28 research outputs found

    Coherent Phonons in Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene

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    We review recent studies of coherent phonons (CPs) corresponding to the radial breathing mode (RBM) and G-mode in single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and graphene. Because of the bandgap-diameter relationship, RBM-CPs cause bandgap oscillations in SWCNTs, modulating interband transitions at terahertz frequencies. Interband resonances enhance CP signals, allowing for chirality determination. Using pulse shaping, one can selectively excite speci!c-chirality SWCNTs within an ensemble. G-mode CPs exhibit temperature-dependent dephasing via interaction with RBM phonons. Our microscopic theory derives a driven oscillator equation with a density-dependent driving term, which correctly predicts CP trends within and between (2n+m) families. We also find that the diameter can initially increase or decrease. Finally, we theoretically study the radial breathing like mode in graphene nanoribbons. For excitation near the absorption edge, the driving term is much larger for zigzag nanoribbons. We also explain how the armchair nanoribbon width changes in response to laser excitation.Comment: 48 pages, 41 figure

    Optimization and control of feed and transfer pumps

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    A new low pressure fuel system implementation for Scania’s trucks is being investigated. The main challenge consists in exchanging the mechanical pump with electrical pumps. The electrical pumps must then be controlled to supply exactly the demanded amount of fuel at the required pressure. System redundancy allows a lot of degrees of freedom influencing the final performance. This thesis studies the factors influencing system’s performance to design a controller that enhances its behavior. The physical basis of the elements in the system are investigated and stated with that purpose. The system is analyzed and the output pressure and tank level are controlled by a LQG regulator giving successful results in reference tracking. Integral action is included for disturbance rejection and the states are estimated to overcome quantifications and noise from the signals. The disturbance rejection performance is improved by extending the regulator with a Smith Predictor for time delay compensation and including information about the engine mass-flow demand. The control actions are minimized by the tuning of the controller in order to extend component’s life. The controller includes different modes for when an external action should be input e.g., when a diagnosis test must be run. The optimization of free set-points is discussed and holistic criteria from experience is set. The result is that the system endurance is enhanced by running only two pumps when one does not provide higher efficiency. Results show that different pumps should be chosen in the final design for an improvement of the global efficiency. Future work will consist in implementing the resulting controller in the real system built with actuators selected accordingly to the optimization results

    Applications of Large Eddy Simulation to Study Flow and Sediment Transport in Open Channel Flows

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    The motivation of this study is to extend applications of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) for typical open channel flows to elucidate the time dependent three dimensional flow and sediment transport features which are usually difficult to measure in experiments. Detailed investigations are performed on the unsteady features and, in particular, turbulent structures of the flow to demonstrate the great potential of eddy resolving methods. The instantaneous flow and sediment transport fields are investigated together with the existence of coherent structures. These structures together with ejection events (u\u27 \u3c 0, w\u27 \u3e 0), are responsible for the vertical and lateral transport of suspended sediment from the near bed region. Stronger velocity perturbation vectors are also observed around the coherent structures, demonstrating that these areas are highly dynamic zones of flow and sediment transport. As a result of the enhanced viscosity, sediment induced stratification, and particle pressure effects, a reduction on the peak turbulence levels is shown for both the wall normal and Reynolds shear stress components in the sediment concentrated recirculation and near-bed regions. These phenomena can potentially decrease the vertical mixing and turbulent suspension of sediment particles in the flow field. Three dimensional hydrodynamic simulations are also conducted for ~10 meter section of the Expanded Small Scale Physical Model (ESSPM) of the Lower Mississippi River to gain insights on the effects of model distortion on various hydrodynamic variables. Analysis and comparisons are carried out at two distortion scales (i.e., 15, the design distortion and 7.5) using turbulence resolving simulations. Overall, the difference in horizontal mean velocity profiles and velocity fluctuations from the two distortion levels is small, supporting the ability of a distorted models to replicate bulk 1-D sediment transport rates. The work presented in this dissertation demonstrates that LES is advantageous for solving the complex flow and sediment transport dynamics by resolving the large scale eddies of the turbulent motion and that, when coupled with a sediment transport model, will provide valuable insights into three dimensional turbulence-sediment interactions

