256 research outputs found

    Nove spoznaje o fauni vretenaca porječja rijeke Drave

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    Odonata are amphibious insects widely used as bioindicators of freshwater ecosystems’ health. Their assemblages at lotic and lentic habitats in the area of the Drava River basin are still not completely known. Therefore, we surveyed Odonata fauna at two Drava River oxbows and the Drava River lower reaches in Croatia and Hungary. We recorded a total of 21 species. Although most of them were generalists, we also documented two species of conservation concern: Sympetrum fonscolombii and Ophiogomphus cecilia. During the fieldwork, we also observed some of the anthropogenic impacts present at studied habitats, such as plastic waste disposal, and removal of riparian vegetation, including the removal of individual tress for purposes of fishing. With this study, we increased our knowledge about Odonata fauna of the Drava River basin. Our data can be used for future monitoring of the recorded species and their habitats.Vretenca su amfibijski red kukaca koji se diljem svijeta koriste kao bioindikatori zdravlja slatkovodnih ekosustava. Sastav njihovih zajednica na lotičkim i lentičkim staništima porječja rijeke Drave još uvijek nije u potpunosti istražen. Stoga, inventarizirali smo faunu vretenaca dvaju rukavaca rijeke Drave i rijeku Dravu u području njezina donjeg toka na teritoriju Hrvatske i Mađarske. Zabilježili smo ukupno 21 vrstu, od čega je većina njih generalista. No, zabilježili smo i dvije vrste od konzervacijskog značaja: Sympetrum fonscolombii i Ophiogomphus cecilia. Tijekom terenskog rada na istraživanim staništima uočili smo i neke antropogene utjecaje, poput odlaganja plastičnog otpada, te uklanjanja obalne vegetacije, uključujući i sječu pojedinih stabala u svrhu izrade postaja za lov ribe. Ovo istraživanje doprinosi boljem poznavanju faune vretenaca porječja rijeke Drave te se prikupljeni podaci mogu koristiti za buduće praćenje stanja populacija zabilježenih vrsta i njihovih staništa

    Automated Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Railway Vehicles

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    With the development of computer vision methods, the number of areas where autonomous systems are used has also increased. Among these areas is the transportation sector. Autonomous systems in the transportation sector are mostly developed for road vehicles, but highway rules and standards different between countries. In this study, models capable of semantic segmentation have been developed for autonomous railway vehicles with the help of the public dataset. Four different U-Net models were trained with 8500 images for four different scenarios. The model trained for binary semantic segmentation reached mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) value of 89.1%, while the models trained for multi-class semantic segmentation reached 83.2% mIoU, 79.7% mIoU and 29.6% mIoU. Information about the inclusion of high-resolution images in model training and performance metrics in semantic segmentation studies shared


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    Background: The ABO blood type plays an important role in various diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular, and certain communicable and non-communicable diseases. However, there is currently little definite evidence between COVID-19 with ABO blood types. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between ABO blood type and the mortality of patients infected with COVID-19 in a national referral hospital, Indonesia. Methods: This study used a retrospective cohort.  The research sample was COVID-19 patients who were in Dr. M. Djamil Hospital Padang. The number of samples in this study was 93 subjects. Data analysis was performed using the Chi-square test. P < 0.05 was significant, and the data were analyzed using the SPSS version 21.0 program. Results: The results of this study found the percentage of mortality of COVID-19 patients was higher for blood group O (46.2%), followed by AB (41.7%), B (26.3%), and A (13.9%). There was a relationship between blood type and mortality in hospitalized COVID-19 patients (p <0.05), where blood type O had the highest risk (OR = 5.31, 95% CI 1.57-17.98) followed by blood type AB (OR = 4.43, 95% CI 1.01-19.58). Conclusion: This study confirmed there was a relationship between blood type and mortality in hospitalized COVID-19 patients, where blood type O had the highest risk followed by blood type AB

    Uji Potensi Ekstrak Daun Putri Malu (Mimosa pudica Linn) yang Tumbuh di Padang sebagai Larvasida Nabati terhadap Mortalitas Larva Nyamuk Aedes aegypti

