721 research outputs found

    Large publishing consortia produce higher citation impact research but co-author contributions are hard to evaluate

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    This paper introduces a simple agglomerative clustering method to identify large publishing consortia with at least 20 authors and 80% shared authorship between articles. Based on Scopus journal articles 1996-2018, under these criteria, nearly all (88%) of the large consortia published research with citation impact above the world average, with the exceptions being mainly the newer consortia for which average citation counts are unreliable. On average, consortium research had almost double (1.95) the world average citation impact on the log scale used (Mean Normalised Log Citation Score). At least partial alphabetical author ordering was the norm in most consortia. The 250 largest consortia were for nuclear physics and astronomy around expensive equipment, and for predominantly health-related issues in genomics, medicine, public health, microbiology and neuropsychology. For the health-related issues, except for the first and last few authors, authorship seem to primary indicate contributions to the shared project infrastructure necessary to gather the raw data. It is impossible for research evaluators to identify the contributions of individual authors in the huge alphabetical consortia of physics and astronomy, and problematic for the middle and end authors of health-related consortia. For small scale evaluations, authorship contribution statements could be used, when available

    The development of computer science research in the People's Republic of China 2000-2009: A bibliometric study

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    This paper reports a bibliometric study of the development of computer science research in the People's Republic of China in the 21st century, using data from the Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports and CORE databases. Focusing on the areas of data mining, operating systems and web design, it is shown that whilst the productivity of Chinese research has risen dramatically over the period under review, its impact is still low when compared with established scientific nations such as the USA, the UK and Japan. The publication and citation data for China are compared with corresponding data for the other three BRIC nations (Brazil, Russian and India). It is shown that China dominates the BRIC nations in terms of both publications and citations, but that Indian publications often have a greater individual impact. © The Author(s) 2012

    Congress UPV Proceedings of the 21ST International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators

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    This is the book of proceedings of the 21st Science and Technology Indicators Conference that took place in València (Spain) from 14th to 16th of September 2016. The conference theme for this year, ‘Peripheries, frontiers and beyond’ aimed to study the development and use of Science, Technology and Innovation indicators in spaces that have not been the focus of current indicator development, for example, in the Global South, or the Social Sciences and Humanities. The exploration to the margins and beyond proposed by the theme has brought to the STI Conference an interesting array of new contributors from a variety of fields and geographies. This year’s conference had a record 382 registered participants from 40 different countries, including 23 European, 9 American, 4 Asia-Pacific, 4 Africa and Near East. About 26% of participants came from outside of Europe. There were also many participants (17%) from organisations outside academia including governments (8%), businesses (5%), foundations (2%) and international organisations (2%). This is particularly important in a field that is practice-oriented. The chapters of the proceedings attest to the breadth of issues discussed. Infrastructure, benchmarking and use of innovation indicators, societal impact and mission oriented-research, mobility and careers, social sciences and the humanities, participation and culture, gender, and altmetrics, among others. We hope that the diversity of this Conference has fostered productive dialogues and synergistic ideas and made a contribution, small as it may be, to the development and use of indicators that, being more inclusive, will foster a more inclusive and fair world

    A survey of shipping finance research: setting the future research agenda

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    Financing shipping related investment projects has always been a focal area of debate and research within the international maritime industry since access to funding can determine the competitiveness of a capital-intensive business as well as its success or failure under adverse market conditions. This paper provides, for the first time, a comprehensive and structured survey of all published research in the area of shipping finance and investment. The review spans approximately four decades (1979-2018) of empirical evidence, including 162 studies published in 48 scholarly journals, complemented with select books and book chapters. The study provides a bibliometric analysis and comprehensive synthesis of existing research offering an invaluable source of information for both the academic community and business practice, shaping the future research agenda in shipping finance and investment

