2,487 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Recommendations in Marketing Campaigns

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    The population in Sweden is growing rapidly due to immigration. In this light, the issue of infrastructure upgrades to provide telecommunication services is of importance. New antennas can be installed at hot spots of user demand, which will require an investment, and/or the clientele expansion can be carried out in a planned manner to promote the exploitation of the infrastructure in the less loaded geographical zones. In this paper, we explore the second alternative. Informally speaking, the term Infrastructure-Stressing describes a user who stays in the zones of high demand, which are prone to produce service failures, if further loaded. We have studied the Infrastructure-Stressing population in the light of their correlation with geo-demographic segments. This is motivated by the fact that specific geo-demographic segments can be targeted via marketing campaigns. Fuzzy logic is applied to create an interface between big data, numeric methods for processing big data and a manager.Comment: conferenc

    Sustainability as corporate culture of a brand for superior performance

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in the Journal of World Business. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2012 Elsevier B.V.Sustainability research highlights new challenges and opportunities for businesses. This paper reviews the literature to understand the ability of sustainable green initiatives when practiced as a corporate culture to individually create new opportunities for operations, management and marketing. According to current research, business opportunities exclusively available to different functions of a firm can drive its performance. The role of marketing in the achievement of superior performance by virtue of sustainability practices is also explained by the existing literature. Branding literature, however, fails to explain the influence of a brand on sustainability-driven opportunities available to a firm for superior performance. The objective of this study is to explore if a brand can strengthen the ability of sustainability-based green initiatives of managers to drive opportunities available to a firm for superior performance. A conceptual framework grounded in the triple bottom line theory is presented based on the assumption that brand as a stimulating factor can accelerate the conversion of opportunities available to a business into superior performance. Academic and managerial perspectives have been used to draw upon the implications of the model. Both practitioners and academic researchers will benefit from future research on this topic

    Corporate Social Responsibility — Introducing a New Model for Improving the Financial Performance of Large Enterprises: The Case of Kosovo

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    The purpose of this research project is to show the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on improving long-term corporate financial performance. In line with the literature review, the integration of CSR with Human Resources Management (HRM) and Marketing Strategies were used as the two components of achieving profitability because they were considered as complements of one another. The overall goal is to show how CSR strategies can have positive effects on workforce productivity, employee engagement, brand awareness, and differentiation of the organization in a developing country such as Kosovo. The research method included two primary research tools: (1) semi-structured interviews and (2) survey. A total of 22 company representatives (ni = 22) were interviewed, while the survey was completed by 124 respondents (ns = 124). The results from the interviews indicated that companies who are using CSR have done so because of international partnerships, alleviation of costs, better brand image, and show support for employees and disadvantaged communities. Lack of information is the primary reason why large enterprises in Kosovo do not engage in CSR. Others confuse it with philanthropy, an outdated version of CSR, while some are not interested in changing business as usual practices even in face of market changes. The survey was used to present the point of view of customers and potential employees, in this case the Kosovar Generation Z (Gen Z-ers) cohort, on enterprises that use CSR. The survey highlighted that Kosovar Gen Z-ers have different mindsets and lifegoals compared to their parents. Many are concerned about workforce culture, salaries, and travel opportunities but the majority have a negative perception of Kosovar large businesses. On a positive note, Kosovar Gen Z-ers are interested to work at companies that care for them and their communities, while they are also willing to spend more for their products and services. Finally, the research proposes a new model that might assist large Kosovar enterprises to improve their bottom line if they start their CSR strategy internally linking it with HRM, and then externally through marketing. If giant enterprises want to keep their place in the market, they have to adapt to international standards and mindsets, and be proactive with regards to customer expectations and engage in CSR

    Дослідження управління багатонаціональною корпорацією, на прикладі компаніїb "Кока-Кола"