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    Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) disebabkan oleh virus dengue melalui vektor penular utama yaitu nyamuk betina Aedes aegypti. Salah satu upaya pemberantasan vektor penular tersebut adalah larvasida sintetik, namun dapat menyebabkan resistensi vektor dan pencemaran lingkungan. Ekstrak daun putri malu dapat dijadikan alternatif sebagai larvasida nabati. Tujuan: Menentukan pengaruh pemberian ekstrak daun putri malu (Mimosa pudica Linn.) yang tumbuh di Padang terhadap mortalitas larva nyamuk Aedes aegypti. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah studi eksperimental laboratorium dengan rancangan acak lengkap yang terdiri dari delapan perlakuan dan satu kontrol dengan 4x pengulangan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Farmasi dan Laboratorium Parasitologi Universitas Andalas. Sampel terdiri dari 720 ekor larva Aedes aegypti instar III/IV. Setiap kelompok uji berisi 20 ekor larva dalam 200 ml larutan (ekstrak + akuades) dengan serial konsentrasi ekstrak 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 12,5, dan 15 mg/ml. Jumlah kematian larva dicatat setelah 24 jam pemaparan ekstrak. Hasil: Ekstrak daun putri malu yang dengan konsentrasi ekstrak 1, 2, 3, 4, dan 5 mg/ml tidak efektif sebagai larvasida, sedangkan konsentrasi 10, 12,5 dan 15 mg/ml efektif sebagai larvasida dengan persentase kematian masing-masing adalah 12,5, 30, dan 60%. Nilai LC50 ekstrak daun putri malu adalah 14,568 mg/ml. Simpulan: Ekstrak daun putri malu yang tumbuh di Padang berpotensi sebagai larvasida Aedes aegypti.Kata kunci: Aedes aegypti, larvasida nabati, Mimosa pudica Lin

    Evaluacija utjecaja novih tehnologija na korisničko iskustvo

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    Današnji trend napretka internet tehnologija predvodi nastojanje stvaranja usluga koje pružaju pozitivno korisničko iskustvo. Uspješne stranice često su pioniri novih tehnologija koje se konstantno pojavljuju na tržištu, što govori o povezanosti tehnologije i napretka korisničkog iskustva. U radu će se promotriti mogućnosti dizajniranja i oblikovanja usluga koje će korisnici moći i htjeti koristiti, u stvaranju stranice koja daje pozitivan utjecaj na korisnika i njegovo korisničko iskustvo. Stvaranje kvalitetnog korisničkog iskustva može biti vrlo kompleksno, budući da na njega utječe mnogo faktora, poput koristivosti, identiteta branda, informacijske arhitekture i dizajna interaktivnosti. Rad se bavi proučavanjem napretka korisničkog iskustva, odnosno user experience (UX) koje su poslijednjih nekoliko godina uvelike krojili HTML4 i Fash još od svoje pojave i promjenom korisničkog iskustva pojavom novih tehnologija (HTML5) i mainstream platformi koje su napustile flash (iPad, iPhone) u zamjenu za HTML5. Razmatra odnos i interakciju korisnika i tehnologije, kroz potencijalno poboljšanje iskustva korištenja internet usluga i nove mogućnosti interakcije sa dosad nedovoljno iskorištenim sekundarnim sadržajem stranica, poput oglasa i bannera. Hipotizira nove oblike privlačenja pažnje korisnika na neintruzivan i zanimljiv način u stvaranju iskustva korištenja interneta koje je istovremeno ugodno za korisnika i unosno za oglašivača, i to na pokretnim i desktop platformama

    A lógica e o potencial operativo dos projectos de desenvolvimento e de intervenção social na indução de mudança

