12 research outputs found

    Canvis en l'alimentació càrnia a Catalunya entre els segles XII i III AC

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza un análisis de la alimentación de origen cárnico a lo largo del Ier milenio a. C. en Cataluña. Por un lado, se exponen los diferentes registros faunísticos de estas comunidades, y también se compara el consumo de animales domésticos respecto al de animales salvajes. Uno de los objetivos prioritarios ha sido el de inferir cuáles fueron las interrelaciones entre los yacimientos en cada época, analizando la homogeneidad o diferenciación de sus registros faunísticos. Asímismo, hemos considerado el volumen de carne aportado por cada especie �a partir de su peso teórico�y, por otro lado, hemos intentado determinar los posibles indicadores que nos proporciona el registro faunístico, con el objetivo de perfilar mejor futuras interpretaciones en lo referente a la explotación del territorio

    The origins and spread of domestic horses from the Western Eurasian steppes

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Nature Research via the DOI in this recordData availability: All collapsed and paired-end sequence data for samples sequenced in this study are available in compressed fastq format through the European Nucleotide Archive under accession number PRJEB44430, together with rescaled and trimmed bam sequence alignments against both the nuclear and mitochondrial horse reference genomes. Previously published ancient data used in this study are available under accession numbers PRJEB7537, PRJEB10098, PRJEB10854, PRJEB22390 and PRJEB31613, and detailed in Supplementary Table 1. The genomes of ten modern horses, publicly available, were also accessed as indicated in their corresponding original publications57,61,85-87.NOTE: see the published version available via the DOI in this record for the full list of authorsDomestication of horses fundamentally transformed long-range mobility and warfare. However, modern domesticated breeds do not descend from the earliest domestic horse lineage associated with archaeological evidence of bridling, milking and corralling at Botai, Central Asia around 3500 BC. Other longstanding candidate regions for horse domestication, such as Iberia and Anatolia, have also recently been challenged. Thus, the genetic, geographic and temporal origins of modern domestic horses have remained unknown. Here we pinpoint the Western Eurasian steppes, especially the lower Volga-Don region, as the homeland of modern domestic horses. Furthermore, we map the population changes accompanying domestication from 273 ancient horse genomes. This reveals that modern domestic horses ultimately replaced almost all other local populations as they expanded rapidly across Eurasia from about 2000 BC, synchronously with equestrian material culture, including Sintashta spoke-wheeled chariots. We find that equestrianism involved strong selection for critical locomotor and behavioural adaptations at the GSDMC and ZFPM1 genes. Our results reject the commonly held association between horseback riding and the massive expansion of Yamnaya steppe pastoralists into Europe around 3000 BC driving the spread of Indo-European languages. This contrasts with the scenario in Asia where Indo-Iranian languages, chariots and horses spread together, following the early second millennium BC Sintashta culture

    La ofrenda animal durante el Bronce Inicial en Can Roqueta II (Sabadell, Vallès Occidental). Arqueozoología del ritual funerario

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    The research focuses on the use of animals in ritual deposits. It is based in the analysis of the faunal remains recovered from the internal funerary and ritual structures carved in the clay, in the site of the Early Bronze Age of Can Roqueta II (Sabadell, Barcelona). The results show that children, women and men were buried together in a very similar ceremony and accompanied by animals. Sheep and goats, cows, pigs and dogs are the best-represented, although carnivores and birds are also documented. While many of these animals were offered as a meal to accompany the deceased on his journey, the dogs, which were not consumed, were probably sacrificed as guides of the soul. The research aims to show that animal sacrifice is a universal response to death, with slight differences that probably reflect cultural and social adjustments.La investigación se centra en la utilización de los animales en depósitos rituales. Se basa en el análisis de los restos faunísticos recuperados del interior de estructuras funerarias y rituales excavadas en la arcilla del asentamiento de la edad del bronce inicial de Can Roqueta II (Sabadell, Barcelona). Los resultados muestran que niños, mujeres y hombres eran enterrados de forma muy similar y acompañados de animales sacrificados. Ovejas y cabras, vacas, cerdos y perros son los mejor representados, aunque también se documentan carnívoros y varias especies de aves. Mientras que muchos de estos animales se ofrecían como comida de acompañamiento al difunto en su viaje, los perros, que no se consumían, se sacrificaban probablemente como guías de las almas. La investigación propone mostrar que el sacrificio animal es una respuesta universal a la muerte, con leves diferencias que responden seguramente a adaptaciones culturales y sociales

