7,189 research outputs found

    Space Flight LiDARs, Navigation & Science Instrument Implementations: Lasers, Optoelectronics, Integrated Photonics, Fiber Optic Subsystems and Components

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    For the past 25 years, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center's Photonics Group in the Engineering Directorate has been substantially contributing to the flight design, development, production, testing and integration of many science and navigational instruments. The Moon to Mars initiative will rely heavily upon utilizing commercial technologies for instrumentation with aggressive schedule deadlines. The group has an extensive background in screening, qualifying, development and integration of commercial components for spaceflight applications. By remaining adaptable and employing a rigorous approach to component and instrument development, they have forged and fostered relationships with industry partners. They have been willing to communicate lessons learned in packaging, part construction, materials selection, testing, and other facets of the design and production process critical to implementation for high-reliability systems. As a result, this successful collaboration with industry vendors and component suppliers has enabled a history of mission success from the Moon to Mars (and beyond) while balancing cost, schedule, and risk postures. In cases where no commercial components exist, the group works closely with other teams at Goddard Space Flight Center and other NASA field centers to fabricate and produce flight hardware for science, remote sensing, and navigation applications. Summarized here is the last ten years of instrumentation development lessons learned and data collected from the subsystems down to the optoelectronic component level

    Absorbance based light emitting diode optical sensors and sensing devices

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    The ever increasing demand for in situ monitoring of health, environment and security has created a need for reliable, miniaturised sensing devices. To achieve this, appropriate analytical devices are required that possess operating characteristics of reliability, low power consumption, low cost, autonomous operation capability and compatibility with wireless communications systems. The use of light emitting diodes (LEDs) as light sources is one strategy, which has been successfully applied in chemical sensing. This paper summarises the development and advancement of LED based chemical sensors and sensing devices in terms of their configuration and application, with the focus on transmittance and reflectance absorptiometric measurements

    Laser diode area melting for high speed additive manufacturing of metallic components

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    Additive manufacturing processes have been developed to a stage where they can now be routinely used to manufacture net-shape high-value components. Selective Laser Melting (SLM) comprises of either a single or multiple deflected high energy fibre laser source(s) to raster scan, melt and fuse layers of metallic powdered feedstock. However this deflected laser raster scanning methodology is high cost, energy inefficient and encounters significant limitations on output productivity due to the rate of feedstock melting. This work details the development of a new additive manufacturing process known as Diode Area Melting (DAM). This process utilises customised architectural arrays of low power laser diode emitters for high speed parallel processing of metallic feedstock. Individually addressable diode emitters are used to selectively melt feedstock from a pre-laid powder bed. The laser diodes operate at shorter laser wavelengths (808 nm) than conventional SLM fibre lasers (1064 nm) theoretically enabling more efficient energy absorption for specific materials. The melting capabilities of the DAM process were tested for low melting point eutectic BiZn2.7 elemental powders and higher temperature pre-alloyed 17-4 stainless steel powder. The process was shown to be capable of fabricating controllable geometric features with evidence of complete melting and fusion between multiple powder layers

    Investigation into the integration of a resonant tunnelling diode and an optical communications laser: model and experiment

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    A resonant tunnelling diode has been monolithically integrated with an optical communications laser [the resonant tunnelling diode (RTD-LD)] to form a simple optoelectronic integrated circuit (OEIC) that is a novel bistable device suitable for an optical communications system. The RTD-LD was based on a ridge-waveguide laser structure and was fabricated from an InAlGaAs-InP epi-wafer grown by molecular beam epitaxy; it emitted at around 1500 nm. Voltage controlled optical-electrical switching and bistability were observed during the characterisation of the RTD-LD - useful features for a fibre-optic communications laser. Optical and electrical simulations of the RTD-LD were carried out using the circuit simulation tool PSPICE. In addition, a discrete component version of the RTD-LD was constructed which exhibited optical power oscillations, and along with the results of the simulations, gave insight into the operating principles of the monolithically integrated RTD-LD

    Light-emitting diodes and photodiodes in the deep ultra-violet range for absorption photometry in liquid chromatography, capillary electrophoresis and gas sensing

