251 research outputs found


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    Inductive Proof Outlines for Monitors in Java

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    Abstract. The research concerning Java’s semantics and proof theory has mainly focussed on various aspects of sequential sub-languages. Java, however, integrates features of a class-based object-oriented language with the notion of multi-threading, where multiple threads can concurrently execute and exchange information via shared instance variables. Furthermore, each object can act as a monitor to assure mutual exclusion or to coordinate between threads. In this paper we present a sound and relatively complete assertional proof system for Java’s monitor concept, which generates verification conditions for a concurrent sublanguage JavaMT of Java. This work extends previous results by incorporating Java’s monitor methods

    The X-ray emission from Z CMa during an FUor-like outburst and the detection of its X-ray jet

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    Accretion shocks have been recognized as important X-ray emission mechanism for pre-main sequence stars. Yet the X-ray properties of FUor outbursts, events that are caused by violent accretion, have been given little attention. We have observed the FUor object Z CMa during optical outburst and quiescence with Chandra. No significant changes in X-ray brightness and spectral shape are found, suggesting that the X-ray emission is of coronal nature. Due to the binary nature of Z CMa the origin of the X-ray source is ambiguous. However, the moderate hydrogen column density derived from our data makes it unlikely that the embedded primary star is the X-ray source. The secondary star, which is the FUor object, is thus responsible for both the X-ray emission and the presently ongoing accretion outburst, which seem however to be unrelated phenomena. The secondary is also known to drive a large outflow and jet, that we detect here for the first time in X-rays. The distance of the X-ray emitting outflow source to the central star is higher than in jets of low-mass stars.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Simultaneous monitoring of the photometric and polarimetric activity of the young star PV Cep in the optical/near-infrared bands

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    We present the results of a simultaneous monitoring, lasting more than 2 years, of the optical and near-infrared photometric and polarimetric activity of the variable protostar PV Cep. During the monitoring period, an outburst has occurred in all the photometric bands, whose declining phase (Δ\DeltaJ \approx 3 mag) lasted about 120 days. A time lag of \sim 30 days between optical and infrared light curves has been measured and interpreted in the framework of an accretion event. This latter is directly recognizable in the significant variations of the near-infrared colors, that appear bluer in the outburst phase, when the star dominates the emission, and redder in declining phase, when the disk emission prevails. All the observational data have been combined to derive a coherent picture of the complex morphology of the whole PV Cep system, that, in addition to the star and the accretion disk, is composed also by a variable biconical nebula. In particular, the mutual interaction between all these components is the cause of the high value of the polarization (\approx 20%) and of its fluctuations. The observational data concur to indicate that PV Cep is not a genuine EXor star, but rather a more complex object; moreover the case of PV Cep leads to argue about the classification of other recently discovered young sources in outburst, that have been considered, maybe over-simplifying, as EXor.Comment: Accepted for publication on Ap

    Infrared study of transitional disks in Ophiuchus with Herschel

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    Context. Observations of nearby star-forming regions with the Herschel Space Observatory complement our view of the protoplantary disks in Ophiuchus with information about the outer disks. Aims. The main goal of this project is to provide new far-infrared fluxes for the known disks in the core region of Ophiuchus and to identify potential transitional disks using data from Herschel. Methods. We obtained PACS and SPIRE photometry of previously spectroscopically confirmed young stellar objects (YSO) in the region and analysed their spectral energy distributions. Results. From an initial sample of 261 objects with spectral types in Ophiuchus, we detect 49 disks in at least one Herschel band. We provide new far-infrared fluxes for these objects. One of them is clearly a new transitional disk candidate. Conclusions. The data from Herschel Space Observatory provides fluxes that complement previous infrared data and that we use to identify a new transitional disk candidate