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    The main purpose of this research paper is to investigate system of management of multinational corporations and to give recommendations as for system of management at Coca-Cola Company. The main tasks of master research paper are the following: - To ascertain whether the multinational corporation are social responsible. - To ascertain whether the MNC in Nigeria have any contribution to the economic advancement of the nation. - To ascertain whether they contribute to the technological development of the countries. - To determine the environmental factors that influences the operations of the Multinationals Corporation Coca-Cola Company. - To give recommendations as for improvement of activity os Coca-Cola Company and industry of beverages.Master’s research paper critically evaluates the challenges Coca-Cola Company experiences while managing its operations in geographical and culturally diverse contexts. An overview of Coca-Cola Company and brief analysis of the global contemporary landscape is initially examined. A critical evaluation is conducted of the Global competitive, Political-Legal, Economic, Socio-cultural and Ethical challenges experienced by Coca-Cola Company. Ways to improve Coca-Cola's operations in the African markets were proposed.Introduction. 1. The theoretical framework and study of Multinational Corporation 1.1 Meanings and definition of Multinational Corporation 1.2 The managerial functions in international business 1.3 Important finding in managing Multinational Corporation 2. Research and analysis of Coca-Cola Company 2.1 Introduction to Coca-Cola Company 2.2 SWOT-analysis of the industrial and economic activity of Coca-Cola Company 2.3 Analysis of the system of management at Coca-Cola Company 3. Recommendations in management for Coca-Cola Company that operates in different geographical and cultural contexts 3.1 Recommendations as for the corporate social responsibly at Coca-Cola company 3.2 Recommendations as for using stevia in producing beverages at Coca-Cola Company 3.3 Recommendations as for strategic issues that Coca-Cola Company is facing today 4. Special part 4.1 Current trends in the field of Coca-Cola Company 4.2 Activities of multinational corporations in the development of Nigeria 5. Rationale for recommendations 5.1 Statement for recommendations at Coca-Cola Company 5.2 Recommendations as for using stevia in producing beverages at Coca-Cola Company 6. Occupational health and safety in emergencies 6.1 Safety and health for Coca-Cola Company 6.2 Protection against specific risks in safety and health 7. Environmental issues 7.1 Environmental impact of products in Coca-Cola Company 7.2 Coca-Cola sustainability plan Conclusions References Appendice

    Digital Divide: Investigating the integration of marketing and ICTs for South African retailers expanding throughout Africa

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    Information Communication Technologies are increasingly used in organisations’ market expansion strategies. These Information communication technologies provide organisations with opportunities such as ease of communication and movement of resources, making the entry into new markets a faster and less resource heavy process. When expanding throughout the African continent, the challenge presented in using this approach is that many African markets have underdeveloped information communication technology infrastructure. In considering this barrier, the extent to which information communication technology enables market expansion throughout the African continent is the topic which has been fully analysed and discussed. An exploratory research design and a qualitative method have been used in this study. The subjects of the data collection were three key individuals selected from a large South African retailer. These three individuals job roles spanned across the marketing and IT departments and were influential in the organisation’s expansion efforts throughout Africa. The findings of this study show that the levels of information communication technology infrastructure vary vastly from country to country on the African continent, noting South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Zambia and Botswana as the more advanced nations with the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda lagging in development. The findings also show that for retailers, the retail focused technology available in South Africa is not yet available in other African nations which causes challenges in offering the same value to consumers across the board. However, the finding show that the development of cloud-based systems has assisted in the widespread use of technologies without the need of heavy investments into physical locations

    Research study on high-level skill needs in Ni Ict sector: final report

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    Consulting report – Agencia B12 – launching of comparatodo in Perú

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    Agencia B12 is a Spanish company specialized in digital marketing with offices in Spain, Mexico, Colombia and Peru. The firm has innovation at its core, and constantly develops tailor-made digital and traditional marketing strategies for its clients based on four values: innovation, passion, integrity and trust. Agencia B12 works primarily with clients in the telecommunications industry, and most of its revenue come from large players in their respective regions (such as Movistar, Claro and Entel in Peru). Given its highly concentrated client portfolio, Agencia B12 constantly seeks new business ventures to diversify their sources of revenue. As part of the firm’s diversification efforts, Comparatodo, a Price Comparison Website (PCW), was developed internally to benefit from such a growing and attractive industry (PCW). Comparatodo is currently operating in Spain, and Agencia B12 is planning to expand the website’s presence in other Latin American countries, starting in Peru. This report conducts an extensive research about Peru’s most promising industries and products for Comparatodo based on market size, pricing, and complexity of sales. Additionally, an analysis of direct and indirect competitors in Peru was conducted. As a result, the proposed solution is to first position Comparatodo as a PCW player in the telecommunications and financial services industry in Peru. The implementation plan is to be executed in 17 weeks and it involves different business units and personnel in the organization responsible for launching and maintaining Comparatodo. The key enablers supporting Comparatodo’s expansion in Peru are: already developed platform in Spain, internal IT department, experienced staff, extensive knowledge of digital marketing, few competitors, and opportunities in multiple industries.Agencia B12 es una compañía española especializada en marketing digital con oficinas en España, México, Colombia y Perú. La empresa tiene como enfoque principal la innovación y desarrolla constantemente estrategias de marketing digital y tradicional a la medida para sus clientes en base a cuatro valores: innovación, pasión, integridad y confianza. Agencia B12 trabaja principalmente con clientes de la industria de telecomunicaciones y la mayoría de sus ingresos provienen de los jugadores más grandes en las regiones donde opera (como Movistar, Claro y Entel en Perú). Dada su cartera de clientes altamente concentrada, Agencia B12 se encuentra en la búsqueda de nuevos negocios para diversificar sus fuentes de ingresos. Como parte de los esfuerzos de diversificación de la empresa se ha desarrollado de manera interna Comparatodo, un sitio web de comparación de precios, con el fin de beneficiarse de esta industria tan atractiva y en crecimiento. Comparatodo opera actualmente en España y la empresa planea expandir su presencia en otros países de Latinoamérica, iniciando en Perú. Este reporte realiza una extensa investigación de las industrias y productos con mayor promesa en el Perú para Comparatodo en función a su tamaño del mercado, precios y complejidad de ventas. Además, se realizó un análisis de competidores directos e indirectos en el mercado peruano. Como resultado, la solución propuesta es posicionar a Comparatodo como un sitio web de comparación de precios en la industria de servicios financieros y telecomunicaciones en Perú. El plan de implementación consta de 17 semanas e involucra a diferentes unidades de negocio y personal de la empresa responsable del lanzamiento y mantenimiento de Comparatodo. Los habilitadores claves que respaldan la expansión de Comparatodo en Perú son: contar con la plataforma ya desarrollada en España, departamento de TI interno, personal experimentado, amplio conocimiento de marketing digital, poca competencia y oportunidades en diversas industrias.Tesi