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    Absorbance measurement in the deep ultra-violet range (below 300 nm) has been one of the most widely used detection methods for analytical techniques as a large number of organic compounds have strong absorption bands in the deep UV region. The use of incandescent or discharge lamps coupled to a monochromator for the wavelength selection in a conventional UV detector makes it complex and costly. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for the deep UV range commercially available in recent years have become potential alternatives to thermal light sources. LEDs with their relatively narrow emission bandwidths (typically 20 nm) are well suited for absorption photometry in which a monochromator is not required. This dissertation, therefore, concerns the utilization LEDs and photodiodes (PDs) in the deep UV range as radiation sources and light detectors, respectively for absorption photometry in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), capillary electrophoresis (CE) and gas sensing. LEDs were known to perform as light detectors. In measuring systems based on LEDs as light sources, PDs have been normally employed for detection devices. The practical reasons for the use of LEDs as alternatives to PDs, however, have not been demonstrated. Only an advantage of cost-saving was pointed out. In the first project, the performance of LEDs in the light intensity measurement was investigated and compared to that of standard silicon PDs in three different measuring configurations: current follower mode to measure to photocurrents, photovoltaic mode to determine the voltage developed across the diode on irradiation without load and discharge time mode to measure the rate to discharge the junction capacitance of diodes. LEDs as detectors were generally found to be adequate for the analytical work but PDs offered higher sensitivity and linearity as well as provided stable readings with faster settling times. Absorbance detectors for narrow-column HPLC (250 μm inner diameter) and CE (50 μm inner diameter) based on deep UV-LEDs and PDs selective for emission wavelengths were developed and evaluated in the quantification of model compounds at 255 and 280 nm. Absorbance measurements were directly obtained by the use of a beam splitter and PDs for reference signals and a logarithmic ratio amplifier-based circuitry to emulate the Lambert-Beer’s law. Narrow-column HPLC is useful for the applications in which the reduction in eluent consumption is desired or only limited amount of samples is available when utmost sensitivity is not required. In CE, the use of a capillary as the separation channel to minimize the peak broadening downscales the detection window to micrometer range which is even much narrower than that of a narrow-bore HPLC. This makes the design and construction of these LED-based detectors for narrow detection channels more challenging than for a standard HPLC as the higher efficiency for light coupling and stray light avoidance is essentially required. Additionally, high mechanical stability is needed to minimize the noise resulted from mechanical fluctuations. The performance of these optical devices at two measured wavelengths was excellent in terms of the baseline noise (low μAU range), linearity between absorbance values and concentrations (correlation coefficients > 0.999) and reproducibility of peak areas (about 1%). Not only was the potential of a deep UV-LED as a radiation source for absorption spectroscopy investigated for separation techniques but also for the detection of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and the xylenes compounds in the gas phase at 260 nm. In the first part of this work, its performance in the acoustic waves excitation was preliminarily investigated with some different measuring systems for the detection of the toluene vapor. It was found that the intensity of a deep UV-LED was insufficient to produce detectable acoustic signals. This was followed by the construction of an absorbance detector for the determination of these target compounds based on the combination of a deep UV-LED and PDs. This optical device was designed to use optical fibers for the light coupling from the LED to a measuring cell and a reference PD, that allows removing a beam splitter previously required for detectors of a narrow column HPLC and CE. Its performance with regard to linearity and reproducibility was satisfactory. Detection limits of about 1 ppm were determined. It could be concluded that viable absorbance detectors for narrow-column HPLC, CE and gas sensing based on deep UV-LEDs and PDs as light sources and light detectors, respectively can be constructed. The performance of these inexpensive LED-based optical devices with regard to linearity, reproducibility and baseline noise was satisfactory and found to be comparable to that of more complex and expensive commercial detectors. These detectors with features of low power consumption and small size are useful for portable battery-powered devices

    Technical Design Report for PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EMC)

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    This document presents the technical layout and the envisaged performance of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EMC) for the PANDA target spectrometer. The EMC has been designed to meet the physics goals of the PANDA experiment. The performance figures are based on extensive prototype tests and radiation hardness studies. The document shows that the EMC is ready for construction up to the front-end electronics interface

    Study of optoelectronic switch for satellite-switched time-division multiple access

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    The use of optoelectronic switching for satellite switched time division multiple access will improve the isolation and reduce the crosstalk of an IF switch matrix. The results are presented of a study on optoelectronic switching. Tasks include literature search, system requirements study, candidate switching architecture analysis, and switch model optimization. The results show that the power divided and crossbar switching architectures are good candidates for an IF switch matrix

    Optoelectronic devices and packaging for information photonics

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    This thesis studies optoelectronic devices and the integration of these components onto optoelectronic multi chip modules (OE-MCMs) using a combination of packaging techniques. For this project, (1×12) array photodetectors were developed using PIN diodes with a GaAs/AlGaAs strained layer structure. The devices had a pitch of 250μm, operated at a wavelength of 850nm. Optical characterisation experiments of two types of detector arrays (shoe and ring) were successfully performed. Overall, the shoe devices achieved more consistent results in comparison with ring diodes, i.e. lower dark current and series resistance values. A decision was made to choose the shoe design for implementation into the high speed systems demonstrator. The (1x12) VCSEL array devices were the optical sources used in my research. This was an identical array at 250μm pitch configuration used in order to match the photodetector array. These devices had a wavelength of 850nm. Optoelectronic testing of the VCSEL was successfully conducted, which provided good beam profile analysis and I-V-P measurements of the VCSEL array. This was then implemented into a simple demonstrator system, where eye diagrams examined the systems performance and characteristics of the full system and showed positive results. An explanation was given of the following optoelectronic bonding techniques: Wire bonding and flip chip bonding with its associated technologies, i.e. Solder, gold stud bump and ACF. Also, technologies, such as ultrasonic flip chip bonding and gold micro-post technology were looked into and discussed. Experimental work implementing these methods on packaging the optoelectronic devices was successfully conducted and described in detail. Packaging of the optoelectronic devices onto the OEMCM was successfully performed. Electrical tests were successfully carried out on the flip chip bonded VCSEL and Photodetector arrays. These results verified that the devices attached on the MCM achieved good electrical performance and reliable bonding. Finally, preliminary testing was conducted on the fully assembled OE-MCMs. The aim was to initially power up the mixed signal chip (VCSEL driver), and then observe the VCSEL output