146 research outputs found

    Transkingdom Networks: A Systems Biology Approach to Identify Causal Members of Host-Microbiota Interactions

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    Improvements in sequencing technologies and reduced experimental costs have resulted in a vast number of studies generating high-throughput data. Although the number of methods to analyze these "omics" data has also increased, computational complexity and lack of documentation hinder researchers from analyzing their high-throughput data to its true potential. In this chapter we detail our data-driven, transkingdom network (TransNet) analysis protocol to integrate and interrogate multi-omics data. This systems biology approach has allowed us to successfully identify important causal relationships between different taxonomic kingdoms (e.g. mammals and microbes) using diverse types of data

    Iminosugar inhibitors of carbohydrate-active enzymes that underpin cereal grain germination and endosperm metabolism

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    Starch is a major energy store in plants. It provides most of the calories in the human diet and, as a bulk commodity, it is used across broad industry sectors. Starch synthesis and degradation are not fully understood, owing to challenging biochemistry at the liquid/solid interface and relatively limited knowledge about the nature and control of starch degradation in plants. Increased societal and commercial demand for enhanced yield and quality in starch crops requires a better understanding of starch metabolism as a whole. Here we review recent advances in understanding the roles of carbohydrate-active enzymes in starch degradation in cereal grains through complementary chemical and molecular genetics. These approaches have allowed us to start dissecting aspects of starch degradation and the interplay with cell-wall polysaccharide hydrolysis during germination. With a view to improving and diversifying the properties and uses of cereal grains, it is possible that starch degradation may be amenable to manipulation through genetic or chemical intervention at the level of cell wall metabolism, rather than simply in the starch degradation pathway per se

    The Maltase Involved in Starch Metabolism in Barley Endosperm Is Encoded by a Single Gene

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    During germination and early seedling growth of barley (Hordeum vulgare), maltase is responsible for the conversion of maltose produced by starch degradation in the endosperm to glucose for seedling growth. Despite the potential relevance of this enzyme for malting and the production of alcoholic beverages, neither the nature nor the role of maltase is fully understood. Although only one gene encoding maltase has been identified with certainty, there is evidence for the existence of other genes and for multiple forms of the enzyme. It has been proposed that maltase may be involved directly in starch granule degradation as well as in maltose hydrolysis. The aim of our work was to discover the nature of maltase in barley endosperm. We used ion exchange chromatography to fractionate maltase activity from endosperm of young seedlings, and we partially purified activity for protein identification. We compared maltase activity in wild-type barley and transgenic lines with reduced expression of the previously-characterised maltase gene Agl97, and we used genomic and transcriptomic information to search for further maltase genes. We show that all of the maltase activity in the barley endosperm can be accounted for by a single gene, Agl97. Multiple forms of the enzyme most likely arise from proteolysis and other post-translational modifications

    Nck adapter proteins: functional versatility in T cells

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    Nck is a ubiquitously expressed adapter protein that is almost exclusively built of one SH2 domain and three SH3 domains. The two isoproteins of Nck are functionally redundant in many aspects and differ in only few amino acids that are mostly located in the linker regions between the interaction modules. Nck proteins connect receptor and non-receptor tyrosine kinases to the machinery of actin reorganisation. Thereby, Nck regulates activation-dependent processes during cell polarisation and migration and plays a crucial role in the signal transduction of a variety of receptors including for instance PDGF-, HGF-, VEGF- and Ephrin receptors. In most cases, the SH2 domain mediates binding to the phosphorylated receptor or associated phosphoproteins, while SH3 domain interactions lead to the formation of larger protein complexes. In T lymphocytes, Nck plays a pivotal role in the T cell receptor (TCR)-induced reorganisation of the actin cytoskeleton and the formation of the immunological synapse. However, in this context, two different mechanisms and adapter complexes are discussed. In the first scenario, dependent on an activation-induced conformational change in the CD3ε subunits, a direct binding of Nck to components of the TCR/CD3 complex was shown. In the second scenario, Nck is recruited to the TCR complex via phosphorylated Slp76, another central constituent of the membrane proximal activation complex. Over the past years, a large number of putative Nck interactors have been identified in different cellular systems that point to diverse additional functions of the adapter protein, e.g. in the control of gene expression and proliferation

