59 research outputs found

    Conflitos e oportunidades de educação para a cidadania em contextos de educação pré-escolar e de 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico

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    Os conflitos que vão surgindo nos contextos educativos são um desafio para os profissionais de educação, por isso é necessário prestar atenção quando estes surgem, analisar os motivos e permitir que as crianças aprendam a superá-los e a gerir as suas emoções. Ao longo da prática pedagógica supervisionada, foi este o desafio que foi enfrentado, num primeiro momento, junto de uma turma do 2.ºano de escolaridade e, num segundo momento, junto de um grupo de crianças em jardim de infância, no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. O estágio confronta-nos com os conflitos desde o início, por isso tivemos a oportunidade de observar e compreender os mesmos, com a intenção de implementar estratégias que ajudem as crianças a melhor lidar com estas situações e com as emoções envolvidas nas mesmas. No final dos estágios, verificou-se uma melhor gestão por parte das crianças em relação às situações desafiantes que foram surgindo. Como futura educadora/professora concluo que uma prática atenta aos comportamentos e interesses das crianças permite a aproximação às mesmas, facilitando a identificação de conflitos e de formas de os solucionar.Conflicts that arise in educational contexts are a challenge for education professionals, so it is necessary to pay attention when they arise, analyze the reasons, and allow children to learn to overcome them and manage their emotions. During the supervised pedagogical practice, this was the challenge that was faced, at first, with a class of the 2nd year of schooling and, at a second moment, with a group of children in kindergarten, within the scope of the Master in Education Pre-School and Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. The internship confronts us with conflicts from the beginning, so we had the opportunity to observe and understand them, with the intention of implementing strategies that help children to better deal with these situations and the emotions involved in them. At the end of the internships, there was better management by the children in relation to the challenging situations that emerged. As a future educator/teacher, I conclude that a practice that is attentive to the behavior and interests of children allows us to get closer to them, facilitating the identification of conflicts and ways to resolve them.Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básic

    A pandemia pela Covid 19 e sua relevância para o aumento de ações vinculadas a intensificação da violência e exploração da mão de obra dos trabalhadores

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    Resumo: A pandemia trouxe reflexões sobre como a sociedade vem enfrentando as relações de austeridade e exploração no âmbito do trabalho, portanto este trabalho tem como prerrogativa a descrição dos aspectos pertinentes ao mundo, sobretudo, no que tange os embaraços oriundos do COVID-19, da exclusão social. Recorrermos a uma análise qualitativa de dados bibliográficos. Desse modo, este texto é dividido em três momentos, quais sejam: a pandemia e as relações de austeridade entre as classes trabalhadoras, descrevendo, desse modo, o lócus social brasileiro. O segundo momento chamamos de século XXI e sua condição natural de exploração do homem e finalmente, o homem pós-pandemia, nela as relações sociais subjetivas estão sendo realizadas como a relação num superior que manda e um inferior que obedece. O outro jamais é reconhecido como um sujeito de direitos. Palavras-chave: Covid 19. Violência. Exploração. 

    Influência de um Programa de Atividade Física na Aptidão Física, Fadiga e Qualidade de Vida de Pessoas com Esclerose Múltipla

