment, CarD61-179, may be structurally distinct from its CdnL counterpart, and that it houses at least two distinct and crucial function determinants: (a) CarG-binding, which is specific to CarD; and (b) a basic residue stretch, which is also conserved and functionally required in CdnL. This study highlights the evolution of shared and divergent interactions in similar protein modules that enable the distinct activities of two related members of a functionally important and widespread bacterial protein family.Peer Reviewe

    Nuevas localidades de especies interesantes en Doñana y la costa de Huelva (Sw España)

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    New floristic records of species for Doñana and Huelva (SW Spain) Palabras clave. Flora, Doñana, Calystegia soldanella, Herniaria cinerea, Trigonella monspeliaca, Viola lactea, Wolffia arrhiza, especies amenazadas.Key words. Flora, Doñana, Calystegia soldanella, Herniaria cinerea, Trigonella monspeliaca, Viola lactea, Wolffia arrhiza, threatened species

    Chitosan-Genipin Microspheres for the Controlled Release of Drugs: Clarithromycin, Tramadol and Heparin

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    The aim of this study was to first evaluate whether the chitosan hydrochloride-genipin crosslinking reaction is influenced by factors such as time, and polymer/genipin concentration, and second, to develop crosslinked drug loaded microspheres to improve the control over drug release. Once the crosslinking process was characterized as a function of the factors mentioned above, drug loaded hydrochloride chitosan microspheres with different degrees of crosslinking were obtained. Microspheres were characterized in terms of size, morphology, drug content, surface charge and capacity to control in vitro drug release. Clarithromycin, tramadol hydrochloride, and low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) were used as model drugs. The obtained particles were spherical, positively charged, with a diameter of 1–10 μm. X-Ray diffraction showed that there was an interaction of genipin and each drug with chitosan in the microspheres. In relation to the release profiles, a higher degree of crosslinking led to more control of drug release in the case of clarithromycin and tramadol. For these drugs, optimal release profiles were obtained for microspheres crosslinked with 1 mM genipin at 50 ºC for 5 h and with 5 mM genipin at 50 ºC for 5 h, respectively. In LMWH microspheres, the best release profile corresponded to 0.5 mM genipin, 50 ºC, 5 h. In conclusion, genipin showed to be eligible as a chemical-crosslinking agent delaying the outflow of drugs from the microspheres. However, more studies in vitro and in vivo must be carried out to determine adequate crosslinking conditions for different drugs

    Diseño de metodologías online para asistir en la docencia de las prácticas de laboratorio de la asignatura de Física Aplicada a Farmacia

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    Objetivos propuestos en la presentación del proyecto: En este proyecto planteamos la realización de forma análoga de vídeos de las prácticas de la Asignatura de primero de Física Aplicada a Farmacia. De la experiencia del proyecto anterior (361) consideramos necesario implementar dos nuevos objetivos: 1. Adaptación de los materiales creados para la enseñanza en el sistema híbrido de docencia presencial-virtual 2. Ampliación de los contenidos que permitan la evaluación de las competencias adquiridas, así como para autoevaluación de los/as estudiantes. Además, seguiremos adaptando los contenidos a la plataforma nueva de Microsoft Teams y Google Meets y ayudando a la formación del profesorado universitario en competencias digitales, la innovación en recursos educativos en abierto y enseñanza virtual, el proceso de evaluación de la actividad docente e implementando la inserción laboral y el emprendimiento entre los estudiantes, así como, el fomento de una universidad inclusiva, accesible, diversa y enfocada a los objetivos de la Agenda 2030 para el desarrollo sostenible.Depto. de Química en Ciencias FarmacéuticasFac. de FarmaciaFALSEUniversidad Complutense de Madridsubmitte

    A bacterial antirepressor with SH3 domain topology mimics operator DNA in sequestering the repressor DNA recognition helix

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    Direct targeting of critical DNA-binding elements of a repressor by its cognate antirepressor is an effective means to sequester the repressor and remove a transcription initiation block. Structural descriptions for this, though often proposed for bacterial and phage repressor–antirepressor systems, are unavailable. Here, we describe the structural and functional basis of how the Myxococcus xanthus CarS antirepressor recognizes and neutralizes its cognate repressors to turn on a photo-inducible promoter. CarA and CarH repress the carB operon in the dark. CarS, produced in the light, physically interacts with the MerR-type winged-helix DNA-binding domain of these repressors leading to activation of carB. The NMR structure of CarS1, a functional CarS variant, reveals a five-stranded, antiparallel β-sheet fold resembling SH3 domains, protein–protein interaction modules prevalent in eukaryotes but rare in prokaryotes. NMR studies and analysis of site-directed mutants in vivo and in vitro unveil a solvent-exposed hydrophobic pocket lined by acidic residues in CarS, where the CarA DNA recognition helix docks with high affinity in an atypical ligand-recognition mode for SH3 domains. Our findings uncover an unprecedented use of the SH3 domain-like fold for protein–protein recognition whereby an antirepressor mimics operator DNA in sequestering the repressor DNA recognition helix to activate transcription

    How Did the COVID-19 Lockdown Pandemic Affect the Depression Symptomatology in Mediterranean Older Adults with Metabolic Syndrome?

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    Background and Aims. To control the COVID-19 spread, in March 2020, a forced home lockdown was established in Spain. In the present study, we aimed to assess the effect of mobility and social COVID-19-established restrictions on depressive symptomatology in older adults with metabolic syndrome. We hypothesize that severe restrictions might have resulted in detrimental changes in depressive symptomatology. Methods. 2,312 PREDIMED-Plus study participants (men = 53:9%; mean age = 64:9±4:8 years) who completed a COVID-19 lockdown questionnaire to assess the severity of restrictions/lockdown and the validated Spanish version of the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) during the three established phases concerning the COVID-19 lockdown in Spain (prelockdown, lockdown, and postlockdown) were included in this longitudinal analysis. Participants were categorized according to high or low lockdown severity. Analyses of covariance were performed to assess changes in depressive symptomatology across lockdown phases. Results. No significant differences in participant depression symptomatology changes were observed between lockdown severity categories (low/high) at the studied phases. During the lockdown phase, participants showed a decrease in BDI-II score compared to the prelockdown phase (mean (95% CI), -0.48 (-0.24, -0.72), P < 0:001); a nonsignificantly larger decrease was observed in participants allocated in the low-lockdown category (low: -0.59 (-0.95, -0.23), high: -0.43 (-0.67, -0.19)). Similar decreases in depression symptomatology were found for the physical environment dimension. The post- and prelockdown phase BDI-II scores were roughly similar. Conclusions. The COVID-19 pandemic lockdown was associated with a decrease in depressive symptomatology that returned to prelockdown levels after the lockdown. The degree of lockdown was not associated with depressive symptomatology. The potential preventive role of the physical environment and social interactions on mental disorders during forced home lockdown should be further studie

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic