1,337 research outputs found

    Approximating Pareto frontier using a hybrid line search approach

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Information Sciences. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2010 Elsevier B.V.The aggregation of objectives in multiple criteria programming is one of the simplest and widely used approach. But it is well known that this technique sometimes fail in different aspects for determining the Pareto frontier. This paper proposes a new approach for multicriteria optimization, which aggregates the objective functions and uses a line search method in order to locate an approximate efficient point. Once the first Pareto solution is obtained, a simplified version of the former one is used in the context of Pareto dominance to obtain a set of efficient points, which will assure a thorough distribution of solutions on the Pareto frontier. In the current form, the proposed technique is well suitable for problems having multiple objectives (it is not limited to bi-objective problems) and require the functions to be continuous twice differentiable. In order to assess the effectiveness of this approach, some experiments were performed and compared with two recent well known population-based metaheuristics namely ParEGO and NSGA II. When compared to ParEGO and NSGA II, the proposed approach not only assures a better convergence to the Pareto frontier but also illustrates a good distribution of solutions. From a computational point of view, both stages of the line search converge within a short time (average about 150 ms for the first stage and about 20 ms for the second stage). Apart from this, the proposed technique is very simple, easy to implement and use to solve multiobjective problems.CNCSIS IDEI 2412, Romani

    Metaheuristics for online drive train efficiency optimization in electric vehicles

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    Utilization of electric vehicles provides a solution to several challenges in today’s individual mobility. However, ensuring maximum efficient operation of electric vehicles is required in order to overcome their greatest weakness: the limited range. Even though the overall efficiency is already high, incorporating DC/DC converter into the electric drivetrain improves the efficiency level further. This inclusion enables the dynamic optimization of the intermediate voltage level subject to the current driving demand (operating point) of the drivetrain. Moreover, the overall drivetrain efficiency depends on the setup of other drivetrain components’ electric parameters. Solving this complex problem for different drivetrain parameter setups subject to the current driving demand needs considerable computing time for conventional solvers and cannot be delivered in real-time. Therefore, basic metaheuristics are identified and applied in order to assure the optimization process during driving. In order to compare the performance of metaheuristics for this task, we adjust and compare the performance of different basic metaheuristics (i.e. Monte-Carlo, Evolutionary Algorithms, Simulated Annealing and Particle Swarm Optimization). The results are statistically analyzed and based on a developed simulation model of an electric drivetrain. By applying the bestperforming metaheuristic, the efficiency of the drivetrain could be improved by up to 30% compared to an electric vehicle without the DC/DC- converter. The difference between computing times vary between 30 minutes (for the Exhaustive Search Algorithm) to about 0.2 seconds (Particle Swarm) per operating point. It is shown, that the Particle Swarm Optimization as well as the Evolutionary Algorithm procedures are the best-performing methods on this optimization problem. All in all, the results support the idea that online efficiency optimization in electric vehicles is possible with regard to computing time and success probability

    A Review of Methodological Approaches for the Design and Optimization of Wind Farms

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    This article presents a review of the state of the art of the Wind Farm Design and Optimization (WFDO) problem. The WFDO problem refers to a set of advanced planning actions needed to extremize the performance of wind farms, which may be composed of a few individual Wind Turbines (WTs) up to thousands of WTs. The WFDO problem has been investigated in different scenarios, with substantial differences in main objectives, modelling assumptions, constraints, and numerical solution methods. The aim of this paper is: (1) to present an exhaustive survey of the literature covering the full span of the subject, an analysis of the state-of-the-art models describing the performance of wind farms as well as its extensions, and the numerical approaches used to solve the problem; (2) to provide an overview of the available knowledge and recent progress in the application of such strategies to real onshore and offshore wind farms; and (3) to propose a comprehensive agenda for future research

    A bi-level model of dynamic traffic signal control with continuum approximation

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    This paper proposes a bi-level model for traffic network signal control, which is formulated as a dynamic Stackelberg game and solved as a mathematical program with equilibrium constraints (MPEC). The lower-level problem is a dynamic user equilibrium (DUE) with embedded dynamic network loading (DNL) sub-problem based on the LWR model (Lighthill and Whitham, 1955; Richards, 1956). The upper-level decision variables are (time-varying) signal green splits with the objective of minimizing network-wide travel cost. Unlike most existing literature which mainly use an on-and-off (binary) representation of the signal controls, we employ a continuum signal model recently proposed and analyzed in Han et al. (2014), which aims at describing and predicting the aggregate behavior that exists at signalized intersections without relying on distinct signal phases. Advantages of this continuum signal model include fewer integer variables, less restrictive constraints on the time steps, and higher decision resolution. It simplifies the modeling representation of large-scale urban traffic networks with the benefit of improved computational efficiency in simulation or optimization. We present, for the LWR-based DNL model that explicitly captures vehicle spillback, an in-depth study on the implementation of the continuum signal model, as its approximation accuracy depends on a number of factors and may deteriorate greatly under certain conditions. The proposed MPEC is solved on two test networks with three metaheuristic methods. Parallel computing is employed to significantly accelerate the solution procedure

    An empirical investigation of simplified step-size adapatation in evolution strategies with a view to theory

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    Randomized direct-search methods for the optimization of a function f: R^n -> R given by a black box for f-evaluations are investigated. We consider the cumulative step-size adaptation (CSA) for the variance of multivariate zero-mean normal distributions. Those are commonly used to sample new candidate solutions within metaheuristics, in particular within the CMA Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES), a state-of-the-art direct-search method. Though the CMA-ES is very successful in practical optimization, its theoretical foundations are very limited because of the complex stochastic process it induces. To forward the theory on this successful method, we propose two simplifications of the CSA used within CMA-ES for step-size control. We show by experimental and statistical evaluation that they perform sufficiently similarly to the original CSA (in the considered scenario), so that a further theoretical analysis is in fact reasonable. Furthermore, we outline in detail a probabilistic/theoretical runtime analysis for one of the two CSA-derivatives

    A tutorial for competent memetic algorithms: Model, taxonomy and design issues

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    The combination of evolutionary algorithms with local search was named "memetic algorithms" (MAs) (Moscato, 1989). These methods are inspired by models of natural systems that combine the evolutionary adaptation of a population with individual learning within the lifetimes of its members. Additionally, MAs are inspired by Richard Dawkin's concept of a meme, which represents a unit of cultural evolution that can exhibit local refinement (Dawkins, 1976). In the case of MA's, "memes" refer to the strategies (e.g., local refinement, perturbation, or constructive methods, etc.) that are employed to improve individuals. In this paper, we review some works on the application of MAs to well-known combinatorial optimization problems, and place them in a framework defined by a general syntactic model. This model provides us with a classification scheme based on a computable index D, which facilitates algorithmic comparisons and suggests areas for future research. Also, by having an abstract model for this class of metaheuristics, it is possible to explore their design space and better understand their behavior from a theoretical standpoint. We illustrate the theoretical and practical relevance of this model and taxonomy for MAs in the context of a discussion of important design issues that must be addressed to produce effective and efficient MAs

    Treasure hunt : a framework for cooperative, distributed parallel optimization

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Daniel WeingaertnerCoorientadora: Profa. Dra. Myriam Regattieri DelgadoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ, Setor de CiĂȘncias Exatas, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em InformĂĄtica. Defesa : Curitiba, 27/05/2019Inclui referĂȘncias: p. 18-20Área de concentração: CiĂȘncia da ComputaçãoResumo: Este trabalho propĂ”e um framework multinĂ­vel chamado Treasure Hunt, que Ă© capaz de distribuir algoritmos de busca independentes para um grande nĂșmero de nĂłs de processamento. Com o objetivo de obter uma convergĂȘncia conjunta entre os nĂłs, este framework propĂ”e um mecanismo de direcionamento que controla suavemente a cooperação entre mĂșltiplas instĂąncias independentes do Treasure Hunt. A topologia em ĂĄrvore proposta pelo Treasure Hunt garante a rĂĄpida propagação da informação pelos nĂłs, ao mesmo tempo em que provĂȘ simutaneamente exploraçÔes (pelos nĂłs-pai) e intensificaçÔes (pelos nĂłs-filho), em vĂĄrios nĂ­veis de granularidade, independentemente do nĂșmero de nĂłs na ĂĄrvore. O Treasure Hunt tem boa tolerĂąncia Ă  falhas e estĂĄ parcialmente preparado para uma total tolerĂąncia Ă  falhas. Como parte dos mĂ©todos desenvolvidos durante este trabalho, um mĂ©todo automatizado de Particionamento Iterativo foi proposto para controlar o balanceamento entre exploraçÔes e intensificaçÔes ao longo da busca. Uma Modelagem de Estabilização de ConvergĂȘncia para operar em modo Online tambĂ©m foi proposto, com o objetivo de encontrar pontos de parada com bom custo/benefĂ­cio para os algoritmos de otimização que executam dentro das instĂąncias do Treasure Hunt. Experimentos em benchmarks clĂĄssicos, aleatĂłrios e de competição, de vĂĄrios tamanhos e complexidades, usando os algoritmos de busca PSO, DE e CCPSO2, mostram que o Treasure Hunt melhora as caracterĂ­sticas inerentes destes algoritmos de busca. O Treasure Hunt faz com que os algoritmos de baixa performance se tornem comparĂĄveis aos de boa performance, e os algoritmos de boa performance possam estender seus limites atĂ© problemas maiores. Experimentos distribuindo instĂąncias do Treasure Hunt, em uma rede cooperativa de atĂ© 160 processos, demonstram a escalabilidade robusta do framework, apresentando melhoras nos resultados mesmo quando o tempo de processamento Ă© fixado (wall-clock) para todas as instĂąncias distribuĂ­das do Treasure Hunt. Resultados demonstram que o mecanismo de amostragem fornecido pelo Treasure Hunt, aliado Ă  maior cooperação entre as mĂșltiplas populaçÔes em evolução, reduzem a necessidade de grandes populaçÔes e de algoritmos de busca complexos. Isto Ă© especialmente importante em problemas de mundo real que possuem funçÔes de fitness muito custosas. Palavras-chave: InteligĂȘncia artificial. MĂ©todos de otimização. Algoritmos distribuĂ­dos. Modelagem de convergĂȘncia. Alta dimensionalidade.Abstract: This work proposes a multilevel framework called Treasure Hunt, which is capable of distributing independent search algorithms to a large number of processing nodes. Aiming to obtain joint convergences between working nodes, Treasure Hunt proposes a driving mechanism that smoothly controls the cooperation between the multiple independent Treasure Hunt instances. The tree topology proposed by Treasure Hunt ensures quick propagation of information, while providing simultaneous explorations (by parents) and exploitations (by children), on several levels of granularity, regardless the number of nodes in the tree. Treasure Hunt has good fault tolerance and is partially prepared to full fault tolerance. As part of the methods developed during this work, an automated Iterative Partitioning method is proposed to control the balance between exploration and exploitation as the search progress. A Convergence Stabilization Modeling to operate in Online mode is also proposed, aiming to find good cost/benefit stopping points for the optimization algorithms running within the Treasure Hunt instances. Experiments on classic, random and competition benchmarks of various sizes and complexities, using the search algorithms PSO, DE and CCPSO2, show that Treasure Hunt boosts the inherent characteristics of these search algorithms. Treasure Hunt makes algorithms with poor performances to become comparable to good ones, and algorithms with good performances to be capable of extending their limits to larger problems. Experiments distributing Treasure Hunt instances in a cooperative network up to 160 processes show the robust scaling of the framework, presenting improved results even when fixing a wall-clock time for the instances. Results show that the sampling mechanism provided by Treasure Hunt, allied to the increased cooperation between multiple evolving populations, reduce the need for large population sizes and complex search algorithms. This is specially important on real-world problems with time-consuming fitness functions. Keywords: Artificial intelligence. Optimization methods. Distributed algorithms. Convergence modeling. High dimensionality