    Restos de oso pardo en estructuras de la Edad del Hierro del yacimiento de Can Roqueta/Can Revella (Vallès Occidental) = Restes d'ours brun dans des structures de l'Äge du Fer du site de Can Roqueta/Can Revella (Vallès Occidental)

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    L'exceptionnelle récupération de trois restes d'ours brun dans trois structures du premier Âge du Fer du gisement de Can Roqueta, Secteur Can Revella, nous a motivé à réaliser ce travail de documentation sur les évidences de capture et utilisation du grand carnivore dansun gisement de l’Holocène en Catalogne. Les restes apparurent mélangés avec des déchets d'alimentation dans l'intérieur de structures qui ont fourni une grande quantité d'os, et que a priori furent utilisées comme silos. Une fois inutilisés comme conteneur de grain, ils furent réutilisés comme dépôt d'ordures, accumulant détritus domestiques, parmi lesquels se distinguent ceux provoqués par le nettoyage des maisons (charbons, os brûlés, pierres, etc.)La excepcional recuperación de tres restos de oso pardo en tres estructuras de la primera Edad del Hierro del yacimiento de Can Roqueta, Sector Can Revella, nos llevó a realizar este trabajo de documentación sobre la evidencia de la captura y aprovechamiento del gran carnívoro en un yacimiento del Holoceno catalán. Los restos aparecieron mezclados con desechos de alimentación en el interior de estructuras que han aportado gran cantidad de huesos, y que a priori fueron utilizadas como silos. Una vez inutilizados como contenedores de grano fueron reutilizados como basureros acumulando detritus domésticos entre los que destacan los provocados por la limpieza de hogares (carbones, huesos quemados, piedras, etc.

    Horse provisioning at Iron Age Can Roqueta (Sabadell, Barcelona), an insight from strontium isotopes

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    International audienceMetal findings and iconographic evidences related to horses suggest that these animals had a strong symbolic value and became major prestige items in Bronze Age and Iron Age societies from the NE of the Iberian Peninsula. The research developed in the frame of the project ‘Mobility, contacts and exchanges during the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula: the Ripoll River (Barcelona) as a laboratory’ (PI: J. López Cachero) included a pilot study on six Iron Age horses from the site of Can Roqueta to explore their geographical origin by the means of strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr). The strontium isotopic study included the analysis of six archaeological horse enamel samples. In addition, the local strontium ratio was assessed by the means of three dentine samples from the archaeological site, and the bioavailable strontium around the site was evaluated on oak leaves from two different locations. In addition, other 10 present-day tree samples from different geological formations around the site were used as a comparison. The results obtained indicate that some of the strontium ratios from archaeological horse enamel are compatible with the local geology and neighbour formations. Nevertheless, a more distant origin cannot be excluded, as lead isotopic studies on bronze objects recovered at the site indicate that copper ores from the area of Les Cévennes (Southern France) were used to make a Mialhacian arrowhead and a double-spring fibula, which supports the existence of long distance trade at the site (Rovira et al., 2008)

    Les campanyes arqueològiques al conjunt del Cau del Roure (Serinyà) durant els anys 2014-2015

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    Jornades d’Arqueologia de les Comarques de Girona (13es : 2016 : Banyoles). Tretzenes Jornades d’Arqueologia de les Comarques de Girona : Banyoles, 10 i 11 de juny de 2016Descripció de les actuacions arqueològiques al conjunt del Cau del Roure (Serinyà), que varen tenir lloc durant els períodes del 8 setembre al 3 d’octubre de 2014 i del 30 d’agost al 25 de setembre de 201