9 research outputs found

    Overview of the JET results in support to ITER

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    The 2014–2016 JET results are reviewed in the light of their significance for optimising the ITER research plan for the active and non-active operation. More than 60 h of plasma operation with ITER first wall materials successfully took place since its installation in 2011. New multi-machine scaling of the type I-ELM divertor energy flux density to ITER is supported by first principle modelling. ITER relevant disruption experiments and first principle modelling are reported with a set of three disruption mitigation valves mimicking the ITER setup. Insights of the L–H power threshold in Deuterium and Hydrogen are given, stressing the importance of the magnetic configurations and the recent measurements of fine-scale structures in the edge radial electric. Dimensionless scans of the core and pedestal confinement provide new information to elucidate the importance of the first wall material on the fusion performance. H-mode plasmas at ITER triangularity (H = 1 at ßN ~ 1.8 and n/nGW ~ 0.6) have been sustained at 2 MA during 5 s. The ITER neutronics codes have been validated on high performance experiments. Prospects for the coming D–T campaign and 14 MeV neutron calibration strategy are reviewed.This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014–2018 under grant agreement No 633053.Peer ReviewedArticle signat per 1.173 autors/es: X. Litaudon35, S. Abduallev39, M. Abhangi46, P. Abreu53, M. Afzal7, K.M. Aggarwal29, T. Ahlgren101, J.H. Ahn8, L. Aho-Mantila112, N. Aiba69, M. Airila112, R. Albanese105, V. Aldred7, D. Alegre93, E. Alessi45, P. Aleynikov55, A. Alfier12, A. Alkseev72, M. Allinson7, B. Alper7, E. Alves53, G. Ambrosino105, R. Ambrosino106, L. Amicucci90, V. Amosov88, E. Andersson Sundén22, M. Angelone90, M. Anghel85, C. Angioni62, L. Appel7, C. Appelbee7, P. Arena30, M. Ariola106, H. Arnichand8, S. Arshad41, A. Ash7, N. Ashikawa68, V. Aslanyan64, O. Asunta1, F. Auriemma12, Y. Austin7, L. Avotina103, M.D. Axton7, C. Ayres7, M. Bacharis24, A. Baciero57, D. Baião53, S. Bailey7, A. Baker7, I. Balboa7, M. Balden62, N. Balshaw7, R. Bament7, J.W. Banks7, Y.F. Baranov7, M.A. Barnard7, D. Barnes7, M. Barnes27, R. Barnsley55, A. Baron Wiechec7, L. Barrera Orte34, M. Baruzzo12, V. Basiuk8, M. Bassan55, R. Bastow7, A. Batista53, P. Batistoni90, R. Baughan7, B. Bauvir55, L. Baylor73, B. Bazylev56, J. Beal110, P.S. Beaumont7, M. Beckers39, B. Beckett7, A. Becoulet8, N. Bekris35, M. Beldishevski7, K. Bell7, F. Belli90, M. Bellinger7, É. Belonohy62, N. Ben