    An Investigation of Factors Influencing Algorithm Selection for High Dimensional Continuous Optimisation Problems

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    The problem of algorithm selection is of great importance to the optimisation community, with a number of publications present in the Body-of-Knowledge. This importance stems from the consequences of the No-Free-Lunch Theorem which states that there cannot exist a single algorithm capable of solving all possible problems. However, despite this importance, the algorithm selection problem has of yet failed to gain widespread attention . In particular, little to no work in this area has been carried out with a focus on large-scale optimisation; a field quickly gaining momentum in line with advancements and influence of big data processing. As such, it is not as yet clear as to what factors, if any, influence the selection of algorithms for very high-dimensional problems (> 1000) - and it is entirely possible that algorithms that may not work well in lower dimensions may in fact work well in much higher dimensional spaces and vice-versa. This work therefore aims to begin addressing this knowledge gap by investigating some of these influencing factors for some common metaheuristic variants. To this end, typical parameters native to several metaheuristic algorithms are firstly tuned using the state-of-the-art automatic parameter tuner, SMAC. Tuning produces separate parameter configurations of each metaheuristic for each of a set of continuous benchmark functions; specifically, for every algorithm-function pairing, configurations are found for each dimensionality of the function from a geometrically increasing scale (from 2 to 1500 dimensions). The nature of this tuning is therefore highly computationally expensive necessitating the use of SMAC. Using these sets of parameter configurations, a vast amount of performance data relating to the large-scale optimisation of our benchmark suite by each metaheuristic was subsequently generated. From the generated data and its analysis, several behaviours presented by the metaheuristics as applied to large-scale optimisation have been identified and discussed. Further, this thesis provides a concise review of the relevant literature for the consumption of other researchers looking to progress in this area in addition to the large volume of data produced, relevant to the large-scale optimisation of our benchmark suite by the applied set of common metaheuristics. All work presented in this thesis was funded by EPSRC grant: EP/J017515/1 through the DAASE project

    A survey on financial applications of metaheuristics

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    Modern heuristics or metaheuristics are optimization algorithms that have been increasingly used during the last decades to support complex decision-making in a number of fields, such as logistics and transportation, telecommunication networks, bioinformatics, finance, and the like. The continuous increase in computing power, together with advancements in metaheuristics frameworks and parallelization strategies, are empowering these types of algorithms as one of the best alternatives to solve rich and real-life combinatorial optimization problems that arise in a number of financial and banking activities. This article reviews some of the works related to the use of metaheuristics in solving both classical and emergent problems in the finance arena. A non-exhaustive list of examples includes rich portfolio optimization, index tracking, enhanced indexation, credit risk, stock investments, financial project scheduling, option pricing, feature selection, bankruptcy and financial distress prediction, and credit risk assessment. This article also discusses some open opportunities for researchers in the field, and forecast the evolution of metaheuristics to include real-life uncertainty conditions into the optimization problems being considered.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (TRA2013-48180-C3-P, TRA2015-71883-REDT), FEDER, and the Universitat Jaume I mobility program (E-2015-36)
