21 research outputs found

    Using Model-Driven Engineering to generate QoS Monitors from a formal specification

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    International audienceIn the domain of soft real-time application design, the gap between component-specification models and the im- plementations often implies that the implementations can- not fully take advantage of the specification models. To limit this gap, this paper proposes an approach to generate a QoS monitor from the timed behavior specification. To support this approach, we rely on two different component models: one focused on formal description and the other on prac- tical implementation. Those models are interconnected by model transformation, using a Model-Driven Engineering style

    Configurable Software Performance Completions through Higher-Order Model Transformations

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    Chillies is a novel approach for variable model transformations closing the gap between abstract architecture models, used for performance prediction, and required low-level details. We enable variability of transformations using chain of generators based on the Higher-Order Transformation (HOT). HOTs target different goals, such as template instantiation or transformation composition. In addition, we discuss state-dependent behavior in prediction models and quality of model transformations

    Toward the adaptation of component-based architectures by model transformation: behind smart user interfaces

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    Graphical user interfaces are not always developed for remaining static. There are GUIs with the need of implementing some variability mechanisms. Component-based GUIs are an ideal target for incorporating this kind of operations, because they can adapt their functionality at run-time when their structure is updated by adding or removing components or by modifying the relationships between them. Mashup user interfaces are a good example of this type of GUI, and they allow to combine services through the assembly of graphical components. We intend to adapt component based user interfaces for obtaining smart user interfaces. With this goal, our proposal attempts to adapt abstract component-based architectures by using model transformation. Our aim is to generate at run-time a dynamic model transformation, because the rules describing their behavior are not pre set but are selected from a repository depending on the context. The proposal describes an adaptation schema based on model transformation providing a solution to this dynamic transformation. Context information is processed to select at run-time a rule subset from a repository. Selected rules are used to generate, through a higher-order transformation, the dynamic model transformation. This approach has been tested through a case study which applies different repositories to the same architecture and context. Moreover, a web tool has been developed for validation and demonstration of its applicability. The novelty of our proposal arises from the adaptation schema that creates a non pre-set transformation, which enables the dynamic adaptation of component-based architectures

    Reconstruction of Software Component Architectures and Behaviour Models using Static and Dynamic Analysis

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    Model-based performance prediction systematically deals with the evaluation of software performance to avoid for example bottlenecks, estimate execution environment sizing, or identify scalability limitations for new usage scenarios. Such performance predictions require up-to-date software performance models. This book describes a new integrated reverse engineering approach for the reconstruction of parameterised software performance models (software component architecture and behaviour)

    Model-Driven Information Flow Security Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Model-Driven Online Capacity Management for Component-Based Software Systems

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    Capacity management is a core activity when designing and operating distributed software systems. It comprises the provisioning of data center resources and the deployment of software components to these resources. The goal is to continuously provide adequate capacity, i.e., service level agreements should be satisfied while keeping investment and operating costs reasonably low. Traditional capacity management strategies are rather static and pessimistic: resources are provisioned for anticipated peak workload levels. Particularly, enterprise application systems are exposed to highly varying workloads, leading to unnecessarily high total cost of ownership due to poor resource usage efficiency caused by the aforementioned static capacity management approach. During the past years, technologies emerged that enable dynamic data center infrastructures, e. g., leveraged by cloud computing products. These technologies build the foundation for elastic online capacity management, i.e., adapting the provided capacity to workload demands based on a short-term horizon. Because manual online capacity management is not an option, automatic control approaches have been proposed. However, most of these approaches focus on coarse-grained adaptation actions and adaptation decisions are based on aggregated system-level measures. Architectural information about the controlled software system is rarely considered. This thesis introduces a model-driven online capacity management approach for distributed component-based software systems, called SLAstic. The core contributions of this approach are a) modeling languages to capture relevant architectural information about a controlled software system, b) an architecture-based online capacity management framework based on the common MAPE-K control loop architecture, c) model-driven techniques supporting the automation of the approach, d) architectural runtime reconfiguration operations for controlling a system’s capacity, e) as well as an integration of the Palladio Component Model. A qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the approach is performed by case studies, lab experiments, and simulation

