TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)
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    2289 research outputs found

    Enhancement detection distributed denial of service attacks using hybrid n-gram techniques

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    Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks have always been a concern of cyber experts. To detect DDoS attacks, several methods can be used. One of the methods used in this research is the n-gram technique. The n-gram approach analyzes the payload of data packets that enter the network to obtain attack patterns. Data is captured and analyzed, after which it is compared with clean data packets. The chi-square distance value close to 1 indicates that the two packages are very similar so that the data packet is not an attack. A deal less than one means the data packet is categorized as an attack. In this research, the threshold for determining the attack level can be lowered to obtain a very high detection accuracy. As a result, the 2-gram technique has a detection accuracy rate with the lowest false positive value of around 13%, with the highest actual positive ratio reaching 99.98%

    Investigation of temperature gradient between ambient air and soil to power up wireless sensor network device using a thermoelectric generator

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    This paper proposes a study of an energy harvesting system for powering wireless sensor network (WSN) devices. The thermal energy harvesting system used is based on the thermal energy source between ambient air at the soil surface with five depth levels. Measurement was taken for 46 days in a garden area located in Melaka, Malaysia. A feasibility study of soil temperature measurement to obtain a temperature gradient can be used for harvesting by using thermoelectric generators (TEG) modules. Then, the efficiency of TEG with several different configurations based on temperature gradient data has been tested in the laboratory. The results revealed that the depth of soil 6 cm between sensors 1 and 3 will gave the best representation of level average temperature different around 1 ℃. Based on the temperature gradient data, the combination of three TEG SP1848 in a series connection with DC-DC step-up circuit DC1664 will produce an optimum voltage output of about 3 V. This output voltage is enough to operate low power IoT device derived from thermal energy

    Design and analysis of single layer quantum dot-cellular automata based 1- bit comparators

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    Quantum dot-cellular automata (QCA) technology has recently emerged as a potential candidate for the design of nanometer-scale computational circuits. In digital logic circuits, the comparator is the basic building block for comparing two binary values. This paper presents and implements two 1-bit QCA-based comparator designs. The proposed QCA implementations are compact, require only a single layer and are less complex compared to recently reported designs. The QCADesigner tool has been used to confirm the functional validity of the proposed QCA structures. The simulation results of the proposed comparators have shown considerable improvements compared to their existing counterparts in terms of the number of QCA cells and occupational area requirements in addition to cost and efficient complexity values. Furthermore, all of the proposed structures are dissipating extremely low energy values. Thus, the proposed QCA-based comparators can be viewed as viable options for low power digital applications

    Characteristic's analysis of associative switching system

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    This paper introduced new method and model of telecommunication switching system design which can be applied to wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) optical networks, circuit-switching networks or virtual channel/path connections in an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks. Modern data switching systems such as electronic private branch exchange (PBX), routers and switches include switching matrix which are constructed in the form of bipartite graphs. In such systems, the issues of requests’ processing are considered from the queuing theory point of view. Associative switching systems are fundamentally new structures, therefore it is necessary to develop adequate methods for their throughput determination. Article covered matters of throughput determination basics of an associative switching system and the obtained formulas used for state probability calculation of switching modules and system throughput

    Comparative analysis of various machine learning algorithms for ransomware detection

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    Recently, the ransomware attack posed a serious threat that targets a wide range of organizations and individuals for financial gain. So, there is a real need to initiate more innovative methods that are capable of proactively detect and prevent this type of attack. Multiple approaches were innovated to detect attacks using different techniques. One of these techniques is machine learning techniques which provide reasonable results, in most attack detection systems. In the current article, different machine learning techniques are tested to analyze its ability in a detection ransomware attack. The top 1000 features extracted from raw byte with the use of gain ratio as a feature selection method. Three different classifiers (decision tree (J48), random forest, radial basis function (RBF) network) available in Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA) based machine learning tool are evaluated to achieve significant detection accuracy of ransomware. The result shows that random forest gave the best detection accuracy almost around 98%

    Performance evaluation of ad-hoc on-demand distance vector protocol in highway environment in VANET with MATLAB