    The Geography of Scientific Collaboration

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    Science is increasingly defined by multidimensional collaborative networks. Despite the unprecedented growth of scientific collaboration around the globe – the collaborative turn – geography still matters for the cognitive enterprise. This book explores how geography conditions scientific collaboration and how collaboration affects the spatiality of science. This book offers a complex analysis of the spatial aspects of scientific collaboration, addressing the topic at a number of levels: individual, organizational, urban, regional, national, and international. Spatial patterns of scientific collaboration are analysed along with their determinants and consequences. By combining a vast array of approaches, concepts, and methodologies, the volume offers a comprehensive theoretical framework for the geography of scientific collaboration. The examples of scientific collaboration policy discussed in the book are taken from the European Union, the United States, and China. Through a number of case studies the authors analyse the background, development and evaluation of these policies. This book will be of interest to researchers in diverse disciplines such as regional studies, scientometrics, R&D policy, socio-economic geography and network analysis. It will also be of interest to policymakers, and to managers of research organisations

    Higher education expansion and the rise of China in economics research

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    China has seen a massive higher education expansion, which the literature has dated to the 1999-2008 period with quantitative and qualitative outcomes. However, the consequences for the publication success of Chinese authors worldwide are not well studied. We review the respective Chinese higher education policies and document the dramatic rise in publication success, with a focus on the field of Economics. A substantial set of regressions and robustness checks confirm the understanding that the higher education expansion has indeed let to a substantial worldwide rise in scientific publications in refereed economics journals fueled by the general incentives of the reform, through research collaborations and other quality improving factors

    The Geography of Scientific Collaboration

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    Science is increasingly defined by multidimensional collaborative networks. Despite the unprecedented growth of scientific collaboration around the globe – the collaborative turn – geography still matters for the cognitive enterprise. This book explores how geography conditions scientific collaboration and how collaboration affects the spatiality of science. This book offers a complex analysis of the spatial aspects of scientific collaboration, addressing the topic at a number of levels: individual, organizational, urban, regional, national, and international. Spatial patterns of scientific collaboration are analysed along with their determinants and consequences. By combining a vast array of approaches, concepts, and methodologies, the volume offers a comprehensive theoretical framework for the geography of scientific collaboration. The examples of scientific collaboration policy discussed in the book are taken from the European Union, the United States, and China. Through a number of case studies the authors analyse the background, development and evaluation of these policies. This book will be of interest to researchers in diverse disciplines such as regional studies, scientometrics, R&D policy, socio-economic geography and network analysis. It will also be of interest to policymakers, and to managers of research organisations

    Scientific assessment of risk to populations of pythons listed by CITES as a result of trade

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    This report provides a scientific risk assessment of the effects that international trade in selected species of pythons (Pythonidae spp.) and python products may have on populations of these species. The assessment is based on the criteria given under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The risk assessment is limited to species in the genera Apodora, Aspidites, Liasis, Malayopython, Morelia, and Python imported/exported to/from Norway since 2010 (ToR §3). Risk assessments to determine species-specific detriment (cf. Res. Conf. 16.7 (Rev. CoP17) Non-detriment findings) were made for 17 species using a standardized approach. Significant data gaps affected the degree of uncertaintyassociated with the assessments. Data gaps are mostly related to populations, trends, and illegal trade. Population and trade data for many species was more than a decade old and might therefore not reflect the current situation for these species. Based on the species-specific detriment assessments VKM concludes no detriment for 12 species (Apodora papuana, Aspidites melanocephalus, Liasis mackloti, Malayopython reticulatus, Morelia bredli, Morelia spilota, Morelia viridis, Python anchietae, Python bivittatus, Python breitensteini, Python brongersmai, Python curtus). For one species, VKM concludes detriment (Morelia boeleni). For two species, a split conclusion is made based on the region of origin (Python regius and Python sebae). Furthermore, sufficient data was lacking for Malayopython timoriensis and VKM is therefore unable to make a detriment assessment. The final species, Python molurus, is CITES Appendix I listed and should not be traded for commercial purposes. The degree of uncertainty associated with each assessment varied based on data availability and this is indicated as a confidence level of the individual assessments (low to high)Scientific assessment of risk to populations of pythons listed by CITES as a result of tradepublishedVersio

