201 research outputs found


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    Wavelet-Based Multi-Resolution Statistics for Optical Imaging Signals: Application to Automated Detection of Odour Activated Glomeruli in the Mouse Olfactory Bulb

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    Optical imaging techniques offer powerful solutions to capture brain networks processing in animals, especially when activity is distributed in functionally distinct spatial domains. Despite the progress in imaging techniques, the standard analysis procedures and statistical assessments for this type of data are still limited. In this paper, we perform two in vivo non-invasive optical recording techniques in the mouse olfactory bulb, using a genetically expressed activity reporter fluorescent protein (synaptopHfluorin) and intrinsic signals of the brain. For both imaging techniques, we show that the odour-triggered signals can be accurately parameterized using linear models. Fitting the models allows us to extract odour specific signals with a reduced level of noise compared to standard methods. In addition, the models serve to evaluate statistical significance, using a wavelet-based framework that exploits spatial correlation at different scales. We propose an extension of this framework to extract activation patterns at specific wavelet scales. This method is especially interesting to detect the odour inputs that segregate on the olfactory bulb in small spherical structures called glomeruli. Interestingly, with proper selection of wavelet scales, we can isolate significantly activated glomeruli and thus determine the odour map in an automated manner. Comparison against manual detection of glomeruli shows the high accuracy of the proposed method. Therefore, beyond the advantageous alternative to the existing treatments of optical imaging signals in general, our framework propose an interesting procedure to dissect brain activation patterns on multiple scales with statistical control

    Alteration of sensory-evoked metabolic and oscillatory activities in the olfactory bulb of GLAST-deficient mice

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    Astrocytes are key cellular elements in both the tripartite synapse and the neurovascular unit. To fulfill this dual role in synaptic activity and metabolism, they express a panel of receptors and transporters that sense glutamate. Among them, the GLT-1 and GLAST transporters are known to regulate extracellular glutamate concentrations at excitatory synapses and consequently modulate glutamate receptor signaling. These major uptake systems are also involved in energy supply to neurons. However, the functional role of GLAST in concurrent regulation of metabolic and neuronal activity is currently unknown. We took advantage of the attractive structural and functional features of the main olfactory bulb to explore the impact of GLAST on sensory information processing while probing both glutamate uptake and neuronal activity in glomeruli and deeper cellular layers, respectively. Using odor-evoked 2-deoxyglucose imaging and local field potential recordings in GLAST knockout mice, we show in vivo that deletion of GLAST alters both glucose uptake and neuronal oscillations in olfactory bulb networks

    Rapid Encoding and Perception of Novel Odors in the Rat

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    To gain insight into which parameters of neural activity are important in shaping the perception of odors, we combined a behavioral measure of odor perception with optical imaging of odor representations at the level of receptor neuron input to the rat olfactory bulb. Instead of the typical test of an animal's ability to discriminate two familiar odorants by exhibiting an operant response, we used a spontaneously expressed response to a novel odorant—exploratory sniffing—as a measure of odor perception. This assay allowed us to measure the speed with which rats perform spontaneous odor discriminations. With this paradigm, rats discriminated and began responding to a novel odorant in as little as 140 ms. This time is comparable to that measured in earlier studies using operant behavioral readouts after extensive training. In a subset of these trials, we simultaneously imaged receptor neuron input to the dorsal olfactory bulb with near-millisecond temporal resolution as the animal sampled and then responded to the novel odorant. The imaging data revealed that the bulk of the discrimination time can be attributed to the peripheral events underlying odorant detection: receptor input arrives at the olfactory bulb 100–150 ms after inhalation begins, leaving only 50–100 ms for central processing and response initiation. In most trials, odor discrimination had occurred even before the initial barrage of receptor neuron firing had ceased and before spatial maps of activity across glomeruli had fully developed. These results suggest a coding strategy in which the earliest-activated glomeruli play a major role in the initial perception of odor quality, and place constraints on coding and processing schemes based on simple changes in spike rate

    Neuroinformatics: From Bioinformatics to Databasing the Brain

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    Neuroinformatics seeks to create and maintain web-accessible databases of experimental and computational data, together with innovative software tools, essential for understanding the nervous system in its normal function and in neurological disorders. Neuroinformatics includes traditional bioinformatics of gene and protein sequences in the brain; atlases of brain anatomy and localization of genes and proteins; imaging of brain cells; brain imaging by positron emission tomography (PET), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG) and other methods; many electrophysiological recording methods; and clinical neurological data, among others. Building neuroinformatics databases and tools presents difficult challenges because they span a wide range of spatial scales and types of data stored and analyzed. Traditional bioinformatics, by comparison, focuses primarily on genomic and proteomic data (which of course also presents difficult challenges). Much of bioinformatics analysis focus on sequences (DNA, RNA, and protein molecules), as the type of data that are stored, compared, and sometimes modeled. Bioinformatics is undergoing explosive growth with the addition, for example, of databases that catalog interactions between proteins, of databases that track the evolution of genes, and of systems biology databases which contain models of all aspects of organisms. This commentary briefly reviews neuroinformatics with clarification of its relationship to traditional and modern bioinformatics

