224 research outputs found

    Follistatin-like 3 (FSTL3) mediated silencing of transforming growth factor (TGF ) signaling is essential for testicular aging and regulating testis size

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    Follistatin-like 3 (FSTL3) is a glycoprotein that binds and inhibits the action of TGFβ ligands such as activin. The roles played by FSTL3 and activin signaling in organ development and homeostasis are not fully understood. The authors show mice deficient in FSTL3 develop markedly enlarged testes that are also delayed in their age-related regression. These FSTL3 knockout mice exhibit increased Sertoli cell numbers, allowing for increased spermatogenesis but otherwise showing normal testicular function. The data show that FSTL3 deletion leads to increased AKT signaling and SIRT1 expression in the testis. This demonstrates a cross-talk between TGFβ ligand and AKT signaling and leads to a potential mechanism for increased cellular survival and antiaging. The findings identify crucial roles for FSTL3 in limiting testis organ size and promoting age-related testicular regression

    O sistema financeiro atual trava o desenvolvimento econômico

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    A financeirização está no centro dos debates econômicos, porque aprofunda a desigualdade e sobretudo porque trava o desenvolvimento. Este último aspecto é alvo de numerosos estudos internacionais, e aqui abordamos o mecanismo como se manifesta no Brasil. Basicamente, os crediários, cartões de crédito e juros bancários para pessoa física travam a demanda, pois tipicamente o comprador paga o dobro do valor do produto, endivida-se muito comprando pouco, o que esteriliza o impacto de dinamização da economia pela demanda. Os juros elevados para pessoa jurídica travam por sua vez o investimento, isto porque o empresário efetivamente produtivo já enfrenta a fragilidade da demanda. E a taxa Selic elevada, ao provocar a transferência de centenas de bilhões dos nosso impostos para os bancos e outros aplicadores financeiros, trava a capacidade de o Estado expandir políticas sociais e infraestruturas. Essa dinâmica no contexto de uma carga tributária que onera desproporcionalmente o consumo popular, e de um sistema de evasão dos impostos através em particular dos paraísos fiscais, gera um dreno insustentável de recursos que explica que tenhamos uma alta taxa de emprego e um PIB que estagna. As recomendações vão no sentido de uma reforma financeira, e não do ajuste fiscal atualmente proposto

    First-Trimester Follistatin-Like-3 Levels in Pregnancies Complicated by Subsequent Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

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    Objective: To determine whether maternal levels of follistatin-like-3 (FSTL3), an inhibitor of activin and myostatin involved in glucose homeostasis, are altered in the first trimester of pregnancies complicated by subsequent gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Research Design and Methods: This was a nested case-control study of subjects enrolled in a prospective cohort of pregnant women with and without GDM (\geq2 abnormal values on a 100-g glucose tolerance test at ~28 weeks of gestation). We measured FSTL3 levels in serum collected during the first trimester of pregnancy. Logistic regression analyses were used to determine the risk of GDM. Results: Women who developed GDM (n = 37) had lower first-trimester serum levels of FSTL3 compared with women who did not (n = 127) (median 10,789 [interquartile range 7,013-18,939] vs. 30,670 [18,370-55,484] pg/ml, P < 0.001). When subjects were divided into tertiles based on FSTL3 levels, women with the lowest levels demonstrated a marked increase in risk for developing GDM in univariate (odds ratio 11.2 [95% CI 3.6-35.3]) and multivariate (14.0 [4.1-47.9]) analyses. There was a significant negative correlation between first-trimester FSTL3 levels and ~28-week nonfasting glucose levels (r = -0.30, P < 0.001). Conclusions: First-trimester FSTL3 levels are associated with glucose intolerance and GDM later in pregnancy

    Differential expression of follistatin and FLRG in human breast proliferative disorders

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Activins are growth factors acting on cell growth and differentiation. Activins are expressed in high grade breast tumors and they display an antiproliferative effect inducing G0/G1 cell cycle arrest in breast cancer cell lines. Follistatin and follistatin- related gene (FLRG) bind and neutralize activins. In order to establish if these activin binding proteins are involved in breast tumor progression, the present study evaluated follistatin and FLRG pattern of mRNA and protein expression in normal human breast tissue and in different breast proliferative diseases.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Paraffin embedded specimens of normal breast (NB - n = 8); florid hyperplasia without atypia (FH - n = 17); fibroadenoma (FIB - n = 17); ductal carcinoma <it>in situ </it>(DCIS - n = 10) and infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC - n = 15) were processed for follistatin and FLRG immunohistochemistry and <it>in situ </it>hybridization. The area and intensity of chromogen epithelial and stromal staining were analyzed semi-quantitatively.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Follistatin and FLRG were expressed both in normal tissue and in all the breast diseases investigated. Follistatin staining was detected in the epithelial cytoplasm and nucleus in normal, benign and malignant breast tissue, with a stronger staining intensity in the peri-alveolar stromal cells of FIB at both mRNA and protein levels. Conversely, FLRG area and intensity of mRNA and protein staining were higher both in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus of IDC epithelial cells when compared to NB, while no significant changes in the stromal intensity were observed in all the proliferative diseases analyzed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present findings suggest a role for follistatin in breast benign disease, particularly in FIB, where its expression was increased in stromal cells. The up regulation of FLRG in IDC suggests a role for this protein in the progression of breast malignancy. As activin displays an anti-proliferative effect in human mammary cells, the present findings indicate that an increased FST and FLRG expression in breast proliferative diseases might counteract the anti-proliferative effects of activin in human breast cancer.</p

    A characterization of major salivary gland flow rates in the presence of medications and systemic diseases

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    The purpose of this study was to characterize the effects of medications and systemic diseases on major salivary gland flow rates. Unstimulated and 2% citrate-stimulated parotid and submandibular salivas were collected from 293 subjects of the oral physiology component of the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. The influence of the number of medications and diseases on salivary flow rates was determined by separate one-way ANOVA tests. There was an overall decrease in both parotid and submandibular flow rates with increasing numbers of medications and systemic diseases. However, this was significant (p &lt; 0.05) only for unstimulated submandibular flow rates (with increasing numbers of systemic diseases) and stimulated submandibular flow rates (with increasing numbers of systemic diseases and medications). Unstimulated flow rates rapidly approached zero with increasing numbers of medications and diseases. These results suggest that the submandibular gland may be more sensitive to physiologic permutations than the parotid gland. In addition, individuals being treated for multiple systemic diseases and taking numerous medications may be more susceptible to salivary hypofunction.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/30580/1/0000217.pd

    Позиционный электропривод механизма перемещения

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    Объектом исследования является позиционный асинхронный электропривод механизма горизонтального перемещения груза. Цель работы – исследовать основные характеристики асинхронного электропривода с трехконтурной системой управления положением вала двигателя. В процессе исследования проводились выбор асинхронного двигателя для механизма перемещения, расчет параметров двигателя, его статических и динамических характеристик, выбор преобразователя частоты, синтез трехконтурной системы управления следящим электроприводом на базе регулируемого с векторным управлением.The object of the study is a positional asynchronous electric drive mechanism for the horizontal movement of cargo. The purpose of the work is to investigate the basic characteristics of an asynchronous electric drive with a three-circuit control system for positioning the motor shaft. In the process of research, the choice of an asynchronous motor for the displacement mechanism, calculation of the engine parameters, its static and dynamic characteristics, choice of a frequency converter, synthesis of a three-circuit control system for a servomotor drive based on an adjustable vector control were made