Ayed7, N.A. Benterman7, H. Bergsåker42, J. Bernardo53, M. Bernert62, M. Berry7, L. Bertalot55, C. Besliu7, M. Beurskens63, B. Bieg61, J. Bielecki47, T. Biewer73, M. Bigi12, P. Bílková50, F. Binda22, A. Bisoffi31, J.P.S. Bizarro53, C. Björkas101, J. Blackburn7, K. Blackman7, T.R. Blackman7, P. Blanchard33, P. Blatchford7, V. Bobkov62, A. Boboc7, G. Bodnár113, O. Bogar18, I. Bolshakova60, T. Bolzonella12, N. Bonanomi97, F. Bonelli56, J. Boom62, J. Booth7, D. Borba35,53, D. Borodin39, I. Borodkina39, A. Botrugno90, C. Bottereau8, P. Boulting7, C. Bourdelle8, M. Bowden7, C. Bower7, C. Bowman110, T. Boyce7, C. Boyd7, H.J. Boyer7, J.M.A. Bradshaw7, V. Braic87, R. Bravanec40, B. Breizman107, S. Bremond8, P.D. Brennan7, S. Breton8, A. Brett7, S. Brezinsek39, M.D.J. Bright7, M. Brix7, W. Broeckx78, M. Brombin12, A. Brosławski65, D.P.D. Brown7, M. Brown7, E. Bruno55, J. Bucalossi8, J. Buch46, J. Buchanan7, M.A. Buckley7, R. Budny76, H. Bufferand8, M. Bulman7, N. Bulmer7, P. Bunting7, P. Buratti90, A. Burckhart62, A. Buscarino30, A. Busse7, N.K. Butler7, I. Bykov42, J. Byrne7, P. Cahyna50, G. Calabrò90, I. Calvo57, Y. Camenen4, P. Camp7, D.C. Campling7, J. Cane7, B. Cannas17, A.J. Capel7, P.J. Card7, A. Cardinali90, P. Carman7, M. Carr7, D. Carralero62, L. Carraro12, B.B. Carvalho53, I. Carvalho53, P. Carvalho53, F.J. Casson7, C. Castaldo90, N. Catarino53, J. Caumont7, F. Causa90, R. Cavazzana12, K. Cave-Ayland7, M. Cavinato12, M. Cecconello22, S. Ceccuzzi90, E. Cecil76, A. Cenedese12, R. Cesario90, C.D. Challis7, M. Chandler7, D. Chandra46, C.S. Chang76, A. Chankin62, I.T. Chapman7, S.C. Chapman28, M. Chernyshova49, G. Chitarin12, G. Ciraolo8, D. Ciric7, J. Citrin38, F. Clairet8, E. Clark7, M. Clark7, R. Clarkson7, D. Clatworthy7, C. Clements7, M. Cleverly7, J.P. Coad7, P.A. Coates7, A. Cobalt7, V. Coccorese105, V. Cocilovo90, S. Coda33, R. Coelho53, J.W. Coenen39, I. Coffey29, L. Colas8, S. Collins7, D. Conka103, S. Conroy22, N. Conway7, D. Coombs7, D. Cooper7, S.R. Cooper7, C. Corradino30, Y. Corre8, G. Corrigan7, S. Cortes53, D. Coster62, A.S. Couchman7, M.P. Cox7, T. Craciunescu86, S. Cramp7, R. Craven7, F. Crisanti90, G. Croci97, D. Croft7, K. Crombé15, R. Crowe7, N. Cruz53, G. Cseh113, A. Cufar81, A. Cullen7, M. Curuia85, A. Czarnecka49, H. Dabirikhah7, P. Dalgliesh7, S. Dalley7, J. Dankowski47, D. Darrow76, O. Davies7, W. Davis55,76, C. Day56, I.E. Day7, M. De Bock55, A. de Castro57, E. de la Cal57, E. de la Luna57, G. De Masi12, J. L. de Pablos57, G. De Temmerman55, G. De Tommasi105, P. de Vries55, K. Deakin7, J. Deane7, F. Degli Agostini12, R. Dejarnac50, E. Delabie73, N. den Harder38, R.O. Dendy7, J. Denis8, P. Denner39, S. Devaux62,104, P. Devynck8, F. Di Maio55, A. Di Siena62, C. Di Troia90, P. Dinca86, R. D’Inca62, B. Ding51, T. Dittmar39, H. Doerk62, R.P. Doerner9, T. Donné34, S.E. Dorling7, S. Dormido-Canto93, S. Doswon7, D. Douai8, P.T. Doyle7, A. Drenik62,81, P. Drewelow63, P. Drews39, Ph. Duckworth55, R. Dumont8, P. Dumortier58, D. Dunai113, M. Dunne62, I. Ďuran50, F. Durodié58, P. Dutta46, B. P. Duval33, R. Dux62, K. Dylst78, N. Dzysiuk22, P.V. Edappala46, J. Edmond7, A.M. Edwards7, J. Edwards7, Th. Eich62, A. Ekedahl8, R. El-Jorf7, C.G. Elsmore7, M. Enachescu84, G. Ericsson22, F. Eriksson16, J. Eriksson22, L.G. Eriksson36, B. Esposito90