28 research outputs found

    MobiDB 3.0: more annotations for intrinsic disorder, conformational diversity and interactions in proteins

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    The MobiDB (URL: mobidb.bio.unipd.it) database of protein disorder and mobility annotations has been significantly updated and upgraded since its last major renewal in 2014. Several curated datasets for intrinsic disorder and folding upon binding have been integrated from specialized databases. The indirect evidence has also been expanded to better capture information available in the PDB, such as high temperature residues in X-ray structures and overall conformational diversity. Novel nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shift data provides an additional experimental information layer on conformational dynamics. Predictions have been expanded to provide new types of annotation on backbone rigidity, secondary structure preference and disordered binding regions. MobiDB 3.0 contains information for the complete UniProt protein set and synchronization has been improved by covering all UniParc sequences. An advanced search function allows the creation of a wide array of custom-made datasets for download and further analysis. A large amount of information and cross-links to more specialized databases are intended to make MobiDB the central resource for the scientific community working on protein intrinsic disorder and mobility

    MobiDB 3.0: More annotations for intrinsic disorder, conformational diversity and interactions in proteins

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    The MobiDB (URL: mobidb.bio.unipd.it) database of protein disorder and mobility annotations has been significantly updated and upgraded since its last major renewal in 2014. Several curated datasets for intrinsic disorder and folding upon binding have been integrated from specialized databases. The indirect evidence has also been expanded to better capture information available in the PDB, such as high temperature residues in X-ray structures and overall conformational diversity. Novel nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shift data provides an additional experimental information layer on conformational dynamics. Predictions have been expanded to provide new types of annotation on backbone rigidity, secondary structure preference and disordered binding regions. MobiDB 3.0 contains information for the complete UniProt protein set and synchronization has been improved by covering all UniParc sequences. An advanced search function allows the creation of a wide array of custom-made datasets for download and further analysis. A large amount of information and cross-links to more specialized databases are intended to make MobiDB the central resource for the scientific community working on protein intrinsic disorder and mobility.Fil: Piovesan, Damiano. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: Tabaro, Francesco. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: Paladin, Lisanna. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: Necci, Marco. Università di Padova; Italia. Instituto Agrario San Michele all'Adige Fondazione Edmund Mach; ItaliaFil: Micetić, Ivan. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: Camilloni, Carlo. Università degli Studi di Milano; ItaliaFil: Davey, Norman. Universidad de Dublin; IrlandaFil: Dosztányi, Zsuzsanna. Eötvös Loránd University; HungríaFil: Mészáros, Bálint. Eötvös Loránd University; HungríaFil: Monzón, Alexander. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Parisi, Gustavo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; ArgentinaFil: Schad, Eva. Hungarian Academy Of Sciences; HungríaFil: Sormanni, Pietro. University of Cambridge; Reino UnidoFil: Tompa, Peter. Vrije Unviversiteit Brussel; BélgicaFil: Vendruscolo, Michele. University of Cambridge; Reino UnidoFil: Vranken, Wim F.. Vrije Unviversiteit Brussel; BélgicaFil: Tosatto, Silvio C. E.. Università di Padova; Itali

    MobiDB-lite 3.0: fast consensus annotation of intrinsic disorder flavors in proteins

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    Abstract Motivation The earlier version of MobiDB-lite is currently used in large-scale proteome annotation platforms to detect intrinsic disorder. However, new theoretical models allow for the classification of intrinsically disordered regions into subtypes from sequence features associated with specific polymeric properties or compositional bias. Results MobiDB-lite 3.0 maintains its previous speed and performance but also provides a finer classification of disorder by identifying regions with characteristics of polyolyampholytes, positive or negative polyelectrolytes, low-complexity regions or enriched in cysteine, proline or glycine or polar residues. Subregions are abundantly detected in IDRs of the human proteome. The new version of MobiDB-lite represents a new step for the proteome level analysis of protein disorder. Availability and implementation Both the MobiDB-lite 3.0 source code and a docker container are available from the GitHub repository: https://github.com/BioComputingUP/MobiDB-lit

