97 research outputs found

    The cycles of impermanent alterity in Nazaré

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    What happens when a small city expands from 15000 to 100000 inhabitants in the summer time? Because of its extensive beach and remarkable waves Nazaré has been a vacation destination since the 50s. Tourists from all over the world come here between July and September to enjoy this landscape. Who and how many come here? How do these temporary inhabitants change the rhythms of Nazaré's everyday life? How do year-round residents adapt to embrace so many 'others'? How do both interact and create connections that last long after a once a-year visit, or repeating year after year to return to the same place and to 'friends' they left? How does this massive tourism change the supporting life activities of Nazaré's inhabitants becoming complementary to the fishing activity, or even replacing it? Is this seemingly rigid urban fabric elastic enough to expand and adapt to these exponential 'others'? Impermanent alterity explains the relationship between land and water, between 'I' and the 'other' that comes here to step onto the warm sand during the summer days, making visible the cycles of summer-winter, by unfolding their network of lived time interconnections in simple things like the grey line organizing the sidewalk appropriation, a device that adapts matter to the cycles of change. Many others exist. Time is the operator of this impermanent alterity. How do we make it visible? According to Corner, (1999) it is through mapping, a practice of creative representation that crosses fieldwork with interdisciplinary data. The results presented here are part of a larger research presented at EAUM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Participation in Bauru master plans, Brazil: analysis of the historical evolution of the consultation process

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    La participation citoyenne est instrumentalisée au Brésil depuis 1988, date à laquelle la constitution fédérale a réglementé la participation dans les programmes d’urbanisme, plus spécifiquement dans le développement des schémas directeurs. Cet article présente une reconstitution historique des schémas directeurs développés à Bauru – Etat de Sao Paolo – Brésil. D’abord, les méthodes de consultation participative de 1968, 1988 et 2005/2006 sont comparées à l’aide d’une grille d’analyse. Ensuite, le degré de participation communautaire aux processus est estimé par l’application d’une typologie fondée sur le niveau de participation des habitants. Enfin, nous proposons de mettre en évidence et de discuter les effets produits par les changements de coalitions d’acteurs au pouvoir, de l’approche de la planification stratégique, du cadre juridique dans lequel s’inscrit la consultation participative, de la reconnaissance de l’importance de la communauté et du savoir-faire acquis au long du processus.In Brazil, a policy on citizen participation and consultation in urban intervention programs, in particular in the development of master plans, was first introduced into the Federal Constitution in 1988. This article presents an historical reconstitution of Master Plans in Bauru – State of São Paulo – Brazil. The 1968, 1988 and 2005/2006 consultation methods are analyzed using established criteria. The degree of community participation in the processes is estimated by drawing on a typology based on the level of involvement by residents. The effects of participation caused by changes in political regime, technical planning vision, legal support to consultation, recognition of community importance and knowledge acquired during the process are highlighted and discussed

    Efectividad de un programa de Promoción y Prevención en Salud Mental Positiva en estudiantes de Grado de Enfermería Análisis Cuantitativo y Cualitativo

