6 research outputs found

    Integration of ontologies with decentralized autonomous organizations development: A systematic literature review

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    This paper presents a systematic literature review of the integration of ontologies into the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) development process. The review extracted data from 34 primary studies dealing with ontologies in the blockchain domain. DAO has become a key concept for the development of blockchain-based decentralized software systems. DAOs are seen as a positive alternative for organizations interested in the adoption of decentralized, reliable and transparent governance, as well as attracting the interest of academic research. However, there is no common understanding or generally accepted formal definition of a DAO, and the guidelines that provide support for the adoption and development of DAOs are limited to a few key references that lack the computational semantics needed to enable their automated validation, simulation or execution. Thus, the objective of this paper is to provide an unbiased and up-to-date review related to the integration of ontologies within DAOs which helps to identify new research opportunities and take advantage of this integration from a blockchain-based decentralized perspective

    Decentralized Autonomous Organization

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    A DAO is a blockchain-based system that enables people to coordinate and govern themselves mediated by a set of self-executing rules deployed on a public blockchain, and whose governance is decentralised (i.e., independent from central control)

    The state of play of blockchain technology in the financial services sector: A systematic literature review

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    The modern trends of digitalization have completely transformed and reshaped business practices, whole businesses, and even a number of industries. Blockchain technology is believed to be the latest advancement in industries such as the financial sector, where trust is of prime significance. Blockchain technology is a decentralized and coded security system which provides the capability for new digital services and platforms to be created through this emerging technology. This research presents a systematic review of scholarly articles on blockchain technology in the financial sector. We commenced by considering 227 articles and subsequently filtered this list down to 87 articles. From this, we present a classification framework that has three dimensions: blockchain-enabled financial benefits, challenges, and functionality. This research identifies implications for future research and practice within the blockchain paradigm

    Decentralized autonomous organization as a disruptive innovation in insurance industry

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    Blockchain technology has raised a lot of discussions within academia as well as in financial industry. The founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, was first to introduce the idea of decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), in which blockchain and smart contracts are used to form a new kind of organization. This concept is at the center of this study: could DAO disrupt the insurance industry? DAO in this thesis is referred to as a system which utilizes transparent blockchain technology and smart contracts while being both governed and owned in a decentralized manner. This qualitative research focuses on providing a comprehensive view on DAO’s potential in insurance industry on a conceptual level. The findings combine expertise gathered from 17 informants in semi-structured interviews. This research describes the changes in insurance value chain. Additionally, several possibilities for DAO utilization in insurance industry were identified. The DAO potential is also reviewed from the perspective of a disruptive innovation, as the main research question of this study aims to understand the disruptive potential (if there is such) of DAO in insurance industry. The main finding of this research is that DAO’s disruptive potential in insurance industry cannot be completely denied. However, there are still many open questions which stem from mindset change, regulation, governance, social construction, consumer perspective, quality of information, and technological maturity. The study did not find challenges that would have been seen as unsolvable barriers for DAO adoption. Furthermore, markets where DAO would not have any potential could not be identified. Another key finding concerns how DAO could affect insurance value chain — in essence, DAO has potential to affect all parts of the insurance value chain, depending on the chosen implementation strategy. Based on this research, DAO seems to have manifold potential in insurance industry. Three main categories arose from the expert interviews regarding opportunities to exploit DAO in insurance: (1) peer-to-peer insurance models, (2) new markets, and, most notably, (3) existing companies could also act as DAO exploiters. Specifically, it seems that existing companies may utilize DAOs in three different ways: (1) as internal startup for certain products, (2) as an entity to which a particular part of the value chain is outsourced to, and (3) in a way, we don't know yet

    Holacracy and pluralistic bureaucracy: a longitudinal case study

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    Aquesta tesi se centra en la tendència creixent d’organització plana i autogestió a l’organització post-burocràtica. Recentment, un sistema organitzatiu anomenat holacracy ha sorgit com un sistema organitzatiu menys jeràrquic però burocràtic. Mitjançant un estudi etnogràfic longitudinal, aquesta tesi examina empíricament com pot funcionar una organització que practica l'holacratia, per teoritzar el fenomen de l'organització post-burocràtica. A més, aquesta tesi investiga empíricament com es veuen afectats els directius que no estan amarrats per la conversió de l’organització a l’autogestió i, al seu torn, poden afectar l’organització. Finalment, aquesta tesi explora i conceptualitza la utilitat de la subjectivitat i la intimitat en l'enfocament investigador del fenomen nou. Aquesta tesi contribueix a la teoria de l’organització introduint un model de burocràcia pluralista, explicant com es pot conciliar l’autonomia i l’alineació dins d’una burocràcia plural en lloc de romandre en paradoxa. També analitza com el poder es relaciona amb la identitat a mesura que els administradors fan front a la pèrdua del seu estatus posicional sense perdre el lloc de treball en una transformació organitzativa a l'holacràcia. Finalment, aquesta tesi presenta una teorització primerenca sobre el concepte d’intimitat hermenèutica, oferint un enfocament metodològic matisat per navegar entre la relació i el jo per produir investigacions d’alta qualitat.Esta tesis se centra en la tendencia ascendente de la organización plana y la autogestión en la organización posburocrática. Recientemente, ha surgido un sistema organizativo llamado holacracia como un sistema organizativo menos jerárquico pero burocrático. Mediante un estudio etnográfico longitudinal, esta tesis examina empíricamente cómo es capaz de funcionar una organización que practica la holacracia, para teorizar el fenómeno de la organización posburocrática. Además, esta tesis investiga empíricamente cómo se ven afectados los gerentes desanimados por la conversión de la organización a la autogestión y, a su vez, pueden afectar a la organización. Finalmente, esta tesis explora y conceptualiza la utilidad de la subjetividad y la intimidad en el enfoque de investigación del fenómeno novedoso. Esta tesis contribuye a la teoría organizacional al introducir un modelo de burocracia pluralista, explicando cómo la autonomía y el alineamiento dentro de una burocracia pluralista pueden reconciliarse en lugar de permanecer en la paradoja. También analiza cómo el poder se relaciona con la identidad cuando los gerentes enfrentan la pérdida de su estatus posicional sin perder sus puestos de trabajo en una transformación organizacional en holacracia. Finalmente, esta tesis presenta una teorización temprana sobre el concepto de intimidad hermenéutica, al ofrecer un enfoque metodológico matizado para navegar la relación y el yo para producir una investigación de alta calidad.This thesis focuses on the rising trend of flat organization and self-management in the post-bureaucratic organization. Recently, an organizational system called holacracy has emerged as a less hierarchical yet bureaucratic organizational system. Through longitudinal ethnographic study, this thesis empirically examines how an organization practicing holacracy is able to function, in order to theorize the phenomenon of post-bureaucratic organization. Additionally, this thesis empirically investigates how managers unmoored by the organization’s conversion to self-management are affected and in turn may affect the organization. Finally, this thesis explores and conceptualizes the usefulness of subjectivity and intimacy in the research approach of novel phenomenon. This thesis contributes to organizational theory by introducing a model of pluralistic bureaucracy, explaining how autonomy and alignment within a pluralistic bureaucracy can be reconciled rather than remaining in paradox. It also analyzes how power relates to identity as managers cope with losing their positional status without losing their jobs in an organizational transformation to holacracy. Finally, this thesis presents early theorization on the concept of hermeneutic intimacy, by offering a nuanced methodological approach for navigating relationship and self to produce high-quality research