84 research outputs found

    Integration of Quality Attributes in Software Product Line Development

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    Different approaches for building modern software systems in complex and open environments have been proposed in the last few years. Some efforts try to apply Software Product Line (SPL) approach to take advantage of the massive reuse for producing software systems that share a common set of features. In general quality assurance is a crucial activity for success in software industry, but it is even more important when talking about Software Product Lines since the intensive reuse of assets makes the quality attributes (a measurable physical or abstract property of an entity) of the assets to be transmitted to the whole SPL scope. However, despite the importance that quality has in software product line development, most of the methodologies being applied in Software Product Line Development focus only on managing the commonalities and variability within the product line and not giving support to the non--¿ functional requirements that the products must fit. The main goal of this master final work is to introduce quality attributes in early stages of software product line development processes by means of the definition of a production plan that, on one hand, integrates quality as an additional view for describing the extension of the software product line and, on the other hand introduces the quality attributes as a decision factor during product configuration and when selecting among design alternatives. Our approach has been defined following the Model--¿ Driven Software Development paradigm. Therefore all the software artifacts defined had its correspondent metamodels and the processes defined rely on automated model transformations. Finally in order to illustrate the feasibility of the approach we have integrated the quality view in an SPL example in the context of safety critical embedded systems on the automotive domain.González Huerta, J. (2011). Integration of Quality Attributes in Software Product Line Development. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/15835Archivo delegad

    Developing Executable Digital Models with Model-Based Systems Engineering – An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Surveillance Scenario Example

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    There is an increase in complexity in modern systems that causes inconsistencies in the iterative exchange loops of the system design process and in turn, demands greater quality of system organization and optimization techniques. A recent transition from document-centric systems engineering to Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is being documented in literature from various industries to address these issues. This study aims to investigate how MBSE can be used as a starting point in developing digital twins (DT). Specifically, the adoption of MBSE for realizing DT has been investigated, resulting in various literature reviews that indicate the most prevalent methodologies and tools used to enhance and validate existing and future systems. An MBSE-enabled template for virtual model development was executed for the creation of executable models, which can serve as a research testbed for DT and system and system-of-systems optimization. This study explores the feasibility of this MBSE-enabled template by creating and simulating a surveillance system that monitors and reports on the health status and performance of an armored fighting vehicle via an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The objective of this template is to demonstrate how executable SysML diagrams are used to establish a collaborative working environment between multiple platforms to better convey system behavior, modifications, and analytics for various system stakeholders

    Modern software cybernetics: new trends

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    Software cybernetics research is to apply a variety of techniques from cybernetics research to software engineering research. For more than fifteen years since 2001, there has been a dramatic increase in work relating to software cybernetics. From cybernetics viewpoint, the work is mainly on the first-order level, namely, the software under observation and control. Beyond the first-order cybernetics, the software, developers/users, and running environments influence each other and thus create feedback to form more complicated systems. We classify software cybernetics as Software Cybernetics I based on the first-order cybernetics, and as Software Cybernetics II based on the higher order cybernetics. This paper provides a review of the literature on software cybernetics, particularly focusing on the transition from Software Cybernetics I to Software Cybernetics II. The results of the survey indicate that some new research areas such as Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, cyber-physical systems, and even creative computing are related to Software Cybernetics II. The paper identifies the relationships between the techniques of Software Cybernetics II applied and the new research areas to which they have been applied, formulates research problems and challenges of software cybernetics with the application of principles of Phase II of software cybernetics; identifies and highlights new research trends of software cybernetic for further research

    Modern software cybernetics: New trends

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Software cybernetics research is to apply a variety of techniques from cybernetics research to software engineering research. For more than fifteen years since 2001, there has been a dramatic increase in work relating to software cybernetics. From cybernetics viewpoint, the work is mainly on the first-order level, namely, the software under observation and control. Beyond the first-order cybernetics, the software, developers/users, and running environments influence each other and thus create feedback to form more complicated systems. We classify software cybernetics as Software Cybernetics I based on the first-order cybernetics, and as Software Cybernetics II based on the higher order cybernetics. This paper provides a review of the literature on software cybernetics, particularly focusing on the transition from Software Cybernetics I to Software Cybernetics II. The results of the survey indicate that some new research areas such as Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, cyber-physical systems, and even creative computing are related to Software Cybernetics II. The paper identifies the relationships between the techniques of Software Cybernetics II applied and the new research areas to which they have been applied, formulates research problems and challenges of software cybernetics with the application of principles of Phase II of software cybernetics; identifies and highlights new research trends of software cybernetic for further research

    A survey on adaptive random testing

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    Random testing (RT) is a well-studied testing method that has been widely applied to the testing of many applications, including embedded software systems, SQL database systems, and Android applications. Adaptive random testing (ART) aims to enhance RT's failure-detection ability by more evenly spreading the test cases over the input domain. Since its introduction in 2001, there have been many contributions to the development of ART, including various approaches, implementations, assessment and evaluation methods, and applications. This paper provides a comprehensive survey on ART, classifying techniques, summarizing application areas, and analyzing experimental evaluations. This paper also addresses some misconceptions about ART, and identifies open research challenges to be further investigated in the future work