, S. Esquembri94, H.G. Esser39, D. Esteve8, B. Evans7, G.E. Evans7, G. Evison7, G.D. Ewart7, D. Fagan7, M. Faitsch62, D. Falie86, A. Fanni17, A. Fasoli33, J. M. Faustin33, N. Fawlk7, L. Fazendeiro53, N. Fedorczak8, R.C. Felton7, K. Fenton7, A. Fernades53, H. Fernandes53, J. Ferreira53, J.A. Fessey7, O. Février8, O. Ficker50, A. Field7, S. Fietz62, A. Figueiredo53, J. Figueiredo53,35, A. Fil8, P. Finburg7, M. Firdaouss8, U. Fischer56, L. Fittill7, M. Fitzgerald7, D. Flammini90, J. Flanagan7, C. Fleming7, K. Flinders7, N. Fonnesu90, J. M. Fontdecaba57, A. Formisano79, L. Forsythe7, L. Fortuna30, E. Fortuna-Zalesna19, M. Fortune7, S. Foster7, T. Franke34, T. Franklin7, M. Frasca30, L. Frassinetti42, M. Freisinger39, R. Fresa98, D. Frigione90, V. Fuchs50, D. Fuller35, S. Futatani6, J. Fyvie7, K. Gál34,62, D. Galassi2, K. Gałązka49, J. Galdon-Quiroga92, J. Gallagher7, D. Gallart6, R. Galvão10, X. Gao51, Y. Gao39, J. Garcia8, A. Garcia-Carrasco42, M. García-Muñoz92, J.-L. Gardarein3, L. Garzotti7, P. Gaudio95, E. Gauthier8, D.F. Gear7, S.J. Gee7, B. Geiger62, M. Gelfusa95, S. Gerasimov7, G. Gervasini45, M. Gethins7, Z. Ghani7, M. Ghate46, M. Gherendi86, J.C. Giacalone8, L. Giacomelli45, C.S. Gibson7, T. Giegerich56, C. Gil8, L. Gil53, S. Gilligan7, D. Gin54, E. Giovannozzi90, J.B. Girardo8, C. Giroud7, G. Giruzzi8, S. Glöggler62, J. Godwin7, J. Goff7, P. Gohil43, V. Goloborod’ko102, R. Gomes53, B. Gonçalves53, M. Goniche8, M. Goodliffe7, A. Goodyear7, G. Gorini97, M. Gosk65, R. Goulding76, A. Goussarov78, R. Gowland7, B. Graham7, M.E. Graham7, J. P. Graves33, N. Grazier7, P. Grazier7, N.R. Green7, H. Greuner62, B. Grierson76, F.S. Griph7, C. Grisolia8, D. Grist7, M. Groth1, R. Grove73, C.N. Grundy7, J. Grzonka19, D. Guard7, C. Guérard34, C. Guillemaut8,53, R. Guirlet8, C. Gurl7, H.H. Utoh69, L.J. Hackett7, S. Hacquin8,35, A. Hagar7, R. Hager76, A. Hakola112, M. Halitovs103, S.J. Hall7, S.P. Hallworth Cook7, C. Hamlyn-Harris7, K. Hammond7, C. Harrington7, J. Harrison7, D. Harting7, F. Hasenbeck39, Y. Hatano108, D.R. Hatch107, T.D.V. Haupt7, J. Hawes7, N.C. Hawkes7, J. Hawkins7, P. Hawkins7, P.W. Haydon7, N. Hayter7, S. Hazel7, P.J.L. Heesterman7, K. Heinola101, C. Hellesen22, T. Hellsten42, W. Helou8, O.N. Hemming7, T.C. Hender7, M. Henderson55, S.S. Henderson21, R. Henriques53, D. Hepple7, G. Hermon7, P. Hertout8, C. Hidalgo57, E.G. Highcock27, M. Hill7, J. Hillairet8, J. Hillesheim7, D. Hillis73, K. Hizanidis70, A. Hjalmarsson22, J. Hobirk62, E. Hodille8, C.H.A. Hogben7, G.M.D. Hogeweij38, A. Hollingsworth7, S. Hollis7, D.A. Homfray7, J. Horáček50, G. Hornung15, A.R. Horton7, L.D. Horton36, L. Horvath110, S.P. Hotchin7, M.R. Hough7, P.J. Howarth7, A. Hubbard64, A. Huber39, V. Huber39, T.M. Huddleston7, M. Hughes7, G.T.A. Huijsmans55, C.L. Hunter7, P. Huynh8, A.M. Hynes7, D. Iglesias7, N. Imazawa69, F. Imbeaux8, M. Imríšek50, M. Incelli109, P. Innocente12, M. Irishkin8, I. Ivanova-Stanik49, S. Jachmich58,35, A.S. Jacobsen83, P. Jacquet7, J. Jansons103, A. Jardin8, A. Järvinen1, F. Jaulmes38, S. Jednoróg49, I. Jenkins7, C. Jeong20, I. Jepu86, E. Joffrin8, R. Johnson7, T. Johnson42, Jane