718 research outputs found

    Development of criteria applicable to bacteriological quality control of the waters in mollusc producing areas of Santander Bay

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    European Union regulations (Directive 79/923/CEE) do not establish any quality criteria guidelines with regard to the concentration of bacteriological indicators in the water for monitoring shellfish growing areas. In the present study the bioconcentration factor of fecal coliforms in molluscs is analysed. With these results, we have estimated an average bioconcentration factor of 10. Based on these values, we propose the establishment of a complementary bacteriological water quality criteria for shellfish growing areas, and modifications in their regulatory environmental monitoring programmes.La normativa de la Unión Europea (Directiva 79/923/CEE) no establece ningún criterio de calidad referente a la concentración de indicadores bacteriológicos en el agua para la vigilancia ambiental de las zonas de producción de moluscos. En este estudio se planteó el análisis del factor de bioconcentración de coliformes fecales en los moluscos. Los resultados obtenidos permiten estimar un factor medio de bioconcentración de 10, a partir del cual se desarrolla un sistema complementario de control de la calidad bacteriológica de las aguas en el entorno de las zonas de producción. Tomando como base estos resultados, se propone una adaptación de los programas de vigilancia y control ambiental establecidos en la normativa para estas zonas.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Paleoseismic analysis of the San Vicente segment of the El Salvador Fault Zone, El Salvador, Central America

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    The El Salvador earthquake of February 13th 2001 (Mw 6.6) was associated with the tectonic rupture of the El Salvador Fault Zone. Paleoseismic studies of the El Salvador Fault Zone undertaken after this earthquake provide a basis for examining the longer history of surface rupturing earthquakes on the fault. Trenching at five sites along the San Vicente segment, a 21km-long and up to 2km-wide central section of the El Salvador Fault Zone, shows that surface fault rupture has occurred at least seven times during the past 8ka. Single-event displacements identified at each trench vary from several decimetres to at least 3.7m. Fault trace mapping, geomorphic analysis, and paleoseismic studies indicate a maximum magnitude for the El Salvador Fault Zone is c. Mw 7.6, with a recurrence interval of around 800yr. Earthquakes of Mw 6.6 or smaller, such as the February 2001 event are unlikely to be identified in the paleoseismic trenches, so our observations represent the minimum number of moderate to large earthquakes that have occurred on this part of the El Salvador Fault Zone. We observe significant variability in single-event displacement in the trenches, which we interpret as possible cascade rupture of several segments of the El Salvador Fault Zone. Combining displacements of river courses and the timing of events revealed in the trenches, we calculate a slip rate of c. 4mm/yr for El Salvador Fault Zone, identifying the fault zone as a major tectonic feature of the region, and a major source of seismic hazard and risk in El Salvador

    Paleoseismological evidence of holocene activity of the Los Tollos fault (Murcia, se Spain): a lately formed quaternary tectonic feature of the eastern betic shear zone

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    The Los Tollos Fault is a recent and important feature of the Eastern Betic Shear Zone, one of the major tectonic structures in South Iberia accommodating the convergence between Nubian and Eurasian plates in the western Mediterranean. The Los Tollos Fault became active by the end of Middle Pleistocene introducing some paleogeographical modifications. Previously mapped as a secondary normal fault related to the Carrascoy Fault, recent research evidences that the Los Tollos Fault is an independent Holocene active left-lateral reverse fault extending for at least 15 km. Data analysis from 4 trenches dug across the fault has revealed the occurrence of at least two paleo-earthquake events during the Holocene. The most recent event is dated between 2,740 and 2,140 yr BP (8th to 2nd centuries BC). The size of the paleoevents is calculated to be Mw 6.3 – 6.6 following empirical regressions on surface rupture length. The recurrence interval is estimated to be between 2,200-6,860 years, fitting a slip rate for the fault between 0.12 and 0.17 mm/yr. Such parameters highlight the Los Tollos Fault as a tectonic structure with a considerable activity located relatively close to densely populated areas. These seismogenic parameters should be considered in future reassessments of the seismic hazard of the regionThis work forms part of the research activities carried out in the FASEGEO Project (CGL2009-09726) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovatio

    Evaluación urodinámica y comparativa de la calidad de vida en pacientes con trastorno de vaciamiento vesical sometidos a terapia InterStim, Medtronic®

