9 research outputs found

    Spherical deconvolution of multichannel diffusion MRI data with non-Gaussian noise models and spatial regularization

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    Spherical deconvolution (SD) methods are widely used to estimate the intra-voxel white-matter fiber orientations from diffusion MRI data. However, while some of these methods assume a zero-mean Gaussian distribution for the underlying noise, its real distribution is known to be non-Gaussian and to depend on the methodology used to combine multichannel signals. Indeed, the two prevailing methods for multichannel signal combination lead to Rician and noncentral Chi noise distributions. Here we develop a Robust and Unbiased Model-BAsed Spherical Deconvolution (RUMBA-SD) technique, intended to deal with realistic MRI noise, based on a Richardson-Lucy (RL) algorithm adapted to Rician and noncentral Chi likelihood models. To quantify the benefits of using proper noise models, RUMBA-SD was compared with dRL-SD, a well-established method based on the RL algorithm for Gaussian noise. Another aim of the study was to quantify the impact of including a total variation (TV) spatial regularization term in the estimation framework. To do this, we developed TV spatially-regularized versions of both RUMBA-SD and dRL-SD algorithms. The evaluation was performed by comparing various quality metrics on 132 three-dimensional synthetic phantoms involving different inter-fiber angles and volume fractions, which were contaminated with noise mimicking patterns generated by data processing in multichannel scanners. The results demonstrate that the inclusion of proper likelihood models leads to an increased ability to resolve fiber crossings with smaller inter-fiber angles and to better detect non-dominant fibers. The inclusion of TV regularization dramatically improved the resolution power of both techniques. The above findings were also verified in brain data

    Estimation of white matter fiber parameters from compressed multiresolution diffusion MRI using sparse Bayesian learning

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    We present a sparse Bayesian unmixing algorithm BusineX: Bayesian Unmixing for Sparse Inference-based Estimation of Fiber Crossings (X), for estimation of white matter fiber parameters from compressed (under-sampled) diffusion MRI (dMRI) data. BusineX combines compressive sensing with linear unmixing and introduces sparsity to the previously proposed multiresolution data fusion algorithm RubiX, resulting in a method for improved reconstruction, especially from data with lower number of diffusion gradients. We formulate the estimation of fiber parameters as a sparse signal recovery problem and propose a linear unmixing framework with sparse Bayesian learning for the recovery of sparse signals, the fiber orientations and volume fractions. The data is modeled using a parametric spherical deconvolution approach and represented using a dictionary created with the exponential decay components along different possible diffusion directions. Volume fractions of fibers along these directions define the dictionary weights. The proposed sparse inference, which is based on the dictionary representation, considers the sparsity of fiber populations and exploits the spatial redundancy in data representation, thereby facilitating inference from under-sampled q-space. The algorithm improves parameter estimation from dMRI through data-dependent local learning of hyperparameters, at each voxel and for each possible fiber orientation, that moderate the strength of priors governing the parameter variances. Experimental results on synthetic and in-vivo data show improved accuracy with a lower uncertainty in fiber parameter estimates. BusineX resolves a higher number of second and third fiber crossings. For under-sampled data, the algorithm is also shown to produce more reliable estimates

    Moment-based representation of the diffusion inside the brain from reduced DMRI acquisitions: Generalized AMURA

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    Producción CientíficaAMURA (Apparent Measures Using Reduced Acquisitions) was originally proposed as a method to infer micro-structural information from single-shell acquisitions in diffusion MRI. It reduces the number of samples needed and the computational complexity of the estimation of diffusion properties of tissues by assuming the diffusion anisotropy is roughly independent on the b-value. This simplification allows the computation of simplified expressions and makes it compatible with standard acquisition protocols commonly used even in clinical practice. The present work proposes an extension of AMURA that allows the calculation of general moments of the diffusion signals that can be applied to describe the diffusion process with higher accuracy. We provide simplified expressions to analytically compute a set of scalar indices as moments of arbitrary orders over either the whole 3-D space, particular directions, or particular planes. The existing metrics previously proposed for AMURA (RTOP, RTPP and RTAP) are now special cases of this generalization. An extensive set of experiments is performed on public data and a clinical clase acquired with a standard type acquisition. The new metrics provide additional information about the diffusion processes inside the brain.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (grant RTI2018-094569-B-I00)Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (grant PN/BEK/2019/1/00421)Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland (scholarship 692/STYP/13/2018)Junta de Castilla y León - Fondo Social Europeo (ID: 376062

    Compendio de métodos para caracterizar la geometría de los tejidos cerebrales a partir de imágenes de resonancia magnética por difusión del agua.