    Application of A Microfluidic Tool for the Determination of Enzyme Kinetics

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    Factors affecting performance in elite finger-spin bowling

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    Full-body three-dimensional kinematics, passive joint range of motion and bowling parameters from match play were calculated to enable the analysis of elite finger spin bowling technique and delivery mechanics. Specifically, the effect of kinematic parameters and passive joint range of motion contributing to the production of spin were examined whilst ball trajectory parameters in international test match cricket were assessed and the extent to which these parameters may impact match performance. Kinematic and passive range of motion data were collected for a group of 23 elite finger spin bowlers, describing elements of finger spin bowling technique with the effect of these parameters on ball spin rate addressed using linear regression. Ball trajectory data were collected using a Hawk-eyeTM ball tracking system for 36 elite finger spin bowlers competing in international test match cricket between 2006 – 2015. Parameters were calculated describing elements of ball trajectory with the effect of these parameters on bowling average and economy addressed using linear regression. Kinematic analysis suggests the bowlers imparting the most spin adopted a mid-way pelvis orientation angle, a larger pelvis-shoulder separation angle and a shoulder orientation short of side-on at FFC. The orientation of the pelvis at FFC was shown to be the most important technique parameter explaining 43.1% of the variance in ball spin rate. Higher ball spin rates were also associated with a larger internal rotation of the rear hip and bowling shoulder, whilst the total arc of rotation of the non-dominant hip (front leg) was found to be the best predictor of ball spin rate, explaining 26% of the observed variance in spin rate. Side to side differences were also observed with greater external rotation and lesser internal rotation in the bowling shoulder, and greater internal rotation in the non-dominant hip. Linear regressions of bowling parameters in test match competition revealed bowling length, bowing line and release velocity as the biggest predictors of bowling economy, predicting 54.4% of the observed variance. Findings suggest bowlers conceding the least runs released the ball at higher ball release speeds, bowled straight bowling lines and pitched the ball 4 – 5m in length. Whilst no parameters were predictive of bowling average, results indicate that deliveries deviating away from the opposing batsman concede less runs and takes more wickets, when compared to deviating toward

    Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019

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    This open access book summarizes the research done and results obtained in the second funding phase of the Priority Program 1648 "Software for Exascale Computing" (SPPEXA) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) presented at the SPPEXA Symposium in Dresden during October 21-23, 2019. In that respect, it both represents a continuation of Vol. 113 in Springer’s series Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, the corresponding report of SPPEXA’s first funding phase, and provides an overview of SPPEXA’s contributions towards exascale computing in today's sumpercomputer technology. The individual chapters address one or more of the research directions (1) computational algorithms, (2) system software, (3) application software, (4) data management and exploration, (5) programming, and (6) software tools. The book has an interdisciplinary appeal: scholars from computational sub-fields in computer science, mathematics, physics, or engineering will find it of particular interest

