31 research outputs found

    Do Learners’ Characteristics Matter? An Exploration of Mobile-learning Adoption in Self-directed Learning

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    This paper aims to identify individual characteristics that motivate learners to use mobile-learning. It sheds light on our current knowledge by a) examining an m-learning adoption model which accounts for learners’ characteristics (learning style and personal innovativeness) in addition to previously studied mobile platform characteristics and b) considering the context in which learning occurs (formal and informal). A framework has been introduced and empirically tested. Results suggest that individuals’ learning style and perceived playfulness influence m-learning usage in both learning situations; while performance expectancy and personal innovativeness are only influential in specific learning contexts. This study highlights the role of learners’ characteristics in m-learning adoption and emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between various types of m-learning. This multi-disciplinary research enriches m-learning literature and offers practical implications for educators using mobile technologies as well as developers of virtual learning platforms

    Web 2.0 and DSMT’s to Increase Workforce Participation in Informal Learning

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    Learning and training needs are shifting in the digital, knowledge-based economy, age. Individuals living in the world of Web 2.0, social media and user generated content, use it for informal, “just-in-time,” learning. Organizations can harness Web 2.0 to promote learning in the workplace. This paper analyses literature on individuals’ use of Web 2.0 to reach learning and performance goals, how organizations can support the use of Web 2.0, and generational reactions to Web 2.0 learning. Findings show learners already use this technology and it is up to organizations to set up guidelines and procedures for best use

    Breaking Bad News Training in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond.

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    COVID-19 has disrupted the status quo for healthcare education. As a result, redeployed doctors and nurses are caring for patients at the end of their lives and breaking bad news with little experience or training. This article aims to understand why redeployed doctors and nurses feel unprepared to break bad news through a content analysis of their training curricula. As digital learning has come to the forefront in health care education during this time, relevant digital resources for breaking bad news training are suggested

    Development of a research project repository

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    The advances of technology resulting in the proliferation of mobile devices have changed the way we live and have necessitated the restructuring of the educational system. This can be employed to aid student’s participation in research studies. This study aims at promoting- research in universities amongst students by giving them the opportunity to exercise their scholarly abilities, easy access to research projects carried out by other students, collaboration with other students with similar research inclinations as well as gain visibility before the school management or companies interested in granting scholarships to outstanding works. This project is implemented using JavaScript, HTML and CSS for the front-end; Node.js, a JavaScript framework for the back-end and MongoDB for the database. It is a web application that enables the students to upload their research works, view the research of others and collaborate with peers. This system has a high potential to enhance student participation in universities’ research studies

    Students’ Readiness in Implementing Mobile Learning for English Language Learning Purposes

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    Background: The application of mobile learning (m-learning), especially in the area of language learning, has gained interest in the last several years due to the benefits offered by mobile devices. However, to maximize the effectiveness of m-learning, students are required to be ready. Thus, it is crucial to assess students’ readiness before implementing m-learning. By focusing on rural schools, this quantitative study aims to examine students’ readiness in implementing m-learning in their English language learning. Methodology: This study employed a survey design to measure m-learning readiness of senior high school students by investigating three factors, namely mobile self-efficacy, optimism, and self-directed learning. Through an online questionnaire, 140 responses were successfully collected from students in two public senior high schools (one high school and one vocational high school) located in a rural area in Soppeng, Indonesia. The data collected were subsequently analyzed using SPSS Statistics ver. 25. Findings: The results revealed that senior high school students from a rural area in Soppeng, Indonesia, had a high level of self-efficacy and optimism in implementing m-learning in their English language learning. However, their self-directed learning was still at a moderate level. Moreover, further analysis showed that type of school significantly affected students’ mobile self-efficacy and optimism, while self-directed learning was not affected. Conclusion: Students from rural senior high schools in Soppeng, Indonesia, showed readiness in implementing m-learning for English language learning purposes

    Actualizing the affordance of mobile technology for classroom orchestration: A main path analysis of mobile learning

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    Ubiquitous and increasingly accessible, mobile technology enhanced learning in the learning process, referred to as classroom orchestration, is inspiring an increasing number of studies that examines mobile learning from various perspectives. Nonetheless, educators find themselves confronted by the ever-evolving features of mobile technology and challenges in implementation context. This study, therefore, surveys the research literature on mobile learning using main path analysis, and cites affordance actualization by Strong (Strong et al. 2014) as a theoretical lens to identify the research themes from results found in main paths, to develop a “mobile learning actualization” framework. This particular framework integrates several research themes, ranging from system features, educator and learner, the goal of mobile technology adoption, contextual implementation, to the outcome of mobile learning. These insights have proven constructive for educators to adapt mobile technology to a learning environment, thus successfully achieving classroom orchestration

    M-learning and Augmented Reality: A Review of the Scientific Literature on the WoS Repository

