8 research outputs found

    Long Trend Dynamics in Social Media

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    A main characteristic of social media is that its diverse content, copiously generated by both standard outlets and general users, constantly competes for the scarce attention of large audiences. Out of this flood of information some topics manage to get enough attention to become the most popular ones and thus to be prominently displayed as trends. Equally important, some of these trends persist long enough so as to shape part of the social agenda. How this happens is the focus of this paper. By introducing a stochastic dynamical model that takes into account the user's repeated involvement with given topics, we can predict the distribution of trend durations as well as the thresholds in popularity that lead to their emergence within social media. Detailed measurements of datasets from Twitter confirm the validity of the model and its predictions

    Mining social media to identify heat waves

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    Heat waves are one of the deadliest of natural hazards and their frequency and intensity will likely increase as the climate continues to warm. A challenge in studying these phenomena is the lack of a universally accepted quantitative definition that captures both temperature anomalies and associated mortality. We test the hypothesis that social media mining can be used to identify heat wave mortality. Applying the approach to India, we find that the number of heat-related tweets correlates with heat-related mortality much better than traditional climate-based indicators, especially at larger scales, which identify many heat wave days that do not lead to excess mortality. We conclude that social media based heat wave identification can complement climatic data and can be used to: (1) study heat wave impacts at large scales or in developing countries, where mortality data are difficult to obtain and uncertain, and (2) to track dangerous heat wave events in real time

    Attractability and Virality: The Role of Message Features and Social Influence in Health News Diffusion

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    What makes health news articles attractable and viral? Why do some articles diffuse widely by prompting audience selections (attractability) and subsequent social retransmissions (virality), while others do not? Identifying what drives social epidemics of health news coverage is crucial to our understanding of its impact on the public, especially in the emerging media environment where news consumption has become increasingly selective and social. This dissertation examines how message features and social influence affect the volume and persistence of attractability and virality within the context of the online diffusion of New York Times (NYT) health news articles. The dissertation analyzes (1) behavioral data of audience selections and retransmissions of the NYT articles and (2) associated article content and context data that are collected using computational social science approaches (automated data mining; computer-assisted content analysis) along with more traditional methods (manual content analysis; message evaluation survey). Analyses of message effects on the total volume of attractability and virality show that articles with high informational utility and positive sentiment invite more frequent selections and retransmissions, and that articles are also more attractable when presenting controversial, emotionally evocative, and familiar content. Furthermore, these analyses reveal that informational utility and novelty have stronger positive associations with email-specific virality, while emotion-related message features, content familiarity, and exemplification play a larger role in triggering social media-based retransmissions. Temporal dynamics analyses demonstrate social influence-driven cumulative advantage effects, such that articles which stay on popular-news lists longer invite more frequent subsequent selections and retransmissions. These analyses further show that the social influence effects are stronger for articles containing message features found to enhance the total volume of attractability and virality. This suggests that those synergistic interactions might underlie the observed message effects on total selections and retransmissions. Exploratory analyses reveal that the effects of social influence and message features tend to be similar for both (1) the volume of audience news selections and retransmissions and (2) the persistence of those behaviors. However, some message features, such as expressed emotionality, are relatively unique predictors of persistence outcomes. Results are discussed in light of their implications for communication research and practice

    Structure-oriented prediction in complex networks

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    Complex systems are extremely hard to predict due to its highly nonlinear interactions and rich emergent properties. Thanks to the rapid development of network science, our understanding of the structure of real complex systems and the dynamics on them has been remarkably deepened, which meanwhile largely stimulates the growth of effective prediction approaches on these systems. In this article, we aim to review different network-related prediction problems, summarize and classify relevant prediction methods, analyze their advantages and disadvantages, and point out the forefront as well as critical challenges of the field