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    ResumenAntecedentesDesde 1980 la terapia de neuroestimulación sacra ha demostrado ser una terapia válida y alternativa en el manejo de los trastornos miccionales por patología del tracto urinario bajo, siendo sus principales indicaciones la retención urinaria idiopática, la incontinencia de urgencia y la incontinencia fecal. En nuestro país sigue siendo una terapia novedosa y no se cuenta aún con estudios que evalúen esta eficacia en términos de calidad de vida o con parámetros cuantitativos.Objetivo del estudioEstablecer la eficacia de la terapia de neuroestimulación sacra tipo InterStim, Medtronic®, en el manejo de los pacientes con trastornos de vaciamiento vesical, efectuando un análisis urodinámico y de la calidad de vida comparativo previo y posterior al tratamiento, determinando los volúmenes miccionales, los períodos de incontinencia, la satisfacción del paciente y la calidad de vida.Material y métodosDesde enero de 2010 hasta junio de 2013, en el Hospital Central Militar se realizó evaluación urodinámica y comparativa de la calidad de vida mediante el empleo del instrumento SF-36 v2 (versión mexicana) e ICIQSF, en los pacientes que presentaron trastorno de vaciamiento vesical de etiología no obstructiva y que fueron refractarios a tratamiento médico.ResultadosSe incluyeron 10 pacientes en el estudio, bajo los siguientes diagnósticos: disinergia detrusor-esfínter, vejiga hiperactiva y retención urinaria no obstructiva, ubicados por género (2 masculinos y 8 femeninos). En la totalidad de los pacientes se presentó mejoría del 50% o superior durante la fase de prueba de la terapia de neuroestimulación, y se colocó fase definitiva con los siguientes resultados: se obtuvieron resultados equivalentes al 50-65% de mejoría en los parámetros cualitativos de función física, función social y rol emocional, así como en las variables cuantitativas de volumen de vaciamiento, eficacia de vaciamiento y disminución de los períodos de incontinencia.DiscusiónComo se ha establecido a nivel de la literatura mundial, nuestros resultados fueron similares en el efecto benéfico y la eficacia en la calidad de vida e incontinencia urinaria, respectivamente, y se reportan porcentajes de éxito mayores al 50% en el cese total de los episodios de incontinencia.ConclusionesLa neuromodulación mediante la estimulación del nervio sacro es una forma exitosa de tratamiento en los trastornos de vaciamiento vesical de etiología no obstructiva y refractaria al tratamiento médico, es segura, mínimamente invasiva y de fácil aplicación, y mejora la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Sin embargo, es necesario realizar estudios aleatorizados y que consideren parámetros objetivos (urodinámicos), así como las complicaciones posibles a mediano y largo plazo en este tipo de terapia.AbstractBackgroundSince 1980, sacral neuromodulation therapy has been shown to be a valid alternative therapy in the management of urinary disorders due to lower urinary tract pathology, and its primary indications are: idiopathic urinary retention, urge incontinence, and fecal incontinence. It is still considered a novel therapy in Mexico and there are no studies using quantitative parameters that evaluate its efficacy in terms of quality of life.AimsTo establish the efficacy of the Medtronic InterStim® sacral neuromodulation therapy in the management of patients with bladder voiding disorders through urodynamic and quality of life analyses before and after treatment. Urine volume, periods of incontinence, patient satisfaction, and quality of life were determined.MethodsA comparative urodynamic and quality of life evaluation was carried out using the SF-36 v2 (Mexican version) and the ICIQSF instruments on patients presenting with nonobstructive bladder voiding disorders that were refractory to medical treatment.ResultsTen patients with the following diagnoses were included in the study: detrusor sphincter dyssynergia, overactive bladder, and nonobstructive urinary retention. Two of the patients were men and 8 were women. There was a 50% or greater improvement in all 10 patients during the test phase of the neuromodulation therapy and the definitive placement phase produced the following results: a 50-65% improvement in the qualitative parameters of physical function, social function, and emotional role, as well as in the quantitative variables of voiding volume, voiding efficacy, and reduced periods of incontinence.DiscussionOur results were similar to those established in the international literature in relation to the beneficial effect on quality of life and efficacy in urinary incontinence management; the literature reports success percentages in the complete cessation of incontinence episodes at above 50%.ConclusionsNeuromodulation through sacral nerve stimulation is a successful form of treatment of nonobstructive and medical treatment-refractory bladder voiding disorders. It is safe, minimally invasive, and easy to apply and it improves patient quality of life. Nevertheless, further randomized studies on this type of therapy need to be conducted that take into account objective parameters (urodynamics) and possible medium and long-term complications