    The career paths of graduates in chinese interpreting studies: a scientometric exploration

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    Els darrers 30 anys, el creixement dels Estudis d’Interpretació xinesos ha sigut, com a mínim, espectacular. La creixent col·laboració econòmica i política entre la Xina i Occident han motivat la demanda d’intèrprets per a superar les diferències lingüístiques i culturals. Des que es van crear graus i màsters en traducció i interpretació per tota la Xina, centenars d’egressats universitaris s’han embarcat en carreres professionals diverses. Aquest estudi comença amb un panorama de la disciplina: trajectòria de creixement, tendències temàtiques i teòriques dominants, metodologies d’investigació i col·laboracions, i principals figures. Partint d’un corpus exhaustiu de tesis de màster, es fa servir l’Aparellament per Puntuació de Propensió (APP) i l’Avaluació de la Importància de les Variables (EIV) per a examinar quins determinants estructurals poden tenir un impacte causal en les decisions que els estudiants prenen sobre la seva carrera professional després de la graduació. La investigació revela que és més probable que entrin al món acadèmic els escriptors de tesis empíriques que no aquells que van dur a terme recerca teòrica. En contra de les expectatives habituals, el contingut de la tesis i el prestigi de l’afiliació acadèmica de l’estudiant i el director de tesi tenen poc impacte en la decisió. Segons la disciplina continua desenvolupant-se i madura, els factors que afecten les decisions sobre la carrera dels egressats tendeixen a continuar desenvolupant-se en paral·lel, tornant-la més complexa i diversa.En los últimos 30 años el crecimiento de los Estudios de Interpretación chinos ha sido, como poco, espectacular. La progresiva colaboración económica y política entre China y Occidente ha motivado una demanda de intérpretes para superar las diferencias lingüísticas y culturales. Desde que se crearon grados y máster en traducción e interpretación por toda China cientos de graduados universitarios se han embarcado en diferentes carreras profesionales. Este estudio empieza con un panorama de la disciplina: trayectoria de crecimiento, tendencias temáticas y teóricas dominantes, metodologías de investigación y colaboraciones, y principales figuras. A partir de un corpus exhaustivo de tesis de máster, se usa Pareamiento por Puntaje de Propensión (PPP) y Evaluación de la Importancia de las Variables (EIV) para examinar que determinantes estructurales pueden tener un impacto causal en las decisiones que los estudiantes toman sobre sus carreras tras la graduación. La investigación revela que es más probable que accedan al mundo académico los escritores de tesis empíricas que aquellos que realizan estudios teóricos. Al contrario de lo esperado, el contenido de la tesis y el prestigio de la afiliación académica del estudiante o el director de la tesis tienen poco impacto en la decisión. Según la disciplina se sigue desarrollando y madura, los factores que afectan las decisiones sobre la carrera profesional de los graduados tienden a seguir desarrollándose en paralelo, volviéndola más compleja y diversa.Increasing economic and political collaboration between China and the West has driven the demand for interpreters to bridge the linguistic and cultural divide. Since master’s and bachelor’s degree courses in interpreting and translation were created all over China, hundreds of university graduates have embarked on widely differing career paths. This study begins with an overview of the discipline: its growth trajectory, dominant theoretical and thematic trends, research methodologies and collaborations, and major players. Working from an exhaustive corpus of master’s theses, Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and Variable Importance Evaluation (VIE) are used to examine which structural determinants may have a causal impact on the decisions students make about their careers after graduation. The research reveals that writers of empirical theses are much more inclined to enter the academic sphere than those who conduct theoretical studies. Graduation year and geographical location of university also contribute to the choice between one career path and another. Contrary to common expectation, thesis content and the prestige of a student’s academic affiliation or thesis advisor have little impact on the decision. As the discipline continues to evolve and mature, the factors affecting graduates’ career choices are likely to develop in parallel, becoming ever more complex and diverse

    Reform in Reverse: Human Rights in the People\u27s Republic of China, 1986/1987

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