824 research outputs found

    Neural networks to intrusion detection

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    Recent research indicates a lot of attempts to create an Intrusion Detection System that is capable of learning and recognizing attacks it faces for the first time. Benchmark datasets were created by the MIT Lincoln Lab and by the International Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining group (KDD). A few competitions were held and many systems developed. The overall preference was given to Expert Systems that were based on Decision Making Tree algorithms. This work is devoted to the problem of Neural Networks as means of Intrusion Detection. After multiple techniques and methodologies are investigated, we show that properly trained Neural Networks are capable of fast recognition and classification of different attacks. The advantage of the taken approach allows us to demonstrate the superiority of the Neural Networks over the systems that were created by the winner of the KDD Cups competition and later researchers due to their capability to recognize an attack, to differentiate one attack from another, i.e. classify attacks, and, the most important, to detect new attacks that were not included into the training set. The results obtained through simulations indicate that it is possible to recognize attacks that the Intrusion Detection System never faced before on an acceptably high level

    AI Solutions for MDS: Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Misuse Detection and Localisation in Telecommunication Environments

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    This report considers the application of Articial Intelligence (AI) techniques to the problem of misuse detection and misuse localisation within telecommunications environments. A broad survey of techniques is provided, that covers inter alia rule based systems, model-based systems, case based reasoning, pattern matching, clustering and feature extraction, articial neural networks, genetic algorithms, arti cial immune systems, agent based systems, data mining and a variety of hybrid approaches. The report then considers the central issue of event correlation, that is at the heart of many misuse detection and localisation systems. The notion of being able to infer misuse by the correlation of individual temporally distributed events within a multiple data stream environment is explored, and a range of techniques, covering model based approaches, `programmed' AI and machine learning paradigms. It is found that, in general, correlation is best achieved via rule based approaches, but that these suffer from a number of drawbacks, such as the difculty of developing and maintaining an appropriate knowledge base, and the lack of ability to generalise from known misuses to new unseen misuses. Two distinct approaches are evident. One attempts to encode knowledge of known misuses, typically within rules, and use this to screen events. This approach cannot generally detect misuses for which it has not been programmed, i.e. it is prone to issuing false negatives. The other attempts to `learn' the features of event patterns that constitute normal behaviour, and, by observing patterns that do not match expected behaviour, detect when a misuse has occurred. This approach is prone to issuing false positives, i.e. inferring misuse from innocent patterns of behaviour that the system was not trained to recognise. Contemporary approaches are seen to favour hybridisation, often combining detection or localisation mechanisms for both abnormal and normal behaviour, the former to capture known cases of misuse, the latter to capture unknown cases. In some systems, these mechanisms even work together to update each other to increase detection rates and lower false positive rates. It is concluded that hybridisation offers the most promising future direction, but that a rule or state based component is likely to remain, being the most natural approach to the correlation of complex events. The challenge, then, is to mitigate the weaknesses of canonical programmed systems such that learning, generalisation and adaptation are more readily facilitated

    Sustainable Agriculture and Advances of Remote Sensing (Volume 2)

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    Agriculture, as the main source of alimentation and the most important economic activity globally, is being affected by the impacts of climate change. To maintain and increase our global food system production, to reduce biodiversity loss and preserve our natural ecosystem, new practices and technologies are required. This book focuses on the latest advances in remote sensing technology and agricultural engineering leading to the sustainable agriculture practices. Earth observation data, in situ and proxy-remote sensing data are the main source of information for monitoring and analyzing agriculture activities. Particular attention is given to earth observation satellites and the Internet of Things for data collection, to multispectral and hyperspectral data analysis using machine learning and deep learning, to WebGIS and the Internet of Things for sharing and publication of the results, among others

    MAHIVE: Modular Analysis Hierarchical Intrusion Detection System Visualization Event Cybersecurity Engine for Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things Devices

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    Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), including Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) networks, have become critical to our national infrastructure. The increased occurrence of cyber-attacks on these systems and the potential for catastrophic losses illustrates the critical need to ensure our CPS and ICS are properly monitored and secured with a multi-pronged approach of prevention, detection, deterrence, and recovery. Traditional Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) lack features that would make them well-suited for CPS and ICS environments. We report on the initial results for MAHIVE: Modular Analysis Hierarchical IDS Visualization Event cybersecurity engine. MAHIVE differs from traditional IDS in that it was specifically designed and developed for CPS, ICS, a IIoT systems and networks. We describe the MAHIVE architecture, the design, and the results of our evaluation using two ICS testbed penetration testing experiments

