8 research outputs found

    Flow analysis of individual blood extracellular vesicles in acute coronary syndrome

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    A diverse population of small extracellular vesicles (EVs) that are released by various cells has been characterized predominantly in bulk, a procedure whereby the individual characteristics of EVs are lost. Here, we used a new nanotechnology-based flow cytometric analysis to characterize the antigenic composition of individual EVs in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Plasma EVs were captured with 15-nm magnetic nanoparticles coupled to antibodies against CD31 (predominantly an endothelial marker), CD41a (a marker for platelets), and CD63 or MHC class I (common EV markers). The total amounts of EVs were higher in the ACS patients than in the controls, predominantly due to the contribution of patients with acute myocardial infarction. For all captured fractions, the differences in the EV amounts were restricted to CD41a+ EVs. The increase in the numbers of EVs in the ACS patients, predominantly of platelet origin, probably reflects platelet activation and may indicate disease progression

    Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation: the Task Force for the Management of Atrial Fibrillation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia, occurring in 1\u20132% of the general population. Over 6 million Europeans suffer from this arrhythmia, and its prevalence is estimated to at least double in the next 50 years as the population ages. It is now 4 years since the last AF guideline was published, and a new version is now needed. AF confers a 5-fold risk of stroke, and one in five of all strokes is attributed to this arrhythmia. Ischaemic strokes in association with AF are often fatal, and those patients who survive are left more disabled by their stroke and more likely to suffer a recurrence than patients with other causes of stroke. In consequence, the risk of death from AF-related stroke is doubled and the cost of care is increased 1.5-fold. There has been much research into stroke prevention, which has influenced this guideline. In the majority of patients there appears to be an inexorable progression of AF to persistent or permanent forms, associated with further development of the disease that may underlie the arrhythmia. Some advance has been made in the understanding of the dynamic development of AF from its preclinical state as an \u2018arrhythmia-in-waiting\u2019 to its final expression as an irreversible and end-stage cardiac arrhythmia associated with serious adverse cardiovascular events. Much recent therapeutic effort with \u2018upstream therapies\u2019 has been expended to slow or halt the progression of AF due to underlying cardiovascular disease and to AF itself. Limited success has been achieved and is recognized in this guideline