Johnston7, L. Joita7, G. Jones7, T.T.C. Jones7, K.K. Hoshino69, A. Kallenbach62, K. Kamiya69, J. Kaniewski7, A. Kantor7, A. Kappatou62, J. Karhunen1, D. Karkinsky7, I. Karnowska7, M. Kaufman73, G. Kaveney7, Y. Kazakov58, V. Kazantzidis70, D.L. Keeling7, T. Keenan7, J. Keep7, M. Kempenaars7, C. Kennedy7, D. Kenny7, J. Kent7, O.N. Kent7, E. Khilkevich54, H.T. Kim35, H.S. Kim80, A. Kinch7, C. king7, D. King7, R.F. King7, D.J. Kinna7, V. Kiptily7, A. Kirk7, K. Kirov7, A. Kirschner39, G. Kizane103, C. Klepper73, A. Klix56, P. Knight7, S.J. Knipe7, S. Knott96, T. Kobuchi69, F. Köchl111, G. Kocsis113, I. Kodeli81, L. Kogan7, D. Kogut8, S. Koivuranta112, Y. Kominis70, M. Köppen39, B. Kos81, T. Koskela1, H.R. Koslowski39, M. Koubiti4, M. Kovari7, E. Kowalska-Strzęciwilk49, A. Krasilnikov88, V. Krasilnikov88, N. Krawczyk49, M. Kresina8, K. Krieger62, A. Krivska58, U. Kruezi7, I. Książek48, A. Kukushkin72, A. Kundu46, T. Kurki-Suonio1, S. Kwak20, R. Kwiatkowski65, O.J. Kwon13, L. Laguardia45, A. Lahtinen101, A. Laing7, N. Lam7, H.T. Lambertz39, C. Lane7, P.T. Lang62, S. Lanthaler33, J. Lapins103, A. Lasa101, J.R. Last7, E. Łaszyńska49, R. Lawless7, A. Lawson7, K.D. Lawson7, A. Lazaros70, E. Lazzaro45, J. Leddy110, S. Lee66, X. Lefebvre7, H.J. Leggate32, J. Lehmann7, M. Lehnen55, D. Leichtle41, P. Leichuer7, F. Leipold55,83, I. Lengar81, M. Lennholm36, E. Lerche58, A. Lescinskis103, S. Lesnoj7, E. Letellier7, M. Leyland110, W. Leysen78, L. Li39, Y. Liang39, J. Likonen112, J. Linke39, Ch. Linsmeier39, B. Lipschultz110, G. Liu55, Y. Liu51, V.P. Lo Schiavo105, T. Loarer8, A. Loarte55, R.C. Lobel7, B. Lomanowski1, P.J. Lomas7, J. Lönnroth1,35, J. M. López94, J. López-Razola57, R. Lorenzini12, U. Losada57, J.J. Lovell7, A.B. Loving7, C. Lowry36, T. Luce43, R.M.A. Lucock7, A. Lukin74, C. Luna5, M. Lungaroni95, C.P. Lungu86, M. Lungu86, A. Lunniss110, I. Lupelli7, A. Lyssoivan58, N. Macdonald7, P. Macheta7, K. Maczewa7, B. Magesh46, P. Maget8, C. Maggi7, H. Maier62, J. Mailloux7, T. Makkonen1, R. Makwana46, A. Malaquias53, A. Malizia95, P. Manas4, A. Manning7, M.E. Manso53, P. Mantica45, M. Mantsinen6, A. Manzanares91, Ph. Maquet55, Y. Marandet4, N. Marcenko88, C. Marchetto45, O. Marchuk39, M. Marinelli95, M. Marinucci90, T. Markovič50, D. Marocco90, L. Marot26, C.A. Marren7, R. Marshal7, A. Martin7, Y. Martin33, A. Martín de Aguilera57, F.J. Martínez93, J. R. Martín-Solís14, Y. Martynova39, S. Maruyama55, A. Masiello12, M. Maslov7, S. Matejcik18, M. Mattei79, G.F. Matthews7, F. Maviglia11, M. Mayer62, M.L. Mayoral34, T. May-Smith7, D. Mazon8, C. Mazzotta90, R. McAdams7, P.J. McCarthy96, K.G. McClements7, O. McCormack12, P.A. McCullen7, D. McDonald34, S. McIntosh7, R. McKean7, J. McKehon7, R.C. Meadows7, A. Meakins7, F. Medina57, M. Medland7, S. Medley7, S. Meigh7, A.G