1,533 research outputs found

    Three-Step Iterative Algorithms for Multivalued Quasi Variational Inclusions

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    AbstractIn this paper, we suggest and analyze some new classes of three-step iterative algorithms for solving multivalued quasi variational inclusions by using the resolvent equations technique. New iterative algorithms include the Ishikawa, Mann, and Noor iterations for solving variational inclusions (inequalities) and optimization problems as special cases. The results obtained in this paper represent an improvement and a significant refinement of previously known results

    Status of the differential transformation method

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    Further to a recent controversy on whether the differential transformation method (DTM) for solving a differential equation is purely and solely the traditional Taylor series method, it is emphasized that the DTM is currently used, often only, as a technique for (analytically) calculating the power series of the solution (in terms of the initial value parameters). Sometimes, a piecewise analytic continuation process is implemented either in a numerical routine (e.g., within a shooting method) or in a semi-analytical procedure (e.g., to solve a boundary value problem). Emphasized also is the fact that, at the time of its invention, the currently-used basic ingredients of the DTM (that transform a differential equation into a difference equation of same order that is iteratively solvable) were already known for a long time by the "traditional"-Taylor-method users (notably in the elaboration of software packages --numerical routines-- for automatically solving ordinary differential equations). At now, the defenders of the DTM still ignore the, though much better developed, studies of the "traditional"-Taylor-method users who, in turn, seem to ignore similarly the existence of the DTM. The DTM has been given an apparent strong formalization (set on the same footing as the Fourier, Laplace or Mellin transformations). Though often used trivially, it is easily attainable and easily adaptable to different kinds of differentiation procedures. That has made it very attractive. Hence applications to various problems of the Taylor method, and more generally of the power series method (including noninteger powers) has been sketched. It seems that its potential has not been exploited as it could be. After a discussion on the reasons of the "misunderstandings" which have caused the controversy, the preceding topics are concretely illustrated.Comment: To appear in Applied Mathematics and Computation, 29 pages, references and further considerations adde

    Parametric completely generalized mixed implicit quasi-variational inclusions involving h-maximal monotone mappings

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    AbstractA new class of parametric completely generalized mixed implicit quasi-variational inclusions involving h-maximal monotone mappings is introduced. By applying resolvent operator technique of h-maximal monotone mapping and the property of fixed point set of set-valued contractive mappings, the behavior and sensitivity analysis of the solution set of the parametric completely generalized mixed implicit quasi-variational inclusions involving h-maximal monotone mappings are studied. The continuity and Lipschitz continuity of the solution set with respect to the parameter are proved under suitable assumptions. Our approach and results are new and improve, unify and extend previous many known results in this field

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    Rev. iberoam. bioecon. cambio clim. Vol.1(1) 2015; 95-114Los cambios medioambientales globales hacen pensar en un aumento futuro de la aridez, por ello es necesario buscar alternativas que permitan un uso más eficiente del agua y reducir su consumo, teniendo en cuenta que es un recurso limitado. En la actualidad, aproximadamente el 59,7% del total de agua planificada para todos los usos en Cuba se utiliza en la agricultura, pero no más del 50% de esa agua se convierte directamente en productos agrícolas. El estudio de las funciones agua-rendimiento y su uso dentro de la planificación del agua para riego es una vía importante para trazar estrategias de manejo que contribuyan al incremento en la producción agrícola. Utilizando los datos de agua aplicada por riego y los rendimientos obtenidos en más de 100 experimentos de campo realizados fundamentalmente en suelo Ferralítico Rojo de la zona sur de La Habana y con ayuda de herramientas de análisis de regresión en este trabajo se estiman las funciones agua aplicada-rendimientos para algunos cultivos agrícolas y se analizan las posibles estrategias de optimización del riego a seguir en función de la disponibilidad de agua. Seleccionar una estrategia de máxima eficiencia del riego puede conducir a reducciones de agua a aplicar entre un 21,6 y 46,8%, incrementos de la productividad del agua entre 17 y 32% y de la relación beneficios/costo estimada de hasta un 3,4%. Lo anterior indica la importancia desde el punto de vista económico que puede llegar a alcanzar el uso de esta estrategia en condiciones de déficit hídrico. El conocimiento de las funciones agua aplicada por riego-rendimiento y el uso de la productividad del agua, resultan parámetros factibles de introducir como indicadores de eficiencia en el planeamiento del uso del agua en la agricultura, con lo cual es posible reducir los volúmenes de agua a aplicar y elevar la relación beneficio-costo actual.Rev. iberoam. bioecon. cambio clim. Vol.1(1) 2015; 95-11

    Localization and the interface between quantum mechanics, quantum field theory and quantum gravity I (The two antagonistic localizations and their asymptotic compatibility)

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    It is shown that there are significant conceptual differences between QM and QFT which make it difficult to view the latter as just a relativistic extension of the principles of QM. At the root of this is a fundamental distiction between Born-localization in QM (which in the relativistic context changes its name to Newton-Wigner localization) and modular localization which is the localization underlying QFT, after one separates it from its standard presentation in terms of field coordinates. The first comes with a probability notion and projection operators, whereas the latter describes causal propagation in QFT and leads to thermal aspects of locally reduced finite energy states. The Born-Newton-Wigner localization in QFT is only applicable asymptotically and the covariant correlation between asymptotic in and out localization projectors is the basis of the existence of an invariant scattering matrix. In this first part of a two part essay the modular localization (the intrinsic content of field localization) and its philosophical consequences take the center stage. Important physical consequences of vacuum polarization will be the main topic of part II. Both parts together form a rather comprehensive presentation of known consequences of the two antagonistic localization concepts, including the those of its misunderstandings in string theory.Comment: 63 pages corrections, reformulations, references adde

    Convergence and stability of iterative algorithm for a new system of (A,η)-accretive mapping inclusions in Banach spaces

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    AbstractIn this paper, we introduce and study a new system of (A,η)-accretive mapping inclusions in Banach spaces. Using the resolvent operator associated with (A,η)-accretive mappings, we suggest a new general algorithm and establish the existence and uniqueness of solutions for this system of (A,η)-accretive mapping inclusions. Under certain conditions, we discuss the convergence and stability of iterative sequence generated by the algorithm. Our results extend, improve and unify many known results on variational inequalities and variational inclusions
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