    DisProt: intrinsic protein disorder annotation in 2020

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    The Database of Protein Disorder (DisProt, URL: https://disprot.org) provides manually curated annotations of intrinsically disordered proteins from the literature. Here we report recent developments with DisProt (version 8), including the doubling of protein entries, a new disorder ontology, improvements of the annotation format and a completely new website. The website includes a redesigned graphical interface, a better search engine, a clearer API for programmatic access and a new annotation interface that integrates text mining technologies. The new entry format provides a greater flexibility, simplifies maintenance and allows the capture of more information from the literature. The new disorder ontology has been formalized and made interoperable by adopting the OWL format, as well as its structure and term definitions have been improved. The new annotation interface has made the curation process faster and more effective. We recently showed that new DisProt annotations can be effectively used to train and validate disorder predictors. We believe the growth of DisProt will accelerate, contributing to the improvement of function and disorder predictors and therefore to illuminate the ‘dark’ proteome

    The repetitive structure of DNA clamps: An overlooked protein tandem repeat

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    Structured tandem repeats proteins (STRPs) are a specific kind of tandem repeat proteins characterized by a modular and repetitive three-dimensional structure arrangement. The majority of STRPs adopt solenoid structures, but with the increasing availability of experimental structures and high-quality predicted structural models, more STRP folds can be characterized. Here, we describe “Box repeats”, an overlooked STRP fold present in the DNA sliding clamp processivity factors, which has eluded classification although structural data has been available since the late 1990s. Each Box repeat is a β⍺βββ module of about 60 residues, which forms a class V “beads-on-a-string” type STRP. The number of repeats present in processivity factors is organism dependent. Monomers of PCNA proteins in both Archaea and Eukarya have 4 repeats, while the monomers of bacterial beta-sliding clamps have 6 repeats. This new repeat fold has been added to the RepeatsDB database, which now provides structural annotation for 66 Box repeat proteins belonging to different organisms, including viruses

    PDBe-KB: a community-driven resource for structural and functional annotations.

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    The Protein Data Bank in Europe-Knowledge Base (PDBe-KB, https://pdbe-kb.org) is a community-driven, collaborative resource for literature-derived, manually curated and computationally predicted structural and functional annotations of macromolecular structure data, contained in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The goal of PDBe-KB is two-fold: (i) to increase the visibility and reduce the fragmentation of annotations contributed by specialist data resources, and to make these data more findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) and (ii) to place macromolecular structure data in their biological context, thus facilitating their use by the broader scientific community in fundamental and applied research. Here, we describe the guidelines of this collaborative effort, the current status of contributed data, and the PDBe-KB infrastructure, which includes the data exchange format, the deposition system for added value annotations, the distributable database containing the assembled data, and programmatic access endpoints. We also describe a series of novel web-pages-the PDBe-KB aggregated views of structure data-which combine information on macromolecular structures from many PDB entries. We have recently released the first set of pages in this series, which provide an overview of available structural and functional information for a protein of interest, referenced by a UniProtKB accession

    PDBE-KB:A community-driven resource for structural and functional annotations

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    The InterPro protein families and domains database: 20 years on

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    The InterPro database (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/) provides an integrative classification of protein sequences into families, and identifies functionally important domains and conserved sites. InterProScan is the underlying software that allows protein and nucleic acid sequences to be searched against InterPro's signatures. Signatures are predictive models which describe protein families, domains or sites, and are provided by multiple databases. InterPro combines signatures representing equivalent families, domains or sites, and provides additional information such as descriptions, literature references and Gene Ontology (GO) terms, to produce a comprehensive resource for protein classification. Founded in 1999, InterPro has become one of the most widely used resources for protein family annotation. Here, we report the status of InterPro (version 81.0) in its 20th year of operation, and its associated software, including updates to database content, the release of a new website and REST API, and performance improvements in InterProScan