5,892 research outputs found

    An Imprint of Molecular Cloud Magnetization in the Morphology of the Dust Polarized Emission

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    We describe a morphological imprint of magnetization found when considering the relative orientation of the magnetic field direction with respect to the density structures in simulated turbulent molecular clouds. This imprint was found using the Histogram of Relative Orientations (HRO): a new technique that utilizes the gradient to characterize the directionality of density and column density structures on multiple scales. We present results of the HRO analysis in three models of molecular clouds in which the initial magnetic field strength is varied, but an identical initial turbulent velocity field is introduced, which subsequently decays. The HRO analysis was applied to the simulated data cubes and mock-observations of the simulations produced by integrating the data cube along particular lines of sight. In the 3D analysis we describe the relative orientation of the magnetic field B\mathbf{B} with respect to the density structures, showing that: 1.The magnetic field shows a preferential orientation parallel to most of the density structures in the three simulated cubes. 2.The relative orientation changes from parallel to perpendicular in regions with density over a critical density nTn_{T} in the highest magnetization case. 3.The change of relative orientation is largest for the highest magnetization and decreases in lower magnetization cases. This change in the relative orientation is also present in the projected maps. In conjunction with simulations HROs can be used to establish a link between the observed morphology in polarization maps and the physics included in simulations of molecular clouds.Comment: (16 pages, 11 figures, submitted to ApJ 05MAR2013, accepted 07JUL2013

    Invariant EKF Design for Scan Matching-aided Localization

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    Localization in indoor environments is a technique which estimates the robot's pose by fusing data from onboard motion sensors with readings of the environment, in our case obtained by scan matching point clouds captured by a low-cost Kinect depth camera. We develop both an Invariant Extended Kalman Filter (IEKF)-based and a Multiplicative Extended Kalman Filter (MEKF)-based solution to this problem. The two designs are successfully validated in experiments and demonstrate the advantage of the IEKF design

    Optical Nanofibers: a new platform for quantum optics

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    The development of optical nanofibers (ONF) and the study and control of their optical properties when coupling atoms to their electromagnetic modes has opened new possibilities for their use in quantum optics and quantum information science. These ONFs offer tight optical mode confinement (less than the wavelength of light) and diffraction-free propagation. The small cross section of the transverse field allows probing of linear and non-linear spectroscopic features of atoms with exquisitely low power. The cooperativity -- the figure of merit in many quantum optics and quantum information systems -- tends to be large even for a single atom in the mode of an ONF, as it is proportional to the ratio of the atomic cross section to the electromagnetic mode cross section. ONFs offer a natural bus for information and for inter-atomic coupling through the tightly-confined modes, which opens the possibility of one-dimensional many-body physics and interesting quantum interconnection applications. The presence of the ONF modifies the vacuum field, affecting the spontaneous emission rates of atoms in its vicinity. The high gradients in the radial intensity naturally provide the potential for trapping atoms around the ONF, allowing the creation of one-dimensional arrays of atoms. The same radial gradient in the transverse direction of the field is responsible for the existence of a large longitudinal component that introduces the possibility of spin-orbit coupling of the light and the atom, enabling the exploration of chiral quantum optics.Comment: 65 pages, to appear in Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physic

    Navigace mobilních robotů v neznámém prostředí s využitím měření vzdáleností

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    The ability of a robot to navigate itself in the environment is a crucial step towards its autonomy. Navigation as a subtask of the development of autonomous robots is the subject of this thesis, focusing on the development of a method for simultaneous localization an mapping (SLAM) of mobile robots in six degrees of freedom (DOF). As a part of this research, a platform for 3D range data acquisition based on a continuously inclined laser rangefinder was developed. This platform is presented, evaluating the measurements and also presenting the robotic equipment on which the platform can be fitted. The localization and mapping task is equal to the registration of multiple 3D images into a common frame of reference. For this purpose, a method based on the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm was developed. First, the originally implemented SLAM method is presented, focusing on the time-wise performance and the registration quality issues introduced by the implemented algorithms. In order to accelerate and improve the quality of the time-demanding 6DOF image registration, an extended method was developed. The major extension is the introduction of a factorized registration, extracting 2D representations of vertical objects called leveled maps from the 3D point sets, ensuring these representations are 3DOF invariant. The extracted representations are registered in 3DOF using ICP algorithm, allowing pre-alignment of the 3D data for the subsequent robust 6DOF ICP based registration. The extended method is presented, showing all important modifications to the original method. The developed registration method was evaluated using real 3D data acquired in different indoor environments, examining the benefits of the factorization and other extensions as well as the performance of the original ICP based method. The factorization gives promising results compared to a single phase 6DOF registration in vertically structured environments. Also, the disadvantages of the method are discussed, proposing possible solutions. Finally, the future prospects of the research are presented.Schopnost lokalizace a navigace je podmínkou autonomního provozu mobilních robotů. Předmětem této disertační práce jsou navigační metody se zaměřením na metodu pro simultánní lokalizaci a mapování (SLAM) mobilních robotů v šesti stupních volnosti (6DOF). Nedílnou součástí tohoto výzkumu byl vývoj platformy pro sběr 3D vzdálenostních dat s využitím kontinuálně naklápěného laserového řádkového scanneru. Tato platforma byla vyvinuta jako samostatný modul, aby mohla být umístěna na různé šasi mobilních robotů. Úkol lokalizace a mapování je ekvivalentní registraci více 3D obrazů do společného souřadného systému. Pro tyto účely byla vyvinuta metoda založená na algoritmu Iterative Closest Point Algorithm (ICP). Původně implementovaná verze navigační metody využívá ICP s akcelerací pomocí kd-stromů přičemž jsou zhodnoceny její kvalitativní a výkonnostní aspekty. Na základě této analýzy byly vyvinuty rozšíření původní metody založené na ICP. Jednou z hlavních modifikací je faktorizace registračního procesu, kdy tato faktorizace je založena na redukci dat: vytvoření 2D „leveled“ map (ve smyslu jednoúrovňových map) ze 3D vzdálenostních obrazů. Pro tuto redukci je technologicky i algoritmicky zajištěna invariantnost těchto map vůči třem stupňům volnosti. Tyto redukované mapy jsou registrovány pomocí ICP ve zbylých třech stupních volnosti, přičemž získaná transformace je aplikována na 3D data za účelem před-registrace 3D obrazů. Následně je provedena robustní 6DOF registrace. Rozšířená metoda je v disertační práci v popsána spolu se všemi podstatnými modifikacemi. Vyvinutá metoda byla otestována a zhodnocena s využitím skutečných 3D vzdálenostních dat naměřených v různých vnitřních prostředích. Jsou zhodnoceny přínosy faktorizace a jiných modifikací ve srovnání s původní jednofázovou 6DOF registrací, také jsou zmíněny nevýhody implementované metody a navrženy způsoby jejich řešení. Nakonec následuje návrh budoucího výzkumu a diskuse o možnostech dalšího rozvoje.