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    No hi ha gaires programes específics per promoure la salut mental positiva entre els estudiants d'infermeria que hàgim trobat als plans d'estudis. La literatura es refereix a diverses estratègies psicosocials dirigides a les emocions i les conductes de promoció de la salut, però cap d'elles té com a objectiu promoure la Salut Mental Positiva, i aquests programes estan completament absents del grau d'Infermeria impartit a Espanya. La recerca va utilitzar un mètode fenomenològic quantitatiu i descriptiu quantitatiu (cas-control) perquè hi ha hagut més estudis quantitatius que qualitatius pel que fa als conceptes relacionats amb la Salut Mental Positiva i molt pocs estudis mixtos. La metodologia d'aprenentatge utilitzada va treballar en les competències dels participants en promoure la seva autoconsciència. La mostra està composta per estudiants d'infermeria de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Els resultats del programa de Prevenció i Promoció en Salut Mental Positiva indiquen que la Salut Mental Positiva es pot promoure durant el grau d'Infermeria. El programa va millorar la salut mental positiva en el grup d'intervenció. A més, va conduir a la prevenció en disminuir-ne l'ansietat psicològica i augmentar-ne la resiliència. També es va trobar que a més nivells de resiliència van augmentar els nivells de salut mental positiva, i a l’inrevés. Els resultats qualitatius van mostrar l'aspecte fenomenològic del desenvolupament de la promoció i prevenció en l'individu. Paraules clau: salut mental positiva, salut mental, estudiant d'infermeria, infermeria, promoció, prevenció.No hay muchos programas específicos para promover la salud mental positiva entre los estudiantes de enfermería que hayamos encontrado en los planes de estudios. La literatura se refiere a diversas estrategias psicosociales dirigidas a las emociones y las conductas de promoción de la salud, pero ninguna de ellas tiene como objetivo promover la Salud Mental Positiva, y tales programas están completamente ausentes del grado de Enfermería impartido en España. La investigación utilizó un método fenomenológico cuantitativo y descriptivo cuantitativo (caso-control) porque ha habido más estudios cuantitativos que cualitativos con respecto a los conceptos relacionados con la Salud Mental Positiva y muy pocos estudios mixtos. La metodología de aprendizaje utilizada trabajó en las competencias de los participantes al promover su autoconciencia. La muestra está compuesta por estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad Rovira i Virgili, Los resultados del programa de Prevención y Promoción en Salud Mental Positiva indican que la Salud Mental Positiva puede promoverse durante el grado de Enfermería. El programa mejoró la salud mental positiva en el grupo de intervención. Además, condujo a la prevención al disminuir la ansiedad psicológica y aumentar la resiliencia. También se encontró que mayores niveles de resiliencia aumentaron los niveles de salud mental positiva, y viceversa. Los resultados cualitativos mostraron el aspecto fenomenológico del desarrollo de la promoción y prevención en el individuo. Palabras clave: salud mental positiva, salud mental, estudiante de enfermería, enfermería, promoción, prevención.There are not many specific programs for promoting Positive Mental Health among Nursing students were found in the curriculum. The literature refers to various psychosocial strategies aimed at the emotions and health promoting behaviors but none of these aims to promote Positive Mental Health, and such programs are entirely absent from the Nursing degree taught in Spain. The research used a mixed phenomenological qualitative and descriptive quantitative method (case-control) because there have been more quantitative than qualitative studies regarding the concepts relating to Positive Mental Health and very few mixed studies. The learning methodology used worked on the participants’ competences by promoting their self-awareness. The sample consists of nursing students from the Rovira i Virgili University, The results of the Prevention and Promotion in Positive Mental Health programme indicate that Positive Mental Health can be promoted during the Nursing degree. The programme improved positive mental health in the intervention group. Furthermore, it led to prevention by decreasing psychological anxiety and increasing resilience. It was also found that greater levels of resilience increased the levels of Positive Mental Health, and vice versa. The qualitative results showed the phenomenological aspect of the development of promotion and prevention in the individual. Key words: Positive Mental Health, Mental Health, nursing student, nursing, promotion, preventio


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    Unsur terpenting dalam perjanjian asuransi adalah harus terdapat ganti kerugian, yang mana prinsip ini secara tegas dinyatakan dalam Pasal 250 KUH Dagang yaitu apabila seorang tertanggung pada waktu asuransi diadakan tidak ada kepentingan pada benda yang dijamin keselamatannya, maka penanggung tidaklah berkewajiban mengganti kerugian. PT. Asuransi Central Asia Cabang Padang sebagai pelaksana dalam pertanggungan wajib apabila terjadi kecelakaan yang disebabkan oleh tertanggung, maka penanggung harus membayar ganti rugi terhadap korban kecelakaan atau pihak ketiga sebagai bentuk tanggungjawab hukum. Permasalahan dalam tulisan ini adalah 1) Mengetahui proses pelaksanaan asuransi kendaraan bermotor all risk pada PT. Asuransi Central Asia Cabang Padang, 2) prosedur pembayaran ganti kerugian terhadap pihak ketiga' 3) Kendala-kendala yang dihadapi para pihak dalam pelaksanaan ganti kerugian terhadap pihak ketiga dan cara penyelesaiannya

    Captação de recursos de longo prazo: as opções disponíveis às empresas brasileiras com foco no mercado de debêntures.