    A Review on Software Architecture Optimization Methods

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    Due to the remarkable mechanical request for programming frameworks, the expansion of the uncertainty, the quality requirements and quality of testing, the programming engineering configuration has been transformed into essential progression movement and the examination site is developing rapidly. In the recent decades, programming engineering involves improved technologies, which means to organize a scan for design outline for an arrangement of value attributes, have multiplied. In any case, the results shown are divided into different research groups, many framework areas and different quality features. Coming about the inclusion of current research, we have played a well-structured writing survey and have broken the result of various check-sheets of different research groups. Considering this study, a scientific classification has been done which is used for current research. Apart from this, the effective investigation of the examination writing given in this audit is expected to help in exploration and merging the current research endeavors and inferring an examination plan for future advancements

    Methodology for automated Petri Net model generation to support Reliability Modelling

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    As the complexity of engineering systems and processes increases, determining their optimal performance also becomes increasingly complex. There are various reliability methods available to model performance but generating the models can become a significant task that is cumbersome, error-prone and tedious. Hence, over the years, work has been undertaken into automatically generating reliability models in order to detect the most critical components and design errors at an early stage, supporting alternative designs. Earlier work lacks full automation resulting in semi-automated methods since they require user intervention to import system information to the algorithm, focus on specific domains and cannot accurately model systems or processes with control loops and dynamic features. This thesis develops a novel method that can generate reliability models for complex systems and processes, based on Petri Net models. The process has been fully automated with software developed that extracts the information required for the model from a topology diagram that describes the system or process considered and generates the corresponding mathematical and graphical representations of the Petri Net model. Such topology diagrams are used in industrial sectors, ranging from aerospace and automotive engineering to finance, defence, government, entertainment and telecommunications. Complex real-life scenarios are studied to demonstrate the application of the proposed method, followed by the verification, validation and simulation of the developed Petri Net models. Thus, the proposed method is seen to be a powerful tool to automatically obtain the PN modelling formalism from a topology diagram, commonly used in industry, by: - Handling and efficiently modelling systems and processes with a large number of components and activities respectively, dependent events and control loops. - Providing generic domain applicability. - Providing software independence by generating models readily understandable by the user without requiring further manipulation by any industrial software. Finally, the method documented in this thesis enables engineers to conduct reliability and performance analysis in a timely manner that ensures the results feed into the design process

    Un meta-modèle de composants pour la réalisation d'applications temps-réel flexibles et modulaires

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    The increase of software complexity along the years has led researchers in the software engineering field to look for approaches for conceiving and designing new systems. For instance, the service-oriented architectures approach is considered nowadays as the most advanced way to develop and integrate fastly modular and flexible applications. One of the software engineering solutions principles is re-usability, and consequently generality, which complicates its appilication in systems where optimizations are often used, like real-time systems. Thus, create real-time systems is expensive, because they must be conceived from scratch. In addition, most real-time systems do not beneficiate of the advantages which comes with software engineering approches, such as modularity and flexibility. This thesis aim to take real time aspects into account on popular and standard SOA solutions, in order to ease the design and development of modular and flexible applications. This will be done by means of a component-based real-time application model, which allows the dynamic reconfiguration of the application architecture. The component model will be an extension to the SCA standard, which integrates quality of service attributs onto the service consumer and provider in order to stablish a real-time specific service level agreement. This model will be executed on the top of a OSGi service platform, the standard de facto for development of modular applications in Java.La croissante complexité du logiciel a mené les chercheurs en génie logiciel à chercher des approcher pour concevoir et projéter des nouveaux systèmes. Par exemple, l'approche des architectures orientées services (SOA) est considérée actuellement comme le moyen le plus avancé pour réaliser et intégrer rapidement des applications modulaires et flexibles. Une des principales préocuppations des solutions en génie logiciel et la réutilisation, et par conséquent, la généralité de la solution, ce qui peut empêcher son application dans des systèmes où des optimisation sont souvent utilisées, tels que les systèmes temps réels. Ainsi, créer un système temps réel est devenu très couteux. De plus, la plupart des systèmes temps réel ne beneficient pas des facilités apportées par le genie logiciel, tels que la modularité et la flexibilité. Le but de cette thèse c'est de prendre en compte ces aspects temps réel dans des solutions populaires et standards SOA pour faciliter la conception et le développement d'applications temps réel flexibles et modulaires. Cela sera fait à l'aide d'un modèle d'applications temps réel orienté composant autorisant des modifications dynamiques dans l'architecture de l'application. Le modèle de composant sera une extension au standard SCA qui intègre des attributs de qualité de service sur le consomateur et le fournisseur de services pour l'établissement d'un accord de niveau de service spécifique au temps réel. Ce modèle sera executé sur une plateforme de services OSGi, le standard de facto pour le developpement d'applications modulaires en Java
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