61 research outputs found

    Quantitative trait loci linked to PRNP gene controlling health and production traits in INRA 401 sheep

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    In this study, the potential association of PrP genotypes with health and productive traits was investigated. Data were recorded on animals of the INRA 401 breed from the Bourges-La SapiniĂšre INRA experimental farm. The population consisted of 30 rams and 852 ewes, which produced 1310 lambs. The animals were categorized into three PrP genotype classes: ARR homozygous, ARR heterozygous, and animals without any ARR allele. Two analyses differing in the approach considered were carried out. Firstly, the potential association of the PrP genotype with disease (Salmonella resistance) and production (wool and carcass) traits was studied. The data used included 1042, 1043 and 1013 genotyped animals for the Salmonella resistance, wool and carcass traits, respectively. The different traits were analyzed using an animal model, where the PrP genotype effect was included as a fixed effect. Association analyses do not indicate any evidence of an effect of PrP genotypes on traits studied in this breed. Secondly, a quantitative trait loci (QTL) detection approach using the PRNP gene as a marker was applied on ovine chromosome 13. Interval mapping was used. Evidence for one QTL affecting mean fiber diameter was found at 25 cM from the PRNP gene. However, a linkage between PRNP and this QTL does not imply unfavorable linkage disequilibrium for PRNP selection purposes

    Guelb el Ahmar (Bathonian, Anoual Syncline, eastern Morocco): First continental flora and fauna including mammals from the Middle Jurassic of Africa

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    We report the discovery in Mesozoic continental “red beds” of Anoual Syncline, Morocco, of the new Guelb el Ahmar (GEA) fossiliferous sites in the Bathonian Anoual Formation. They produced one of the richest continental biotic assemblages from the Jurassic of Gondwana, including plants, invertebrates and vertebrates. Both the sedimentological facies and the biotic assemblage indicate a lacustrine depositional environment. The flora is represented by tree trunks (three families), pollen (13 species, five major clades) and charophytes. It suggests local forests and humid (non-arid) conditions. The vertebrate fauna is dominated by microvertebrates recovered by screening–washing. It is rich and diverse, with at least 29 species of all major groups (osteichthyans, lissamphibians, chelonians, diapsids, mammals), except chondrichthyans. It includes the first mammals discovered in the Middle Jurassic of Arabo-Africa. The GEA sites yielded some of the earliest known representatives of osteoglossiform fishes, albanerpetontid and caudate amphibians, squamates (scincomorphans, anguimorphan), cladotherian mammals, and likely choristoderes. The choristoderes, if confirmed, are the first found in Gondwana, the albanerpetontid and caudatan amphibians are among the very few known in Gondwana, and the anguimorph lizard is the first known from the Mesozoic of Gondwana. Mammals (Amphitheriida, cf. Dryolestida) remain poorly known, but are the earliest cladotherians known in Gondwana. The GEA biotic assemblage is characterized by the presence of Pangean and Laurasian (especially European) taxa, and quasi absence of Gondwanan taxa. The paleobiogeographical analysis suggests either a major fossil bias in Gondwana during the Middle Jurassic, and an overall vicariant Pangean context for the GEA assemblage, or alternatively, noticeable Laurasian (European) affinities and North-South dispersals. The close resemblance between the Bathonian faunas of GEA and Britain is remarkable, even in a Pangean context. The similarity between the local Anoual Syncline Guelb el Ahmar and Ksar Metlili faunas raises questions on the ?Berriasian age of the latter

    Guelb el Ahmar (Bathonian, Anoual Syncline, eastern Morocco): First continental flora and fauna including mammals from the Middle Jurassic of Africa

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    Protocole et incidents dans l’histoire des relations diplomatiques

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    Les incidents diplomatiques ont rarement droit de citĂ©, d’ĂȘtre citĂ©s, dans le rĂ©cit historique des relations internationales, le plus souvent bilatĂ©rales, sauf s’ils ont acquis immĂ©diatement une notoriĂ©tĂ© mĂ©diatique qui les a promus d’alibis conflictuels en causes directes d’une action militaire : ainsi, le prĂ©sumĂ© « coup d’éventail » du dey d’Alger au reprĂ©sentant de la France expliquerait-il l’expĂ©dition d’Alger de 1830 ou la publication, en juillet 1870, par la presse berlinoise de la dĂ©pĂȘ..

    Akten zur deutschen auswÀrtigen Politik, série E, volumes VI-VIII, (1er mai 1943 - 8 mai 1945)

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    Allain Jean-Claude. Akten zur deutschen auswĂ€rtigen Politik, sĂ©rie E, volumes VI-VIII, (1er mai 1943 - 8 mai 1945). In: Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, tome 30 N°2, Avril-juin 1983. pp. 330-333


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    Akten zur Deutschen Auswàrtigen Politik : 1918-1945 - Série B : 1925- 1933, tomes I, II, III : décembre 1925-décembre 1926. I,i, 1966 ; 1,2, 1968 ; II,i, 1967, 11,2, 1967 ; III, 1968 (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht in GÎttingen)

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    Allain J-C. Akten zur Deutschen AuswĂ rtigen Politik : 1918-1945 - SĂ©rie B : 1925- 1933, tomes I, II, III : dĂ©cembre 1925-dĂ©cembre 1926. I,i, 1966 ; 1,2, 1968 ; II,i, 1967, 11,2, 1967 ; III, 1968 (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht in GĂŽttingen). In: Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, tome 18 N°2, Avril-juin 1971. pp. 316-320

    Akten zur Deutschen Auswàrtigen Politik, 1918-1945 : Série D (1937- 1941), vol. XIII, 1 & 2 : 23 juin-11 décembre 1941,

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    Allain Jean-Claude. Akten zur Deutschen AuswĂ rtigen Politik, 1918-1945 : SĂ©rie D (1937- 1941), vol. XIII, 1 & 2 : 23 juin-11 dĂ©cembre 1941,. In: Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, tome 21 N°2, Avril-juin 1974. pp. 333-336

    Les emprunts d’État marocains avant 1939

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    Les emprunts de l’Etat chĂ©rifien ressortissent Ă  deux ou trois catĂ©gories : la premiĂšre comprend les Ă©missions d’Etat au sens strict ; prĂ©parĂ©es par les services du Protectorat et agrĂ©Ă©es par une loi française, elles ont la double garantie du Maroc et de la France et concernent directement le budget et les plans de dĂ©veloppement marocains. La deuxiĂšme catĂ©gorie intĂ©resse les Ă©missions effectuĂ©es pour le compte du Makhzen par les sociĂ©tĂ©s privĂ©es, concessionnaires de services publics, pour l’i..

    Les chemins de fer marocains du protectorat français pendant l'entre-deux-guerres

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    Allain Jean-Claude. Les chemins de fer marocains du protectorat français pendant l'entre-deux-guerres. In: Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, tome 34 N°3, Juillet-septembre 1987. pp. 427-452
