46 research outputs found

    A systematic mapping about simulators and remote laboratories using hardware in the loop and robotic: developing STEM/STEAM skills in pre-university education

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    [EN] In recent years and after the strong impact of the last global health emergency (COVID-19) information and communication technologies have had a great impact on society but particular in the teaching-learning process. Education has been impacted at all its levels. Therefore, education models have been to be adapted to this new challenging paradigm by using different tools such as videoconferences, simulations, on-line interactive applications, virtual and remote laboratories, robots, etc. The objective of this work is to elaborate a systematic mapping to know what scientific from its beginning to 2020, identifying the most literature exists regarding simulators, remote and virtual laboratories focused on STEM/STEAM skills development in the educational context. To do so, bibliographical data gathered of four of the most popular and complete electronic databases (ACM, IEEE, Scopus and Web of Science). At the begging we selected 1232 articles after applying the acceptance criteria defined as part of the search and select strategy, we had 61 articles that help us to answer some questions like what are the most popular virtual and remote labs? or what are the current trends and issues of these tools? and the future ones

    An educational approach to the internal model principle for periodic signals

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    This article presents an educational approach to resonant control and repet- itive control, which are Internal Model Principle-based control techniques speci cally de- signed for the tracking/rejection of periodic signals. The analytical formulation is com- pleted by a set of simulations and physical experiments on a mechatronic educational plant integrated in a virtual/remote laboratory. The laboratory features are oriented to realize the limited performance of classic PID control to reject non-constant disturbances and, at the same time, to show the effectiveness of the Internal Model Principle for the rejection of periodic disturbances by means of resonators and repetitive control. Assess- ment based on students' perception reveals it as a useful distance learning tool. The laboratory is integrated in Automatl@bs, a Spanish interuniversity network of web-based laboratories devoted to distance learning of control engineering.Postprint (published version

    Cloud e-learning for mechatronics: CLEM

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    his paper describes results of the CLEM project, Cloud E-learning for Mechatronics. CLEM is an example of a domain-specific cloud that is especially tuned to the needs of VET (Vocational, Education and Training) teachers. An interesting development has been the creation of remote laboratories in the cloud. Learners can access such laboratories to support their practical learning of mechatronics without the need to set up laboratories at their own institutions. The cloud infrastructure enables multiple laboratories to come together virtually to create an ecosystem for educators and learners. From such a system, educators can pick and mix materials to create suitable courses for their students and the learners can experience different types of devices and laboratories through the cloud. The paper provides an overview of this new cloud-based e-learning approach and presents the results. The paper explains how the use of cloud computing has enabled the development of a new method, showing how a holistic e-learning experience can be obtained through use of static, dynamic and interactive material together with facilities for collaboration and innovation

    Active-learning methods for control engineering teaching using web applications

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    [EN] The development of active-learning methods is strongly proliferating nowadays in Higher Education studies. Roughly speaking, active learning can be understood as a way of learning in which students are more directly involved in the learning process. It is commonly accepted that, in contrast to traditional methods, substantial improvement of the own learning process is achieved through active methodologies. In particular, teachers must address an extra effort to engage the interest of students when faced with subjects provided with strong theoretical background (such as automatic control related topics). Indeed, one of the main drawbacks reported by the own students is their difficulty to connect real engineering application and theoretical lessons. In this paper, we present an active learning method conceived for automatic control subjects with the aid of virtual laboratories compatible with a wide range of web browsers for this end. In a first stage, some real engineering problems for students in the classroom are raised. Through a suitable follow-up of intermediate results and the appropriate discussions, teachers will be able to obtain an immediate feedback while evaluating the quality of learning at each stage. It is worthwhile mentioning that virtual labs are developed using the standard web interactive programming language HTML and Javascript, which only requires a web browser to be executed. Hence, in comparison to previous academic years, it is expected to better promote the usefulness of the control engineering for the students¿ careers with high degree of autonomy for self-scheduling homework and low cost resources, while improving the self-motivation and long-term quality of learning.This work is supported by the Universidad de Zaragoza project PIIDUZ_19_342 Desarrollo e implantación de un modelo basado en aula invertida y metodologías activas para asignaturas de informática e ingeniería de sistemas.González Sorribes, A.; Del Val Noguera, E. (2020). Active-learning methods for control engineering teaching using web applications. Iated. 5583-5589. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2020.1516S5583558