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    La realidad aumentada surge como un útil sobre el que se precisa examinar su real implementación educativa. Esta investigación hace un análisis bibliométrico sobre documentos del repositorio Web of Science. Este servicio ofrece en Internet la producción científica de más de 7.000 instituciones de todo el mundo. Se toma como base un universo de 12.000 revistas indexadas y 148.000 actas de conferencias y se selecciona una muestra centrada en los términos «m-learning» y «augmented reality» como descriptores o componentes de títulos en trabajos científicos. El análisis sobre revistas n=741 y actas n=913 en los dos últimos años muestra una perspectiva diferenciada por áreas. La investigación se complementa con un análisis cualitativo de 67 producciones científicas sobre estos descriptores en ese periodo de tiempo. En el estudio sobresalen cinco temáticas: la conceptualización del fenómeno, el desarrollo de nuevas metodologías, la motivación generada, su deslocalización espacial y las materias objeto de implementación. Las investigaciones destacan cambios lógicos, como un mayor y diferente acceso a la información, junto a innovaciones trascendentes, como el incremento de actividades informales y lúdicas, la inserción en ambientes virtuales icónicos, la pertenencia a grupos específicos, y redes de interacción amistosa dentro de nuevas escalas de valores. Todo ello hace que estos instrumentos pasen a ser partes fundamentales en las metodologías. La educación parece subsidiaria a estos avances técnicos y a sus requisitos, imponiéndose un drástico cambio metodológico en nuevos escenarios formativosAugmented reality emerges as a tool, on which it is necessary to examine its real educational value. This paper shows the results of a bibliometric analysis performed on documents collected from the Web of Science repository, an Internet service that concentrates bibliographic information from more than 7,000 institutions. Our analysis included an overall universe of 12,000 indexed journals and 148,000 conference proceedings. From those, we selected a sample targeting the terms “mobile-learning” or “m-learning” and “augmented reality” as descriptors or components of titles of scientific works. The analysis on journals (n=741) and in conference proceedings (n=913) reveals a differentiated perspective in each area in the last two years. A qualitative analysis of 67 scientific productions addressing these subjects complements the research. This highlights five themes: conceptualization of the phenomenon, development of new methodologies, motivation, spatial delocalization, and implementation in subject-matter areas. The research highlights logical changes, such as greater and differentiated access to information; transcendent innovations, such as increasing informal and ludic activities, insertion into virtual environments, membership of specific groups, and networks of friendly interaction, along creation of new scales of values. These elements are now beginning to constitute fundamental parts of teaching methodologies. Education appears to be subsidiary to technical advances, thus imposing a drastic methodological chang

    Development of a research project repository

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    The advances of technology resulting in the proliferation of mobile devices have changed the way we live and have necessitated the restructuring of the educational system. This can be employed to aid student’s participation in research studies. This study aims at promoting-research in universities amongst students by giving them the opportunity to exercise their scholarly abilities, easy access to research projects carried out by other students, collaboration with other students with similar research inclinations as well as gain visibility before the school management or companies interested in granting scholarships to outstanding works. This project is implemented using JavaScript, HTML and CSS for the front-end; Node.js, a JavaScript framework for the back-end and MongoDB for the database. It is a web application that enables the students to upload their research works, view the research of others and collaborate with peers. This system has a high potential to enhance student participation in universities’ research studie

    Factors Influencing the Use of Mobile Learning in Learning at Jordanian Universities from the Point of View of Experts and Students

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    This Study Aimed to Identify Factors Influencing the Use of Mobile Learning in Instructional in Jordanian Universities from the Point of View of Experts and Students. The Study Followed the Qualitative Curriculum as Required by the Nature of the Study, the Number of Study Members (19) Faculty Members and (25) Students of Bachelor's and Graduate Students from Public and Private Universities for the Academic Year (2019-2018), the Interview Questions were Built to Reveal Obstacles Faced by Jordanian Universities in the Use of Mobile learning in Instructional.      The Results of the Study Revealed that the Opening of a Wide Area of Interaction, Participation, Opinion, Feedback, and Faculty Factor in Terms of Directions, and Training Received the Highest Percentage of Factors Influencing the Use of Mobile Learning from the Point of View of Experts, as it Turns out that the Containment of Mobile Learning Devices For a Clear Learning System, the Educational Services Provided such as Content Delivery, Message Sharing, Ideas and Tasks have the Highest Percentage of Factors Influencing the Use of Mobile Learning from the Student's Point of View. The Study also Concluded with the Following Recommendation: to Introduce the Factors Influencing the Use of Mobile Learning in Instructional in Jordanian Universities and to Study them well, to Take into Account them When Using Mobile Learning in Universities.Key Words: Factors Influencing, Mobile Learning, Experts, Jordanian Universities.DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-16-15Publication date: June 30th 202

    Mobile Learning Technologies for Education: Benefits and Pending Issues

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    Today’s world demands more efficient learning models that allow students to play a more active role in their education. Technology is having an impact on how instruction is delivered and how information is found and share. Until very recently, the educational models encouraged memorization as an essential learning skill. These days, technologies have changed the educational model and access to information. Knowledge is available online, mostly free, and easily accessible. Reading, sharing, listening and, doing are currently necessary skills for education. Mobile devices have become a complete set of applications, support, and help for educational organizations. By conducting an analysis of the behavior and use of mobile devices on current students, efficient educational applications can be developed. Although there are several initiatives for the use of mobile learning in education, there are also issues linked to this technology that must be addressed. In this work, we present the results of a literature review of mobile learning; the findings described are the result of the analysis of several articles obtained in three scientific repositories. This work also lists certain issues that, if properly addressed, can avoid possible complications to the implementation of this technology in education.This work was supported by the EduTech project (609785-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHEJP) co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union