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    A Esclerose Múltipla (EM) é uma doença crónica e progressiva que afeta o indivíduo nos domínios físico, psicológico e social, condicionando a sua qualidade de vida. É reconhecido o papel da atividade física (AF) regular, coadjuvante ao tratamento farmacológico, como forma de evitar a progressão da doença e alcançar benefícios nos vários domínios da vida do indivíduo. O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar os efeitos de um programa de AF, estruturado e adaptado a esta população, na sua aptidão física, fadiga e qualidade de vida. Pretendeu-se analisar os efeitos de um período de inatividade e AF nas referidas variáveis. A amostra foi constituída por 12 participantes com EM (8fem.), divididos em dois grupos, de acordo com a funcionalidade individual (i.e., Grupo I maior mobilidade; Grupo II menor mobilidade). O período de inatividade física teve a duração de 8 semanas e o programa de intervenção de AF foi desenvolvido durante 35 semanas. Os participantes completaram uma bateria de testes no início e no final de cada período com o intuito de avaliar a fadiga (Escala de Impacto da Fadiga Modificada), qualidade de vida (World Health Organization Quality of Life- Brief), amplitude de movimentos (Forward Head Posture; PostureChecker; hudlTechnique) e aptidão física ("Apoio Unipodal"; "Sentado e alcançar"; "Andar 6 minutos"; "Elevação dos joelhos"; "Levantar e sentar na cadeira"; "Extensão alternada dos MI"; "Flexão do antebraço" e "Sentado, Caminhar 2,44 metros e Voltar a Sentar"). Relativamente à estatística inferencial, foram utilizados o Paired-Samples T Test ou Wilcoxon para analisar a diferença entre momentos de avaliação. Os resultados revelaram que após o período de inatividade física: i) fadiga, flexibilidade, força e resistência dos membros superiores (MS) pioraram na amostra total; ii) no Grupo I: equilíbrio, mobilidade, resistência aeróbia, força e resistência dos membros inferiores (MI) obtiveram desempenhos inferiores. Após o programa de AF: i) fadiga, flexibilidade, força e resistência dos MS e MI, na amostra total, melhoraram; ii) no Grupo I verificaram-se melhores desempenhos na resistência aeróbia, equilíbrio e mobilidade; e iii) Grupo II obteve melhorias nas amplitudes dos MS. Nesta medida, o programa de AF parece permitir retardar as consequências associadas a esta patologia, as quais se agravaram durante o período de inatividade física. Apesar das melhorias evidenciadas em ambos os grupos, no Grupo I estas foram mais significativas em ambos os períodos.Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic and progressive disease that affects the individual on physical, psychological and social domains, influencing their quality of life. It is recognized the importance of regular physical activity (PA), as an adjunctive approach of pharmacological treatment, but also as a mean to avoid disease progression and achieve benefits in the diverse domains of the individual's life. The present study aimed to analyze the effects of a PA program, structured and adapted to this population, in their physical fitness, fatigue and quality of life. The purpose of this study was to analyse the effects of a period of inactivity and a PA intervention on these variables. The sample comprised 12 participants with MS (8fem.), divided into two groups, according to their individual functionality (i.e., Group I - higher mobility; Group II - lower mobility). The physical inactivity period had 8 week duration and PA program was implemented for 35 weeks. All participants completed a test battery at the beginning and at the end of each period to evaluate fatigue (Modified Fatigue Impact Scale), quality of life (World Health Organization Quality of Life - Brief version), range of motion (Forward Head Posture; PostureChecker; hudlTechnique) and physical fitness ("Single Leg Stance Test", "Chair Sit-&-Reach", "6-Min Walk Test", "1-Minute Step Test", "30-Second Chair Stand", "Alternating Extension of the Lower Limbs Test" "Arm Curl" and "Timed up-and-go test"). Regarding statistical analyses, Paired-Samples T Test or Wilcoxon test were used to evaluate the difference between assessed moments. Results revealed that after inactivity period: i) in total sample, fatigue, flexibility, strength and resistance of the upper limbs (UL) presented worse performance; ii) in Group I: balance, mobility, aerobic resistance, strength and resistance of the lower limbs (LL) presented worse performance. After the PA program: i) in total sample, fatigue, flexibility, strength and resistance of UL and LL, improved; ii) in Group I, aerobic resistance, balance and mobility, improved; and iii) Group II obtained improvements in UL range of motion. Therefore, the applied PA program seems to be able to delay the consequences associated with this pathology, which worsened during the physical inactivity period. Despite the improvements noted in both groups, in Group I these were more significant in both periods

