12 research outputs found
Diagnosis of reinforced concrete buildings with the system of elevated ceilings
Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na diagnostiku železobetonových skeletových konstrukcí s použitým systémem zvedaných stropů. První část práce se zabývá problematikou způsobu návrhu a výstavby těchto objektů. V další kapitole jsou popisovány vybrané metody ke zjištění materiálových charakteristik a ke stanovení konstrukčního systému. V závěru se práce zabývá vhodným navržením provádění předběžného a podrobného průzkumu staveb s použitým systémem zvedaných stropů.This thesis is focused on the diagnostics of reinforced concrete frame structures with the used system of elevated ceilings. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the issue of the methods of design and construction of these objects. The following chapter describes selected methods leading to determination of the material characteristics and to the specification of the constructional system. In its conclusion, the thesis deals with the appropriate design of implementation of the preliminary and detailed exploration of the structures with the used system of elevated ceilings.
Physics research on the TCV tokamak facility: from conventional to alternative scenarios and beyond
The research program of the TCV tokamak ranges from conventional to advanced-tokamak scenarios and alternative divertor configurations, to exploratory plasmas driven by theoretical insight, exploiting the device’s unique shaping capabilities. Disruption avoidance by real-time locked mode prevention or unlocking with electron-cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) was thoroughly documented, using magnetic and radiation triggers. Runaway generation with high-Z noble-gas injection and runaway dissipation by subsequent Ne or Ar injection were studied for model validation. The new 1 MW neutral beam injector has expanded the parameter range, now encompassing ELMy H-modes in an ITER-like shape and nearly non-inductive H-mode discharges sustained by electron cyclotron and neutral beam current drive. In the H-mode, the pedestal pressure increases modestly with nitrogen seeding while fueling moves the density pedestal outwards, but the plasma stored energy is largely uncorrelated to either seeding or fueling. High fueling at high triangularity is key to accessing the attractive small edge-localized mode (type-II) regime. Turbulence is reduced in the core at negative triangularity, consistent with increased confinement and in accord with global gyrokinetic simulations. The geodesic acoustic mode, possibly coupled with avalanche events, has been linked with particle flow to the wall in diverted plasmas. Detachment, scrape-off layer transport, and turbulence were studied in L- and H-modes in both standard and alternative configurations (snowflake, super-X, and beyond). The detachment process is caused by power ‘starvation’ reducing the ionization source, with volume recombination playing only a minor role. Partial detachment in the H-mode is obtained with impurity seeding and has shown little dependence on flux expansion in standard single-null geometry. In the attached L-mode phase, increasing the outer connection length reduces the in–out heat-flow asymmetry. A doublet plasma, featuring an internal X-point, was achieved successfully, and a transport barrier was observed in the mantle just outside the internal separatrix. In the near future variable-configuration baffles and possibly divertor pumping will be introduced to investigate the effect of divertor closure on exhaust and performance, and 3.5 MW ECRH and 1 MW neutral beam injection heating will be added
The Comparison of Legal Forest Protection in the Czech Republic and France, including Relevant Context
The rigorous thesis proceeds from the mutual confrontation of the Czech and French legal institutes, aiming to the protection and treatment with one of the most important environmental life zones - the forest. In view of the historical roots, proceeding in both cases from the continental legal system influenced by Roman law as well as by the European Community law, the thesis reveals a large scale of significant similarities and notifies the most important divergences by comparative method, searching the resembling French legal regulations to the Czech body of laws. The hereby presented work further documents the most considerable variances from a formal point of view, for example the existence of a vast Forest Code in case of the French regulation or an increased constitutional protection assured by the Environmental Charter. From the material point of view, the French forest legislation completely lacks any key term definitions and also the target group of the regulation differs - there is about 74% of the private forest owners in France, whereas within the Czech Republic, this number is practically inversive
The Comparison of Legal Forest Protection in the Czech Republic and France, including Relevant Context
Rigorózní práce vychází ze vzájemného porovnávání institutů českého a francouzského práva, majících za cíl ochranu a nakládání s jedním z nejdůležitějších ekosystémů životního prostředí - lesem. Vzhledem k historickým kořenům, vycházejícím v obou případech z kontinentálního právního systému ovlivněného římským právem a později i právem Evropských společenství, lze za použití komparační metody, vycházející v tomto případě především z hledání obdobných francouzských regulací k českým souborům právních norem, nalézt celou řadu podobností a zároveň upozornit na nejvýznamnější rozdíly obou systémů. Předkládaná práce dokumentuje nejvýznamnější odlišnosti z hlediska formálního, kterými je například existence rozsáhlého kodexu lesního práva v případě francouzské úpravy a dále zvýšená ochrana na nejvyšší, ústavní úrovni přímo Chartou životního prostředí. Z hlediska materiálního chybí pak v úpravě francouzské jakákoliv definice klíčových pojmů a rozdílné je i primární určení cílové skupiny, na kterou je úprava aplikována. Na rozdíl od francouzských 74% soukromých vlastníků je tento poměr totiž v České republice inverzní.The rigorous thesis proceeds from the mutual confrontation of the Czech and French legal institutes, aiming to the protection and treatment with one of the most important environmental life zones - the forest. In view of the historical roots, proceeding in both cases from the continental legal system influenced by Roman law as well as by the European Community law, the thesis reveals a large scale of significant similarities and notifies the most important divergences by comparative method, searching the resembling French legal regulations to the Czech body of laws. The hereby presented work further documents the most considerable variances from a formal point of view, for example the existence of a vast Forest Code in case of the French regulation or an increased constitutional protection assured by the Environmental Charter. From the material point of view, the French forest legislation completely lacks any key term definitions and also the target group of the regulation differs - there is about 74% of the private forest owners in France, whereas within the Czech Republic, this number is practically inversive.Katedra práva životního prostředíDepartment of Environmental LawPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La