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    Vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET), the development of this network in recent years has become one of the most important areas of research. The primary goal of using the VANET network is to reduce the number of deaths and enhance road safety. VANET network faces some problems when routing packets between vehicles, due to the high-speed movement of vehicles. Therefore, researchers have begun to develop routing protocols in the VANET network to overcome these problems when routing packets between vehicles. In this study, the effect of changing the number of vehicles on the performance of ad-hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) protocol will be studied in the highway environment and in the case of vehicle movement at variable speeds between (40-120 km/h) and the simulation time is 200 sec. The ad-hoc ondemand distance vector protocol performance was evaluated by three performance measures (end-to-end delay, dropped packets, overhead and packet delivery ratio)

    Review of microgrid protection strategies: current status and future prospects

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    A microgrid is a developed form of a distribution system, which is integrated with a set of different types of distributed generation (DG) to supply local demand. In spite of that microgrids have many advantages as they increase reliability, raise efficiency, decrease feeder losses and voltage sag correction. However, there are many technical challenges faced, one of them is the protection of microgrid. Conventional protections have been made for radial distribution systems configuration. Where supplying source has one direction and the power flow is defined. The DG penetration converts the distribution network to a multi sources system causes a bidirectional power flow. Also, the most of DG uses a DC to AC converter which limit the fault current level. Therefore, a suitable protection scheme for microgrid ought to be designed to protect a microgrid from any disturbances may occur for both modes of operation grid-connected and islanded. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the challenges and problems facing microgrid protection. As well as the most strategies to date are presented with a discussion of their basic principles of operation to solve these problems. Finally, some conclusions and suggestions for microgrid protection in the future are presented

    Design of circular-shaped microstrip patch antenna for 5G applications

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    Using circular geometry has a great influence on many fields of science and engineering, one of which is antenna. Communication systems were oriented towards fifth generation (5G) because of large- bandwidth systems, compact requirements, high-data rates. In this research, a design and simulation are made to a microstrip circular patch antenna. The patch has two circles a compact structure of the first circle radius is 2.5 mm and second circle radius is 1 mm with thickness 0.35 mm. The proposed antenna has three resonant frequencies 41.08 GHz with a return loss of -12.4 dB, 47.4 at -18.86 dB and 54.4 at return loss -24.3 dB. The bandwidths are 150 MHz, 222 MHz and 219 MHz, the gains of three resonant frequencies are 6.16 dB, 9.89 dB and 5.54 dB, with efficiency of 98%. A technique of inset feed transmission line was utilized to match the fifty Ω microstrip feedline and the radiating patch. Based upon the proposed design, a Roger RT Duroid 5880 substrate that possesses loss tangent of 0.0009 with a height of 0.5 mm and a dielectric constant of 2.2 is employed. A computational process is conducted and analyzed by the use of computer simulation technology microwave studio

    The bounds for the distance two labelling and radio labelling of nanostar tree dendrimer

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    The distance two labelling and radio labelling problems are applicable to find the optimal frequency assignments on AM and FM radio stations. The distance two labelling, known as L(2,1)-labelling of a graph A, can be defined as a function, , from the vertex set V(A) to the set of all nonnegative integers such that (, ) represents the distance between the vertices c and s in where the absolute values of the difference between () and () are greater than or equal to both 2 and 1 if (, )=1 and (, ) = 2, respectively. The L(2,1)-labelling number of , denoted by 2,1 (), can be defined as the smallest number j such that there is an (2,1) −labeling with maximum label j. A radio labelling of a connected graph A is an injection k from the vertices of to such that (, ) + |() − ()| ≥ 1 + ∀ , ∈ (), where represents the diameter of graph . The radio numbers of and A are represented by () and () which are the maximum number assigned to any vertex of and the minimum value of () taken over all labellings k of , respectively. Our main goal is to obtain the bounds for the distance two labelling and radio labelling of nanostar tree dendrimers

    Radial radio number of chess board graph and king’s graph

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    A radial radio labeling ℸ of a connected graph G = (V, E) with radius rad(G) is a mapping from V (G) to N ∪ {0} satisfying |ℸ(u) − ℸ(w)|+ d(u, w) ≥ 1 + rad(G), ∀ u, v ∈ V (G). The span of a radial radio labeling ℸ, denoted by rr(ℸ) is the greatest number in the range of ℸ. The minimum span taken over all radial radio labelings ℸ of G is called the radial radio nmber of G and it is denoted by rr(G). In this article, we have investigated the upper bounds for rr(G) of chess board graphs and king’s graph


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    TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)
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