    Explorando o voo no pré-escolar: iniciação ao trabalho experimental

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    Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino BásicoA sociedade atual tem vindo a sofrer alterações face ao avanço da ciência e da tecnologia e, por isso, torna-se necessário a promoção da literacia científica para todos desde cedo. Neste sentido, a educação em ciências desde a mais tenra idade é essencial pois contribui para a formação de cidadãos capacitados cientificamente para enfrentarem, de uma forma mais eficaz, as adversidades da sociedade e para desempenharem um papel ativo, responsável e crítico. Para um ensino das ciências de qualidade importa recorrer a estratégias de ensino adequadas às necessidades das crianças e do contexto, por forma a possibilitar-lhes o desenvolvimento de aprendizagens mais signiticativas e, consequentemente, uma melhor compreensão do mundo. O presente projeto de intervenção-investigação, desenvolvido na componente de formação de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada, interveio ao nível das estratégias de ensino em ciências, junto de um grupo de crianças com idades compreendidas entre os dois e os seis anos, através da exploração de uma proposta didática sobre o voo. Com o desenvolvimento deste projeto de intervenção-investigação procurou-se averiguar os efeitos da conceção e implementação da proposta didática sobre o voo nas aprendizagens das crianças, a nível de conhecimentos, capacidades, atitudes e valores, e no desenvolvimento profissional da educadora-investigadora sendo que, para isso, elegeram-se como técnicas de recolha de dados a observação, o inquérito por entrevista e a compilação documental. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a conceção e implementação da proposta didática tiveram um impacte positivo nas aprendizagens das crianças, assim como no desenvolvimento profissional da educadora-investigadora. Constatou-se que as crianças evidenciaram ter desenvolvido aprendizagens a vários níveis. A nível de conhecimentos destacam-se os fatores que influenciam o voo de aviões de papel e de paraquedas. A nível de capacidades salientam-se a capacidade de expressar ideias prévias/fazer previsões, registar previsões e dados em diferentes formatos, efetuar observações, formular a resposta à questão-problema e executar ensaios experimentais. A nível de atitudes e valores destacam-se a cooperação com os colegas e o interesse pela aprendizagem de temas de ciências. Relativamente à educadora-investigadora verificou-se que a conceção e implementação da proposta didática possibilitaram desenvolver aprendizagens importantes para o futuro profissional. Os resultados sugerem ainda que é possível realizar atividades de ciências com crianças em idade pré-escolar e, em particular, as atividades práticas do tipo investigativo, que envolvem o controlo de variáveis.Contemporary society has been suffering changes due to the advances in science and technology, so it becomes increasingly necessary to promote scientific literacy for everyone since young age. In this sense, sciences in education from an early age is essential since it contributes to the qualification of citizens that are scientifically prepared to face the adversities of society in a more effective way and to have a more active, responsible and critic role in it. For a quality teaching of sciences it is important to resort to teaching strategies suitable for the children’s and the context needs. I should allow the development of more significant learning and consequently, a better understanding of the world. This intervention-research project was developed under the training component of Supervised Teaching Practice. It intervened at the level of the strategies used in teaching sciences, in a group of children aged between two and six years old, through the exploration of a didactic proposal about flight. The objective of this intervention-research project was to ascertain the effects that the didactic proposal about the flight conception and implementation had in children’s learning, in their knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. As well as in the professional development of the teacher-researcher. To this end, the data gathering techniques used were: observation, interview survey and the compilation of documents. The results showed that the didactic proposal had a positive impact in children’s apprenticeships, as well as in the professional development of the teacher-researcher. It was proven that children developed apprenticeships at various levels. Concerning knowledge, the factors that influence the flight of paper planes and parachutes stand out. Concerning skills, the capacity to express prior ideas/make predictions, record those predictions and data in different formats, make observations, give the answer to the question-problem and carry out experimental trials, must be highlighted. Concerning attitudes and values, the cooperation with colleagues and the interest to learn science also stand out. With respect to the teacher-researcher, the conception and implementation of the didactic proposal made possible the development of important apprenticeships for her professional future. The results also suggest that it is possible to implement science activities with children in pre-school ages. Particularly practical activities of research type that involve the control of variables

    Automatic Recognition of Prosodic Patterns in Semantic Verbal Fluency Tests - an Animal Naming Task for Edutainment Applications

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    This paper automatically detects prosodic patterns in the domain of semantic fluency tests. Verbal fluency tests aim at evaluating the spontaneous production of words under constrained conditions. Mostly used for assessing cognitive impairment, they can be used in a plethora of domains, as edutainment applications or games with educational purposes. This work discriminates between list effects, disfluencies, and other linguistic events in an animal naming task. Recordings from 42 Portuguese speakers were automatically recognized and AuToBI was applied in order to detect prosodic patterns, using both European Portuguese and English models. Both models allowed to differentiate list effects from the other events, mostly represented by the tunes: L* H/L(-%) (English models) or L*+H H/L(-%) (Portuguese models). However, English models proved to be more suitable because they rely in substantial more training material.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Clinical and nutritional follow-up of cats with chronic kidney disease fed with a renal prescription diet

