386 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico y evaluación de fachada monumental de mampostería en zona de elevada sismicidad: un caso de estudio

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    El uso de fachadas o parapetos de mampostería sin armar ha sido desalentado por el efecto de los terremotos, sin embargo algunos ejemplares permanecen como íconos aún en zonas de elevado riesgo sísmico. En este caso se evalúan las patologías de una fachada friso de más de 10 m de altura del Museo de Bellas Artes de Mendoza, Casa de Fader, edificio monumental patrimonial de un nivel que cuenta con muros de mampostería cerámica cocida no reforzada de gran espesor y altura y presenta daño estructural debido a distintos eventos sísmicos y problemas de diseño estructural debido a intervenciones anteriores, que alberga la producción de los murales más importantes del artista Fernando Fader. Los estudios de patología y diagnóstico empezaron en 2007, se continuaron en 2013 y el estado de deterioro de los elementos no estructurales ha obligado a su inhabilitación hasta alcanzar un nivel de seguridad mínimo tanto para las pinturas como para los visitantes. El análisis del comportamiento estructural del paramento y de su influencia en el conjunto de la edificación se ha evaluado mediante un modelo de elementos finitos, tanto para la valoración del daño existente como para la rehabilitación. La modelación requiere de datos de caracterización física y mecánica de los materiales utilizados mediante ensayos de campo y laboratorio y de las condiciones ambientales, que afectan especialmente la fachada oeste.Tópico 4: Materiales. Evaluación de propiedades, caracterización tecnológica y patologías. Mamposterías (de ladrillos o piedras) y Morteros (materiales cálcicos y cementícios)

    Patrimonio industrial: problemática de cubiertas de ladrillos cerámicos huecos en zona sísmica

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    El mantenimiento edilicio es una necesidad clave para mantener la integridad estructural en todas las construcciones a lo largo de su vida útil y las destinadas a uso industrial no escapan a esta regla. Las cubiertas de ladrillos cerámicos huecos constituyen un claro ejemplo, donde la ausencia de medidas de mantenimiento afecta el comportamiento estructural, causando pérdidas materiales y humanas. Esta problemática se presenta después de más de treinta años de uso de este tipo de cubiertas conformadas por losetas cerámicas, uno de los primeros sistemas industrializados masivos aplicados a la construcción, que se volvió popular en el oeste argentino en construcciones de viviendas, y que en el caso de construcciones industriales, los problemas se magnifican debido a sus grandes luces. Se presentan los antecedentes de la tipología de cubierta, las condiciones de uso y las patologías presentadas durante la inspección. Se evalúa en laboratorio el comportamiento de los materiales utilizados: cerámicas, aceros, aislaciones térmicas e hidráulicas con el objeto de obtener parámetros para modelar el estado de daño y para estimar la vida útil remanente con las recomendaciones de uso para continuar con la puesta en valor en una zona de importante riesgo sísmico

    Patrimonio industrial: problemática de cubiertas de ladrillos cerámicos huecos en zona sísmica

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    El mantenimiento edilicio es una necesidad clave para mantener la integridad estructural en todas las construcciones a lo largo de su vida útil y las destinadas a uso industrial no escapan a esta regla. Las cubiertas de ladrillos cerámicos huecos constituyen un claro ejemplo, donde la ausencia de medidas de mantenimiento afecta el comportamiento estructural, causando pérdidas materiales y humanas. Esta problemática se presenta después de más de treinta años de uso de este tipo de cubiertas conformadas por losetas cerámicas, uno de los primeros sistemas industrializados masivos aplicados a la construcción, que se volvió popular en el oeste argentino en construcciones de viviendas, y que en el caso de construcciones industriales, los problemas se magnifican debido a sus grandes luces. Se presentan los antecedentes de la tipología de cubierta, las condiciones de uso y las patologías presentadas durante la inspección. Se evalúa en laboratorio el comportamiento de los materiales utilizados: cerámicas, aceros, aislaciones térmicas e hidráulicas con el objeto de obtener parámetros para modelar el estado de daño y para estimar la vida útil remanente con las recomendaciones de uso para continuar con la puesta en valor en una zona de importante riesgo sísmico