    The Remote Access to Laboratories: a Fully Open Integrated System

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    An existing lab experience can be made remotely accessible in a relatively easy way. The problem is with the design of a tool which allows any kind of experience to be made remotely accessible. The complexity of this tool is out of discussion. Several universities have been working on it for years. In fact, the Huelva University presented the work “A Complete Solution for Developing Remote Labs†in the 10th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education (2013). Such complete solution was the result of those universities working together. Since then, the joint-work has continued and improvements have also been achieved. Hereafter, a fully open integrated system is presented whose scope is greater than that of 2013. It offers a way to easily implement cloud services for managing the configuration and access to all type of sensors, actuators and controllers (the devices base of the any remote lab). The access proposed is secure, controlled, organized and collaborativ

    Overview of modern teaching equipment that supports distant learning

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    Laboratory is a key element of engineering and applied sciences educational systems. With the development of Internet and connecting IT technologies, the appearance of remote laboratories was inevitable. Virtual laboratories are also available; they place the experiment in a simulated environment. However, this writing focuses on remote experiments not virtual ones. From the students’ point of view, it is a great help not only for those enrolling in distant or online courses but also for those studying in a more traditional way. With the spread of smart, portable devices capable of connection to the internet, students can expand or restructure time spent on studying. This is a huge help to them and also allows them to individually divide their time up, to learn how to self-study. This independent approach can prepare them for working environments. It offers flexibility and convenience to the students. From the universities’ point of view, it helps reduce maintenance costs and universities can share experiments which also helps the not so well-resourced educational facilities

    Laboratorios virtuales y remotos en electrónica y telecomunicaciones: una revisión técnica en educación

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    Training in analysis of electrical and electronic circuits is a fundamental area in the learning process of future bachelors in areas related to electronics and telecommunications, therefore, preparation in Know-How is a stage that must be part of the process where the evolution of engineering and the fourth industrial revolution have changed not only technology but also the path of teaching. In this sense, this article conducts a systematic search of the different success stories published today to establish current trends in virtual environment design based on the teaching of circuit analysis.La formación en análisis de circuitos eléctricos y electrónicos es un área fundamental en el proceso de aprendizaje de los futuros profesionales de áreas relacionadas con la electrónica y las telecomunicaciones, por lo tanto, la preparación en el saber hacer es una etapa que hace parte en el proceso de aprendizaje donde la evolución de la ingeniería y la cuarta revolución industrial han cambiado no solo la tecnología sino también la forma de enseñar. En ese sentido este artículo contempla la revisión bibliográfica sobre laboratorios virtuales y remotos a través del uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y comunicación aplicadas al área de electrónica y telecomunicaciones para establecer las tendencias actuales en diseño de ambientes virtuales en función a la enseñanza del análisis de circuitos

    Laboratorios virtuales web como herramienta de apoyo para prácticas de ingeniería no presenciales