    Noble gas signals in corals predict submarine volcanic eruptions

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    Deep-water corals growing in close proximity to the 2011 submarine eruption at Tagoro (El Hierro Island; Canary Archipielago, Spain) have revealed their ability to record the magmatic helium (3He) signal during a period of months prior to the eruption with magmatic 3He/4He ratios of 3.6-5.0 RA This is similar to the range of He isotope values (3-10 Ra) obtained from olivine samples from basinites erupted during the 2011 Tagoro eruption. Whip-like black corals (Anthozoa: Antipatharia: Antipathidae: Stichopathes) growing on basaltic rocks trapped 3He within their skeletons. We used a theoretical growth rate to estimate the time of trapping of 3He between release from the magmatic source at depth to trapping by the aquatic organisms. Our findings suggest that magmatic 3He emission occurred a few months before the beginning of the seismic activity in the region, the latter occurring four months in advance of the beginning of the eruption. This discovery implies that corals living in submarine volcanic areas may act as archives of noble gases released before the beginning of an eruption, and that the continuous monitoring of 3He may help to constrain the arrival time of a subaqueous eruption with potential applications in volcano eruption forecasting.En prens

    Estrategia invasiva de rutina en el síndrome coronario agudo sin elevación del segmento ST con disfunción renal. Resultados del registro ARIAM-SEMICYUC

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    Objetivo: Evaluar la utilización y efectividad de la estrategia invasiva de rutina (EIR) en pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo sin elevación de ST con disfunción renal en el mundo real. Métodos: Estudio de cohortes retrospectivo basado en el registro ARIAM-SEMICYUC (años 2011- 2014). Se consideró que había disfunción renal cuando el GFR (Cockroft-Gault) era menor de 60 ml/min (disfunción moderada) o de 30 ml/min (disfunción grave). Se excluyeron los pacientes en los que la coronariografía precoz (< 72 h) se debió a shock cardiogénico o isquemia recurrente. El desenlace primario fue la mortalidad hospitalaria. El control del confounding se realizó mediante un análisis de propensión. Resultados: Se analizan 4.279 pacientes, de los cuales un 26% tenía disfunción renal moderada y un 5% disfunción grave. Los pacientes con disfunción renal presentaron una mayor gravedad y comorbilidad, una mayor mortalidad hospitalaria (8,6 frente a 1,8%) y una menor utilización de la EIR (40 frente a 52%). Las OR ajustadas mediante emparejamiento para pacientes sin/con disfunción renal fueron de 0,38 (intervalo de confianza al 95% [IC95%] de 0,17 a 0,81) y 0,52 (IC95% de 0,32 a 0,87), respectivamente (p de interacción 0,4779). El impacto de la EIR (diferencia de riesgos ajustada) fue mayor en el grupo con disfunción renal (−5,1%, IC95% entre −8,1 y −2,1, frente a −1,6%, IC95% entre −2,6 y −0,6, p de interacción = 0,0335). Tampoco se detectó interacción significativa respecto a los demás enlaces considerados (mortalidad en UCI o a los 30 días, riesgo combinado de muerte o infarto, fracaso renal agudo o hemorragias moderadas/graves). Conclusiones: Los resultados evidencian que la efectividad de la EIR es similar en pacientes con función renal normal o reducida y alertan sobre una infrautilización de esta estrategia en estos últimos.Objective: To evaluate the use and effectiveness of a routine invasive strategy (RIS) in patients with acute coronary syndrome without persistent ST-segment elevation with renal dysfunction in the real world scenario. Methods: A retrospective cohort study based on the ARIAM-SEMICYUC Registry (2011-2014) was carried out. Renal dysfunction was defined as GFR (Cockroft-Gault)<60ml/min (moderate dysfunction) or<30ml/min (severe dysfunction). Patients in which early angiography (<72h) was performed due to cardiogenic shock or recurrent myocardial ischemia were excluded. The primary endpoint was hospital mortality. Confounding factors were controlled using propensity score analysis. Results: A total of 4,279 patients were analyzed, of which 26% had moderate renal dysfunction and 5% severe dysfunction. Patients with renal dysfunction had greater severity and comorbidity, higher hospital mortality (8.6 vs. 1.8%), and lesser use of the RIS (40 vs. 52%). The adjusted OR for mortality in patients without/with renal dysfunction were 0.38 (95% confidence interval [95%CI] 0.17 to 0.81) and 0.52 (95%CI 0.32 to 0.87), respectively (interaction P-value=.4779). The impact (adjusted risk difference) of RIS was higher in the group with renal dysfunction (-5.1%, 95%CI -8.1 to -2.1 vs. -1.6%, 95%CI -2.6 to -0.6; interaction P-value=.0335). No significant interaction was detected for the other endpoints considered (ICU mortality, 30-day mortality, myocardial infarction, acute renal failure or moderate/severe bleeding).Conclusions: The results suggest that the effectiveness of IRS is similar in patients with normal or abnormal renal function, and alert to the under-utilization of this strategy in such patients

