537 research outputs found

    Feature placement algorithms for high-variability applications in cloud environments

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    While the use of cloud computing is on the rise, many obstacles to its adoption remain. One of the weaknesses of current cloud offerings is the difficulty of developing highly customizable applications while retaining the increased scalability and lower cost offered by the multi-tenant nature of cloud applications. In this paper we describe a Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) approach to the modelling and deployment of customizable Software as a Service (SaaS) applications. Afterwards we define a formal feature placement problem to manage these applications, and compare several heuristic approaches to solve the problem. The scalability and performance of the algorithms is investigated in detail. Our experiments show that the heuristics scale and perform well for systems with a reasonable load

    A comparison of two SPLE tools : Pure::Variants and Clafer tools

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    In software product line engineering (SPLE), parts of developed software is made variable in order to be able to build a whole range of software products at the same time. This is widely known to have a number of potential benefits such as saving costs when the product line is large enough. However, managing variability in software introduces challenges that are not well addressed by tools used in conventional software engineering, and specialized tools are needed. Research questions: 1) What are the most important requirements for SPLE tools for a small-to-medium sized organisation aiming to experiment with SPLE? 2) How well those requirements are met in two specific SPLE tools, Pure::Variants and Clafer tools? 3) How do the studied tools compare against each other when it comes to their suitability for the chosen context (a digital board game platform)? 4) How common requirements for SPL tools can be generalized to be applicable for both graphical and text-based tools? A list of requirements is first obtained from literature and then used as a basis for an experiment where support for each requirement is tried out with both tools. Then a part of an example product line is developed with both tools and the experiences reported on. Both tools were found to support the list of requirements quite well, although there were some usability problems and not everything could be tested due to technical issues. Based on developing the example, both tools were found to have their own strengths and weaknesses probably partly resulting from one being GUI-based and one textual. ACM Computing Classification System (CCS): (1) CCS → Software and its engineering → Software creation and management → Software development techniques → Reusability → Software product lines (2) CCS → Software and its engineering → Software notations and tools → Software configuration management and version control system

    Uncovering sustainability concerns in software product lines

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    Sustainable living, i.e., living within the bounds of the available environmental, social, and economic resources, is the focus of many present-day social and scientific discussions. But what does sustainability mean within the context of Software Engineering? In this paper we undertake a comprehensive analysis of 8 case studies to address this question within the context of a specific SE approach, Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE). We identify the sustainability-related characteristics that arise in present-day studies that apply SPLE. We conclude that technical and economic sustainability are in prime focus on the present SPLE practice, with social sustainability issues, where they relate to organisations, also addressed to a good degree. On the other hand, the issues related to the personal sustainability are less prominent, and environmental considerations are nearly completely amiss. We present feature models and cross-relations that result from our analysis as a starting point for sustainability engineering through SPLE, suggesting that any new development should consider how these models would be instantiated and expanded for the intended socio-technical system. The good representation of sustainability features in these models is also validated with two additional case studies

    Adaptable software reuse:binding time aware modelling language to support variations of feature binding time in software product line engineering

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    Software product line engineering (SPLE) is a paradigm for developing a family of software products from the same reusable assets rather than developing individual products from scratch. In many SPLE approaches, a feature is often used as the key abstraction to distinguish between the members of the product family. Thus, the sets of products in the product line are said to have ’common’ features and differ in ’variable’ features. Consequently, reusable assets are developed with variation points where variant features may be bound for each of the diverse products. Emerging deployment environments and market segments have been fuelling demands for adaptable reusable assets to support additional variations that may be required to increase the usage-context of the products of a product line. Similarly, feature binding time - when a feature is included in a product and made available for use - may vary between the products because of uncertain market conditions or diverse deployment environments. Hence, variations of feature binding time should also be supported to cover the wide-range of usage-contexts. Through the execution of action research, this thesis has established the following: Language-based implementation techniques, that are specifically proposed to implement variations in the form of features, have better modularity but are not better than the existing classical technique in terms of modifiability and do not support variations in feature binding time. Similarly, through a systematic literature review, this thesis has established the following: The different engineering approaches that are proposed to support variations of feature binding time are limited in one of the following ways: a feature may have to be represented/implemented multiple time, each for a specific binding time; The support is only to execution context and therefore limited in scope; The support focuses on too fine-grained model elements or too low-level of abstraction at source-codes. Given the limitations of the existing approaches, this thesis presents binding time aware modelling language that supports variations of feature binding time by design and improves the modifiability of reusable assets of a product line

