73 research outputs found

    A proposal for the development of adaptive spoken interfaces to access the Web

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    Spoken dialog systems have been proposed as a solution to facilitate a more natural human–machine interaction. In this paper, we propose a framework to model the user׳s intention during the dialog and adapt the dialog model dynamically to the user needs and preferences, thus developing more efficient, adapted, and usable spoken dialog systems. Our framework employs statistical models based on neural networks that take into account the history of the dialog up to the current dialog state in order to predict the user׳s intention and the next system response. We describe our proposal and detail its application in the Let׳s Go spoken dialog system.Work partially supported by Projects MINECO TEC2012-37832- C02-01, CICYT TEC2011-28626-C02-02, CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/ TIC-1485

    Optimising Spoken Dialogue Strategies within the Reinforcement Learning Paradigm

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    Optimising Spoken Dialogue Strategies within the Reinforcement Learning Paradig

    Nonstrict hierarchical reinforcement learning for interactive systems and robots

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    Conversational systems and robots that use reinforcement learning for policy optimization in large domains often face the problem of limited scalability. This problem has been addressed either by using function approximation techniques that estimate the approximate true value function of a policy or by using a hierarchical decomposition of a learning task into subtasks. We present a novel approach for dialogue policy optimization that combines the benefits of both hierarchical control and function approximation and that allows flexible transitions between dialogue subtasks to give human users more control over the dialogue. To this end, each reinforcement learning agent in the hierarchy is extended with a subtask transition function and a dynamic state space to allow flexible switching between subdialogues. In addition, the subtask policies are represented with linear function approximation in order to generalize the decision making to situations unseen in training. Our proposed approach is evaluated in an interactive conversational robot that learns to play quiz games. Experimental results, using simulation and real users, provide evidence that our proposed approach can lead to more flexible (natural) interactions than strict hierarchical control and that it is preferred by human users

    A Neural Network Approach to Intention Modeling forUser-Adapted Conversational Agents

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    Spoken dialogue systems have been proposed to enable a more natural and intuitive interaction with the environment andhuman-computer interfaces. In this contribution, we present a framework based on neural networks that allows modeling of theuser’s intention during the dialogue and uses this prediction todynamically adapt the dialoguemodel of the system taking intoconsideration the user’s needs and preferences. We have evaluated our proposal to develop a user-adapted spoken dialogue systemthat facilitates tourist information and services and provide a detailed discussion of the positive influence of our proposal in thesuccess of the interaction, the information and services provided, and the quality perceived by the users

    Cognitive User Interfaces

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    Evaluation of a hierarchical reinforcement learning spoken dialogue system

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    We describe an evaluation of spoken dialogue strategies designed using hierarchical reinforcement learning agents. The dialogue strategies were learnt in a simulated environment and tested in a laboratory setting with 32 users. These dialogues were used to evaluate three types of machine dialogue behaviour: hand-coded, fully-learnt and semi-learnt. These experiments also served to evaluate the realism of simulated dialogues using two proposed metrics contrasted with ‘Precision-Recall’. The learnt dialogue behaviours used the Semi-Markov Decision Process (SMDP) model, and we report the first evaluation of this model in a realistic conversational environment. Experimental results in the travel planning domain provide evidence to support the following claims: (a) hierarchical semi-learnt dialogue agents are a better alternative (with higher overall performance) than deterministic or fully-learnt behaviour; (b) spoken dialogue strategies learnt with highly coherent user behaviour and conservative recognition error rates (keyword error rate of 20%) can outperform a reasonable hand-coded strategy; and (c) hierarchical reinforcement learning dialogue agents are feasible and promising for the (semi) automatic design of optimized dialogue behaviours in larger-scale systems

    A statistical simulation technique to develop and evaluate conversational agents

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    In this paper, we present a technique for developing user simulators which are able to interact and evaluate conversational agents. Our technique is based on a statistical model that is automatically learned from a dialog corpus. This model is used by the user simulator to provide the next answer taking into account the complete history of the interaction. The main objective of our proposal is not only to evaluate the conversational agent, but also to improve this agent by employing the simulated dialogs to learn a better dialog model. We have applied this technique to design and evaluate a conversational agent which provides academic information in a multi-agent system. The results of the evaluation show that the proposed user simulation methodology can be used not only to evaluate conversational agents but also to explore new enhanced dialog strategies, thereby allowing the conversational agent to reduce the time needed to complete the dialogs and automatically detect new valid paths to achieve each of the required objectives defined for the task.This work was supported in part by Projects MINECO TEC2012-37832-C02-01, CICYT TEC 2011-28626-C02-02, CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485).Publicad

    Building multi-domain conversational systems from single domain resources

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    Current Advances In The Development Of Mobile And Smart Devices Have Generated A Growing Demand For Natural Human-Machine Interaction And Favored The Intelligent Assistant Metaphor, In Which A Single Interface Gives Access To A Wide Range Of Functionalities And Services. Conversational Systems Constitute An Important Enabling Technology In This Paradigm. However, They Are Usually Defined To Interact In Semantic-Restricted Domains In Which Users Are Offered A Limited Number Of Options And Functionalities. The Design Of Multi-Domain Systems Implies That A Single Conversational System Is Able To Assist The User In A Variety Of Tasks. In This Paper We Propose An Architecture For The Development Of Multi-Domain Conversational Systems That Allows: (1) Integrating Available Multi And Single Domain Speech Recognition And Understanding Modules, (2) Combining Available System In The Different Domains Implied So That It Is Not Necessary To Generate New Expensive Resources For The Multi-Domain System, (3) Achieving Better Domain Recognition Rates To Select The Appropriate Interaction Management Strategies. We Have Evaluated Our Proposal Combining Three Systems In Different Domains To Show That The Proposed Architecture Can Satisfactory Deal With Multi-Domain Dialogs. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All Rights Reserved.Work partially supported by projects MINECO TEC2012-37832-C02-01, CICYT TEC2011-28626-C02-02

    An automatic dialog simulation technique to develop and evaluate interactive conversational agents

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    During recent years, conversational agents have become a solution to provide straightforward and more natural ways of retrieving information in the digital domain. In this article, we present an agent-based dialog simulation technique for learning new dialog strategies and evaluating conversational agents. Using this technique, the effort necessary to acquire data required to train the dialog model and then explore new dialog strategies is considerably reduced. A set of measures has also been defined to evaluate the dialog strategy that is automatically learned and to compare different dialog corpora. We have applied this technique to explore the space of possible dialog strategies and evaluate the dialogs acquired for a conversational agent that collects monitored data from patients suffering from diabetes. The results of the comparison of these measures for an initial corpus and a corpus acquired using the dialog simulation technique show that the conversational agent reduces the time needed to complete the dialogs and improve their quality, thereby allowing the conversational agent to tackle new situations and generate new coherent answers for the situations already present in an initial model.This work was supported in part by Projects MINECO TEC2012-37832-C02-01, CICYT TEC2011-28626-C02-02, CAM CONTEXTS S2009/TIC-1485Publicad