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    A acção para o Desenvolvimento resulta da comparação entre diferentes países e sociedades. A componente estratégica de combate ao sub-desenvolvimento tem como base o potencial operativo da Trilogia do Desenvolvimento - Políticas, Programas e Projectos - que por sua vez teve e tem como consequências imediatas a criação e proliferação de redes desenvolvimentistas a toda a escala mundial. O formato-projecto acabou por ser a mais generalizada forma de intervenção social, e tem como motores lógicas próprias de funcionamento, quer discursivas quer instrumentais, com repercussão nos impactes produzidos pelas intervenções. Procura-se nesta dissertação a teorização sobre a lógica e o papel dos projectos de intervenção na transformação das sociedades, através da análise da trilogia do desenvolvimento e do Ciclo do Projecto propriamente dito. A par disso, questões como a intervenção múltipla, a participação comunitária e a análise da sociedade civil, permitem-nos conhecer mais sobre os projectos e mais sobre os seus promotores, as suas proveniências e motivações. Nestes cenários de análise, constata-se que os mecanismos de funcionamento do complexo desenvolvimentista que mantêm o seu poder de influência, têm como base relações cíclicas institucionais de dependência, que vão permitindo a sua reciclagem e renovação constantes. Estes ciclos (viciosos) patentes nas relações institucionais têm repercussão e prolongamento aquando da operacionalização do desenvolvimento. Pois aquilo que motiva a acção é a ausência de determinada realidade ou situação que se pretende criar, e aquilo que determina a continuação da acção, continua a ser a ausência dessa realidade ou situação induzida.The action for development results from comparison among different countries and societies. The strategic component to fight underdevelopment is based on the operational potential of the Development Trilogy - Policies, Programmes and Projects - which in turn affected and affects the creation and extension of the development networks worldwide. The most common form of social intervention is the format-project. The format-project is propelled by its own operation rationales - both discursive and instrumental - which affect the outcome of the interventions. This dissertation aims to discuss theoretically the rational and the role of the intervention projects on the transformation of the societies through an analysis of the development trilogy as well as the project cycle itself. Furthermore, discussion of issues such as multiple intervention, communitarian participation, and civil society analysis, will allow us to deepen our knowledge on projects and their promoters, their backgrounds and motivations. These analysis scenarios show us the mechanisms to operate the development complex, which keeps their influential power, are based on cyclical institutional relations of dependency. This relation sustains its constant recycle and renewal. These (vicious) cycles - which are noticeable in the institutional relations - extend themselves in the development operationalization. Thus, action is motivated by the absence of a specific fact or situation one is willing to create, whereas its maintenance is determined by the absence of the induced specific fact or situation

    Typhoid Fever Complicated By Multiple Organ Involvement In A Child

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    A 12-year old girl was admitted to our clinic because of fever, headache, diarrhea and weakness for 10 days. Dyspne, tachycardia, hypotension, fever and letargy were determined in physical examination. The levels of urea, creatinine, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase were found to be increased. In echocardiography, myocardial dysfunction and low systolic functions were detected. Blood culture was positive for S.typhi. We report multiple organ involvement in a patient with typhoid fever and review the literature

    Dragonfly fauna (Insecta: Odonata) of Papuk Nature Park, Croatia

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    Odonata is an amphibious insect order constituting an important link between aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Members of the group are widely used as bioindicators of freshwater habitat health. The Odonata fauna of a total of 44 freshwater habitats in the wider area of Papuk Nature Park was investigated in the spring and summer of 2017 and 2019. Twenty-three lotic and 21 lentic habitats were included in the study. We recorded 39 Odonata species, witha higher species richness (i.e. 35) documented at lentic than at lotic habitats (i.e. 16 species). Calopteryx virgo was the most widespread species in the area, while Aeshna affinis, Epitheca bimaculata, and Sympetrum meridionale were the rarest. The most frequently recorded species at lentic sites were Platycnemis pennipes, Coenagrion puella, and Ischnura elegans, while Calopteryx virgo, Onychogomphus forcipatus, and Cordulegaster bidenatata were the most common species in lotic habitats. Although we recorded numerous anthropogenic pressures in freshwater habitats in the Park, 11 recorded species are of conservation concern, which highlights the conservation value of aquatic habitats in the study area. Our results represent the first Odonata checklist of Papuk Nature Park, and as such, they are an important contribution to our knowledge of the Odonata fauna and species distribution in Croatia

    Problems Experienced by Midwifery and Nursing Students in Turkey During Clinical Practice and their Recommended Solutions to the Problems

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    AIMS: The purpose of this research was to identify nursing and midwifery students’ problems during clinical practice, their recommended solutions for problems and to use the research results to improve midwifery and nursing education.METHODOLOGY: The population of this descriptive study was comprised of the second, third and fourth year students at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University School for Health Science. No sampling was done, 169 (84.5%) of the students participated voluntarily in the study. Research data were collected on a questionnaire. Prior to beginning the study written permission was obtained from the school administration and verbal consent from all participant. Research data were analyzed with descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data.RESULTS: According to the study results 94.1% of the students reported that the teaching staff were not with them during clinical practice, 92.9% that they were not able to transfer theoretic knowledge they had learned into practice, 87% that they were used to do tasks other than their primary patient care on the ward, 81.1% that the teaching staff was not able to establish cooperation with the hospital employees, 79.9% that they were excluded from clinical practice, 75.1% that the teaching staff were not able to form objective assessment criteria for students on the ward, 74.4% that the students were not shown tolerance and patience, and 60.9% that they perceived being closely checked according to guidelines to be a problem.CONCLUSION: The students were found to have problems with teaching staff about clinical practice and problems with hospital employees, and inadequate supplies and physical conditions on the wards. Recommendations were made based on the results