    A mathematics rendering model to support chat-based tutoring

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    Dr Math is a math tutoring service implemented on the chat application Mxit. The service allows school learners to use their mobile phones to discuss mathematicsrelated topics with human tutors. Using the broad user-base provided by Mxit, the Dr Math service has grown to consist of tens of thousands of registered school learners. The tutors on the service are all volunteers and the learners far outnumber the available tutors at any given time. School learners on the service use a shorthand language-form called microtext, to phrase their queries. Microtext is an informal form of language which consists of a variety of misspellings and symbolic representations, which emerge spontaneously as a result of the idiosyncrasies of a learner. The specific form of microtext found on the Dr Math service contains mathematical questions and example equations, pertaining to the tutoring process. Deciphering the queries, to discover their embedded mathematical content, slows down the tutoring process. This wastes time that could have been spent addressing more learner queries. The microtext language thus creates an unnecessary burden on the tutors. This study describes the development of an automated process for the translation of Dr Math microtext queries into mathematical equations. Using the design science research paradigm as a guide, three artefacts are developed. These artefacts take the form of a construct, a model and an instantiation. The construct represents the creation of new knowledge as it provides greater insight into the contents and structure of the language found on a mobile mathematics tutoring service. The construct serves as the basis for the creation of a model for the translation of microtext queries into mathematical equations, formatted for display in an electronic medium. No such technique currently exists and therefore, the model contributes new knowledge. To validate the model, an instantiation was created to serve as a proof-of-concept. The instantiation applies various concepts and techniques, such as those related to natural language processing, to the learner queries on the Dr Math service. These techniques are employed in order to translate an input microtext statement into a mathematical equation, structured by using mark-up language. The creation of the instantiation thus constitutes a knowledge contribution, as most of these techniques have never been applied to the problem of translating microtext into mathematical equations. For the automated process to have utility, it should perform on a level comparable to that of a human performing a similar translation task. To determine how closely related the results from the automated process are to those of a human, three human participants were asked to perform coding and translation tasks. The results of the human participants were compared to the results of the automated process, across a variety of metrics, including agreement, correlation, precision, recall and others. The results from the human participants served as the baseline values for comparison. The baseline results from the human participants were compared with those of the automated process. Krippendorff’s α was used to determine the level of agreement and Pearson’s correlation coefficient to determine the level of correlation between the results. The agreement between the human participants and the automated process was calculated at a level deemed satisfactory for exploratory research and the level of correlation was calculated as moderate. These values correspond with the calculations made as the human baseline. Furthermore, the automated process was able to meet or improve on all of the human baseline metrics. These results serve to validate that the automated process is able to perform the translation at a level comparable to that of a human. The automated process is available for integration into any requesting application, by means of a publicly accessible web service

    Interval Kalman Filtering Techniques for Unmanned Surface Vehicle Navigation

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    In reference to IEEE copyrighted material which is used with permission in this thesis, the IEEE does not endorse any of Plymouth University's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. If interested in reprinting/republishing IEEE copyrighted material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution, please go to http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/rights_link.html to learn how to obtain a License from RightsLink.This thesis is about a robust filtering method known as the interval Kalman filter (IKF), an extension of the Kalman filter (KF) to the domain of interval mathematics. The key limitation of the KF is that it requires precise knowledge of the system dynamics and associated stochastic processes. In many cases however, system models are at best, only approximately known. To overcome this limitation, the idea is to describe the uncertain model coefficients in terms of bounded intervals, and operate the filter within the framework of interval arithmetic. In trying to do so, practical difficulties arise, such as the large overestimation of the resulting set estimates owing to the over conservatism of interval arithmetic. This thesis proposes and demonstrates a novel and effective way to limit such overestimation for the IKF, making it feasible and practical to implement. The theory developed is of general application, but is applied in this work to the heading estimation of the Springer unmanned surface vehicle, which up to now relied solely on the estimates from a traditional KF. However, the IKF itself simply provides the range of possible vehicle headings. In practice, the autonomous steering system requires a single, point-valued estimate of the heading. In order to address this requirement, an innovative approach based on the use of machine learning methods to select an adequate point-valued estimate has been developed. In doing so, the so called weighted IKF (wIKF) estimate provides a single heading estimate that is robust to bounded model uncertainty. In addition, in order to exploit low-cost sensor redundancy, a multi-sensor data fusion algorithm compatible with the wIKF estimates and which additionally provides sensor fault tolerance has been developed. All these techniques have been implemented on the Springer platform and verified experimentally in a series of full-scale trials, presented in the last chapter of the thesis. The outcomes demonstrate that the methods are both feasible and practicable, and that they are far more effective in providing accurate estimates of the vehicle’s heading than the conventional KF when there is uncertainty in the system model and/or sensor failure occurs.EPSR

    Fluid-Structure Interaction between Structural Components of Hydraulic Turbine and Fluid Flow