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    [ES] Este trabajo presenta una metodología de desarrollo e implantación de laboratorios virtuales para asignaturas de ingeniería de control, concebidos con el propósito de permitir y favorecer la no presencialidad en prácticas de laboratorio. Una de las ventajas reseñables del método propuesto es que únicamente es necesario que los estudiantes dispongan de un navegador web, lo cual implica una mayor flexibilidad y un bajo coste en recursos. Esto es gracias al hecho de que los laboratorios virtuales están implementados en lenguaje estándar HTML y Javascript, totalmente compatible con los navegadores web comerciales. Cabe resaltar que la herramienta Easy Java Simulation (EJS) de libre disposición permite a los docentes desarrollar nuevos laboratorios virtuales sin necesidad de conocimientos avanzados de programación. Aparte de alcanzar un grado mayor de autonomía y flexibilidad, este método permitirá mejorar la percepción de la asignatura y la calidad de aprendizaje a largo plazo por la posibilidad que ofrece de integrar un amplio repertorio de ejemplos didácticos que pueden utilizarse en el aula de forma complementaria a los contenidos teóricos impartidos.[EN] This paper presents a method for development and implantation of virtual laboratories for control engineering subjects, conceived with the purpose of allowing and promoting non-attending laboratory practices. One of the remarkable avantages of the proposed method is the unique requirement for students to have access to a web browser, which implies more flexibility and low cost resources. This is due to the fact that such virtual labs are implemented in a standard HTML and JAVASCRIPT language programming, which are full compatible with commercial web browsers. Moreover, it is worthwhile mentioning that the freely available tool Easy Java Simulation (EJS) allows teachers to develop new virtual laboratories without being necessary to possess strong skills in advanced programming. Apart from reaching a higher degree of autonomy and flexibility, this method will allow improving the long-term quality of learning because of the possibility of integrating a great variety of different didactic examples, which can simulataneosuly be used in the classroom in combination with theoretical lessons.Los autores agradecen el soporte financiero a la Universidad de Zaragoza, proyecto PIIDUZ_19_074 Integración de asignaturas de ingeniería de sistemas y automática dentro de una red nacional de laboratorios interactivos UNILabs para el fomento de las metodologías activasGonzález Sorribes, A. (2021). Laboratorios virtuales web como herramienta de apoyo para prácticas de ingeniería no presenciales. En IN-RED 2020: VI Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 542-549. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2020.2020.11995OCS54254

    The Information Technology for Remote and Virtual Practical Researches on Robotics

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    The purpose of the article is to consider the information technology capabilities in the organization of remote access to physical equipment and virtual means for practical research and training on robotics. Methods. Methods of distributed information and computing processes, communication protocols, and web application programming are used. Results. Two types of specialized means of our laboratory complex — physical equipment with remote access and virtual environments are considered. The general structures of autonomous mobile robot and sensor module that can be used remotely for certain research and practical training are presented. Some examples of web applications that are intended to familiarize students with certain types of robotics systems by their 3D models and to perform corresponding practical tasks with the automatic results checking are shown.Метою статті є аналіз можливостей інформаційних технологій в організації віддаленого доступу до фізичного обладнання та віртуальних засобів для практичних досліджень і навчання з робототехніки. Методи. Використано методики розподілених інформаційних та обчислювальних процесів, комунікаційні протоколи та програмування веб-застосунків. Результати. Розглянуто два типи спеціалізованих засобів нашого лабораторного комплексу — фізичне обладнання з дистанційним доступом та віртуальні середовища. Наведено загальні структури обладнання, що складається з автономного мобільного робота і сенсорного модуля, які можуть використовуватися дистанційно для певних досліджень і практичних занять. Показано деякі приклади веб-застосунків, які призначено для ознайомлення з певними видами робототехнічних систем за їх 3D моделями та виконання відповідних практичних завдань з автоматичною перевіркою результатів.Рассмотрена проблема своевременного обновления лабораторных средств для обучения и исследований по робототехнике и интеллектуальным информационным технологиям. Предложена технология организации лабораторного комплекса с двумя типами компонентов — программно-аппаратное оборудование с дистанционным управлением и программные веб-приложения для практических занятий в виртуальной среде. Приведено общее структурное описание действующего оборудования в виде мобильного робота и сенсорного модуля. Показано несколько примеров веб-приложений, позволяющих ознакомиться с пространственными моделями определенных видов робототехнических систем и выполнить конкретные практические задания с возможностью автоматической проверки полученного результата