. Meigs7, G. Meisl62, S. Meitner73, L. Meneses53, S. Menmuir7,42, K. Mergia71, I.R. Merrigan7, Ph. Mertens39, S. Meshchaninov88, A. Messiaen58, H. Meyer7, S. Mianowski65, R. Michling55, D. Middleton-Gear7, J. Miettunen1, F. Militello7, E. Militello-Asp7, G. Miloshevsky77, F. Mink62, S. Minucci105, Y. Miyoshi69, J. Mlynář50, D. Molina8, I. Monakhov7, M. Moneti109, R. Mooney7, S. Moradi37, S. Mordijck43, L. Moreira7, R. Moreno57, F. Moro90, A.W. Morris7, J. Morris7, L. Moser26, S. Mosher73, D. Moulton7,1, A. Murari12,35, A. Muraro45, S. Murphy7, N.N. Asakura69, Y.S. Na80, F. Nabais53, R. Naish7, T. Nakano69, E. Nardon8, V. Naulin83, M.F.F. Nave53, I. Nedzelski53, G. Nemtsev88, F. Nespoli33, A. Neto41, R. Neu62, V.S. Neverov72, M. Newman7, K.J. Nicholls7, T. Nicolas33, A.H. Nielsen83, P. Nielsen12, E. Nilsson8, D. Nishijima99, C. Noble7, M. Nocente97, D. Nodwell7, K. Nordlund101, H. Nordman16, R. Nouailletas8, I. Nunes53, M. Oberkofler62, T. Odupitan7, M.T. Ogawa69, T. O’Gorman7, M. Okabayashi76, R. Olney7, O. Omolayo7, M. O’Mullane21, J. Ongena58, F. Orsitto11, J. Orszagh18, B.I. Oswuigwe7, R. Otin7, A. Owen7, R. Paccagnella12, N. Pace7, D. Pacella90, L.W. Packer7, A. Page7, E. Pajuste103, S. Palazzo30, S. Pamela7, S. Panja46, P. Papp18, R. Paprok50, V. Parail7, M. Park66, F. Parra Diaz27, M. Parsons73, R. Pasqualotto12, A. Patel7, S. Pathak46, D. Paton7, H. Patten33, A. Pau17, E. Pawelec48, C. Paz Soldan43, A. Peackoc36, I.J. Pearson7, S.-P. Pehkonen112, E. Peluso95, C. Penot55, A. Pereira57, R. Pereira53, P.P. Pereira Puglia7, C. Perez von Thun35,39, S. Peruzzo12, S. Peschanyi56, M. Peterka50, P. Petersson42, G. Petravich113, A. Petre84, N. Petrella7, V. Petržilka50, Y. Peysson8, D. Pfefferlé33, V. Philipps39, M. Pillon90, G. Pintsuk39, P. Piovesan12, A. Pires dos Reis52, L. Piron7, A. Pironti105, F. Pisano17, R. Pitts55, F. Pizzo79, V. Plyusnin53, N. Pomaro12, O.G. Pompilian86, P.J. Pool7, S. Popovichev7, M.T. Porfiri90, C. Porosnicu86, M. Porton7, G. Possnert22, S. Potzel62, T. Powell7, J. Pozzi7, V. Prajapati46, R. Prakash46, G. Prestopino95, D. Price7, M. Price7, R. Price7, P. Prior7, R. Proudfoot7, G. Pucella90, P. Puglia52, M.E. Puiatti12, D. Pulley7, K. Purahoo7, Th. Pütterich62, E. Rachlew25, M. Rack39, R. Ragona58, M.S.J. Rainford7, A. Rakha6, G. Ramogida90, S. Ranjan46, C.J. Rapson62, J.J. Rasmussen83, K. Rathod46, G. Rattá57, S. Ratynskaia82, G. Ravera90, C. Rayner7, M. Rebai97, D. Reece7, A. Reed7, D. Réfy113, B. Regan7, J. Regaña34, M. Reich62, N. Reid7, F. Reimold39, M. Reinhart34, M. Reinke110,73, D. Reiser39, D. Rendell7, C. Reux8, S.D.A. Reyes