13 research outputs found

    Novel Pseudo-Wavelet function for MMG signal extraction during dynamic fatiguing contractions

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    The purpose of this study was to develop an algorithm to classify muscle fatigue content in sports related scenarios. Mechanomyography (MMG) signals of the biceps muscle were recorded from thirteen subjects performing dynamic contractions until fatigue. For training and testing purposes, the signals were labeled in two classes (Non-Fatigue and Fatigue). A genetic algorithm was used to evolve a pseudo-wavelet function for optimizing the detection of muscle fatigue. Tuning of the generalized evolved pseudo-wavelet function was based on the decomposition of 70% of the conducted MMG trials. After completing 25 independent pseudo-wavelet evolution runs, the best run was selected and then tested on the remaining 30% of the data to measure the classification performance. Results show that the evolved pseudo-wavelet improved the classification rate of muscle fatigue by 4.70 percentage points to 16.61 percentage points when compared to other standard wavelet functions, giving an average correct classification of 80.63%, with statistical significance (p < 0.05). © 2014 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    A Review of Non-Invasive Techniques to Detect and Predict Localised Muscle Fatigue

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    Muscle fatigue is an established area of research and various types of muscle fatigue have been investigated in order to fully understand the condition. This paper gives an overview of the various non-invasive techniques available for use in automated fatigue detection, such as mechanomyography, electromyography, near-infrared spectroscopy and ultrasound for both isometric and non-isometric contractions. Various signal analysis methods are compared by illustrating their applicability in real-time settings. This paper will be of interest to researchers who wish to select the most appropriate methodology for research on muscle fatigue detection or prediction, or for the development of devices that can be used in, e.g., sports scenarios to improve performance or prevent injury. To date, research on localised muscle fatigue focuses mainly on the clinical side. There is very little research carried out on the implementation of detecting/predicting fatigue using an autonomous system, although recent research on automating the process of localised muscle fatigue detection/prediction shows promising results

    Mechanomyographic Parameter Extraction Methods: An Appraisal for Clinical Applications

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    The research conducted in the last three decades has collectively demonstrated that the skeletal muscle performance can be alternatively assessed by mechanomyographic signal (MMG) parameters. Indices of muscle performance, not limited to force, power, work, endurance and the related physiological processes underlying muscle activities during contraction have been evaluated in the light of the signal features. As a non-stationary signal that reflects several distinctive patterns of muscle actions, the illustrations obtained from the literature support the reliability of MMG in the analysis of muscles under voluntary and stimulus evoked contractions. An appraisal of the standard practice including the measurement theories of the methods used to extract parameters of the signal is vital to the application of the signal during experimental and clinical practices, especially in areas where electromyograms are contraindicated or have limited application. As we highlight the underpinning technical guidelines and domains where each method is well-suited, the limitations of the methods are also presented to position the state of the art in MMG parameters extraction, thus providing the theoretical framework for improvement on the current practices to widen the opportunity for new insights and discoveries. Since the signal modality has not been widely deployed due partly to the limited information extractable from the signals when compared with other classical techniques used to assess muscle performance, this survey is particularly relevant to the projected future of MMG applications in the realm of musculoskeletal assessments and in the real time detection of muscle activity

    Detecção de fadiga neuromuscular em pessoas com lesão medular completa utilizando transformada wavelet