    Quality of Life in Spanish Patients with Liver Transplant

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    Background: Liver transplantation is the optimal method of treatment in patients with end-stage liver failure. Transplantation medicine has significantly progressed in the last time, but some psychology and psychosomatic problems still remain unsolved. Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQL) in liver transplant is considered a useful measure of evolutionary process of the illness. Objective: The authors analyzed the evolution of HRQL in pre-transplant (waiting-list patients) and post-transplant (first year after liver transplant) periods of liver transplant Spanish patients. Methods: A prospective and longitudinal study was carried out among patients who received a liver transplant from a deceased donor. They were assessed in four phases: at the time of inclusion on the transplant waiting-list, and 3, 6, and 12 months after receiving the graft. We used a structured interview and SF-36 and Euroqol-5D (EQ-5D) Health Questionnaires. Results: The greater differences were found between pre-transplant and post-transplant stages with less well-being in the stage before the transplant. No significantly differences were observed when comparing the 3, 6 and 12 months from posttransplant stage. Conclusion: The HQRL of liver patients improved after the transplant, being appreciated a tendency to the stabilization from three months onwards. We suggest that the psychological intervention, in liver patients, should be conducted in waiting- list patients and in the first 3 months post-transplant, periods with a poor mental health (anxiety, depression, and stress by fear to the unknown thing) and a low adhesion to the treatment that can generate a smaller graft and/or patient survival.Transplant Research Network RETIC FIS C03/03Junta de Andalucí

    Practical Characterization of Cell-Electrode Electrical Models in Bio-Impedance Assays

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    This paper presents the fitting process followed to adjust the parameters of the electrical model associated to a cell-electrode system in Electrical Cell-substrate Impedance Spectroscopy (ECIS) technique, to the experimental results from cell-culture assays. A new parameter matching procedure is proposed, under the basis of both, mismatching between electrodes and time-evolution observed in the system response, as consequence of electrode fabrication processes and electrochemical performance of electrode-solution interface, respectively. The obtained results agree with experimental performance, and enable the evaluation of the cell number in a culture, by using the electrical measurements observed at the oscillation parameters in the test circuits employed.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2013-46242-C3-1-

    Un proyecto de inteligencia colectiva basado en la colaboración y en el conocimiento. El caso de repensar Extremadura

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    El proyecto Repensar Extremadura pretende acelerar la transferencia de conocimiento innovador y de transformación de un territorio, en este caso de la región de Extremadura (España). Desde una propuesta novedosa de participación ciudadana basada en la inteligencia colectiva, persigue detectar las nuevas ideas que van surgiendo en diferentes ámbitos, tales como económicos y sociales, e identificar nuevas oportunidades en base al establecimiento de retos presentes y futuros. La finalidad es que las nuevas ideas, desde el contraste académico y científico de la Universidad y de los Centros de Investigación, puedan estudiarse, valorarse y aplicarse en la región de Extremadura (España). Se propone un proceso permanente de reflexión tomando el conocimiento como la base de cualquier progreso social, en la que las instituciones, organizaciones, asociaciones e instituciones civiles desarrollan un papel clave en el proyecto para el establecimiento de nuevos modelos de desarrollo futuros, alineados con la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible

    Syndecan-4/PAR-3 signaling regulates focal adhesion dynamics in mesenchymal cells.

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    Syndecans regulate cell migration thus having key roles in scarring and wound healing processes. Our previous results have shown that Thy-1/CD90 can engage both αvβ3 integrin and Syndecan-4 expressed on the surface of astrocytes to induce cell migration. Despite a well-described role of Syndecan-4 during cell movement, information is scarce regarding specific Syndecan-4 partners involved in Thy-1/CD90-stimulated cell migration. Mass spectrometry (MS) analysis of complexes precipitated with the Syndecan-4 cytoplasmic tail peptide was used to identify potential Syndecan-4-binding partners. The interactions found by MS were validated by immunoprecipitation and proximity ligation assays. The conducted research employed an array of genetic, biochemical and pharmacological approaches, including: PAR-3, Syndecan-4 and Tiam1 silencing, active Rac1 GEFs affinity precipitation, and video microscopy. We identified PAR-3 as a Syndecan-4-binding protein. Its interaction depended on the carboxy-terminal EFYA sequence present on Syndecan-4. In astrocytes where PAR-3 expression was reduced, Thy-1-induced cell migration and focal adhesion disassembly was impaired. This effect was associated with a sustained Focal Adhesion Kinase activation in the siRNA-PAR-3 treated cells. Our data also show that Thy-1/CD90 activates Tiam1, a PAR-3 effector. Additionally, we found that after Syndecan-4 silencing, Tiam1 activation was decreased and it was no longer recruited to the membrane. Syndecan-4/PAR-3 interaction and the alteration in focal adhesion dynamics were validated in mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cells, thereby identifying this novel Syndecan-4/PAR-3 signaling complex as a general mechanism for mesenchymal cell migration involved in Thy-1/CD90 stimulation. The newly identified Syndecan-4/PAR-3 signaling complex participates in Thy-1/CD90-induced focal adhesion disassembly in mesenchymal cells. The mechanism involves focal adhesion kinase dephosphorylation and Tiam1 activation downstream of Syndecan-4/PAR-3 signaling complex formation. Additionally, PAR-3 is defined here as a novel adhesome-associated component with an essential role in focal adhesion disassembly during polarized cell migration. These novel findings uncover signaling mechanisms regulating cell migration, thereby opening up new avenues for future research on Syndecan-4/PAR-3 signaling in processes such as wound healing and scarring