The Comparison of Legal Forest Protection in the Czech Republic and France, including Relevant Context
The rigorous thesis proceeds from the mutual confrontation of the Czech and French legal institutes, aiming to the protection and treatment with one of the most important environmental life zones - the forest. In view of the historical roots, proceeding in both cases from the continental legal system influenced by Roman law as well as by the European Community law, the thesis reveals a large scale of significant similarities and notifies the most important divergences by comparative method, searching the resembling French legal regulations to the Czech body of laws. The hereby presented work further documents the most considerable variances from a formal point of view, for example the existence of a vast Forest Code in case of the French regulation or an increased constitutional protection assured by the Environmental Charter. From the material point of view, the French forest legislation completely lacks any key term definitions and also the target group of the regulation differs - there is about 74% of the private forest owners in France, whereas within the Czech Republic, this number is practically inversive
A comparison of the legal regulation of forest protection in the Czech Republic and France
64 6 Závěr V závěru této práce se pokusíme shrnout nejvýznamnější shodné i rozdílné prvky obou právních úprav jak z hlediska formálního, tak i obsahového, materiálního. Vzhledem k tomu, že jak český, tak francouzský právní systém vychází z tradic kontinentálního práva, které navazuje na kořeny práva římského, nalezneme v obou případech řadu institutů upravených obdobně a rovněž formální zdroje poznání práva se budou díky totožnému vlivu shodovat. Nejinak tomu je i v případě právní úpravy ochrany lesa. Další skutečností, částečně ovlivňující obě právní úpravy bylo i uzavření dohody o přidružení mezi Českou republikou a Evropským společenstvím, jehož zakládajícím členem Francie byla, čímž se dovršila povinnost závaznosti acquis communautaire i pro Českou republiku a byl určen minimální právní rámec ochrany životního prostředí. 6.1 Shrnutí shodných a rozdílných rysů z hlediska formálního Zaměříme-li se, byť i jen zběžně na ochranu lesa ve francouzském právu s již minimální znalostí lesního práva českého, na první pohled jsou nám zřejmé rozdíly. Zatímco český zákonodárce upravil matérii ve formě zákona, kterým je zákon č. 289/1995 Sb., o lesích a o změně a doplnění některých zákonů (lesní zákon), ve znění pozdějších předpisů, stalo se tak ve Francii, jako i v případě většiny jiných úprav zásadnějšího významu,..
Development of the diagnostic tools for the COMPASS-U tokamak and plans for the first plasma
The COMPASS-U tokamak (R = 0.894 m, a = 0.27 m, Bt = 5 T, Ip = 2 MA) is a new medium-size device with fully metallic plasma facing components, currently under construction at the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague. It features a unique combination of parameters, such as a high temperature of the tokamak walls up to 500 ◦C allowing a high recycling regime, a high magnetic field connected with a high plasma density above 1020 m -3 and with a high heat flux (perpendicular to divertor targets) density at the outer strikepoint up to 90 MW/m2 in attached conditions. These parameters of the device pose strict constraints and requirements on the design of individual diagnostic systems. Strategy and present status of the development of the diagnostic systems for COMPASS-U are provided. Plans for a diagnostic set for the first plasma are reviewed. The review of the diagnostics systems involves the high-temperature compatible slow (up to 20 kHz) and fast (up to several MHz) inductive and non-inductive magnetic sensors (including Thick Printed Copper coils and Hall sensors), the sub-millimetre interferometer with an unambiguous channel, Electron Cyclotron Emission, the interlock and overview cameras, high resolution Thomson scattering, radiation diagnostics (neutron diagnostics, soft and hard X-ray diagnostics, bolometers, impurity monitors, effective ion charge), probe diagnostics (including rail probes) and manipulators
Overview of the COMPASS results
COMPASS addressed several physical processes that may explain the behaviour of important phenomena. This paper presents results related to the main fields of COMPASS research obtained in the recent two years, including studies of turbulence, L–H transition, plasma material interaction, runaway electron, and disruption physics: • Tomographic reconstruction of the edge/SOL turbulence observed by a fast visible camera allowed to visualize turbulent structures without perturbing the plasma. • Dependence of the power threshold on the X-point height was studied and related role of radial electric field in the edge/SOL plasma was identified. • The effect of high-field-side error fields on the L–H transition was investigated in order to assess the influence of the central solenoid misalignment and the possibility to compensate these error fields by low-field-side coils. • Results of fast measurements of electron temperature during ELMs show the ELM peak values at the divertor are around 80% of the initial temperature at the pedestal. • Liquid metals were used for the first time as plasma facing material in ELMy H-mode in the tokamak divertor. Good power handling capability was observed for heat fluxes up to 12 MW m−2 and no direct droplet ejection was observed. • Partial detachment regime was achieved by impurity seeding in the divertor. The evolution of the heat flux footprint at the outer target was studied. • Runaway electrons were studied using new unique systems—impact calorimetry, carbon pellet injection technique, wide variety of magnetic perturbations. Radial feedback control was imposed on the beam. • Forces during plasma disruptions were monitored by a number of new diagnostics for vacuum vessel (VV) motion in order to contribute to the scaling laws of sideways disruption forces for ITER. • Current flows towards the divertor tiles, incl. possible short-circuiting through PFCs, were investigated during the VDE experiments. The results support ATEC model and improve understanding of disruption loads