1,231 research outputs found

    NTE. Las tecnologías del espacio

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    La N.T.E, les technologies de l'espace

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    Insegnamento e ricerca tra libertà e autorità

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    The author underlines the importance of the knowledge of (at least notions of) labour law for the formation of an informed public opinion. For this purpose it is of great importance the autonomy and freedom of scientific research and teaching in the same field; on this ground he severely criticizes the recent reforms and, generally speaking, the governmental policy as regards University and research

    Reclutamento universitario e dintorni: tempi difficile, scelte tragiche, incubi giuridici

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    The article examines the new rules on the recruitment of University\u2019s professors, the evaluation system of their research (called product\u2019s evaluation) and the most recent trends in the Italian legal system on this field. The paper highlights, on the one hand, the architectural lacks in the recruitment and evaluation mechanisms, as built by the legislative, which are exasperated by the way in which the rules are concretely applied; on the other hand, and above all, the continuous incursion of politics into the academic dimension, with the consequent risk of an injury to constitutional values such as the freedom of research activity and the autonomy of academic staf

    El Missal Romà per Decret del Concili de Trento

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    El present estudi, seguint les etapes històriques de la formació del Missal Romà, sorgit del Concili de Trento, cerca una aproximació a la qüestió cabdal que evoca el Missal tridentí. Interessa saber fins a quin punt fou possible als pares conciliars aconseguir el seu desig que fos un fidel reflex de la tradició eucològica romana, restituint-lo ad pristinam normam sanctorum patrum. El problema que això planteja resulta més ample atès que pel fet de ser un missal plenari, a més de l'eucologi, inclou el leccionari, les antífones de la missa, i la normativa sobre la celebració de la missa. La resposta a aquest problema es basa en mirar d’escrutar el coneixement i l’ús de les fons tradicionals que en tenien el els participants al Concili i, d’una manera especial, la comissió encarregada de confeccionar-lo. Es cert que, a última hora, Carles Borromeu feu arribar a l’aula conciliar el vell exemplar del còdex que contenia el sacramentari gregorià, però també ho és que l’espai de temps per l’estudi, i l’estadi on trobaven aquesta mena d’estudis no donen per gran cosa més que d’un testimoni de la tradició romana. Cal no oblidar el Missal de Trento el precedeix un segle de missals anglesos que no deixaren d’ influir-li abastament. El grau força satisfactori que el Missal de Sant Piu V, en edició típica del Concili de l’any 1570, ho aconsegueix es notable. Es te present, també aquí, que el contingut del nou missal es veu afavorit per la neteja del carregament de tantes misses votives i de formularis ben dubtosos; de les festes del santoral eliminades es recuperaren una cinquantena de dies lliures que beneficiaren una petita recuperació del temps d’advent i quaresma.This article chronicling the historic steps in the making of the Roman Missal emanating from the Council of Trent seeks an approximation to the all important question shrouding the Tridentine Missal, namely, up to what point were the Council fathers able to fulfill their desires that it be a faithful reflection of the Roman eucological tradition, restoring its status of pristinam normam sanctorum patrum. This gives rise to an even greater problem given that, being a plenary missal, besides the eucological, it includes the Leccionary, the antiphons from the mass and the norms concerning the celebration of Holy Mass. The answer to this question lies in scrutinizing what knowledge the participants in the Council had about the traditional sources and how they were used, especially by those participants who constituted the Commission appointed to organize that same Council. It is true that at the last minute Carlo Borromeo had the old copy of the Codex containing the Gregorian Sacramentary sent to the Council Chamber, but it is no less true that the time available for study and the stage those kinds of studies were at could only lead to a merely testimonial approach to the Roman Tradition. We should not forget that the Trent Missal was greatly influenced by the century of English missals that preceded it. The quite satisfactory degree to which the Saint Pius V Missal was successful, albeit in the normal Council Edition of 1570, was quite noteworthy. It is considered, here too, that the contents of the new missal were much improved by removing the abundance of votive masses and other forms of a doubtful nature. Of the feast days eliminated from the calendar of saints’ days some fifty free days were restored which benefited in some measure the seasons of Advent and Lent

    La Quaresma en el Sacramentari de Barcelona

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