    The consumption of two new probiotic strains, Lactobacillus gasseri CECT 5714 and Lactobacillus coryniformis CECT 5711, boosts the immune system of healthy humans

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    Orally ingested probiotic bacteria are able to modulate the immune system. However, differences exist in the immunomodulatory effects of different probiotic strains. Moreover, different regulatory effects, which depend on the health status of the consumer, have been identified. This work describes a randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled human clinical trial to investigate the immune effects on healthy people of a fermented product containing two new probiotic strains, Lactobacillus gasseri CECT 5714 and Lactobacillus coryniformis CECT 5711, which was compared with another fermented product, a standard yogurt. Consumption of either the new product or yogurt increased the proportion of phagocytic cells, including monocytes and neutrophils, as well as their phagocytic activity. However, combination of the product containing the strains L. gasseri CECT 5714 and L. coryniformis CECT 5711 also induced an increase in the proportion of natural killer (NK) cells and in IgA concentrations. The effects were higher after two weeks of treatment than after 4 weeks, which suggests regulation of the immune system. In addition, the new product enhanced immunity in the participants to a greater extent than did the control standard yogurt. [Int Microbiol 2006; 9(1):47-52

    Metallicity of solar-type stars with debris discs and planets

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    Around 16% of the solar-like stars in our neighbourhood show IR-excesses due to debris discs and a fraction of them are known to host planets. We aim to determine in a homogeneous way the metallicity of a sample of stars with known debris discs and planets. Our analysis includes the calculation of the fundamental stellar parameters by applying the iron ionisation equilibrium conditions to several isolated Fe I and Fe II lines. The metallicity distributions of the different stellar samples suggest that there is a transition toward higher metallicities from stars with neither debris discs nor planets to stars hosting giant planets. Stars with debris discs and stars with neither debris nor planets follow a similar metallicity distribution, although the distribution of the first ones might be shifted towards higher metallicities. Stars with debris discs and planets have the same metallicity behaviour as stars hosting planets, irrespective of whether the planets are low-mass or gas giants. In the case of debris discs and giant planets, the planets are usually cool, -semimajor axis larger than 0.1 AU. The data also suggest that stars with debris discs and cool giant planets tend to have a low dust luminosity, and are among the less luminous debris discs known. We also find evidence of an anticorrelation between the luminosity of the dust and the planet eccentricity. Our data show that the presence of planets, not the debris disc, correlates with the stellar metallicity. The results confirm that core-accretion models represent suitable scenarios for debris disc and planet formation. Dynamical instabilities produced by eccentric giant planets could explain the suggested dust luminosity trends observed for stars with debris discs and planets.Comment: Accepted for publication by A&A, 17 pages, 10 figure

    Prognostic importance of DNA from human papillomavirus in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    Survival of patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is generally low, with the likelihood of locoregional recurrence or disease progression (LR/DP). Knowledge of prognostic factors for survival is key to achieving an understanding and increased survival. The present study aimed to identify prognostic factors for patients with OSCC, especially the presence of DNA from human papillomavirus (HPV). Retrospective cohort study including 119 patients with OSCC treated at the National Cancer Institute in Mexico City (2009-2013). Clinical information was obtained from patient records including LR/DP. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues were obtained and used for detecting DNA from different types of HPV. Potential prognostic factors for Overall Survival (OS) were analyzed using the Cox proportional hazards model. After model adjustment, factors associated with longer OS were a pre-treatment platelet count above 400,000/mm3 (HR=0.09, p=0.026) and response to primary treatment (HR=0.26, p=0.001). HPV DNA was present in 23 (19.3%) of the patients and importantly, type 16 found in 19 of them. Although survival of HPV-positive patients was longer, difference was not significant. However, among patients with LR/DP, HPV positivity was significantly associated with increased survival (HR=0.23, p=0.034). Importantly, survival was significantly different for HPV-positive patients with LR/DP > 6 months (HR=0.20, p=0.002), had higher absolute lymphocyte count at start of treatment (HR=0.50, p=0.028) or had local rescue treatment (HR=0.24, p=0.019). Although HPV positivity was not associated with a longer OS of OSCC patients, a better prognosis was significantly associated with HPV positivity and recurring or progressing disease, particularly with HPV type 16