    Evaluation of turbulent dissipation rate retrievals from Doppler Cloud Radar

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    Turbulent dissipation rate retrievals from cloud radar Doppler velocity measurements are evaluated using independent, in situ observations in Arctic stratocumulus clouds. In situ validation data sets of dissipation rate are derived using sonic anemometer measurements from a tethered balloon and high frequency pressure variation observations from a research aircraft, both flown in proximity to stationary, ground-based radars. Modest biases are found among the data sets in particularly low- or high-turbulence regimes, but in general the radar-retrieved values correspond well with the in situ measurements. Root mean square differences are typically a factor of 4-6 relative to any given magnitude of dissipation rate. These differences are no larger than those found when comparing dissipation rates computed from tetheredballoon and meteorological tower-mounted sonic anemometer measurements made at spatial distances of a few hundred meters. Temporal lag analyses suggest that approximately half of the observed differences are due to spatial sampling considerations, such that the anticipated radar-based retrieval uncertainty is on the order of a factor of 2-3. Moreover, radar retrievals are clearly able to capture the vertical dissipation rate structure observed by the in situ sensors, while offering substantially more information on the time variability of turbulence profiles. Together these evaluations indicate that radar-based retrievals can, at a minimum, be used to determine the vertical structure of turbulence in Arctic stratocumulus clouds

    La Base de Datos de Fallas Activas en el Cuaternario de Iberia (QAFI v.2.0)

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    ABSTRACT. The Quaternary Active Faults Database of Iberia (QAFI) is an initiative lead by the Institute of Geology and Mines of Spain (IGME) for building a public repository of scientific data regarding faults having documented activity during the last 2.59 Ma (Quaternary). QAFI also addresses a need to transfer geologic knowledge to practitioners of seismic hazard and risk in Iberia by identifying and characterizing seismogenic fault-sources. QAFI is populated by the information freely provided by more than 40 Earth science researchers, storing to date a total of 262 records. In this article we describe the development and evolution of the database, as well as its internal architecture. Additionally, a first global analysis of the data is provided with a special focus on length and slip-rate fault parameters. Finally, the database completeness and the internal consistency of the data are discussed. Even though QAFI v.2.0 is the most current resource for calculating fault-related seismic hazard in Iberia, the database is still incomplete and requires further review.RESUMEN. La Base de Datos de Fallas Activas de Iberia (QAFI) es una iniciativa promovida por el Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME) para construir un repositorio público de información científica sobre fallas con actividad en los últimos 2,59 Ma (Cuaternario). Además, la QAFI persigue establecer una base sobre la que facilitar la transferencia de conocimiento geológico al ámbito tecnológico de la gestión del riesgo sísmico en Iberia, en particular en la identificación y caracterización de fuentes sismogénicas tipo falla. La QAFI se ha construido a partir de la información proporcionada de modo altruista por más de 40 investigadores en ciencias de la Tierra conteniendo actualmente un total de de 262 registros. En este artículo se describe la concepción y evolución de la base de datos, y su arquitectura interna. Además, se ofrece un primer análisis global de los datos que contiene, con especial interés en parámetros tan importantes como la longitud y tasa de deslizamiento de las fallas. Finalmente se discuten dos temas cruciales en cualquier base de datos: su completitud y la homogeneidad de los datos. Se concluye que QAFI v.2.0, pese a ser la fuente más actualizada de información disponible en Iberia sobre peligrosidad sísmica de fallas concretas, dista aun de ser completa, por lo que nuevas revisiones y versiones deberán seguir llevándose a cabo en el futuro

    Effectiveness of rosuvastatin plus colchicine, emtricitabine/tenofovir and combinations thereof in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 : a pragmatic, open-label randomized trial

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    Q1Q1The use of rosuvastatin plus colchicine and emtricitabine/tenofovir in hospitalized patients with SARS- CoV-2 disease (COVID-19) has not been assessed. The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness and safety of rosuvastatin plus colchicine, emtricitabine/tenofovir, and their combined use in these patients.Revista Internacional - Indexad

    Recommendations for ophthalmologic practice during the easing of COVID-19 control measures

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    In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, this paper provides recommendations for medical eye care during the easing of control measures after lockdown. The guidelines presented are based on a literature review and consensus among all Spanish Ophthalmology Societies regarding protection measures recommended for the ophthalmologic care of patients with or without confirmed COVID-19 in outpatient, inpatient, emergency and surgery settings. We recommend that all measures be adapted to the circumstances and availability of personal protective equipment at each centre and also highlight the need to periodically update recommendations as we may need to readopt more restrictive measures depending on the local epidemiology of the virus. These guidelines are designed to avoid the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 among both patients and healthcare staff as we gradually return to normal medical practice, to prevent postoperative complications and try to reduce possible deficiencies in the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of the ophthalmic diseases. With this update (5th) the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology is placed as one of the major ophthalmology societies providing periodic and systematized recommendations for ophthalmic care during the COVID-19 pandemic