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    O estudo busca traçar os diferenciais das debêntures como meio de captação de longo prazo das empresas brasileiras, assim como analisar o ambiente regulatório presente deste instrumento. Para tal, serão exploradas opções disponíveis de obtenção de recursos no mercado nacional às empresas que buscam se financiar, analisando suas aplicações e também características referentes as companhias que tornam um mecanismo ou outro mais adequado. Uma vez compreendidas as particularidades das empresas que optam pelas debêntures, e as vantagens e desvantagens desta alternativa de captação, será examinado o ambiente regulatório desde instrumento e discussões recentes

    Infográfico : moda como expressão da identidade feminina

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Departamento de Desenho Industrial, 2016.Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar a execução de um infográfico narrativo interativo sobre a relação entre as mudanças nas formas da moda em conjunção com as mudanças no papel social da mulher. É um projeto acadêmico realizado para a diplomação na habilitação de Programação Visual do curso de Design da Universidade de Brasília. A revisão teórica conta com uma pesquisa da moda feminina no século XX, acompanhada de breve introdução histórica, com destaque na trajetória social da mulher. O projeto utiliza o design de informação, ilustrações, iconografia e criação de leiaute para página web para realizar o infográfico

    A inovação trazida pelo instituto da barganha à ordem jurídica brasileira

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    A finalidade deste trabalho é alcançar as possíveis críticas e facilidades que a propositura do instituto, notadamente anglo-saxão, do plea barganing encontrariam no âmbito do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. E por fim dizer se é cabível ou não o método de solução. A discussão se faz necessária na medida em que, quando da lavratura do presente artigo, tramita no âmbito do Congresso Nacional a propositura do referido instrumento, entre outras mudanças, sugeridas pelo Ministro da Justiça Senhor Sérgio Fernando Moro. Apesar de não possuir data marcada para sua votação nas casas legislativas, o instituto já enfrenta críticas nos meios acadêmicos. Visto que, o instrumento decorre de países em que o ordenamento jurídico se parece muito pouco com o ordenamento vigente no território nacional. A função desse artigo é justamente apresentar essas críticas, que já existem no âmbito da justiça penal negociada no Brasil, bem como trazer à tona as críticas advindas dos ordenamentos em que foi possível à adoção da barganha. Buscando sempre o entendimento da vasta doutrina brasileira, bem como de autores internacionais sobre, os princípios que refletem na matéria processual penal. Sempre analisando sob a ótica dos imperativos do devido processo legal e da impossibilidade de cerceamento de defesa aos acusados

    Digitization of Pathology Labs: A Review of Lessons Learned

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    Pathology laboratories are increasingly using digital workflows. This has the potential of increasing lab efficiency, but the digitization process also involves major challenges. Several reports have been published describing the individual experiences of specific laboratories with the digitization process. However, a comprehensive overview of the lessons learned is still lacking. We provide an overview of the lessons learned for different aspects of the digitization process, including digital case management, digital slide reading, and computer-aided slide reading. We also cover metrics used for monitoring performance and pitfalls and corresponding values observed in practice. The overview is intended to help pathologists, IT decision-makers, and administrators to benefit from the experiences of others and to implement the digitization process in an optimal way to make their own laboratory future-proof.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur

    Women with Blood Hypertension: A Dialogical Reflection

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    The article reflects on the “philosophy of dialogue” of Martín Buber for the analysis of the relationship of women who live with arterial hypertension. With the theoretical proposal of Buber, considering the social context from the world view of the disease, this leads to relationships of suffering and anguish, but with dialogue among the people who live with this disease it is observed in specific cases of chronic disease. Likewise, the panorama of the problem is the interaction between the social being and the disease, in order to generate a dialogue between the disease and the women who live daily this condition