    Integration of Expectation Maximization using Gaussian Mixture Models and Naïve Bayes for Intrusion Detection

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    Intrusion detection is the investigation process of information about the system activities or its data to detect any malicious behavior or unauthorized activity. Most of the IDS implement K-means clustering technique due to its linear complexity and fast computing ability. Nonetheless, it is Naïve use of the mean data value for the cluster core that presents a major drawback. The chances of two circular clusters having different radius and centering at the same mean will occur. This condition cannot be addressed by the K-means algorithm because the mean value of the various clusters is very similar together. However, if the clusters are not spherical, it fails. To overcome this issue, a new integrated hybrid model by integrating expectation maximizing (EM) clustering using a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) and naïve Bays classifier have been proposed. In this model, GMM give more flexibility than K-Means in terms of cluster covariance. Also, they use probabilities function and soft clustering, that’s why they can have multiple cluster for a single data. In GMM, we can define the cluster form in GMM by two parameters: the mean and the standard deviation. This means that by using these two parameters, the cluster can take any kind of elliptical shape. EM-GMM will be used to cluster data based on data activity into the corresponding category

    Bio-inspired enhancement of reputation systems for intelligent environments

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    Providing security to the emerging field of ambient intelligence will be difficult if we rely only on existing techniques, given their dynamic and heterogeneous nature. Moreover, security demands of these systems are expected to grow, as many applications will require accurate context modeling. In this work we propose an enhancement to the reputation systems traditionally deployed for securing these systems. Different anomaly detectors are combined using the immunological paradigm to optimize reputation system performance in response to evolving security requirements. As an example, the experiments show how a combination of detectors based on unsupervised techniques (self-organizing maps and genetic algorithms) can help to significantly reduce the global response time of the reputation system. The proposed solution offers many benefits: scalability, fast response to adversarial activities, ability to detect unknown attacks, high adaptability, and high ability in detecting and confining attacks. For these reasons, we believe that our solution is capable of coping with the dynamism of ambient intelligence systems and the growing requirements of security demands

    Review of Non-Technical Losses Identification Techniques

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    Illegally consumption of electric power, termed as non-technical losses for the distribution companies is one of the dominant factors all over the world for many years. Although there are some conventional methods to identify these irregularities, such as physical inspection of meters at the consumer premises etc, but it requires large number of manpower and time; then also it does not seem to be adequate. Now a days there are various methods and algorithms have been developed that are proposed in different research papers, to detect non-technical losses. In this paper these methods are reviewed, their important features are highlighted and also the limitations are identified. Finally, the qualitative comparison of various non-technical losses identification algorithms is presented based on their performance, costs, data handling, quality control and execution times. It can be concluded that the graph-based classifier, Optimum-Path Forest algorithm that have both supervised and unsupervised variants, yields the most accurate result to detect non-technical losses

    A neural-visualization IDS for honeynet data

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    Neural intelligent systems can provide a visualization of the network traffic for security staff, in order to reduce the widely known high false-positive rate associated with misuse-based Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). Unlike previous work, this study proposes an unsupervised neural models that generate an intuitive visualization of the captured traffic, rather than network statistics. These snapshots of network events are immensely useful for security personnel that monitor network behavior. The system is based on the use of different neural projection and unsupervised methods for the visual inspection of honeypot data, and may be seen as a complementary network security tool that sheds light on internal data structures through visual inspection of the traffic itself. Furthermore, it is intended to facilitate verification and assessment of Snort performance (a well-known and widely-used misuse-based IDS), through the visualization of attack patterns. Empirical verification and comparison of the proposed projection methods are performed in a real domain, where two different case studies are defined and analyzedRegional Government of Gipuzkoa, the Department of Research, Education and Universities of the Basque Government, and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) under projects TIN2010-21272-C02-01 and CIT-020000-2009-12 (funded by the European Regional Development Fund). This work was also supported in the framework of the IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence project, reg. no. CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070 supported by the Operational Program 'Research and Development for Innovations' funded through the Structural Funds of the European Union and the state budget of the Czech RepublicElectronic version of an article published as International Journal of Neural Systems, Volume 22, Issue 02, April 2012 10.1142/S0129065712500050 ©copyright World Scientific Publishing Company http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/ijn