    Model driven software modernisation

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    Constant innovation of information technology and ever-changing market requirements relegate more and more existing software to legacy status. Generating software through reusing legacy systems has been a primary solution and software re-engineering has the potential to improve software productivity and quality across the entire software life cycle. The classical re-engineering technology starts at the level of program source code which is the most or only reliable information on a legacy system. The program specification derived from legacy source code will then facilitate the migration of legacy systems in the subsequent forward engineering steps. A recent research trend in re-engineering area carries this idea further and moves into model driven perspective that the specification is presented with models. The thesis focuses on engaging model technology to modernise legacy systems. A unified approach, REMOST (Re-Engineering through MOdel conStruction and Transformation), is proposed in the context of Model Driven Architecture (MDA). The theoretical foundation is the construction of a WSL-based Modelling Language, known as WML, which is an extension of WSL (Wide Spectrum Language). WML is defined to provide a spectrum of models for the system re-engineering, including Common Modelling Language (CML), Architecture Description Language (ADL) and Domain Specific Modelling Language (DSML). 9rtetaWML is designed for model transformation, providing query facilities, action primitives and metrics functions. A set of transformation rules are defined in 9rtetaWML to conduct system abstraction and refactoring. Model transformation for unifying WML and UML is also provided, which can bridge the legacy systems to MDA. The architecture and working flow of the REMOST approach are proposed and a prototype tool environment is developed for testing the approach. A number of case studies are used for experiments with the approach and the prototype tool, which show that the proposed approach is feasible and promising in its domain. Conclusion is drawn based on analysis and further research directions are also discussed

    Un meta-modèle de composants pour la réalisation d'applications temps-réel flexibles et modulaires

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    The increase of software complexity along the years has led researchers in the software engineering field to look for approaches for conceiving and designing new systems. For instance, the service-oriented architectures approach is considered nowadays as the most advanced way to develop and integrate fastly modular and flexible applications. One of the software engineering solutions principles is re-usability, and consequently generality, which complicates its appilication in systems where optimizations are often used, like real-time systems. Thus, create real-time systems is expensive, because they must be conceived from scratch. In addition, most real-time systems do not beneficiate of the advantages which comes with software engineering approches, such as modularity and flexibility. This thesis aim to take real time aspects into account on popular and standard SOA solutions, in order to ease the design and development of modular and flexible applications. This will be done by means of a component-based real-time application model, which allows the dynamic reconfiguration of the application architecture. The component model will be an extension to the SCA standard, which integrates quality of service attributs onto the service consumer and provider in order to stablish a real-time specific service level agreement. This model will be executed on the top of a OSGi service platform, the standard de facto for development of modular applications in Java.La croissante complexité du logiciel a mené les chercheurs en génie logiciel à chercher des approcher pour concevoir et projéter des nouveaux systèmes. Par exemple, l'approche des architectures orientées services (SOA) est considérée actuellement comme le moyen le plus avancé pour réaliser et intégrer rapidement des applications modulaires et flexibles. Une des principales préocuppations des solutions en génie logiciel et la réutilisation, et par conséquent, la généralité de la solution, ce qui peut empêcher son application dans des systèmes où des optimisation sont souvent utilisées, tels que les systèmes temps réels. Ainsi, créer un système temps réel est devenu très couteux. De plus, la plupart des systèmes temps réel ne beneficient pas des facilités apportées par le genie logiciel, tels que la modularité et la flexibilité. Le but de cette thèse c'est de prendre en compte ces aspects temps réel dans des solutions populaires et standards SOA pour faciliter la conception et le développement d'applications temps réel flexibles et modulaires. Cela sera fait à l'aide d'un modèle d'applications temps réel orienté composant autorisant des modifications dynamiques dans l'architecture de l'application. Le modèle de composant sera une extension au standard SCA qui intègre des attributs de qualité de service sur le consomateur et le fournisseur de services pour l'établissement d'un accord de niveau de service spécifique au temps réel. Ce modèle sera executé sur une plateforme de services OSGi, le standard de facto pour le developpement d'applications modulaires en Java

    An Abstraction Framework for Tangible Interactive Surfaces

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    This cumulative dissertation discusses - by the example of four subsequent publications - the various layers of a tangible interaction framework, which has been developed in conjunction with an electronic musical instrument with a tabletop tangible user interface. Based on the experiences that have been collected during the design and implementation of that particular musical application, this research mainly concentrates on the definition of a general-purpose abstraction model for the encapsulation of physical interface components that are commonly employed in the context of an interactive surface environment. Along with a detailed description of the underlying abstraction model, this dissertation also describes an actual implementation in the form of a detailed protocol syntax, which constitutes the common element of a distributed architecture for the construction of surface-based tangible user interfaces. The initial implementation of the presented abstraction model within an actual application toolkit is comprised of the TUIO protocol and the related computer-vision based object and multi-touch tracking software reacTIVision, along with its principal application within the Reactable synthesizer. The dissertation concludes with an evaluation and extension of the initial TUIO model, by presenting TUIO2 - a next generation abstraction model designed for a more comprehensive range of tangible interaction platforms and related application scenarios