    The state of adoption and the challenges of systematic variability management in industry

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    Handling large-scale software variability is still a challenge for many organizations. After decades of research on variability management concepts, many industrial organizations have introduced techniques known from research, but still lament that pure textbook approaches are not applicable or efficient. For instance, software product line engineering—an approach to systematically develop portfolios of products—is difficult to adopt given the high upfront investments; and even when adopted, organizations are challenged by evolving their complex product lines. Consequently, the research community now mainly focuses on re-engineering and evolution techniques for product lines; yet, understanding the current state of adoption and the industrial challenges for organizations is necessary to conceive effective techniques. In this multiple-case study, we analyze the current adoption of variability management techniques in twelve medium- to large-scale industrial cases in domains such as automotive, aerospace or railway systems. We identify the current state of variability management, emphasizing the techniques and concepts they adopted. We elicit the needs and challenges expressed for these cases, triangulated with results from a literature review. We believe our results help to understand the current state of adoption and shed light on gaps to address in industrial practice.This work is supported by Vinnova Sweden, Fond Unique Interminist®eriel (FUI) France, and the Swedish Research Council. Open access funding provided by University of Gothenbur

    Model driven product line engineering : core asset and process implications

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    Reuse is at the heart of major improvements in productivity and quality in Software Engineering. Both Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) are software development paradigms that promote reuse. Specifically, they promote systematic reuse and a departure from craftsmanship towards an industrialization of the software development process. MDE and SPLE have established their benefits separately. Their combination, here called Model Driven Product Line Engineering (MDPLE), gathers together the advantages of both. Nevertheless, this blending requires MDE to be recasted in SPLE terms. This has implications on both the core assets and the software development process. The challenges are twofold: (i) models become central core assets from which products are obtained and (ii) the software development process needs to cater for the changes that SPLE and MDE introduce. This dissertation proposes a solution to the first challenge following a feature oriented approach, with an emphasis on reuse and early detection of inconsistencies. The second part is dedicated to assembly processes, a clear example of the complexity MDPLE introduces in software development processes. This work advocates for a new discipline inside the general software development process, i.e., the Assembly Plan Management, which raises the abstraction level and increases reuse in such processes. Different case studies illustrate the presented ideas.This work was hosted by the University of the Basque Country (Faculty of Computer Sciences). The author enjoyed a doctoral grant from the Basque Goverment under the “Researchers Training Program” during the years 2005 to 2009. The work was was co-supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, and the European Social Fund under contracts WAPO (TIN2005-05610) and MODELINE (TIN2008-06507-C02-01)

    Modelling and enterprises-the past, the present and the future.

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    Industry has been practicing model-driven development in various flavours. In general it can be said that modelling and use of models have delivered on the promises of platform independence, enhanced productivity, and delivery certainty as regards development of software-intensive systems. Globalization market forces, increased regulatory compliance, ever-increasing penetration of internet, and rapid advance of technology are some of the key drivers leading to increased business dynamics. Increased number of factors impacting the decision and interdependency amongst the key drivers is leading to increased complexity in making business decisions. Also, enterprise software systems need to commensurately change to quickly support the business decisions. The paper presents synthesis of our experience over a decade and half in developing model-driven development technology and using it to deliver several business-critical software systems worldwide

    Towards a Software Product Line Architecture to Build M-learning Applications for the Teaching of Programming

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    Software Product Line (SPL) is concerned with the sharing of common features within a family of products. It offers benefits, proven in several industry success cases. Regardless of its success, such a reuse-based development methodology has not been well explored in educational fields yet, as mobile platforms. In a different but related perspective, several initiatives have been undertaken as an attempt to improve the teaching of programming; however, no reuse approaches have been considered. In this paper we discuss the most significant approaches and methodologies for the conception of an SPL architecture according to the specificities of mobile devices and the teaching of programming. As main contributions, we highlight the identification of a set of approaches that support the conduction of the initial SPL processes, the design of a conceptual architecture model, and its qualitative evaluation with stakeholder
