9 research outputs found

    Narrative Delikatessen : kulturelle Dimensionen von Ernährung

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    Die im ersten Band der neuen "Schriftenreihe für Kulturökologie und Literaturdidaktik" versammelten "Narrativen Delikatessen" eröffnen ein breites Spektrum kultureller Dimensionen von Ernährung und stecken damit ein neues Forschungsgebiet ab, das im Zuge globaler Ernährungskrisen von immer größerer Relevanz ist. Die Beiträge untersuchen literarische, mediale und künstlerische Darstellungen von Ernährung in diachroner und synchroner Perspektive und legen komplexe Wechselwirkungen zwischen gesellschaftlichen und ästhetisch transformierten Diskursen offen. Dezidierte Mikroanalysen einzelner Texte stehen dabei neben überblicksartigen Untersuchungen zu spezifischen Motiven oder kulturellen Konstanten in der Inszenierung von Essen. Durch interdisziplinäre Verschränkungen gehen die Betrachtungen über den literaturwissenschaftlichen Tellerrand hinaus und erweitern die Forschungsperspektiven zum Themenkomplex Ernährung auf vielfältige Weise

    Differential expression of Lp-PLA2 in obesity and type 2 diabetes and the influence of lipids

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    Aims/hypothesis Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) is a circulatory macrophage-derived factor that increases with obesity and leads to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Despite this, its role in adipose tissue and the adipocyte is unknown. Therefore, the aims of this study were to clarify the expression of Lp-PLA2 in relation to different adipose tissue depots and type 2 diabetes, and ascertain whether markers of obesity and type 2 diabetes correlate with circulating Lp-PLA2. A final aim was to evaluate the effect of cholesterol on cellular Lp-PLA2 in an in vitro adipocyte model. Methods Analysis of anthropometric and biochemical variables from a cohort of lean (age 44.4 ± 6.2 years; BMI 22.15 ± 1.8 kg/m2, n = 23), overweight (age 45.4 ± 12.3 years; BMI 26.99 ± 1.5 kg/m2, n = 24), obese (age 49.0 ± 9.1 years; BMI 33.74 ± 3.3 kg/m2, n = 32) and type 2 diabetic women (age 53.0 ± 6.13 years; BMI 35.08 ± 8.6 kg/m2, n = 35), as part of an ethically approved study. Gene and protein expression of PLA2 and its isoforms were assessed in adipose tissue samples, with serum analysis undertaken to assess circulating Lp-PLA2 and its association with cardiometabolic risk markers. A human adipocyte cell model, Chub-S7, was used to address the intracellular change in Lp-PLA2 in adipocytes. Results Lp-PLA2 and calcium-independent PLA2 (iPLA2) isoforms were altered by adiposity, as shown by microarray analysis (p < 0.05). Type 2 diabetes status was also observed to significantly alter gene and protein levels of Lp-PLA2 in abdominal subcutaneous (AbdSc) (p < 0.01), but not omental, adipose tissue. Furthermore, multivariate stepwise regression analysis of circulating Lp-PLA2 and metabolic markers revealed that the greatest predictor of Lp-PLA2 in non-diabetic individuals was LDL-cholesterol (p = 0.004). Additionally, in people with type 2 diabetes, oxidised LDL (oxLDL), triacylglycerols and HDL-cholesterol appeared important predictors, accounting for 59.7% of the variance (p < 0.001). Subsequent in vitro studies determined human adipocytes to be a source of Lp-PLA2, as confirmed by mRNA expression, protein levels and immunochemistry. Further in vitro experiments revealed that treatment with LDL-cholesterol or oxLDL resulted in significant upregulation of Lp-PLA2, while inhibition of Lp-PLA2 reduced oxLDL production by 19.8% (p < 0.05). Conclusions/interpretation Our study suggests adipose tissue and adipocytes are active sources of Lp-PLA2, with differential regulation by fat depot and metabolic state. Moreover, levels of circulating Lp-PLA2 appear to be influenced by unfavourable lipid profiles in type 2 diabetes, which may occur in part through regulation of LDL-cholesterol and oxLDL metabolism in adipocytes

    �ber die Anwendung des Azetylens in der analytischen Chemie

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    Scandium, Yttrium und die Elemente der seltenen Erden, Röntgenspektralanalyse

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