    Driving Türkiye’s Travel and Tourism Development: The Challenges and Opportunities of Using Big Data for Sustainable Growth

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    With international visitor numbers and tourism income expected to exceed 2019 levels in 2023, Türkiye’s travel and tourism (T&T) sector is now recovering from the sharp declines of the COVID-19 years. Moreover, accounting for about 11% of overall GDP,1 the sector’s role in the country’s socioeconomic development has never been more vital. It is also becoming increasingly clear to policy-makers in Türkiye and beyond that the sector’s future competitiveness and success will rest on sustainable development that accounts for tourism’s economic, social and environmental impacts. However, to achieve this, new tools will need to be developed to measure and monitor the sector’s impact and implement policies in a timely manner. In this context, big data analytics, supported by the growth of T&T digitalization and the resulting explosion in data produced, offers one such solution. The World Economic Forum, with support from Cappadocia University, has published this paper to highlight for Türkiye’s T&T policy-makers and other stakeholders the challenges and opportunities presented by the use of big data for sustainable and resilient T&T growth. The paper’s key findings show the following: Türkiye has a conducive enabling environment for T&T but faces several sustainability challenges: Türkiye’s performance in the Forum’s Travel & Tourism Development Index 2021 highlights the country’s potential for T&T development. The results illustrate the advantages of tourism enablers such as rich cultural and natural resources and leading air-transport infrastructure and services. However, the index results also indicate that Türkiye’s T&T sector faces sustainability challenges such as environmental degradation, the need to further promote inclusive T&T development and demand pressures caused by factors such as high seasonality and the over- concentration of tourism in a few regions. Türkiye’s tourism authorities aim to tackle these challenges with new national tourism plans and initiatives that integrate the concept of sustainability. Big data can be used to address the country’s sustainability challenges, enabling a more competitive and resilient T&T sector: Collecting and analysing data from various sources such as online travel agencies (OTAs), sharing-economy platforms, digital payment systems and mobile devices allows big data techniques and technologies to track and manage the social, economic and environmental impacts of T&T more effectively and often in real time. As a result, it becomes easier to manage tourism flows, target preferred markets and create smart destinations. Big data can also be used to track visitor behaviour across different seasons and destinations, control load capacity and monitor long-term environmental trends. By processing large and diverse datasets, big data supports the creation of strategic plans and development programmes, enhancing the effectiveness and responsiveness of sustainability policies. To unlock the potential of big data, policy-makers in Türkiye need to focus on several readiness factors: Türkiye has made strides in prioritizing sustainability and big data. However, research and survey results indicate that improving Türkiye’s readiness for the use of big data in T&T will require further investment in areas such as information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and access, skills building, multistakeholder collaboration, managing national sustainability criteria, data privacy frameworks and addressing inherent big data limitations. Policy-makers can take several steps to enhance the use and benefits of big data for sustainable, inclusive and resilient T&T growth: This includes: aligning T&T sustainability policy and challenges with big data opportunities and ecosystem capacity; developing a governance framework, funding mechanisms and institutional capacity; building human capital; encouraging T&T digitalization and ICT investment; and ensuring data privacy and security.Kapadokya Üniversites