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    Tato dizertační práce se zabývá dvěma případy interakce tělesa s tekutinou (FSI). První z nich se zabývá analýzou vzájemné interakce mezi rotorem čerpadla a kapalinou uvnitř těsnící spáry. Vliv těsnící spáry na dynamiku celého stoje je popsán pomocí dynamických parametrů, které jsou také označovaný jako přídavné účinky. V současnosti používané modely těsnících spár používají pro stanovení dynamických parametrů řadu zjednodušujících předpokladů. V této práci je prezentováno pět různých analýz dynamických parametrů těsnící spáry čerpadla na okysličovadlo. Každá z těchto pěti analýz používá jinou míru zjednodušení výpočetního modelu. V případě největšího zjednodušení je modelován pouze objem kapaliny uvnitř těsnící spáry. Nejkomplexnější analýza pro stanovení dynamických parametrů těsnící spáry používá pro výpočet model celého čerpadla s excentrickou polohou rotoru. Druhá část této dizertační práce definuje novou metodu pro řešení interakce kapaliny s pružným tělesem. Tato metoda využívá řešení inverzního problému kmitání. Přímý problém kmitání, který je také označován jako problém vlastních hodnot, používá jako vstupy pro řešení matice hmotnosti, tuhosti a tlumení, které jsou dohromady označovány jako koeficientové matice, na základě kterých je v nejobecnějším případě stanovena Jordanovská matice a také modální matice pravostranných a levostranných vlastních vektorů. Při řešení inverzního problému kmitání jsou stanoveny koeficientové matice na základě Jordanovské matice a modálních matic pravostranných a levostranných vlastních vektorů. Existují dva případy inverzního problému kmitání. V případě, že jsou známy všechny vstupní vlastní čísla a vlastní vektory, pak se jedná o tzv. plný problém. Naopak v případě, že alespoň 1 mód kmitání soustavy není znám, tak se jedná o tzv. částečný problém. V této práci je prezentováno 5 algoritmů pro řešení inverzního problému v kmitání. Nicméně pro každý typ inverzního problému kmitání je prezentován jeden univerzální algoritmus. Algoritmus pro řešení plných problémů byl poprvé prezentován v roce 1979 Otakarem Daňkem. Algoritmy pro řešení částečných problémů, které jsou prezentovány v této práci, jsou vůbec prvními algoritmy pro řešení tohoto typu inverzního problému kmitání. Univerzální algoritmus pro řešení částečných problémů je označován jako algoritmus pro řešení částečných problémů s volbou doplňkových vlastních hodnot. Aplikace těchto dvou univerzálních algoritmů pro řešení inverzního problému kmitání pro případ plných i částečných problémů je ukázána na řešení dvou případů interakce pružného tělesa s kapalinou.This doctoral thesis deals with two cases of fluid-structure interaction (FSI). The concern of the first part is to investigate the mutual interaction between the rotor of rotating machinery and fluid within the annular seals. The effect of the annular seals on the dynamic behaviour of the whole machine is described by the rotordynamic coefficients. The current models for the determination of the rotordynamic coefficients of the annular seal use many simplifications. This thesis presents five different analyses of rotordynamic coefficients of the plain annular seal of the oxidizer pump. Each of those five analyses uses a different level of simplification. The most simple analysis models only the volume of fluid within the annular seal. And the most sophisticated analysis models fluid flow within the entire pump with the eccentric rotor. The second part of this thesis defines a new method for the solution of interaction between the fluid and flexible body. This method is based on the solution of the inverse vibration problem. The direct vibration problem, which is as well known as the eigenvalue problem, uses the mass, damping and stiffness matrices, which are collectively called ''the structural matrices'', and determines in the most general case the Jordan matrix and modal matrices of right and left eigenvectors. The inverse vibration problem is used for the definition of the structural matrices based on the Jordan matrix and modal matrices of right and left eigenvectors. The inverse vibration problems can be divided into two types. If all eigenvalues and eigenvectors are known, then it is called the full problem. On contrary, if at least one mode of vibration is unknown, then it is called the partial problem. Five algorithms for the solution of the inverse vibration problem are defined in this thesis. However, two of these five algorithms are versatile, each one for one type of inverse vibration problem. The algorithm for the solution of the full problems was presented in 1979 by Otakar Daněk. The algorithms for the solution of the partial problem, which are presented in this thesis, are the very first algorithms for the solution of this type of inverse vibration problem. And the versatile algorithm for partial problems is called the algorithm for the partial problems with the selection of additional eigenvalues. The application of these two algorithms for the solution of the inverse vibration problem for the full problems and the partial problems are demonstrated on the solution of two cases of interaction between the fluid and flexible body.