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    221 p.FIDMAG Hermanas Hospitalarias Research Foundation; CIBERSAM:Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Re

    Estimation of white matter fiber parameters from compressed multiresolution diffusion MRI using sparse Bayesian learning

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    We present a sparse Bayesian unmixing algorithm BusineX: Bayesian Unmixing for Sparse Inference-based Estimation of Fiber Crossings (X), for estimation of white matter fiber parameters from compressed (under-sampled) diffusion MRI (dMRI) data. BusineX combines compressive sensing with linear unmixing and introduces sparsity to the previously proposed multiresolution data fusion algorithm RubiX, resulting in a method for improved reconstruction, especially from data with lower number of diffusion gradients. We formulate the estimation of fiber parameters as a sparse signal recovery problem and propose a linear unmixing framework with sparse Bayesian learning for the recovery of sparse signals, the fiber orientations and volume fractions. The data is modeled using a parametric spherical deconvolution approach and represented using a dictionary created with the exponential decay components along different possible diffusion directions. Volume fractions of fibers along these directions define the dictionary weights. The proposed sparse inference, which is based on the dictionary representation, considers the sparsity of fiber populations and exploits the spatial redundancy in data representation, thereby facilitating inference from under-sampled q-space. The algorithm improves parameter estimation from dMRI through data-dependent local learning of hyperparameters, at each voxel and for each possible fiber orientation, that moderate the strength of priors governing the parameter variances. Experimental results on synthetic and in-vivo data show improved accuracy with a lower uncertainty in fiber parameter estimates. BusineX resolves a higher number of second and third fiber crossings. For under-sampled data, the algorithm is also shown to produce more reliable estimates

    The analysis and application of dynamic MRI contrasts to grape berry biology

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a powerful, non-invasive imaging tool. When MRI is employed in the study biological systems, the acquired images reflect different aspects of system morphology and/or physiology. This thesis explores the application of relaxation and diffusion MRI to the study of different biological aspects of the fruit of the common grape vine, Vitis vinifera L., a highly valued botanical species. The results of this investigation have put forth a number of contributions to this area of research. The studies within this thesis began with a necessary validation for the application of diffusion MRI techniques to the grape berry using simulated cellular geometries to determine how broad plant cells could potentially influence the accurate reconstruction of the grape berry morphology. The result of this validation will also prove useful for other wide geometry applications wider than 10 μm. Relaxation and diffusion MRI was also used to study changes to berry morphology resulting from berry development and ripening. This study provided a novel perspective on grape berry development and demonstrated that diffusion anisotropy patterns correlated with the microstructure of the major pericarp tissues of grape berries, including the exocarp, outer and inner mesocarp, seed interior, as well as microstructural variations across grape berry development. This study also provided further evidence that the inner mesocarp striation patterns observed in the spin-spin relaxation weighted images of previous studies arise due to variations in cell width across the striation bands. Diffusion MRI was employed to investigate the morphological and physiological changes to occur within grape berries during fruit split, a costly source of fruit loss in vineyards. This study revealed water uptake through splits in the berry epidermis will result in the loss of parenchyma cell vitality about these wounds. The amount of water left standing on the surface of split grape berries may hence be an important determinant of the cellular response of the fruit to this trauma, and the subsequent establishment of adventitious fruit pathogens. Additionally, paramagnetically enhanced spin-lattice relaxation MRI was used to undertake a novel examination of the diffusive transport of manganese across the berry pericarp. The results of this study shows that the transport of manganese is within the berry xylem influences manganese exiting of ‘downstream’ of the pedicel, and that cellular membranes affect the spatial distribution of manganese across the berry pericarp. Manganese proved to be an excellent tracer for these experiments, and future investigations making use of paramagnetically enhanced relaxation MRI, perhaps employing other paramagnetic materials such as iron or copper, could prove to be valuable in determining how botanical species transport and store these materials within sink organs


