45 research outputs found

    The Importance of Positive Affect: the Role of Affective Personality in Predicting Organizational Citizenship Behavior

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    Previous research demonstrates inconsistent results in predicting how affect influences organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). This study aims to solve the inconsistency by taking the position that positive affect and negative affect are orthogonal, and their interaction produces four types of affective personality. They are ‘Self-fulfilling\u27 (high positive affect and low negative affect), ‘High affective\u27 (high positive affect and high negative affect), ‘Low affective\u27 (low positive affect and low negative affect) and ‘Self-destructive\u27 (low positive affect and high negative affect). The study hypothesizes that the self-fulfilling group displays the highest mean of OCB while the self-destructive displays the lowest. The high affective and low affective groups lie somewhere in between the two groups. The participants of this study were 227 employees, consisting of 151 males and 76 females with ages ranging from 20 to 60 years old (mean=38). They were measured using the Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale (OCBS) and Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS). Based on the scores of their positive and negative affect dimensions, they were classified into four groups of affective personality types. One-way ANOVA analysis supported the hypothesis. The self-fulfilling group revealed the highest mean of Organizational Citizenship Behavior while the Self-destructive group revealed the lowest. The High affective and Low affective groups were located in between the first two groups. This paper discusses this contribution and highlights how it is potential to explain organizational behavior

    Pathogenicity of Indigenous Entomopathogen Liquid Formulation to Paddy Bugs Nymphs (Leptocorisa acuta Thunberg)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of bio insecticide liquid formulations made from indigenous entomopathogens against paddy bugs nymphs. The study used a non-factorial Complete Randomized Design with 9 treatments and 1 control with five replications. The treatments studied consisted of E0: Control, E1: Beauveria sp Pky isolate + coconut water (CW), E2: Metarhizium sp isolate Jjt + AK, E3: Beauveria sp isolate Jts + CW, E4: Metarhizium sp isolate Lcc + CW, E5: Beauveria sp Pky isolate + shrimp shell extract (SSE), E6: Metarhizium sp isolate Jjt + SSE, E7: Beauveria sp isolate Jts + SSE, E8: Metarhizium sp isolate Lcc + SSE, E9: Synthetic insecticide b a Carbamate (Dharmabas 500 EC 2 ml L-1). The result showed that liquid bioinsecticide formulations were effective against mortality, infected nymphs and nymph death time. All entomopathogenic fungi isolates were able to cause infections in paddy bugs nymphs of 68% - 84%. Beauveria sp Pky isolate and Metarhizium sp isolate Jjt caused nymph mortality of 72% - 84% and the effectivity did not differ from insecticide b.a. Carbamate. Conidia viability of all entomopathogenic isolates in liquid media within 24 hours reached more than 80%. The fastest time to death of paddy bugs nymph occurred at 5.44 days ( Metarhizium sp. isolate) and 5.92 days (Beauveria sp. isolate) in coconut water media. Metarhizium sp. and Beauveria sp. in the medium of coconut water or shrimp shell extract has a very high potential to be developed as a bio insecticide, but it still needs to be further tested for its effectiveness in field conditions.Keywords: indigenous entomopathogen, coconut water, shrimp shell extract, paddy bugs nymp

    Potensi Penambahan Bahan Organik Terhadap Sporulasi dan Infektivitas Beauveria Bassiana Pada Larva Oryctes Rhinoceros

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    This study aims to determine the potential for adding organic matter in this case the effect of differences in media composition on the growth and sporulation of B. bassiana and in the infectivity of Beauveria bassiana against the larvae of rhino beetle pest (Oryctes rhinoceros). The experiment was carried out using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 2 series, namely: a). Different types of growing media (M) on  B. bassiana consisted of 6 treatments P1: PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar) media; P2: SDYA Media (Sabouraud Dextrose Yeast Agar) + mineral water; P3: SDYA media + coconut water, P4: SDYA media + coconut water + cricket flour 10%; P5: SDYA media + coconut water + grasshopper flour 10% ; P6: SDYA media + coconut water + 10% chicken eggshell flour where each treatment was repeated 5 times b). The application of B. bassiana on O. rhinoceros larvae consisted of 7 treatments, namely P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 and P6, each treatment repeated 4 times. The fastest growth in diameter of B. bassiana was found in SDYA media + eggshell flour but treatment SDYA + coconut water + cricket flour  (P4) had the highest percentage of fungus germination and  had the highest density of B. bassiana spores, also had highest mortality percentage to suppress O. rhinoceros. The latest finding that has not been found by other researchers before is the discovery of modified SDYA + coconut water media with the addition of chicken egg shell flour to accelerate the growth of B. bassiana and SDYA + coconut water + cricket flour media to promote spore germinations of B. bassiana and increases the ability to suppress of O. rhinoceros

    Efektivitas Penghambatan Ekstrak Tumbuhan Obat Lokal Terhadap Pertumbuhan Colletotrichum Gloeosporioides Penyebab Penyakit Bercak Daun Alpukat

