15 research outputs found

    Root system architecture determines fitness in an Arabidopsis mutant in competition for immobile phosphate ions but not for nitrate ions

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    Plant root systems often have complex branching patterns. Models indicate that a complex architecture is only required for the acquisition of immobile resources, such as phosphate; mobile ions, notably nitrate, can be effectively taken up by very restricted root systems. We have tested this prediction using the axr4 mutation of Arabidopsis thaliana, the principal phenotypic effect of which is to reduce the number of lateral roots. Arabidopsis thaliana is not a host for mycorrhizal fungi and so acquires all its nutrients through the root system. In both a pot experiment and a field experiment conducted under natural conditions for A. thaliana, we found that only phosphate, and not nitrate, affected the fitness of the mutant relative to the isogenic wild-type line, Columbia. These results confirm model predictions and have implications both for the evolution of complex root systems and for the design of efficient root systems for crops

    Mycorrhizal fungal abundance is affected by long-term climatic manipulations in the field

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    Climate change treatments - winter warming, summer drought and increased summer precipitation - have been imposed on an upland grassland continuously for 7 years. The vegetation was surveyed yearly. In the seventh year, soil samples were collected on four occasions through the growing season in order to assess mycorrhizal fungal abundance. Mycorrhizal fungal colonisation of roots and extraradical mycorrhizal hyphal (EMH) density in the soil were both affected by the climatic manipulations, especially by summer drought. Both winter warming and summer drought increased the proportion of root length colonised (RLC) and decreased the density of external mycorrhizal hyphal. Much of the response of mycorrhizal fungi to climate change could be attributed to climate-induced changes in the vegetation, especially plant species relative abundance. However, it is possible that some of the mycorrhizal response to the climatic manipulations was direct - for example, the response of the EMH density to the drought treatment. Future work should address the likely change in mycorrhizal functioning under warmer and drier conditions

    Mycorrhizal respiration: implications for global scaling relationships

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    Most plant species form mycorrhizas, yet these are neglected by plant physiologists. One consequence of this neglect is reduced ability to predict plant respiration, because respiration rate (R) in mycorrhizal roots might be higher than in non-mycorrhizal roots owing to increased substrate availability associated with enhanced nutrient uptake, coupled with increased respiratory product demand. Other predictions include that mycorrhizal colonization will affect scaling of R with tissue nitrogen concentrations; that mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal root R differ in their response to nutrient supply; and that the impact of colonization on R is related to fungal biomass. Failure to examine properly the role of colonization in determining root R means that current interpretations of root and soil respiration data might be flawed

    Root production is determined by radiation flux in a temperate grassland community

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    Accurate knowledge of the response of root turnover to a changing climate is needed to predict growth and produce carbon cycle models. A soil warming system and shading were used to vary soil temperature and received radiation independently in a temperate grassland dominated by Holcus lanatus L. Minirhizotrons allowed root growth and turnover to be examined non-destructively. In two short-term (8 week) experiments, root responses to temperature were seasonally distinct. Root number increased when heating was applied during spring, but root death increased during autumnal heating. An experiment lasting 12 months demonstrated that any positive response to temperature was short-lived and that over a full growing season, soil warming led to a reduction in root number and mass due to increased root death during autumn and winter. Root respiration was also insensitive to soil temperature over much of the year. In contrast, root growth was strongly affected by incident radiation. Root biomass, length, birth rate, number and turnover were all reduced by shading. Photosynthesis in H. lanatus exhibited some acclimation to shading, but assimilation rates at growth irradiance were still lower in shaded plants. The negative effects of shading and soil warming on roots were additive. Comparison of root data with environmental measurements demonstrated a number of positive relationships with photosynthetically active radiation, but not with soil temperature. This was true both across the entire data set and within a shade treatment. These results demonstrate that root growth is unlikely to be directly affected by increased soil temperatures as a result of global warming, at least in temperate areas, and that predictions of net primary productivity should not be based on a positive root growth response to temperature