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    Background: The use of prescription diets for cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the main management approach of this disease in cats, and is considered a renoprotective strategy that may promote increased survival and/or improve quality of life, according to the stage of CKD. Besides that, nutritional assessment is important to monitor the maintenance of quality of life of the patients and their response to disease, especially those with chronic conditions. The aim of this study was to follow the clinical and nutritional status of cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD) IRIS stages II, III and IV fed with a renal prescription diet, followed for 12 months. Materials, Methods & Results: Patients were fed exclusively with a dry renal prescription diet and medications for the management of CKD were prescribed when needed. Exclusion criteria were cats that already received a renal prescription diet or medications for the treatment of CKD. Cats were evaluated every 2 months, considering body weight (BW), body condition score (BCS), muscle mass score (MMS), clinical and laboratory parameters. In all assessments, a complete blood count and biochemistry were performed by conventional methods with the patient fasted for 12 h. In addition, urinalysis, urine protein:creatinine ratio (UPC) and urine culture were performed from a urine sample collected by cystocentesis. The quantitative variables were tested for their stability on consecutive assessments using the non-parametric Friedman test, and did not present significant variation during follow-up, except for systolic blood pressure (SBP). Eight cats with a diagnosis of CKD were included in the study and 6 of them remained in the same CKD stage during follow-up. On cat died due to an unrelated CKD cause. Regarding nutritional assessment, 5 of 7 cats maintained BW during the 12 months. Of these, 4 also maintained MMS and BCS. Three of 7 cats presented a decrease in MMS, 2 of which presented also a decreased BW and one maintained BW. Discussion: IRIS staging results combined with Friedman’s analysis demonstrated that the diet and the clinical management were effective in the non-progression of CKD in this study. As renal injury is not expected to be reversed in CKD, the maintenance of cats in the same IRIS stages and the minimum variation of the parameters is considered a positive result in this study. Hypertensive cats started on antihypertensive therapy during the study, achieving adequate control of SBP in most cases, what can justify the variation of this clinical parameter over the 12 months. Hyperphosphatemia was a frequent alteration, included stage II cats, and presented a positive response to nutritional and medical therapy. Despite CKD staging progression was not observed in most cats using serum creatinine as a single parameter, some cats presented BW and MMS reduction, which may have influenced this result. Weight loss and muscle wasting may have occurred by several reasons, including periods of hyporexia, presence of concomitant diseases, aging process or reduced protein content on renal prescription diets. This study enhances the importance of the association of clinical and nutritional management in the maintenance of cats with CKD. We suggest that other studies are done during longer periods of time and with a larger sample to support the results found. We also suggest new studies to evaluate the protein requirements for cats with CKD

    Clinical and Nutritional Follow-up of Cats with Chronic Kidney Disease Fed with a Renal Prescription Diet

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    Background: The use of prescription diets for cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the main management approach of this disease in cats, and is considered a renoprotective strategy that may promote increased survival and/or improve quality of life, according to the stage of CKD. Besides that, nutritional assessment is important to monitor the maintenance of quality of life of the patients and their response to disease, especially those with chronic conditions. The aim of this study was to follow the clinical and nutritional status of cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD) IRIS stages II, III and IV fed with a renal prescription diet, followed for 12 months. Materials, Methods & Results: Patients were fed exclusively with a dry renal prescription diet and medications for the management of CKD were prescribed when needed. Exclusion criteria were cats that already received a renal prescription diet or medications for the treatment of CKD. Cats were evaluated every 2 months, considering body weight (BW), body condition score (BCS), muscle mass score (MMS), clinical and laboratory parameters. In all assessments, a complete blood count and biochemistry were performed by conventional methods with the patient fasted for 12 h. In addition, urinalysis, urinary protein:creatinine ratio (UPC) and urine culture were performed from a urine sample collected by cystocentesis. The quantitative variables were tested for their stability on consecutive assessments using the non-parametric Friedman test, and did not present significant variation during follow-up, except for systolic blood pressure (SBP). Eight cats with a diagnosis of CKD were included in the study and 6 of them remained in the same CKD stage during follow-up. On cat died due to an unrelated CKD cause. Regarding nutritional assessment, 5 of 7 cats maintained BW during the 12 months. Of these, 4 also maintained MMS and BCS. Three of 7 cats presented a decrease in MMS, 2 of which presented also a decreased BW and one maintained BW.Discussion: IRIS staging results combined with Friedman’s analysis demonstrated that the diet and the clinical management were effective in the non-progression of CKD in this study. As renal injury is not expected to be reversed in CKD, the maintenance of cats in the same IRIS stages and the minimum variation of the parameters is considered a positive result in this study. Hypertensive cats started on antihypertensive therapy during the study, achieving adequate control of SBP in most cases, what can justify the variation of this clinical parameter over the 12 months. Hyperphosphatemia was a frequent alteration, included stage II cats, and presented a positive response to nutritional and medical therapy. Despite CKD staging progression was not observed in most cats using serum creatinine as a single parameter, some cats presented BW and MMS reduction, which may have influenced this result. Weight loss and muscle wasting may have occurred by several reasons, including periods of hyporexia, presence of concomitant diseases, aging process or reduced protein content on renal prescription diets. This study enhances the importance of the association of clinical and nutritional management in the maintenance of cats with CKD. We suggest that other studies are done during longer periods of time and with a larger sample to support the results found. We also suggest new studies to evaluate the protein requirements for cats with CKD