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    Introduction: People with spinal cord injury (SCI) may have the paralyzed muscles activated through functional electrical stimulation (FES) on neural pathways present below the skin. These electrical stimulations are important to restore the neuromuscular trophism or during the movement control using neural prostheses. However, prolonged FES application causes fatigue, which decreases the contraction strength, mainly due the neuromuscular hypotrophy in this population. The acquisition of myofibers’ vibration is recognized by mechanomyography (MMG) system and does not suffer electrical interference from the FES system. Objective: To characterize the rectus femoris muscle vibration during electrically evoked neuromuscular fatigue protocol in complete spinal cord injury subjects. Methods: As sample, 24 limbs (right and left) from 15 male participants (age: 27±5 y.o.) and ranked as A and B according to American Spinal Injury Impairment Scale) were selected. An electrical stimulator operating as voltage source, specially developed for research, was configured as: pulse frequency set to 1 kHz (20% duty cycle) and burst (modulating) frequency set to 70 Hz (20% active period). The triaxial [X (transverse), Y (longitudinal) and Z (perpendicular)] MMG signal of rectus femoris muscle was processed with a third-order 5-50 Hz bandpass Butterworth filter. A load cell was used to register the force. The stimulator output voltage was increased (~3 V/s to avoid motoneuron adaptation/habituation) until the maximal electrically-evoked extension (MEEE) of the knee joint. After the load cell placement, the stimuli magnitude required to reach MEEE was applied and registered by the load cell as muscular F100% response. Stimuli intensity was increased during the control to keep the force in F100%. Four instants (I - IV) were selected from F100% up to the inability to keep the FES response force above 30% (F30%). The signal was processed in temporal (energy), spectral (median frequency) and wavelet (temporal-spectral with twelve band frequencies between 5 and 53 Hz) domains. All data were normalized by initial instant, creating arbitrary units (a.u.), and non-parametric tests were applied. Results: The median frequency did not show statistical significance. Regarding the MMG axes, the transverse axis showed most statistical differences. The MMG energy (temporal domain) indicates the decrease between the instants I (unfatigued) and II (pre-fatigue), as well as instants I and IV (fatigued). The wavelet domain focused on the transverse axis, especially on 13, 16, 20, 25 and 35 Hz frequency bands, for having shown significant reduction proven during neuromuscular fatigue. In focus on 25 Hz band frequency that showed a constant decrease between instants I (median value from data de 0.53 a.u.) with subsequent instants [II (0.30 a.u.), III (0.28 a.u.) and IV (0.24 a.u.). Conclusion: Neuromuscular fatigue is characterized by energy decrease in MMG X-axis (transverse) signal of vibration on the rectus femoris muscle for complete spinal cord injured subjects, in the temporal domain but mainly in the wavelet domain. The 25 Hz is the most important band frequency because its energy decreases with neuromuscular fatigue. These findings open the possibility of application in closed-loop systems during physical rehabilitation procedures using FES or in the control of neural prostheses.CNPqIntrodução: As pessoas com lesão medular (LM) podem ter seus músculos paralisados ativados por meio da estimulação elétrica funcional (FES) sobre vias neurais presentes próximas à pele. Estas estimulações elétricas são importantes para a recuperação do trofismo neuromuscular ou durante o controle de movimento por próteses neurais. No entanto, ao longo da aplicação da FES, a fadiga ocorre, diminuindo a eficiência da contração, principalmente devido à hipotrofia neuromuscular presente nessa população. A aquisição da vibração das fibras musculares como indicador de fadiga é registrada por meio da técnica de mecanomiografia (MMG), que não sofre interferências elétricas decorrentes da aplicação da FES. Objetivo: Caracterizar a vibração do músculo reto femoral durante protocolo de fadiga neuromuscular eletricamente evocada em pessoas com lesão medular completa. Método: 24 membros (direito e esquerdo) de 15 participantes (idade: 27±5 anos) do sexo masculino (A e B na American Spinal Injury Impairment Scale) foram selecionados. Um estimulador elétrico operando como fonte de tensão, desenvolvido especialmente para pesquisa, foi configurado com: freqüência de pulso em 1 kHz (20% de ciclo de trabalho) e trem de pulsos (modulação) em 70 Hz (20% período ativo). O sinal triaxial [X (transversal), Y (longitudinal) e Z (perpendicular)] da MMG foi processado com filtro Butterworth de terceira ordem e banda passante entre 5 e 50 Hz. Previamente ao protocolo, a tensão de saída do estimulador foi incrementada (~3 V/s evitando-se a adaptação/habituação dos motoneurônios) até alcançar a extensão máxima eletricamente estimulada (EMEE) da articulação do joelho. Uma célula de carga foi usada para registrar a resposta de força, onde após a sua colocação, a intensidade da FES necessária para alcançar a EMEE foi aplicada e registrada pela célula de carga como 100% da força (F100%). Durante o protocolo de fadiga neuromuscular, a intensidade do estímulo foi incrementada durante o controle para manter a força em F100%. Quatro instantes (I - IV) foram selecionados entre F100% e a incapacidade da FES manter a resposta de força acima de 30% (F30%). O sinal foi processado nos domínios temporal (energia), espectral (frequência mediana) e wavelet (temporal-espectral com doze bandas de frequência entre 5 e 53 Hz). Os dados extraídos foram normalizados pelo instante inicial (I) gerando unidades arbitrárias (u.a.), e testados com estatística não paramétrica. Resultados: A frequência mediana não apresentou significância estatística. Em relação aos eixos de deslocamento da MMG, o eixo transversal mostrou o maior número de resultados estatisticamente significantivos. A energia da vibração das fibras musculares (domínio temporal) indicou diminuição entre os instantes I (músculo fresco) e II (pré-fadiga), como também entre os instantes I e IV (fadigado) com redução significativa. O domínio wavelet teve como foco o eixo transversal, especialmente as bandas de frequência de 13, 16, 20, 25 e 35 Hz, por terem indicado redução significativa durante a fadiga neuromuscular; principalmente, a banda de 25 Hz, que indicou redução significativa entre o instante I (valor da mediana dos dados de 0,53 u.a.) e os demais instantes [II (0,30 u.a), III (0,28 u.a.) e IV (0,24 u.a.)]. Conclusão: A fadiga neuromuscular é caracterizada pela redução da energia do sinal no eixo de deslocamento transversal (X) da vibração do músculo reto femoral, em pessoas com lesão medular completa, tanto no domínio temporal quanto principalmente no domínio wavelet, sendo a banda de frequência de 25 Hz a mais relevante, porque sua energia diminui com a ocorrência da fadiga neuromuscular. Estes achados abrem a possibilidade de aplicação em sistemas de malha fechada durante procedimentos de reabilitação física utilizando FES ou no controle de próteses neurais