    A CANDLE for a deeper in-vivo insight

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    A new Collaborative Approach for eNhanced Denoising under Low-light Excitation (CANDLE) is introduced for the processing of 3D laser scanning multiphoton microscopy images. CANDLE is designed to be robust for low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions typically encountered when imaging deep in scattering biological specimens. Based on an optimized non-local means filter involving the comparison of filtered patches, CANDLE locally adapts the amount of smoothing in order to deal with the noise inhomogeneity inherent to laser scanning fluorescence microscopy images. An extensive validation on synthetic data, images acquired on microspheres and in vivo images is presented. These experiments show that the CANDLE filter obtained competitive results compared to a state-of-the-art method and a locally adaptive optimized non-local means filter, especially under low SNR conditions (PSNR < 8 dB). Finally, the deeper imaging capabilities enabled by the proposed filter are demonstrated on deep tissue in vivo images of neurons and fine axonal processes in the Xenopus tadpole brain.We want to thank Florian Luisier for providing free plugin of his PureDenoise filter. We also want to thank Markku Makitalo for providing the code of their OVST. This study was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR, MOP-84360 to DLC and MOP-77567 to ESR) and Cda (CECR)-Gevas-OE016. MM holds a fellowship from the Deutscher Akademischer Austasch Dienst (DAAD) and a McGill Principal's Award. ESR is a tier 2 Canada Research Chair. This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Health Institute Carlos III through the RETICS Combiomed, RD07/0067/2001. This work benefited from the use of ImageJ.Coupé, P.; Munz, M.; Manjón Herrera, JV.; Ruthazer, ES.; Collins, DL. (2012). A CANDLE for a deeper in-vivo insight. Medical Image Analysis. 16(4):849-864. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.media.2012.01.002S84986416

    Neurovascular EGFL7 regulates adult neurogenesis in the subventricular zone and thereby affects olfactory perception

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    Adult neural stem cells reside in a specialized niche in the subventricular zone (SVZ). Throughout life they give rise to adult-born neurons in the olfactory bulb (OB), thus contributing to neural plasticity and pattern discrimination. Here, we show that the neurovascular protein EGFL7 is secreted by endothelial cells and neural stem cells (NSCs) of the SVZ to shape the vascular stem-cell niche. Loss of EGFL7 causes an accumulation of activated NSCs, which display enhanced activity and re-entry into the cell cycle. EGFL7 pushes activated NSCs towards quiescence and neuronal progeny towards differentiation. This is achieved by promoting Dll4-induced Notch signalling at the blood vessel-stem cell interface. Fewer inhibitory neurons form in the OB of EGFL7-knockout mice, which increases the absolute signal conducted from the mitral cell layer of the OB but decreases neuronal network synchronicity. Consequently, EGFL7-knockout mice display severe physiological defects in olfactory behaviour and perception

    Profound Context-Dependent Plasticity of Mitral Cell Responses in Olfactory Bulb

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    On the basis of its primary circuit it has been postulated that the olfactory bulb (OB) is analogous to the retina in mammals. In retina, repeated exposure to the same visual stimulus results in a neural representation that remains relatively stable over time, even as the meaning of that stimulus to the animal changes. Stability of stimulus representation at early stages of processing allows for unbiased interpretation of incoming stimuli by higher order cortical centers. The alternative is that early stimulus representation is shaped by previously derived meaning, which could allow more efficient sampling of odor space providing a simplified yet biased interpretation of incoming stimuli. This study helps place the olfactory system on this continuum of subjective versus objective early sensory representation. Here we show that odor responses of the output cells of the OB, mitral cells, change transiently during a go–no-go odor discrimination task. The response changes occur in a manner that increases the ability of the circuit to convey information necessary to discriminate among closely related odors. Remarkably, a switch between which of the two odors is rewarded causes mitral cells to switch the polarity of their divergent responses. Taken together these results redefine the function of the OB as a transiently modifiable (active) filter, shaping early odor representations in behaviorally meaningful ways

    Towards Brains in the Cloud: A Biophysically Realistic Computational Model of Olfactory Bulb

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    abstract: The increasing availability of experimental data and computational power have resulted in increasingly detailed and sophisticated models of brain structures. Biophysically realistic models allow detailed investigations of the mechanisms that operate within those structures. In this work, published mouse experimental data were synthesized to develop an extensible, open-source platform for modeling the mouse main olfactory bulb and other brain regions. A “virtual slice” model of a main olfactory bulb glomerular column that includes detailed models of tufted, mitral, and granule cells was created to investigate the underlying mechanisms of a gamma frequency oscillation pattern (“gamma fingerprint”) often observed in rodent bulbar local field potential recordings. The gamma fingerprint was reproduced by the model and a mechanistic hypothesis to explain aspects of the fingerprint was developed. A series of computational experiments tested the hypothesis. The results demonstrate the importance of interactions between electrical synapses, principal cell synaptic input strength differences, and granule cell inhibition in the formation of the gamma fingerprint. The model, data, results, and reproduction materials are accessible at https://github.com/justasb/olfactorybulb. The discussion includes a detailed description of mechanisms underlying the gamma fingerprint and how the model predictions can be tested experimentally. In summary, the modeling platform can be extended to include other types of cells, mechanisms and brain regions and can be used to investigate a wide range of experimentally testable hypotheses.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Neuroscience 201

    Beyond life: Exploring hemodynamic patterns in postmortem mice brains

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    We utilize Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging (LSCI) for visualizing cerebral blood flow in mice during and post-cardiac arrest. Analyzing LSCI images, we noted temporal blood flow variations across the brain surface for hours postmortem. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis depicted blood flow and microcirculation decay post-death. Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) identified potential cerebral hemodynamic synchronization patterns. Additionally, non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) with four components segmented LSCI images, revealing structural subcomponent alterations over time. This integrated approach of LSCI, FFT, CWT, and NMF offers a comprehensive tool for studying cerebral blood flow dynamics, metaphorically capturing the ‘end of the tunnel’ experience. Results showed primary postmortem hemodynamic activity in the olfactory bulbs, followed by blood microflow relocations between somatosensory and visual cortical regions via the superior sagittal sinus. This method opens new avenues for exploring these phenomena, potentially linking neuroscientific insights with mysteries surrounding consciousness and perception at life's end