    Apple Flour in a Sweet Gluten-Free Bread Formulation: Impact on Nutritional Value, Glycemic Index, Structure and Sensory Profile

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    Baking bread without gluten presents many challenges generally related with poor sensorial and nutritional characteristics, and strategies to overcome this issue are needed. Despite many glutenfree (GF) bread studies, to the best of our knowledge, few are dedicated to sweet GF bread. Sweet breads have traditionally been an important type of food and are still frequently consumed worldwide. Apple flour is naturally GF, and is obtained from apples which do not accomplish market quality requirements and are being wasted. Apple flour was, therefore, characterized in terms of nutritional profile, bioactive compounds, and antioxidant capacity. The aim of this work was to develop a GF bread with incorporation of apple flour, in order to study its effect on nutritional, technological, and sensory characteristics of sweet GF bread. Additionally, in vitro starch hydrolysis and glycemic index (GI) were also analyzed. Results demonstrated the influence of apple flour in dough’s viscoelastic behavior, increasing G’ and G”. Regarding bread characteristics, apple flour led to better acceptance by the consumer, with firmness increasing (21.01; 26.34; 23.88 N), and consequently specific volume decreasing (1.38; 1.18; 1.13 cm3/g). In addition, an increase of bioactive compounds content and antioxidant capacity of the breads were revealed. As expected, the starch hydrolysis index increased, as well as GI. Nevertheless the values were really close to low eGI (56), which is a relevant result for a sweet bread. Apple flour showed good technological and sensory properties as a sustainable and healthy food ingredient for GF breadinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    As doenças da “vida pós-moderna” têm atingido crianças de forma preocupante. A obesidade, que já é vista como pandemia, é segundo as Diretrizes Brasileiras de Obesidade da ABESO (Associação Brasileira para o Estudo da Obesidade e Síndrome Metabólica), é o acúmulo de gordura no corpo superior a vinte por cento no peso total do indivíduo. O objetivo desse estudo é analisar os fatores de risco para obesidade infantil, entender suas comorbidades e efeitos na vida das crianças e propor intervenções para o seu controle. Trata-se de uma revisão de literatura não sistemática referente à obesidade infantil no Brasil e no mundo, que emgloba trabalhos publicadis entre os anos de 2011 a 2016. Encontrou-se como resultado que a origem da obesidade infantil é multifatorial, envolvendo genética, fatores ambientais, socioeconômicos e comportamentais e que as consequências desta são aumento de fatores de risco cardiovasculares, como a Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS) e distúrbios no sono. Dessa forma, identificar os fatores de risco e fatores protetores provê ferramentas epidemiológicas importantes para planejar medidas educativas e de intervenção com impacto positivo na saúde pública

    The diversity and evolution of pollination systems in large plant clades: Apocynaceae as a case study

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    Background and Aims Large clades of angiosperms are often characterized by diverse interactions with pollinators, but how these pollination systems are structured phylogenetically and biogeographically is still uncertain for most families. Apocynaceae is a clade of >5300 species with a worldwide distribution. A database representing >10 % of species in the family was used to explore the diversity of pollinators and evolutionary shifts in pollination systems across major clades and regions. Methods The database was compiled from published and unpublished reports. Plants were categorized into broad pollination systems and then subdivided to include bimodal systems. These were mapped against the five major divisions of the family, and against the smaller clades. Finally, pollination systems were mapped onto a phylogenetic reconstruction that included those species for which sequence data are available, and transition rates between pollination systems were calculated. Key Results Most Apocynaceae are insect pollinated with few records of bird pollination. Almost three-quarters of species are pollinated by a single higher taxon (e.g. flies or moths); 7 % have bimodal pollination systems, whilst the remaining approx. 20 % are insect generalists. The less phenotypically specialized flowers of the Rauvolfioids are pollinated by a more restricted set of pollinators than are more complex flowers within the Apocynoids + Periplocoideae + Secamonoideae + Asclepiadoideae (APSA) clade. Certain combinations of bimodal pollination systems are more common than others. Some pollination systems are missing from particular regions, whilst others are over-represented. Conclusions Within Apocynaceae, interactions with pollinators are highly structured both phylogenetically and biogeographically. Variation in transition rates between pollination systems suggest constraints on their evolution, whereas regional differences point to environmental effects such as filtering of certain pollinators from habitats. This is the most extensive analysis of its type so far attempted and gives important insights into the diversity and evolution of pollination systems in large clades