    The Disappearing Act of KH 15D: Photometric Results from 1995 to 2004

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    We present results from the most recent (2002-2004) observing campaigns of the eclipsing system KH 15D, in addition to re-reduced data obtained at Van Vleck Observatory (VVO) between 1995 and 2000. Phasing nine years of photometric data shows substantial evolution in the width and depth of the eclipses. The most recent data indicate that the eclipses are now approximately 24 days in length, or half the orbital period. These results are interpreted and discussed in the context of the recent models for this system put forward by Winn et al. and Chiang & Murray-Clay. A periodogram of the entire data set yields a highly significant peak at 48.37 +/- 0.01 days, which is in accord with the spectroscopic period of 48.38 +/- 0.01 days determined by Johnson et al. Another significant peak, at 9.6 days, was found in the periodogram of the out-of-eclipse data at two different epochs. We interpret this as the rotation period of the visible star and argue that it may be tidally locked in pseudosynchronism with its orbital motion. If so, application of Hut's theory implies that the eccentricity of the orbit is e = 0.65 +/- 0.01. Analysis of the UVES/VLT spectra obtained by Hamilton et al. shows that the v sin(i) of the visible star in this system is 6.9 +/- 0.3 km/sec. Using this value of v sin(i) and the measured rotation period of the star, we calculate the lower limit on the radius to be R = (1.3 +/- 0.1), R_Sun, which concurs with the value obtained by Hamilton et al. from its luminosity and effective temperature. Here we assume that i = 90 degrees since it is likely that the spin and orbital angular momenta vectors are nearly aligned.Comment: 55 pages, 18 figures, 1 color figure, to appear the September issue of the Astronomical Journa

    C2D Spitzer-IRS spectra of disks around T Tauri stars V. Spectral decomposition

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    (Abridged) Dust particles evolve in size and lattice structure in protoplanetary disks, due to coagulation, fragmentation and crystallization, and are radially and vertically mixed in disks. This paper aims at determining the mineralogical composition and size distribution of the dust grains in disks around 58 T Tauri stars observed with Spitzer/IRS. We present a spectral decomposition model that reproduces the IRS spectra over the full spectral range. The model assumes two dust populations: a warm component responsible for the 10\mu m emission arising from the disk inner regions and a colder component responsible for the 20-30\mu m emission, arising from more distant regions. We show evidence for a significant size distribution flattening compared to the typical MRN distribution, providing an explanation for the usual boxy 10\mu m feature profile generally observed. We reexamine the crystallinity paradox, observationally identified by Olofsson et al. (2009), and we find a simultaneous enrichment of the crystallinity in both the warm and cold regions, while grain sizes in both components are uncorrelated. Our modeling results do not show evidence for any correlations between the crystallinity and either the star spectral type, or the X-ray luminosity (for a subset of the sample). The size distribution flattening may suggests that grain coagulation is a slightly more effective process than fragmentation in disk atmospheres, and that this imbalance may last over most of the T Tauri phase. This result may also point toward small grain depletion via strong stellar winds or radiation pressure in the upper layers of disk. The non negligible cold crystallinity fractions suggests efficient radial mixing processes in order to distribute crystalline grains at large distances from the central object, along with possible nebular shocks in outer regions of disks that can thermally anneal amorphous grains

    First MATISSE L-band observations of HD 179218 Is the inner 10 au region rich in carbon dust particles?

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    Context. Carbon is one of the most abundant components in the Universe. While silicates have been the main focus of solid phase studies in protoplanetary discs (PPDs), little is known about the solid carbon content especially in the planet-forming regions (similar to 0.1-10 au). Fortunately, several refractory carbonaceous species present C-H bonds (such as hydrogenated nano-diamond and amorphous carbon as well as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), which generate infrared (IR) features that can be used to trace the solid carbon reservoirs. The new mid-IR instrument MATISSE, installed at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI), can spatially resolve the inner regions (similar to 1-10 au) of PPDs and locate, down to the au-scale, the emission coming from carbon grains.Aims. Our aim is to provide a consistent view on the radial structure, down to the au-scale, as well as basic physical properties and the nature of the material responsible for the IR continuum emission in the inner disk region around HD 179218.Methods. We implemented a temperature-gradient model to interpret the disk IR continuum emission, based on a multiwavelength dataset comprising a broadband spectral energy distribution and VLTI H-, L-, and N-bands interferometric data obtained in low spectral resolution. Then, we added a ring-like component, representing the carbonaceous L-band features-emitting region, to assess its detectability in future higher spectral resolution observations employing mid-IR interferometry.Results. Our temperature-gradient model can consistently reproduce our dataset. We confirmed a spatially extended inner 10 au emission in H- and L-bands, with a homogeneously high temperature (similar to 1700 K), which we associate with the presence of stochastically heated nano-grains. On the other hand, the N-band emitting region presents a ring-like geometry that starts at about 10 au with a temperature of 400 K. Moreover, the existing low resolution MATISSE data exclude the presence of aromatic carbon grains (i.e., producing the 3.3 mu m feature) in close proximity tothe star (less than or similar to 1 au). Future medium spectral resolution MATISSE data will confirm their presence at larger distances.Conclusions. Our best-fit model demonstrates the presence of two separated dust populations: nano-grains that dominate the near- to mid-IR emission in the inner 10 au region and larger grains that dominate the emission outward. The presence of such nano-grains in the highly irradiated inner 10 au region of HD 179218 requires a replenishment process. Considering the expected lifetime of carbon nano-grains from The Heterogeneous dust Evolution Model for Interstellar Solids (THEMIS model), the estimated disk accretion inflow of HD 179218 could significantly contribute to feed the inner 10 au region in nano-grains.Moreover, we also expect a local regeneration of those nano-grains by the photo-fragmentation of larger aggregates