    An auxin-regulable oscillatory circuit drives the root clock in Arabidopsis

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    CSIC - Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA)In Arabidopsis, the root clock regulates the spacing of lateral organs along the primary root through oscillating gene expression. The core molecular mechanism that drives the root clock periodicity and how it is modified by exogenous cues such as auxin and gravity remain unknown. We identified the key elements of the oscillator (AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 7, its auxin-sensitive inhibitor IAA18/POTENT, and auxin) that form a negative regulatory loop circuit in the oscillation zone. Through multilevel computer modeling fitted to experimental data, we explain how gene expression oscillations coordinate with cell division and growth to create the periodic pattern of organ spacing. Furthermore, gravistimulation experiments based on the model predictions show that external auxin stimuli can lead to entrainment of the root clock. Our work demonstrates the mechanism underlying a robust biological clock and how it can respond to external stimuli.This work was funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (MINECO) and/or the ERDF (BFU2016-80315-P to M.A.M.-R., BIO2017-82209-R to J.C.d.P., and TIN2016-81079-R to A.R.-P.), the Comunidad de Madrid and/or ERDF and ESF (2017-T1/BIO-5654 to K.W. and S2017/BMD-3691 to A.R.-P.), the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the NIH (R35-GM131725 to P.N.B.), the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO Flanders) (G022516N, G020918N, and G024118N to T.B.), and the “Severo Ochoa Program for Centres of Excellence in R&D” from the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion of Spain [SEV-2016-0672 (2017–2021)] to K.W., P.P.-G., and M.A.M.-R. through CBGP. M.M. was supported by a postdoctoral contract associated to SEV-2016-0672, E.B.-A. by Ayudante de Investigacion contract PEJ-2017-AI/BIO-7360 from the Comunidad de Madrid, A.S.-C. and L.S.-R. by FPI contracts from MINECO (BES-2014-068852 and BES-2017-080155, respectively), J.C. by a Juan de la Cierva contract from MINECO (FJCI-2016-28607), P.P.-G. by a Juan de la Cierva contract from MINECO (FJCI-2015-24905) and Programa Atraccion Talento from Comunidad Madrid (2017-T2/BIO-3453), A.S. by a Torres Quevedo contract from MINECO (PTQ-15-07915), and K.W. by program PGC2018-093387-A-I00 from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICIU)Peer reviewe

    Thousands of Rab GTPases for the Cell Biologist

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    Rab proteins are small GTPases that act as essential regulators of vesicular trafficking. 44 subfamilies are known in humans, performing specific sets of functions at distinct subcellular localisations and tissues. Rab function is conserved even amongst distant orthologs. Hence, the annotation of Rabs yields functional predictions about the cell biology of trafficking. So far, annotating Rabs has been a laborious manual task not feasible for current and future genomic output of deep sequencing technologies. We developed, validated and benchmarked the Rabifier, an automated bioinformatic pipeline for the identification and classification of Rabs, which achieves up to 90% classification accuracy. We cataloged roughly 8.000 Rabs from 247 genomes covering the entire eukaryotic tree. The full Rab database and a web tool implementing the pipeline are publicly available at www.RabDB.org. For the first time, we describe and analyse the evolution of Rabs in a dataset covering the whole eukaryotic phylogeny. We found a highly dynamic family undergoing frequent taxon-specific expansions and losses. We dated the origin of human subfamilies using phylogenetic profiling, which enlarged the Rab repertoire of the Last Eukaryotic Common Ancestor with Rab14, 32 and RabL4. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the Choanoflagellate Monosiga brevicollis Rab family pinpointed the changes that accompanied the emergence of Metazoan multicellularity, mainly an important expansion and specialisation of the secretory pathway. Lastly, we experimentally establish tissue specificity in expression of mouse Rabs and show that neo-functionalisation best explains the emergence of new human Rab subfamilies. With the Rabifier and RabDB, we provide tools that easily allows non-bioinformaticians to integrate thousands of Rabs in their analyses. RabDB is designed to enable the cell biology community to keep pace with the increasing number of fully-sequenced genomes and change the scale at which we perform comparative analysis in cell biology

    The Role of bZIP Transcription Factors in Green Plant Evolution: Adaptive Features Emerging from Four Founder Genes

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    BACKGROUND: Transcription factors of the basic leucine zipper (bZIP) family control important processes in all eukaryotes. In plants, bZIPs are regulators of many central developmental and physiological processes including photomorphogenesis, leaf and seed formation, energy homeostasis, and abiotic and biotic stress responses. Here we performed a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of bZIP genes from algae, mosses, ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We identified 13 groups of bZIP homologues in angiosperms, three more than known before, that represent 34 Possible Groups of Orthologues (PoGOs). The 34 PoGOs may correspond to the complete set of ancestral angiosperm bZIP genes that participated in the diversification of flowering plants. Homologous genes dedicated to seed-related processes and ABA-mediated stress responses originated in the common ancestor of seed plants, and three groups of homologues emerged in the angiosperm lineage, of which one group plays a role in optimizing the use of energy. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our data suggest that the ancestor of green plants possessed four bZIP genes functionally involved in oxidative stress and unfolded protein responses that are bZIP-mediated processes in all eukaryotes, but also in light-dependent regulations. The four founder genes amplified and diverged significantly, generating traits that benefited the colonization of new environments

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)

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