10,561 research outputs found

    Developing a digital co-creation assessment methodology

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    Digitally enhanced public open spaces are ideal environments for the social innovations to emerge due to the involvement of the entire community and ICT (Information and Communication Tools) in knowledge creation and aggregation. This research paper presents an early-stage methodological digital co-creation assessment framework that considers a variety of aspects to transform public open places into co-created spaces: socio-cultural contexts, multi-stakeholder perspective, diversity in needs, incentives for participation of different groups and cooperation capabilities. The framework incorporates these aspects and proposes a suitable community-wide co-creation model employing the creative, innovative and cooperative applications of ICT. The assessment methodology is developed using a pragmatic mixed-method research design where the theoretical framework summarizes current research progress on the topic and the expert interviews allow to condense the complex and multi-dimensional realities for decision-makers seeking social innovations in the public spaces. The methodological assessment framework presented in this paper strengthens the scientific evidence regarding the potential of co-creation in developing social innovations and provides a managerial framework for developing co-creative initiatives

    ICT-enabled co-production of public services: Barriers and enablers. A systematic review

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    ABSTRACT: Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are being heralded by governments and international organizations as a means of augmenting co-production of public services and a number of major initiatives are being rolled out around the world. In parallel to these activities, a body of scholarly work is emerging that investigates the extent to which ICTs enable, or, pose a barrier to, public service co-production. This paper performs the first systematic review of this emerging literature, and provides insights into the main structural and cultural factors which act as an enabler of, or barrier to, ICT-enabled co-production across government and citizens world-wide.The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 726755

    A Typology of Digital Sharing Business Models: A Design Science Research Approach

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    The digitally enabled sharing economy, also called the “digital sharing economy” (DSE), has changed patterns of consumption by introducing new choices and channels for provision and receipt of services. The DSE encompasses sharing systems whose business models may vary distinctly from platform to platform. Although business models in the context of the sharing economy have been studied so far, we have observed that the current literature does not provide an approach that covers all the possible business models (in the broadest sense of the term) that (potentially) exist within the scope of the DSE. The present paper, therefore, aims to propose a typology of business models in the DSE that covers a wide space of models – even those which may not involve “business” in the commercial sense. This is achieved through an iterative inductive process based on a design science research approach. The typology can assist in positioning the current and future sharing systems in the DSE by systematically classifying their business models. It is intended to serve as a guiding tool for the sustainability assessment of platforms from both resource and socio-economic perspectives. The present study can also enable researchers and practitioners to capture and systematically analyse digital sharing business models based on a structured, actionable approach

    Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet—The state of eTourism research

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    This paper reviews the published articles on eTourism in the past 20 years. Using a wide variety of sources, mainly in the tourism literature, this paper comprehensively reviews and analyzes prior studies in the context of Internet applications to Tourism. The paper also projects future developments in eTourism and demonstrates critical changes that will influence the tourism industry structure. A major contribution of this paper is its overview of the research and development efforts that have been endeavoured in the field, and the challenges that tourism researchers are, and will be, facing

    The new role of citizens as co-creators of socio-digital innovations and urban development: A case-study of participation and co-creation in the smart city development of Barcelona.