Cortes53, S. Reynolds7, V. Riccardo7, N. Richardson7, K. Riddle7, D. Rigamonti97, F.G. Rimini7, J. Risner73, M. Riva90, C. Roach7, R.J. Robins7, S.A. Robinson7, T. Robinson7, D.W. Robson7, R. Roccella55, R. Rodionov88, P. Rodrigues53, J. Rodriguez7, V. Rohde62, F. Romanelli90, M. Romanelli7, S. Romanelli7, J. Romazanov39, S. Rowe7, M. Rubel42, G. Rubinacci105, G. Rubino12, L. Ruchko52, M. Ruiz94, C. Ruset86, J. Rzadkiewicz65, S. Saarelma7, R. Sabot8, E. Safi101, P. Sagar7, G. Saibene41, F. Saint-Laurent8, M. Salewski83, A. Salmi112, R. Salmon7, F. Salzedas53, D. Samaddar7, U. Samm39, D. Sandiford7, P. Santa46, M.I.K. Santala1, B. Santos53, A. Santucci90, F. Sartori41, R. Sartori41, O. Sauter33, R. Scannell7, T. Schlummer39, K. Schmid62, V. Schmidt12, S. Schmuck7, M. Schneider8, K. Schöpf102, D. Schwörer32, S.D. Scott76, G. Sergienko39, M. Sertoli62, A. Shabbir15, S.E. Sharapov7, A. Shaw7, R. Shaw7, H. Sheikh7, A. Shepherd7, A. Shevelev54, A. Shumack38, G. Sias17, M. Sibbald7, B. Sieglin62, S. Silburn7, A. Silva53, C. Silva53, P.A. Simmons7, J. Simpson7, J. Simpson-Hutchinson7, A. Sinha46, S.K. Sipilä1, A.C.C. Sips36, P. Sirén112, A. Sirinelli55, H. Sjöstrand22, M. Skiba22, R. Skilton7, K. Slabkowska49, B. Slade7, N. Smith7, P.G. Smith7, R. Smith7, T.J. Smith7, M. Smithies110, L. Snoj81, S. Soare85, E. R. Solano35,57, A. Somers32, C. Sommariva8, P. Sonato12, A. Sopplesa12, J. Sousa53, C. Sozzi45, S. Spagnolo12, T. Spelzini7, F. Spineanu86, G. Stables7, I. Stamatelatos71, M.F. Stamp7, P. Staniec7, G. Stankūnas59, C. Stan-Sion84, M.J. Stead7, E. Stefanikova42, I. Stepanov58, A.V. Stephen7, M. Stephen46, A. Stevens7, B.D. Stevens7, J. Strachan76, P. Strand16, H.R. Strauss44, P. Ström42, G. Stubbs7, W. Studholme7, F. Subba75, H.P. Summers21, J. Svensson63, Ł. Świderski65, T. Szabolics113, M. Szawlowski49, G. Szepesi7, T.T. Suzuki69, B. Tál113, T. Tala112, A.R. Talbot7, S. Talebzadeh95, C. Taliercio12, P. Tamain8, C. Tame7, W. Tang76, M. Tardocchi45, L. Taroni12, D. Taylor7, K.A. Taylor7, D. Tegnered16, G. Telesca15, N. Teplova54, D. Terranova12, D. Testa33, E. Tholerus42, J. Thomas7, J.D. Thomas7, P. Thomas55, A. Thompson7, C.-A. Thompson7, V.K. Thompson7, L. Thorne7, A. Thornton7, A.S. Thrysøe83, P.A. Tigwell7, N. Tipton7, I. Tiseanu86, H. Tojo69, M. Tokitani67, P. Tolias82, M. Tomeš50, P. Tonner7, M. Towndrow7, P. Trimble7, M. Tripsky58, M. Tsalas38, P. Tsavalas71, D. Tskhakaya jun102, I. Turner7, M.M. Turner32, M. Turnyanskiy34, G. Tvalashvili7, S.G.J. Tyrrell7, A. Uccello45, Z. Ul-Abidin7, J. Uljanovs1, D. Ulyatt7, H. Urano69, I. Uytdenhouwen78, A.P. Vadgama7, D. Valcarcel7, M. Valentinuzzi8, M. Valisa12, P. Vallejos Olivares42, M. Valovic7, M. Van De Mortel7, D. Van Eester58, W. Van Renterghem78, G.J. van Rooij38, J. Varje1, S. Varoutis56, S. Vartanian8, K. Vasava46, T. Vasilopoulou71, J. Vega57, G. Verdoolaege58, R. Verhoeven7, C. Verona95, G. Verona Rinati95, E. Veshchev55, N. Vianello45, J. Vicente53, E. Viezzer62,92, S. Villari90, F. Villone100, P. Vincenzi12, I. Vinyar74, B. Viola90, A. Vitins103, Z. Vizvary7, M. Vlad86, I. Voitsekhovitch34, P. Vondráček50, N. Vora7, T. Vu8, W.W. Pires de