609 research outputs found

    Distorted Copulas: Constructions and Tail Dependence

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    Given a copula C, we examine under which conditions on an order isomorphism ψ of [0, 1] the distortion C ψ: [0, 1]2 → [0, 1], C ψ(x, y) = ψ{C[ψ−1(x), ψ−1(y)]} is again a copula. In particular, when the copula C is totally positive of order 2, we give a sufficient condition on ψ that ensures that any distortion of C by means of ψ is again a copula. The presented results allow us to introduce in a more flexible way families of copulas exhibiting different behavior in the tails

    A kaleidoscopic view of multivariate copulas and quasi-copulas

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    Biconic semi-copulas with a given section

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    Inspired by the notion of biconic semi-copulas, we introduce biconic semi-copulas with a given section. Such semi-copulas are constructed by linear interpolation on segments connecting the graph of a continuous and decreasing function to the points (0, 0) and (1, 1). Special classes of biconic semi-copulas with a given section such as biconic (quasi-)copulas with a given section are considered. Some examples are also provided

    Baire category results for quasi–copulas

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    AbstractThe aim of this manuscript is to determine the relative size of several functions (copulas, quasi– copulas) that are commonly used in stochastic modeling. It is shown that the class of all quasi–copulas that are (locally) associated to a doubly stochastic signed measure is a set of first category in the class of all quasi– copulas. Moreover, it is proved that copulas are nowhere dense in the class of quasi-copulas. The results are obtained via a checkerboard approximation of quasi–copulas

    Estimating Discrete Markov Models From Various Incomplete Data Schemes

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    The parameters of a discrete stationary Markov model are transition probabilities between states. Traditionally, data consist in sequences of observed states for a given number of individuals over the whole observation period. In such a case, the estimation of transition probabilities is straightforwardly made by counting one-step moves from a given state to another. In many real-life problems, however, the inference is much more difficult as state sequences are not fully observed, namely the state of each individual is known only for some given values of the time variable. A review of the problem is given, focusing on Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) algorithms to perform Bayesian inference and evaluate posterior distributions of the transition probabilities in this missing-data framework. Leaning on the dependence between the rows of the transition matrix, an adaptive MCMC mechanism accelerating the classical Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is then proposed and empirically studied.Comment: 26 pages - preprint accepted in 20th February 2012 for publication in Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (please cite the journal's paper

    The joint distribution of stock returns is not elliptical

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    Using a large set of daily US and Japanese stock returns, we test in detail the relevance of Student models, and of more general elliptical models, for describing the joint distribution of returns. We find that while Student copulas provide a good approximation for strongly correlated pairs of stocks, systematic discrepancies appear as the linear correlation between stocks decreases, that rule out all elliptical models. Intuitively, the failure of elliptical models can be traced to the inadequacy of the assumption of a single volatility mode for all stocks. We suggest several ideas of methodological interest to efficiently visualise and compare different copulas. We identify the rescaled difference with the Gaussian copula and the central value of the copula as strongly discriminating observables. We insist on the need to shun away from formal choices of copulas with no financial interpretation.Comment: 12 figure

    Revisiting Relations between Stochastic Ageing and Dependence for Exchangeable Lifetimes with an Extension for the IFRA/DFRA Property

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    We first review an approach that had been developed in the past years to introduce concepts of "bivariate ageing" for exchangeable lifetimes and to analyze mutual relations among stochastic dependence, univariate ageing, and bivariate ageing. A specific feature of such an approach dwells on the concept of semi-copula and in the extension, from copulas to semi-copulas, of properties of stochastic dependence. In this perspective, we aim to discuss some intricate aspects of conceptual character and to provide the readers with pertinent remarks from a Bayesian Statistics standpoint. In particular we will discuss the role of extensions of dependence properties. "Archimedean" models have an important role in the present framework. In the second part of the paper, the definitions of Kendall distribution and of Kendall equivalence classes will be extended to semi-copulas and related properties will be analyzed. On such a basis, we will consider the notion of "Pseudo-Archimedean" models and extend to them the analysis of the relations between the ageing notions of IFRA/DFRA-type and the dependence concepts of PKD/NKD
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