    Temperature dependence of respiration in roots colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

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    • The arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis is ubiquitous, and the fungus represents a major pathway for carbon movement in the soil-plant system. Here, we investigated the impacts of AM colonization of Plantago lanceolata and temperature on the regula

    Active root-inhabiting microbes identified by rapid incorporation of plant-derived carbon into RNA

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    Plant roots harbor a large diversity of microorganisms that have an essential role in ecosystem functioning. To better understand the level of intimacy of root-inhabiting microbes such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and bacteria, we provided 13CO2 to plants at atmospheric concentration during a 5-h pulse. We expected microbes dependent on a carbon flux from their host plant to become rapidly labeled. We showed that a wide variety of microbes occurred in roots, mostly previously unknown. Strikingly, the greatest part of this unsuspected diversity corresponded to active primary consumers. We found 17 bacterial phylotypes co-occurring within roots of a single plant, including five potentially new phylotypes. Fourteen phylotypes were heavily labeled with the 13C. Eight were phylogenetically close to Burkholderiales, which encompass known symbionts; the others were potentially new bacterial root symbionts. By analyzing unlabeled and 13C-enriched RNAs, we demonstrated differential activity in C consumption among these root-inhabiting microbes. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal RNAs were heavily labeled, confirming the high carbon flux from the plant to the fungal compartment, but some of the fungi present appeared to be much more active than others. The results presented here reveal the possibility of uncharacterized root symbioses

    Local Adaptation to Soil Hypoxia Determines the Structure of an Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Community in Roots from Natural CO2 Springs ▿ †

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    The processes responsible for producing and maintaining the diversity of natural arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal communities remain largely unknown. We used natural CO2 springs (mofettes), which create hypoxic soil environments, to determine whether a long-term, directional, abiotic selection pressure could change AM fungal community structure and drive the selection of particular AM fungal phylotypes. We explored whether those phylotypes that appear exclusively in hypoxic soils are local specialists or widespread generalists able to tolerate a range of soil conditions. AM fungal community composition was characterized by cloning, restriction fragment length polymorphism typing, and the sequencing of small subunit rRNA genes from roots of four plant species growing at high (hypoxic) and low (control) geological CO2 exposure. We found significant levels of AM fungal community turnover (β diversity) between soil types and the numerical dominance of two AM fungal phylotypes in hypoxic soils. Our results strongly suggest that direct environmental selection acting on AM fungi is a major factor regulating AM fungal communities and their phylogeographic patterns. Consequently, some AM fungi are more strongly associated with local variations in the soil environment than with their host plant's distribution

    Impact of temperature on the relationship between respiration and nitrogen concentration in roots: an analysis of scaling relationships, Q(10) values and thermal acclimation ratios

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    • The impact of nitrogen (N) supply on the temperature response of root respiratory O2 uptake (R) was assessed in several herbaceous species grown in solution culture. Warm-grown (25 : 20°C, day:night) plants differing in root N concentration were shifted to 13 : 8°C for 7 d to cold-acclimate. • Log–log plots of root R vs root N concentration both showed that R increased with increasing tissue N concentration, irrespective of the growth temperature. Although the regression slopes of the log–log plots did not differ between the warm-grown and cold-acclimated plants, cold-acclimated plants did exhibit a higher y-axis intercept than their warm-grown counterparts. This suggests that cold acclimation of root R is not entirely dependent on cold-induced increases in tissue N concentration and that scaling relationships (i.e. regression equations fitted to the log–log plots) between root R and N concentration are not fixed. • No systematic differences were found in the short-term Q10 (proportional change in R per 10°C change in temperature), or degree of cold acclimation (as measured by the proportional difference between warm- and cold-acclimated roots) among roots differing in root N concentration. The temperature response of root R is therefore insensitive to tissue N concentration. • The insensitivity of Q10 values and acclimation to tissue N concentration raises the possibility that root R and its temperature sensitivity can be predicted for a range of N supply scenarios