Sa52, B. Wakeling7, C.W.F. Waldon7, N. Walkden7, M. Walker7, R. Walker7, M. Walsh55, E. Wang39, N. Wang39, S. Warder7, R.J. Warren7, J. Waterhouse7, N.W. Watkins28, C. Watts55, T. Wauters58, A. Weckmann42, J. Weiland23, H. Weisen33, M. Weiszflog22, C. Wellstood7, A.T. West7, M.R. Wheatley7, S. Whetham7, A.M. Whitehead7, B.D. Whitehead7, A.M. Widdowson7, S. Wiesen39, J. Wilkinson7, J. Williams7, M. Williams7, A.R. Wilson7, D.J. Wilson7, H.R. Wilson110, J. Wilson7, M. Wischmeier62, G. Withenshaw7, A. Withycombe7, D.M. Witts7, D. Wood7, R. Wood7, C. Woodley7, S. Wray7, J. Wright7, J.C. Wright64, J. Wu89, S. Wukitch64, A. Wynn110, T. Xu7, D. Yadikin16, W. Yanling39, L. Yao89, V. Yavorskij102, M.G. Yoo80, C. Young7, D. Young7, I.D. Young7, R. Young7, J. Zacks7, R. Zagorski49, F.S. Zaitsev18, R. Zanino75, A. Zarins103, K.D. Zastrow7, M. Zerbini90, W. Zhang62, Y. Zhou42, E. Zilli12, V. Zoita86, S. Zoletnik113, I. Zychor65 and JET Contributorsa // EUROfusion Consortium JET, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, OX14 3DB, United Kingdom / 1 Aalto University, PO Box 14100, FIN-00076 Aalto, Finland / 2 Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, Centrale Marseille, M2P2 UMR 7340, 13451, Marseille, France / 3 Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, IUSTI UMR 7343, 13013 Marseille, France / 4 Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, PIIM, UMR 7345, 13013 Marseille, France / 5 Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States of America / 6 Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona, Spain / 7 CCFE, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 3DB, United Kingdom / 8 CEA, IRFM, F-13108 Saint Paul Lez Durance, France / 9 Center for Energy Research, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, United States of America / 10 Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas, Rua Xavier Sigaud, 160, Rio de Janeiro CEP 22290-180, Brazil / 11 Consorzio CREATE, Via Claudio 21, 80125 Napoli, Italy / 12 Consorzio RFX, corso Stati Uniti 4, 35127 Padova, Italy / 13 Daegu University, Jillyang, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk 712-174, Republic of Korea / 14 Departamento de Física, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 28911 Leganés, Madrid, Spain / 15 Department of Applied Physics UG (Ghent University) St-Pietersnieuwstraat 41 B-9000 Ghent, Belgium / 16 Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-41296 Gothenburg, Sweden / 17 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, Piazza d’Armi 09123, Cagliari, Italy / 18 Department of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Comenius University Mlynska dolina F2, 84248 Bratislava, Slovakia / 19 Department of Materials Science, Warsaw University of Technology, PL-01-152 Warsaw, Poland / 20 Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon 34141, Korea / 21 Department of Physics and Applied Physics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G4 ONG, United Kingdom / 22 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, SE-75120 Uppsala, Sweden / 23 Department of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-41296 