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    High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) techniques, including Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI), have been proposed to resolve crossing and other complex fiber architecture in the human brain white matter. In these methods, directional information of diffusion is inferred from the peaks in the orientation distribution function (ODF). Extensive studies using histology on macaque brain, cat cerebellum, rat hippocampus and optic tracts, and bovine tongue are qualitatively in agreement with the DSI-derived ODFs and tractography. However, there are only two studies in the literature which validated the DSI results using physical phantoms and both these studies were not performed on a clinical MRI scanner. Also, the limited studies which optimized DSI in a clinical setting, did not involve a comparison against physical phantoms. Finally, there is lack of consensus on the necessary pre- and post-processing steps in DSI; and ground truth diffusion fiber phantoms are not yet standardized. Therefore, the aims of this dissertation were to design and construct novel diffusion phantoms, employ post-processing techniques in order to systematically validate and optimize (DSI)-derived fiber ODFs in the crossing regions on a clinical 3T MR scanner, and develop user-friendly software for DSI data reconstruction and analysis. Phantoms with a fixed crossing fiber configuration of two crossing fibers at 90° and 45° respectively along with a phantom with three crossing fibers at 60°, using novel hollow plastic capillaries and novel placeholders, were constructed. T2-weighted MRI results on these phantoms demonstrated high SNR, homogeneous signal, and absence of air bubbles. Also, a technique to deconvolve the response function of an individual peak from the overall ODF was implemented, in addition to other DSI post-processing steps. This technique greatly improved the angular resolution of the otherwise unresolvable peaks in a crossing fiber ODF. The effects of DSI acquisition parameters and SNR on the resultant angular accuracy of DSI on the clinical scanner were studied and quantified using the developed phantoms. With a high angular direction sampling and reasonable levels of SNR, quantification of a crossing region in the 90°, 45° and 60° phantoms resulted in a successful detection of angular information with mean ± SD of 86.93°±2.65°, 44.61°±1.6° and 60.03°±2.21° respectively, while simultaneously enhancing the ODFs in regions containing single fibers. For the applicability of these validated methodologies in DSI, improvement in ODFs and fiber tracking from known crossing fiber regions in normal human subjects were demonstrated; and an in-house software package in MATLAB which streamlines the data reconstruction and post-processing for DSI, with easy to use graphical user interface was developed. In conclusion, the phantoms developed in this dissertation offer a means of providing ground truth for validation of reconstruction and tractography algorithms of various diffusion models (including DSI). Also, the deconvolution methodology (when applied as an additional DSI post-processing step) significantly improved the angular accuracy of the ODFs obtained from DSI, and should be applicable to ODFs obtained from the other high angular resolution diffusion imaging techniques

    Diffusion directions imaging (high resolution reconstruction of white matter fascicles from low angular resolution diffusion MRI)

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    L'objectif de cette thèse est de fournir une chaine de traitement complète pour la reconstruction des faisceaux de la matière blanche à partir d'images pondérées en diffusion caractérisées par une faible résolution angulaire. Cela implique (i) d'inférer en chaque voxel un modèle de diffusion à partir des images de diffusion et (ii) d'accomplir une ''tractographie", i.e., la reconstruction des faisceaux à partir de ces modèles locaux. Notre contribution en modélisation de la diffusion est une nouvelle distribution statistique dont les propriétés sont étudiées en détail. Nous modélisons le phénomène de diffusion par un mélange de telles distributions incluant un outil de sélection de modèle destiné à estimer le nombre de composantes du mélange. Nous montrons que le modèle peut être correctement estimé à partir d'images de diffusion ''single-shell" à faible résolution angulaire et qu'il fournit des biomarqueurs spécifiques pour l'étude des tumeurs. Notre contribution en tractographie est un algorithme qui approxime la distribution des faisceaux émanant d'un voxel donné. Pour cela, nous élaborons un filtre particulaire mieux adapté aux distributions multi-modales que les filtres traditionnels. Pour démontrer l'applicabilité de nos outils en usage clinique, nous avons participé aux trois éditions du MICCAI DTI Tractography challenge visant à reconstruire le faisceau cortico-spinal à partir d'images de diffusion ''single-shell" à faibles résolutions angulaire et spatiale. Les résultats montrent que nos outils permettent de reconstruire toute l'étendue de ce faisceau.The objective of this thesis is to provide a complete pipeline that achieves an accurate reconstruction of the white matter fascicles using clinical diffusion images characterized by a low angular resolution. This involves (i) a diffusion model inferred in each voxel from the diffusion images and (ii) a tractography algorithm fed with these local models to perform the actual reconstruction of fascicles. Our contribution in diffusion modeling is a new statistical distribution, the properties of which are extensively studied. We model the diffusion as a mixture of such distributions, for which we design a model selection tool that estimates the number of mixture components. We show that the model can be accurately estimated from single shell low angular resolution diffusion images and that it provides specific biomarkers for studying tumors. Our contribution in tractography is an algorithm that approximates the distribution of fascicles emanating from a seed voxel. We achieve that by means of a particle filter better adapted to multi-modal distributions than the traditional filters. To demonstrate the clinical applicability of our tools, we participated to all three editions of the MICCAI DTI Tractography challenge aiming at reconstructing the cortico-spinal tract from single-shell low angular and low spatial resolution diffusion images. Results show that our pipeline provides a reconstruction of the full extent of the CST.RENNES1-Bibl. électronique (352382106) / SudocSudocFranceF