912 research outputs found

    Developments in nanoparticles for use in biosensors to assess food safety and quality

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    The following will provide an overview on how advances in nanoparticle technology have contributed towards developing biosensors to screen for safety and quality markers associated with foods. The novel properties of nanoparticles will be described and how such characteristics have been exploited in sensor design will be provided. All the biosensor formats were initially developed for the health care sector to meet the demand for point-of-care diagnostics. As a consequence, research has been directed towards miniaturization thereby reducing the sample volume to nanolitres. However, the needs of the food sector are very different which may ultimately limit commercial application of nanoparticle based nanosensors. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd

    Advances in nanomaterials integration in CMOS-based electrochemical sensors: a review

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    The monolithic integration of electrochemical sensors with instrumentation electronics on semiconductor technology is a promising approach to achieve sensor scalability, miniaturization and increased signal to noise ratio. Such an integration requires post-process modification of microchips (or wafers) fabricated in standard semiconductor technology (e.g. CMOS) to develop sensitive and selective sensing electrodes. This review focuses on the post-process fabrication techniques for addition of nanomaterials to the electrode surface, a key component in the construction of electrochemical sensors that has been widely used to achieve surface reactivity and sensitivity. Several CMOS-compatible techniques are summarized and discussed in this review for the deposition of nanomaterials such as gold, platinum, carbon nanotubes, polymers and metal oxide/nitride nanoparticles. These techniques include electroless deposition, electro-chemical deposition, lift-off, micro-spotting, dip-pen lithography, physical adsorption, self-assembly and hydrothermal methods. Finally, the review is concluded and summarized by stating the advantages and disadvantages of these deposition methods

    Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanorods and use in Biosensor Applications

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    The main aim of this research was to develop a nanorod based biosensor for biomedical applications. In this project I use zinc oxide nanorods as the bio-material for biosensor. I fabricated these nanorods using a solution-based technique. Initially I coated a zinc oxide seed layer as the base. This seed layer was then annealed at 350 degrees for almost 1 hour. As a next step, interdigitated electrodes were fabricated on the top of the seed layer using a lift off process. The zinc oxide nanorods were then grown at 90 degrees for almost 4 hours along the electrodes. In this project I have concentrated on making a biosensor for cancer applications, specifically for colon and lung cancer. Cancer specific antibodies, namely Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) were immobilized on the top of the nanorods whose effect was identified by measuring the IV characteristics across the electrodes. In this project, I made use the concept of covalent bonding, for which I had a cross linking layer before the immobilization of the antibodies. Nanorods, along with the antibodies, completed the fabrication of the whole sensor. In order to test the sensor, CEA antigens containing the target cells were passed over the device containing the nanorods and antibodies. The capturing of the target cells by the antibodies was confirmed by measuring the IV characteristics across the electrodes

    Recent Advances in Nanotechnology Applied to Biosensors

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    In recent years there has been great progress the application of nanomaterials in biosensors. The importance of these to the fundamental development of biosensors has been recognized. In particular, nanomaterials such as gold nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, magnetic nanoparticles and quantum dots have been being actively investigated for their applications in biosensors, which have become a new interdisciplinary frontier between biological detection and material science. Here we review some of the main advances in this field over the past few years, explore the application prospects, and discuss the issues, approaches, and challenges, with the aim of stimulating a broader interest in developing nanomaterial-based biosensors and improving their applications in disease diagnosis and food safety examination

    Nanomaterials for Healthcare Biosensing Applications

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    In recent years, an increasing number of nanomaterials have been explored for their applications in biomedical diagnostics, making their applications in healthcare biosensing a rapidly evolving field. Nanomaterials introduce versatility to the sensing platforms and may even allow mobility between different detection mechanisms. The prospect of a combination of different nanomaterials allows an exploitation of their synergistic additive and novel properties for sensor development. This paper covers more than 290 research works since 2015, elaborating the diverse roles played by various nanomaterials in the biosensing field. Hence, we provide a comprehensive review of the healthcare sensing applications of nanomaterials, covering carbon allotrope-based, inorganic, and organic nanomaterials. These sensing systems are able to detect a wide variety of clinically relevant molecules, like nucleic acids, viruses, bacteria, cancer antigens, pharmaceuticals and narcotic drugs, toxins, contaminants, as well as entire cells in various sensing media, ranging from buffers to more complex environments such as urine, blood or sputum. Thus, the latest advancements reviewed in this paper hold tremendous potential for the application of nanomaterials in the early screening of diseases and point-of-care testing

    Enzyme-based Electrochemical Biosensors

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    On the Interaction between 1D Materials and Living Cells

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    One-dimensional (1D) materials allow for cutting-edge applications in biology, such as single-cell bioelectronics investigations, stimulation of the cellular membrane or the cytosol, cellular capture, tissue regeneration, antibacterial action, traction force investigation, and cellular lysis among others. The extraordinary development of this research field in the last ten years has been promoted by the possibility to engineer new classes of biointerfaces that integrate 1D materials as tools to trigger reconfigurable stimuli/probes at the sub-cellular resolution, mimicking the in vivo protein fibres organization of the extracellular matrix. After a brief overview of the theoretical models relevant for a quantitative description of the 1D material/cell interface, this work offers an unprecedented review of 1D nano- and microscale materials (inorganic, organic, biomolecular) explored so far in this vibrant research field, highlighting their emerging biological applications. The correlation between each 1D material chemistry and the resulting biological response is investigated, allowing to emphasize the advantages and the issues that each class presents. Finally, current challenges and future perspectives are discussed

    Nanomaterials as Analytical Tools for Genosensors

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    Nanomaterials are being increasingly used for the development of electrochemical DNA biosensors, due to the unique electrocatalytic properties found in nanoscale materials. They offer excellent prospects for interfacing biological recognition events with electronic signal transduction and for designing a new generation of bioelectronic devices exhibiting novel functions. In particular, nanomaterials such as noble metal nanoparticles (Au, Pt), carbon nanotubes (CNTs), magnetic nanoparticles, quantum dots and metal oxide nanoparticles have been actively investigated for their applications in DNA biosensors, which have become a new interdisciplinary frontier between biological detection and material science. In this article, we address some of the main advances in this field over the past few years, discussing the issues and challenges with the aim of stimulating a broader interest in developing nanomaterial-based biosensors and improving their applications in disease diagnosis and food safety examination

    Review: Biosensors for the detection of Escherichia coli

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    The supply of safe potable water, free from pathogens and chemicals, requires routine  analyses and the application of several diagnostic techniques. Apart from being  expensive, many of the detection methods require trained personnel and are often time-consuming. With drastic climate changes, severe droughts, increases in  population and pollution of natural water systems, the need to develop ultrasensitive, low-cost and hand-held, point-of-use detection kits to monitor water quality is critical. Although Escherichia coli is still considered the best indicator of water quality, cell numbers may be below detection limits, or the cells may be non-culturable and thus only detected by DNA amplification. A number of different biosensors have been developed to detect viable, dead or non-culturable microbial cells and chemicals in water. This review discusses the differences in these biosensors and evaluates the application of microfluidics in the design of ultra-sensitive nano-biosensors.Keywords: Biosensors, microfluidics, nano-biosensors, E. coli detectio