    Upper extremity electromyography signal feature extraction and classification

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    A Survey on Modality Characteristics, Performance Evaluation Metrics, and Security for Traditional and Wearable Biometric Systems

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    Biometric research is directed increasingly towards Wearable Biometric Systems (WBS) for user authentication and identification. However, prior to engaging in WBS research, how their operational dynamics and design considerations differ from those of Traditional Biometric Systems (TBS) must be understood. While the current literature is cognizant of those differences, there is no effective work that summarizes the factors where TBS and WBS differ, namely, their modality characteristics, performance, security and privacy. To bridge the gap, this paper accordingly reviews and compares the key characteristics of modalities, contrasts the metrics used to evaluate system performance, and highlights the divergence in critical vulnerabilities, attacks and defenses for TBS and WBS. It further discusses how these factors affect the design considerations for WBS, the open challenges and future directions of research in these areas. In doing so, the paper provides a big-picture overview of the important avenues of challenges and potential solutions that researchers entering the field should be aware of. Hence, this survey aims to be a starting point for researchers in comprehending the fundamental differences between TBS and WBS before understanding the core challenges associated with WBS and its design

    Applications of EMG in Clinical and Sports Medicine

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    This second of two volumes on EMG (Electromyography) covers a wide range of clinical applications, as a complement to the methods discussed in volume 1. Topics range from gait and vibration analysis, through posture and falls prevention, to biofeedback in the treatment of neurologic swallowing impairment. The volume includes sections on back care, sports and performance medicine, gynecology/urology and orofacial function. Authors describe the procedures for their experimental studies with detailed and clear illustrations and references to the literature. The limitations of SEMG measures and methods for careful analysis are discussed. This broad compilation of articles discussing the use of EMG in both clinical and research applications demonstrates the utility of the method as a tool in a wide variety of disciplines and clinical fields