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    Penyakit bercak daun alpukat (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) sangat merugikan, serangan penyakit terjadi pada daun, ranting, bunga dan buah hingga ke penyimpanan dan pemasaran.  Pengendalian penyakit tanaman yang bersifat ramah lingkungan dan aman bagi kesehatan dapat dilakukan menggunakan tumbuhan obat lokal, namun informasi penelitian tentang hal ini belum banyak.  Penelitian bertujuan untuk engetahui mengetahui efektivitas penghambatan tumbuhan obat lokal yang efektif menekan pertumbuhan jamur patogen C. gloeosporioides penyebab penyakit bercak daun tanaman alpukat secara in vitro.  Perlakuan terdiri dari 4 taraf konsentrasi ekstrak tumbuhan obat lokal yaitu: P0 (kontrol tanpa ekstrak), P1 (ekstrak pasak bumi 5%), P2 (ekstrak pasak bumi 10%), P3 (ekstrak pasak bumi 15%), P4 (ekstrak pasak bumi 20%), P5 (ekstrak akar kuning 5%), P6 (ekstrak akar kuning 10%), P7 (ekstrak akar kuning 15%), P8 (ekstrak akar kuning 20%), P9 (ekstrak umbi hati tanah 5%), P10 (ekstrak umbi hati tanah 10%), P11 (ekstrak umbi hati tanah 15%), P12 (ekstrak umbi hati tanah 20%), P13 (ekstrak umbi sarang semut 5%), P14 (ekstrak umbi sarang semut 10%), P15 (ekstrak umbi sarang semut 15%) dan P16 (ekstrak umbi sarang semut 20%).  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak akar pasak bumi pada taraf konsentrasi 20% sangat efektif menghambat pertumbuhan diameter koloni jamur C. gloeosporioides dengan efektivitas penghambatan 94.4%, dan efektif menghambat perkecambahan spora sebesar 6.81%

    DETEKSI DAN IDENTIFIKASI JAMUR PATOGEN TERBAWA BENIH VARIETAS PADI LOKAL DI KABUPATEN KAPUAS: (Detection and Identification of seedborne pathogenic fungi in Local Rice Varieties in Kapuas Regency)

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    This study was aimed to detect and identify seed-borne pathogenic fungi in six local rice varieties of Siam Unus, Karangdukuh, Mayang, Gumpal Kuning, Gumpal Putih, and Siam Arjuna in Kapuas Regency. In addition, the objective of this study was also to determine the effect of seed pathogens on the physiological quality and the percentage of infected seeds. The research location was at the Agricultural Cultivation Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Palangka Raya, and the study was carried out from September 2020 to February 2021. Seed health testing used the filter method (blotter test), isolation and identification of seed-borne pathogenic fungi using the agar method. The variables observed included macroscopic morphology of pathogens in petri dishes and microscopic evaluation using a compound microscope, seed germination, percentage of infected seeds, frequency of microorganism findings and pathogenicity tests on seed germination. Based on the results of the study, the identified pathogenic fungi carried by local varieties of rice seeds in Kapuas district were Aspergillus spp., A. flavus, A. niger, Curvularia sp. and Oidium sp., however these pathogens did not affect seed germination. The highest numbers of microorganisms observed on the agar method was Aspergillus spp. (37.5%), followed by Curvularia sp. (29%), whereas in the blotter test method the frequency of the fungus Curvularia sp. only 5.6%. The frequency of finding A. flavus and A. niger on the agar method was lower at 21.8%, while the fungus Oidium sp. was detected in very low percentage for only 0.9%. The pathogenic fungus Oidium sp. showed the highest level of pathogenicity in seeds reaching 21.7%, while the pathogenic A. niger, Curvularia sp. and A. flavus showed a lower infection rate, at 13.9% to 17.8% respectively. These pathogenic fungi might cause the seeds to not germinate normally such as leading to necrosis of the hypocotyl and plumules, stunted germination growth, and death of seed germination. Keywords: Detection, identification, seed-borne pathogens, local rice varieties, Kapua

    Прогнозирование остаточного ресурса силовых кабелей с изоляцией из сшитого полиэтилена

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    Материалы XIII Междунар. науч.-техн. конф. (науч. чтения, посвящ. 125-летию со дня рождения П. О. Сухого), Гомель, 22 окт. 2020 г

    Gender-related differences in computer-mediated communication and computer-supported collaborative learning

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    A question associated with the introduction of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) is whether all participants profit equally from working in CSCL environments. This article reports on a review study into gender-related differences in participation in CSCL. As many of the processes in CSCL are similar to those in computer-mediated communication (CMC), studies into CMC are also included in the review. Male dominance is found to play a role in many CMC settings. A learning culture with an explicit focus on participation by all students seems to be related to a more gender-balanced participation in CMC, however. A tendency for boys to be more active participants than girls is also present in CSCL environments, but it is less pronounced than in CMC. This may be explained by the fact that participation is explicitly promoted in most CSCL environments. Gender differences in the character of students' contributions are found in both CMC and CSCL. It is concluded that in order to avoid gender-stereotyped participation and communication patterns, it is necessary to explicitly address inclusiveness as an aspect of a collaborative classroom culture. A plea is made for further research into differential participation by students in CSCL, and the effects thereof on cognitive and affective learning outcomes. Research should also focus on the question how classroom cultures can be promoted that support active participation of all students aimed at collaborative knowledge construction. © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    Eyewitness Memory in Face-to-Face and Immersive Avatar-to-Avatar Contexts

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    Technological advances offer possibilities for innovation in the way eyewitness testimony is elicited. Typically, this occurs face-to-face. We investigated whether a virtual environment, where interviewer and eyewitness communicate as avatars, might confer advantages by attenuating the social and situational demands of a face-to-face interview, releasing more cognitive resources for invoking episodic retrieval mode. In conditions of intentional encoding, eyewitnesses were interviewed 48 h later, either face-to-face or in a virtual environment (N = 38). Participants in the virtual environment significantly outperformed those interviewed face-to-face on all episodic performance measures – improved correct reporting reduced errors, and increased accuracy. Participants reported finding it easier to admit not remembering event information to the avatar, and finding the avatar easier to talk to. These novel findings, and our pattern of retrieval results indicates the potential of avatar-to-avatar communication in virtual environments, and provide impetus for further research investigating eyewitness cognition in contemporary retrieval contexts