    The structure of the protoplanetary disk surrounding three young intermediate mass stars. II. Spatially resolved dust and gas distribution

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    [Abridged] We present the first direct comparison of the distribution of the gas, as traced by the [OI] 6300 AA emission, and the dust, as traced by the 10 micron emission, in the protoplanetary disk around three intermediate-mass stars: HD 101412, HD 135344 B and HD 179218. N-band visibilities were obtained with VLTI/MIDI. Simple geometrical models are used to compare the dust emission to high-resolution optical spectra in the 6300 AA [OI] line of the same targets. The disks around HD 101412 and HD 135344 B appear strongly flared in the gas, but self-shadowed in the dust beyond ~ 2 AU. In both systems, the 10 micron emission is rather compact (< 2 AU) while the [OI] brightness profile shows a double peaked structure. The inner peak is strongest and is consistent with the location of the dust, the outer peak is fainter and is located at 5-10 AU. Spatially extended PAH emission is found in both disks. The disk around HD 179218 is flared in the dust. The 10 micron emission emerges from a double ring-like structure with the first ring peaking at ~ 1 AU and the second at ~ 20 AU. No dust emission is detected between ~ 3 -- 15 AU. The oxygen emission seems also to come from a flared structure, however, the bulk of this emission is produced between ~ 1 -- 10 AU. This could indicate a lack of gas in the outer disk or could be due to chemical effects which reduce the abundance of OH -- the parent molecule of the observed [OI] emission -- further away from the star. The three systems, HD 179218, HD 135344 B and HD 101412, may form an evolutionary sequence: the disk initially flared becomes flat under the combined action of gas-dust decoupling, grain growth and dust settling.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Transfer of complex regional pain syndrome to mice via human autoantibodies is mediated by interleukin-1–induced mechanisms

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    Neuroimmune interactions may contribute to severe pain and regional inflammatory and autonomic signs in complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), a posttraumatic pain disorder. Here, we investigated peripheral and central immune mechanisms in a translational passive transfer trauma mouse model of CRPS. Small plantar skin–muscle incision was performed in female C57BL/6 mice treated daily with purified serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) from patients with longstanding CRPS or healthy volunteers followed by assessment of paw edema, hyperalgesia, inflammation, and central glial activation. CRPS IgG significantly increased and prolonged swelling and induced stable hyperalgesia of the incised paw compared with IgG from healthy controls. After a short-lasting paw inflammatory response in all groups, CRPS IgG-injected mice displayed sustained, profound microglia and astrocyte activation in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and pain-related brain regions, indicating central sensitization. Genetic deletion of interleukin-1 (IL-1) using IL-1αβ knockout (KO) mice and perioperative IL-1 receptor type 1 (IL-1R1) blockade with the drug anakinra, but not treatment with the glucocorticoid prednisolone, prevented these changes. Anakinra treatment also reversed the established sensitization phenotype when initiated 8 days after incision. Furthermore, with the generation of an IL-1β floxed(fl/fl) mouse line, we demonstrated that CRPS IgG-induced changes are in part mediated by microglia-derived IL-1β, suggesting that both peripheral and central inflammatory mechanisms contribute to the transferred disease phenotype. These results indicate that persistent CRPS is often contributed to by autoantibodies and highlight a potential therapeutic use for clinically licensed antagonists, such as anakinra, to prevent or treat CRPS via blocking IL-1 actions