62,830 research outputs found

    John Henry Newman’s Anglican Views on Judaism

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    The scant scholarship associated with Newman’s Anglican views about Judaism has focused on his negative rhetoric against Judaism and portrayed him as anti-Semitic. His Anglican writings, however, applied terms associated with Judaism in a typological sense to the political and religious realities of his day, primarily to support his apologetic agenda and to highlight threats to the Church of England. Simultaneously, he stressed the positive characteristics of Judaism, illustrated the continuity between Judaism and Christianity, and pointed out that the religious system of Judaism was divinely inspired and contained worthy examples for Christian living

    The Contemporary Thinking of Chinese Traditional Political Thoughts

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    The thesis synthesizes culture, political value and the system of domination to deduce the core of Chinese traditional culture, which is the traditional political thought. Their marrow can be summarized a sentence: the thought of Confucianism is a foundation, assisted by the thoughts of Legalist and adjusted by the thoughts of Taoism, at the same time containing other schools of thoughts. Then, based on the features of Chinese traditional thoughts, I introduce the three political thoughts and give some comments respectively. Next, I try to find the possibility and practical significance according to analyzing real examples in ancient times. After that, I change the angle of view to today, rethink profoundly and use the experience for reference. Finally, put forward to the assumption of setting up the Chinese modern political system which includes social leading system, social supporting system and social stable system. Keywords: Chinese traditional culture, Political thoughts,Confucianism, Political system Résumé: La thèse fait une synthèse sur la culture, la valeur politique et le système de domination à déduire le noyau de la culture traditionnelles chinoises, qui est la pensée politique traditionnelle. Leur moelle peut être résumée en une phrase: la pensée de Confucianism est une fondation assistée par les pensées des Légalistes et ajustée par les pensées du Taoisme , y compris d’autres courants de pensées Alors, basé sur les caractéristiques des pensées traditionnelles chinoises , J’introduis les 3 pensées politiques et donne chacun des commentaires. Ensuite, j’essaie de trouver une possibilité et une signification practique selon une analyse des exemples réels dans l’ancien temps. Après, je change des angles de vues aujourd’hui, approfondis et prends mes expériences comme référence. Dernièrement, je fais des suppositions pour établir un système politique moderne chinois qui comprend le système social de référence, celui du support social et le système stable social. Mots-clés: culture traditionelle chinoise, pensées politiques, Confucianism, système politiqu

    The role of reason in the assent of faith: Pascal, Shestov and the late medieval background

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    Many late medieval thinkers gave an account of the assent of faith in terms of the exercise of reason, but their account is vulnerable to attack by Pascal and Shestov who believe there to be assents of faith that have an element which is irreducibly irrational. I expound the positions of Pascal and Shestov and seek to demonstrate the strength of their positions


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    De Pascal à Heidegger, des Pensées à Sein und Zeit, nous avons franchi un intervalle de trois siècles pour rencontrer, au cœur de la modernité comme à l’ère de la technique, le même constat angoissé de désontologisation de notre univers. Que les Pensées ne puissent être lues qu’eu égard à un projet moderne aux implications acosmiques, voilà qui, du moins nous l’espérons, relève désormais d’une évidence. L’attention pascalienne à l’hétérogénéité des ordres, le rôle reconnu à l’imagination et l..

    Is boredom inevitable?

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    The article concerns the question whether boredom is inevitable. If, as Nietzsche claims, even the gods are at the mercy of boredom, does this mean, that boredom is something we should get used to? It is suggested, that the inevitability of boredom has several roots: The relation of the modern society to work and leisure, the existential experience of meaninglessness, modern technology and modern subjectivity. Indeed, the semantics of modern subjectivity, as Luhmann says, were born at the very moment when also the semantics of ennui emerged. The article suggests, that the consumer society not least is a reaction to the problem of boredom that stems from modern subjectivity. However, the consumer society is not able to realise the utopian situation of a world without boredom, because it does not only seek to abolish boredom but it also fuels the concept of modern subjectivity. Nevertheless, before the appearance of consumerism there already have been other tactics to cope with boredom, which also, ultimately, failed.peer-reviewe

    Hermeneutics and Nature

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    This paper contributes to the on-going research into the ways in which the humanities transformed the natural sciences in the late Eighteenth and early Nineteenth Centuries. By investigating the relationship between hermeneutics -- as developed by Herder -- and natural history, it shows how the methods used for the study of literary and artistic works played a crucial role in the emergence of key natural-scientific fields, including geography and ecology

    Raison des effets : un bilan sémantique

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    International audienceMeaning and philosophical use of a very specific notion, invented by Pascal in the Pensées : la "raison des effets" — which is not equivalent to a simple cause of phenomena.La notion de "raison des effets" est au cœur de la dialectique de Pascal dans les Pensées. Sous son apparence vaguement pléonastique, le concept est utilisé de façon très rigoureuse par l'apologiste : la raison n'équivaut pas simplement à la cause; les effets ne désignent pas simplement les phénomènes. Quels sont le sens et la fonction du concept de "raison des effets" dans les outils intellectuels de Pascal

    Les premières liasses des Pensées : architecture et signification

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    International audienceWhat is the meaning and the structure of the first "chapters" of Pascal's Pensées ? What makes the difference between "vanité" and "misère" or between "raison des effets" and "grandeur" ? This study deals with the radical originality of Pascal's rhetorical dispositio.Les éditions savantes des Pensées de Pascal (éditions "objectives) distribuent les fragments en une série de dossiers, ou liasses, dont la rationalité est problématique. Cette étude tente de restituer la logique qui gouverne la répartition des premières liasse classées : "vanité", "misère", "raison des effets", "grandeur", "contrariété". Apparaît alors la profonde originalité de la dispositio pascalienne
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