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    Die vorliegende Masterarbeit untersucht aktuelle Trends in der Stadtplanung und Design, um zu analysieren, wie BĂŒrger an der Mitgestaltung von Smart Cities beteiligt werden können. Ziel ist es, ein ganzheitliches VerstĂ€ndnis der neueren Konzepte und Methoden von Co-Design und Co-creation zu entwickeln und diese mit den etablierteren Forschungsfeldern der BĂŒrgerbeteiligung und Koproduktion zu vergleichen. Koproduktion und Co-Creation können als verbesserte Partizipation oder Partnerschaft in Bezug auf die Partizipationsleiter verstanden werden, da beide Konzepte Beziehungen auf Augenhöhe zwischen BĂŒrger und Stadtverwaltung voraussetzen. In Ă€hnlicher Weise gesteht Co-Design, Designern und Usern die gleichen Rechte und Möglichkeiten im Gestaltungsprozess zu. Es wird eine ganzheitliche Definition des Co-Creation-Prozesses dargelegt, die Erkenntnisse aus Co-Design, Co-Produktion und Partizipation beinhaltet und Co-Creation als einen Prozess versteht, der aus Initiation, Design und Produktion besteht. Die Smart City als sich rasch entwickelndes Forschungsfeld, Definitionen und Charakteristika sowie populĂ€re imaginĂ€re und dominante Diskurse werden vorgestellt. Um die Rolle des BĂŒrgers zur Smart City zu verstehen, werden die unterschiedlichen VerstĂ€ndnisse von Smart Governance erlĂ€utert und Aspekte von Open Data, Big Data und Big Data Analytics sowie die Rolle von BĂŒrgern und Gefahren der Smart City diskutiert. In der Fallstudie zur BĂŒrgerbeteiligung werden Methoden und Werkzeuge zur Förderung der Mitgestaltung einer Smart City anhand Partizipationsleiter von (Arnstein 1969) diskutiert und analysiert. Die Smart City Entwicklung in Barcelona wird vor dem Hintergrund der gemeinschaftlichen Entwicklung sozialer Innovationen in Smart Cities analysiert. Die Fallstudie verweist auf MĂ€ngel im Hinblick auf BĂŒrgerbeteiligung an der Entscheidungsfindung und an der Verlagerung von MachtverhĂ€ltnissen in der Entwicklung der Smart City Barcelona, die dafĂŒr aber mit neuen Werkzeugen und Technologien fĂŒr partizipative Stadtentwicklung experimentiert und sich zu einem alternativen Smart City Modell entwickelt. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse sind abschließend im Methodenkatalog zusammengefasst, der Methoden und Tools aus Theorie und Fallstudie aufgreift um zu dem VerstĂ€ndnis beizutragen, wie Smart Cities gemeinsam gestaltet werden können.This thesis studies current trends in planning and design studies to analyse how citizens can participate in the co-creation of smart cities. It aims at developing a holistic understanding of the new concepts and methods of co-creation, and co-design and compares those with the more established research fields of citizen participation and co-production. Co-production and co-creation can be understood as instances of enhanced participation or as a partnership in participation, as both concepts require equal relationships among citizens and the city administration. Similarly, co-design requires designers and users to share the same rights and possibilities in the design process. A holistic definition of the co-creation process is provided that incorporates insights from co-design, co-production and participation and defines co-creation as a process consisting of initiation, design and production. The smart city as emerging research field, definitions and characteristics, as well as popular imaginary and dominant discourses, are presented. To grasp the role of the citizen in the smart city, the different understandings of smart governance are explained and aspects of to open data, big data and big data analytics, as well as the role of citizens and perils of the smart city are discussed. In the case-study of citizen participation methods and tools fostering the co-creation of a smart city are discussed and analysed with the introduced participation framework, which is based on the ladder of participation (Arnstein 1969). The smart city development in Barcelona is analysed against the backdrop of co-creating social innovations in smart cities. There might be a lack of citizen participation in decision-making and shifting power relations in the city, which experiments nonetheless with new tools and technologies for the participatory environment experiments with new formats and technologies for economic and urban development and evolves to become an alternative model of the smart city. The main findings are included in the toolbox based on methods and tools from theory and the case-study contributing to the knowledge of how to co-create of smart cities

    How to Empower Users for Co-Creation - Conceptualizing an Engagement Platform for Benefits Realization

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    Organizations invest huge portions of their budget in IT with the goal to realize benefits as improving work practice and establishing new processes. To achieve this goal, users are engaged throughout projects by various methods and approaches. Nevertheless, after the completion of a project, users lack power and opportunities to further realize benefits and thus assuring the overall success of a project. To close this gap, we present the concept of an engagement platform that empowers users collectively to induce change initiatives that enhances the realization of benefits in the post-project phase. By doing so, benefits management practices undergo a paradigm shift from recent top-down management towards bottom-up realization of benefits. This change in perspective also incorporates a service systems perspective as it focusses on the dynamic configuration of actors and resources to enable value creation in a complex context
