1,298 research outputs found

    Creating a corporate image in the context of talent management

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    The term "employer branding" is relatively new. It shows the trend in the labor market, to attract high-potential employees, with highly specialized knowledge – so called talents. Talent management is a relatively new concept that shows the company’s management of its strategic capital which is human capital. An employer’s brand which is positively perceived helps to attract talent into the ranks of employees, which is the main goal of the considerations contained in this paper. The paper is theoretical in nature and was based on the subject literature

    The Social Context of the Benefits Achieved in eSport

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    The article presents a meta-analysis of the social context of benefits achieved by people in a new, yet not well-researched activity in electronic sports. The presented historical background of eSport and the dilemmas of the highly polarised scientific community, in which there are as many supporters as opponents of the recognition of eSport as a sport, have become a basis for describing this phenomenon in the context of the theory of use and gratification. Thus, based on the few eSport studies carried out, the human benefits related to cognitive and social development, identity development and participation in entertainment were determined

    Use of Facebook by Children Aged 10-12 . Presence in Social Media Despite the Prohibition

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    Social media, such as Facebook, play an important role in human life. More and more often we can observe them also finding their way into the world of children, who use them to achieve specific benefits. The research sample consisted of children aged 10 – 12, namely those who – due to the restrictions in the Facebook regulations – are not allowed to use it. The purpose of the study was to identify the number of children aged 10 – 12 who use Facebook, as well as how they use this medium. The research findings, obtained in the diagnostic survey and the focus interview, indicate that: the vast majority of the respondents have accounts on Facebook, and the older the child, the greater the probability that he/she has his/her own profile. Girls have more friends and photos on the Facebook profile than boys, and the number of friends grows along with the users’ age. The research results presented in the article are the benchmark for educational activities that should be undertaken in order to regulate the usage of Facebook by children under 13 years of age

    The Image of an Architect and Masonic Symbols in Works by Milorad Pavić

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    The paper analyzes works by the Serbian postmodernist writer Milorad Pavić. It attempts to prove that he possesses knowledge of royal art and uses masonic symbols in his writing related to geometry and architecture, including the radiant delta, compass, masonic gloves, and clepsydra. It is assumed that under the influence of these particular ideas, the writer creates the leading image of an architect and the motif of construction as freemasons believe in the Great Architect of the Universe. In the short novel Damascene, according to speculative masonry’s beliefs, the building of the church projects the building of a temple in a human soul. M. Pavić, as an architect, creates a structure of every novel, which he identifies with the golden section. This paper finds special symbols of the divine proportion in his prose, including snail’s shells, pyramids, and violins. A dynamic structure as an embodiment of the open work concept and a broad spectrum of themes provide artistic communication with a creative recipient. A reader has an opportunity to choose their own style of reading and solving textual puzzles because Pavić’s prose represents a wide variety of themes, symbols, images, and allusions that embody the secrets of Freemasonry, allowing for various interpretations

    Sigma-if neural network as the use of selective attention technique in classification and knowledge discovery problems solving

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    The article presents the most important properties of Sigma-if neuron and neural network, which use a selective attention technique to solve classification problems. Abilities of Sigma-if neuron to perform active aggregation of input signals and to solve linearly inseparable problems are discussed. Variety of conducted experiments, during which Sigma-if network was compared with multilayer perceptron, are also presented. These experiments show benefits from using Sigma-if network instead of MLP, both in classification problems solving and in knowledge discovery from data

    Polska polityka oświatowa w zakresie bezpiecznego korzystania z mediów cyfrowych

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    Współczesne media cyfrowe nie tylko umożliwiają człowiekowi osiągnięcie wielu korzyści, lecz są również przyczyną pojawiających się zagrożeń. Zjawisko to dotyczy zarówno osób dorosłych, jak i dzieci i młodzieży, będących ofiarami, ale i sprawcami dysjunktywnego korzystania z mediów. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie antynomii w polityce oświatowej państwa polskiego dotyczących bezpiecznego korzystania z mediów cyfrowych, głównie takich jak: komputer, smartfon, Internet. W badaniach przeanalizowano najpopularniejsze portale oferujące usługę poczty elektronicznej oraz zastosowano metodę analizy dokumentów, która umożliwiła wskazanie braku spójności aktów prawnych i rozporządzeń właściwego ministra do spraw edukacji i wychowania

    Teachers on the possibilities of cultivating regional traditions within the eTwinning framework of international collaboration of school

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    This article is a presentation of the author’s own research findings conducted on a study sample of N = 65 teachers of junior secondary schools and primary schools. The aim of the study was to answer the research problem referring the teachers’ views on the possibility of creating and cultivating regional traditions with the application of tools and methods offered by the eTwinning Portal for international school cooperation