Gothenburg, Sweden / 24 Department of Physics, Imperial College London, London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom / 25 Department of Physics, SCI, KTH, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden / 26 Department of Physics, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland / 27 Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 2JD, United Kingdom / 28 Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom / 29 Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Queens University, Belfast, BT7 1NN, United Kingdom / 30 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica Elettronica e Informatica, Università degli Studi di Catania, 95125 Catania, Italy / 31 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, University of Trento, Trento, Italy / 32 Dublin City University (DCU), Dublin, Ireland / 33 Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Swiss Plasma Center (SPC), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland / 34 EUROfusion Programme Management Unit, Boltzmannstr. 2, 85748 Garching, Germany / 35 EUROfusion Programme Management Unit, Culham Science Centre, Culham, OX14 3DB, United Kingdom / 36 European Commission, B-1049 Brussels, Belgium / 37 Fluid and Plasma Dyna

    Measurement of Beauty Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA Using Decays into Electrons

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    © The Author(s) 2011. The production of beauty quarks in ep interactions has been studied with the ZEUS detector at HERA for exchanged four-momentum squared Q2 \u3e 10 GeV2, using an integrated luminosity of 363 pb-1. The beauty events were identified using electrons from semileptonic b decays with a transverse momentum 0.9 \u3c peT \u3c 8 GeV and pseudorapidity |ηe| \u3c 1.5. Cross sections for beauty production were measured and compared with next-to-leadingorder QCD calculations. The beauty contribution to the proton structure function F2 was extracted from the doubledifferential cross section as a function of Bjorken-x and Q2

    Azimuthal anisotropy in Cu plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

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    Centrality Dependence of the Charged-Particle Multiplicity Density at Midrapidity in Pb-Pb Collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV

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    The centrality dependence of the charged-particle multiplicity density at midrapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN) = 2: 76 TeV is presented. The charged-particle density normalized per participating nucleon pair increases by about a factor of 2 from peripheral (70%-80%) to central (0%-5%) collisions. The centrality dependence is found to be similar to that observed at lower collision energies. The data are compared with models based on different mechanisms for particle production in nuclear collisions